Getting Wasted: Why College Students Drink Too Much and Party So Hard
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Abstention, 153, 154–161, 176
characteristics of abstainers, 154–160
limits of, 160–161
Academic calendar, drinking by, 29–30
Academic problems, drinking-related, 4, 44, 138–139
Account, giving an, 146–147
Activist groups, anti-drinking, 3, 12, 157
Addictive Behaviors Research Center, 175
Adult alcohol abusers, 122–124, 162
Adventures, 75–78, 87, 166, 168
Affection, expressing and feeling, 50–52, 60–62, 167
African-American students, 57–59, 184
CAS findings on drinking in, 14
increase of in student population, 16
Aging out of serial intoxication, 122, 161
AIDS, 175
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 157
The Alcoholic Self (Denzin), 54, 123, 141
Alcohol poisoning, 104, 127
American Medical Association (AMA), 3
Amethyst Initiative, 3
Animal House (film), vii, 12
Arciaga, Michelle, 158
Arguments, drunken, 98–103, 170–171
Arnett, Jeffrey, 51, 122
Arrests, 96–97. See also Getting caught
Jail, bailout from; Police
Asian students, 16
Athletes, 178
CAS findings on drinking in, 14
non-drinking, example of, 159–160. See also Sports
Autonomy, diminished, 85–86, 168
Babysitting role, 91, 108
Backlash against excessive drinking, 93
Bacon, Selden, 15–16
Banyard, Victoria, 178
Barnard College, 9
Bath, Raheem, 88
A Beautiful Mind (film), 125
Becker, Howard, 7–8, 19, 49, 81, 121
Beer, 12
Beer bongs, 45
Beer Pong (drinking game), 18, 42–43, 144, 193n18
Beirut (drinking ga
me), 42, 193n18
Belushi, John, 12
Berger, Peter, 77
Binge: What Your College Student Won’t Tell You (Seaman), 2–3
Binge drinking, defined, 4
Bio-chemical processes, alcohol and, 5–6
Birthday celebrations, 30–32, 181
Blackouts, 123
Bogle, Kathleen, 63, 67, 145
Brain, alcohol effects on, 6, 106
Brewing companies, promotions by, 12
Bryn Mawr, 9
Burn, Shawn, 177–178
Buzz checks, 46–49, 78, 87, 88, 166
Bystander-intervention approach, 175, 177–181
California Polytechnic State University, 177
Carefree attitude/carelessness, 56–60, 71–72, 143, 154, 167.