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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 8

by J. Thiele

Casey lifted the roller door, but noticed Cartwright remained in the shadows. She pulled the door down again once she was on the other side. She heard the locking device almost as soon as the door hit the concrete. She turned and left for the sanctuary of her apartment.

  * * * * *

  Damon went back to the open space living area, and took a silver tipped cane from and umbrella stand. He pulled back the rug from the centre of the room and revealed a trap door that led to an underground basement.

  Wes was chained against a wall, his wrists looked blistered. His eyes were crazed. “I’m sorry father, forgive me?” he pleaded.

  “My son, I love you, please forgive me?” Damon asked as he drew a cross on Wes’s forehead with the silver tip of his cane, Wes’s eyes filled with horror, and a blood curdling scream escaped his rabid mouth.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Casey arrived back at the station a little after noon. She’d only had a few hours’ sleep, but was running on all cylinders. She was finding herself needing less and less sleep the longer the case dragged on. Perhaps it was adrenalin; this one was close to home. The connection in the bloodline with Moresby, and the slaying of her beloved Jen was tearing her apart at the seams.

  “Let’s start from the beginning.” She stood in front of the white board and started mapping out the victims once more. “Starting with the gang at the warehouse, then the slaughter at the bordello, the young couple walking home and then of course,” She paused. “Jen”

  “What about Grey?” Rick interrupted. “He was killed the same way as the rest of his crew, shouldn’t we count him as a Vic’ as well?”

  “Fuck I’d forgotten about him.” Casey admitted, and drew him into the equation as well. It left a foul taste in her mouth seeing his name on the same page as Jen's, but it was what it was.

  “There has to be a link, something we’re not seeing. Ray, you got anything?” she asked.

  Ray seemed distracted, tired, and he was rubbing his neck again. “Huh? Sorry no, nothing.” He had no idea of what the actual question was.

  “See me outside Ray.” She headed for the door.

  Rick stood in her path. “Just a minute, if you’re going to ask him questions, ask him in front of me. I’m on this team too, if you hadn’t noticed. And I think it’s time we all became a lot more familiar with each other, because I think at this stage we’re a long way from solving this mess, and I think we’ve all agreed, this is not a run of the mill serial killer.”

  “Fair enough” Casey responded. “Okay Ray, what’s going on? Do I need to dismiss you from this case?” she asked.

  “Fuck no!” He spoke out.

  “Watch your tone Lieutenant,” she snapped.

  “I think we can afford to forgo the formalities on this one.” Rick interjected.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” her attention turned from Ray to Rick.

  “I think I’m about to file a report on your misconduct if you don’t pull you head out of your arse DETECTIVE.” He towered over her.

  “For what?”

  “For involving a uniformed officer in an ongoing investigation that could, potentially put his life at risk, and for attending a scene of a crime without back up.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I followed you!” Rick informed Casey.

  “You son of a bitch!” she shouted.

  Ray stood up to try to calm the tension, but as he got to his feet the chair scraped across the linoleum floor making a loud screeching noise, catching the two detectives’ attention. They turned to watch the colour drain from Ray’s face, as he collapsed across the table.

  Rick laid Ray out on the floor; he’d barely rolled him on his side when Ray regained consciousness. “What the fuck hit me?” he asked as he tried to get to his feet.

  “Stay down big guy, an ambulance is on its way.” Rick pressed his palm against Rays shoulder to hold him down.

  “Cancel it, I’m fine,” he insisted.

  “Let’s let the medic decide that shall we?” Casey suggested just as two paramedics entered the room, “That was fast.” she told them.

  “We were in the neighbourhood ma’am.” Said the female of the duo.

  After a brief examination the male told Ray he should see a doctor, his blood pleasure was unusually low, and it could be dangerous if left untreated. Other than that there didn’t appear to be anything else wrong with him and they left.

  “Why didn’t you say you weren’t well?” Casey asked showing concern for his well-being.

  “I’m fine,” He said as he sat up, “Just a little tired.” He admitted.

  “Your mystery woman show up again last night?” Rick asked jokingly.

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I must have given her a key or something; she was waiting for me when I got home.” Ray couldn’t remember why he would give a key to a woman he barely knew, and still couldn’t remember her name.

  Casey brows creased. “You gave her a key? Who is this bitch? She must be something else for the great 'Ray the King of Booty Calls' to hand over a key to his pad.”

  “Here’s the thing, I don’t remember giving it to her. In fact I still don’t remember her name.” Ray didn’t find their humour at his expense one bit funny.

  Casey knew there was something odd about the whole thing, but felt it was none of her business, so didn’t ask for any further details.

  Ray continued to rub his neck. “Is that neck still causin’ you grief?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I don’t know what I’ve done, it’ll come good. I’ll take some anti-inflammatories later.” he promised.

  Go home and rest, and while you’re at it, make an appointment to see your doctor. I'll organise one of the patrol cars to drive you. You can pick your car up later.” She insisted, knowing something was wrong but unable to put her finger on it.

  “I think I’ll take you up on that.” Ray said as he got to his feet and made his way to the door.

  * * * * *

  After Ray had gone home for the day, Casey and Rick continued to map out the victims and suspects on the white board, everything still lead to Wes Moresby. But how did he get to Grey? Why did he target the other victims? And why Jen?

  They came up with nothing. “What if we have it all wrong?” Rick pondered and pawed over the photos from all the files. “What if Moresby’s not our perp?”

  “What do ya mean?” Casey asked.

  “Look at these pictures” he went on “the one thing they all have in common is the bite marks. Every single one of them, and they all match. But they are clearly not human, or not entirely anyway. They almost look canine. What if the perp was some sick Jock with a dog, stalking and killing these people?”

  “Well Sherlock, that’s a great theory, but how the fuck did your Jock get the dog into that jail cell?”

  “I haven’t worked that out yet. Like I said it’s just a theory.” He leaned back in his chair defeated.

  “Well while you chase your theories I’m going down to the brothel to see if anyone remembers anything. It’s got a new manager now and some of the girls have returned to work.”

  “Mind if I tag along? I wouldn’t want to miss anything.” Ray wasn’t taking no for an answer and was already putting his coat on. “Besides I wouldn’t want you going to anymore crime scenes without back up.”

  Casey sighed with discontent as she led the way out of the room.

  * * * * *

  No-one from “The Red Garden” brothel remembered anything; most of the girls that worked there were either the victims, weren’t working at the time of the murders, or had left in fear for their lives. The pair left none the wiser.

  “It’s after 5pm let me buy you a drink?” Rick suggested.

  “Really? You are so not my type asshole.” Casey told him as she went to get into the car.

  Rick grabbed her by the elbow and reefed her around to face him. “Now listen to me you self-centred little twat. I’ve listened to, put up with and swall
owed enough of your bullshit to last me a life time. You flatter yourself if you think I’d want to slip between the sheets with you, knowing full well that you swim with the fish in the other pond. Let me tell you this sweetheart, I’m a happily married man with no intentions of throwing that away for a quick slap and tickle from a skinny snot nosed brat like you. Now pull your fucking head in, it was a drink not a marriage proposal.”

  Casey’s eyes widened, she was furious that he'd dared to put his hands on her, but respected that he had the balls to stand up to her. “Fine, 'Nicks Bar‘n’Grill' is a block away, you’re buying the first round.” She told him as she reefed her elbow from his grip.

  * * * * *

  They’d been at the bar for over an hour when Casey looked at her watch. “I think I’ll call it a night, I wanna swing by Rays place and see how he is. Ya wanna tag along or should I drop you back at the station?”

  “I think I’ll tag along, if you don’t mind.” They appeared to have come to an understanding of each other’s presence and Casey was happy to have him come for the ride.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ray sat on the end of his bed with the brunette between his knees. He ran his fingers through her hair as she sucked him deep into her mouth. He’d never had a woman swallow his thick shaft as deep as she could, without gagging on its unusual length. He was about to explode when she withdrew him from her mouth and knelt on all fours on the bed beside him. He stood to take position behind her. Her arse was round and smooth, and her opening was moist, ready for his intrusion.

  He guided his cock to her entrance and in one thrust buried his rod the full length inside her. He took hold of her hips, holding her in place as he began to pump in an out of her with piston strokes. He increased his speed holding her still as he fucked her harder with a fierce drive to empty his sack inside her pussy until she overflowed with his juices.

  He was oblivious to anything else that was going on around him.

  * * * * *

  They arrived at Rays address and noticed it was in darkness. “That’s strange; it’s not late do you think he’s sleeping already?” Rick asked. “Or maybe he’s on his way to the station to pick up his car.”

  “I don’t know Rick, something tells me he’s inside.” She pulled her pistol from its holster.

  “What are you doing? Casey, its Ray. He’s not a threat. What do you need your gun for?”

  “I hope I don’t need it, but I’ve got a gut feeling that something’s far from kosher in there. My gut is rarely wrong.”

  “So I’ve heard.” Rick said pulling his own weapon out and releasing the safety.

  The pair light-footed up to Ray’s front door. “On three” Casey started the count down as Rick prepared to put his foot through the panelling. Casey’s fingers went 3, 2... “NOW!”

  The door flew open when Rick’s foot made contact. The room was lit up from the street lights and the moonlight shone through an opposing window. Ray sat on the lounge with a woman kneeling spread legged behind him. She appeared to be seducing him by sucking on his neck. But as the two entered the premises they heard an evil hissing growl coming from her, she looked directly at them and had what appeared to be blood smeared around her mouth, and trickling down her chin. As soon as their eyes comprehended what they were seeing, Ray’s gun fired a shot at her. She snarled at him then, like a flash of shadow, she was gone. Ray fell back unconscious.

  “Rick, find a light switch.” Casey shouted as she ran to Ray’s side.

  The lights went on and Casey slapped Ray’s cheeks, “Ray, Ray wake up buddy.” His head rolled sideways and Casey’s eyes widened. Two puncture wounds to the side of his neck with blood still oozing out of them.

  “Quick, put some pressure on them.” Rick told her. But the wounds seem to vanish before their eyes and the pair stood astonished at what they were witnessing.

  “What the fuck?” Casey said as she stood and stepped away from Ray.

  * * * * *

  Rick carried Ray to the back of the car, “Where are we taking him? And what the fuck are we going to tell them when we get there?” Rick knew they had no way of explaining who or what they'd seen or what had been done to Ray.

  “I don’t know, but he sure as fuck can't stay there. What the fuck was that?”

  “Did you see how quick it moved? I don’t know, never seen anything like it.” Rick responded.

  Casey recalled the attack on her the night before, when Wes jumped her from behind. She’d forgotten all about it until now. “I have. Reckon you can help me get that lug into my apartment? We need to talk.”

  “I’ll manage. Let’s cover some road, what and when did you see what you think you saw?” Rick enquired.

  “Let’s wait till we hit home soil. I want Ray in on this.”

  * * * * *

  By the time they pulled up in the parking lot Casey’s building Ray was coming to. “Thank God.” Relieved that he wasn’t comatose… or worse, Casey immediately started asking him questions.

  “Whoa! Wait Case, he’s still in shock. Let's get him inside and fully recovered before the interrogation begins okay?”

  She knew he was right, and agreed to wait.

  * * * * *

  Once inside her apartment, she led Rick through to her room, then poured two large glasses of scotch. They were sitting at her dining table when only minutes later, Ray came out rubbing his neck. “Well at least we know why his neck has been so stiff.” Casey said looking at Rick.

  “What the hell happened? Where am I?” Ray was still slightly disorientated.

  “What do you remember?” Rick wanted to see how much Ray could recall without prompting.

  “I don’t know, I went home from the station next thing I knew I was having the wildest….”

  “Go on,” Casey urged “we’re all adults. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing that could come out of your mouth that can make me blush.”

  “I was having the wildest sex with…”

  “Let me guess? You didn’t get her name?”

  “For the life of me I can’t remember it. But while I was… you know taking her from behind I was imagining it was … well you asked for it, it was you Case.”

  Casey spat her scotch across the room. “Okay, I’ll eat my words. I’m blushing.”

  “Anyway” Ray’s embarrassment at her reaction had him moving on quickly, “next thing I know, I’m here with you guys. How did I get here?”

  Rick spoke up. “Casey, do Ray’s amnesia style symptoms remind you of anyone? Like the woman we picked up the other night?”

  “Fuck you’re right! She was dazed and incoherent and suffered memory loss as well.” Casey got up to clean her mess and pour Ray a glass of the amber medicinal brew.

  “Now what was it you saw that reminded you of that thing we saw sucking the life out of lover boy here’s neck?” remembering the conversation they had had in the car on the way over.

  “Last night, at the warehouse, Wes jumped me from behind. I was taking a caning when he threw me into the wall knocking me out cold. As the lights were going out, I saw a shadow or something, sweep up behind him and a split second later it, and Wes were gone. I woke up inside the warehouse. You’re not going to believe it, but the inside of that place has been completely renovated into living quarters.”

  “Hmm lots of people nowadays are renovating old buildings into open space apartments. It’s no big deal.” Rick justified.

  “Yes Einstein, but that usually takes months and months of planning, sub-contractors, council approval and so on, this has happened in a matter of weeks. Ray and I have been over there a few times in that time, during the day and there hasn’t been any sign of a renovation team, plumbers, builders, electricians, nothing. Explain that would you?” she folded her arms over her chest with confidence.

  “Okay, that’s odd. I’ll give you that.” He agreed.

  Casey took her keys, “I’m going over to take another look around. Somehow all of this is connected and I wan
t to get to the bottom of it before any more shit hits the fan.”

  Rick clutched his fist around Casey’s hand with the keys in it. “Not tonight you’re not. Lover boy here needs to be watched for a little while longer. And after tonight, no-one does anything on their own as far as this investigation is concerned. I think we can all agree on that can’t we?”

  Casey resented the fact that he was right… again. “Fair enough, well Ray can stay here in the spare room until we can come up with something better. I’ll make the bed up, let’s all reconvene at 9:00am in the conference room.

  Rick agreed and left.

  “Rick.” Casey called out to him before he got to the lift. He looked over his shoulder. “Be careful going home okay?”

  “Will do, lock your door and don’t let anyone in.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next morning they were in the conference room. Ray was still rubbing his neck and was looked drained of energy, but at least he was there.

  “Let’s start doing some straight shooting. It’s just the three of us; I think it’s time we started to think outside the box.” Rick announced.

  “I’m listening, what are you thinking?” Casey asked, curious to see if he was thinking what she was thinking but too stubborn to call it for fear of being mocked.

  “I think we are chasing a paranormal life force.”

  Ray laughed. “You think we’re chasing ghosts?”

  “No, I think we’re chasing Vampires.” Rick didn’t see the humour and held a straight face.

  “Are you crazy? There’s no such thing, you’ve seen too many movies. Or maybe this case is just too tough for you, hey big guy?”


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