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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

Page 4

by Jeanne St. James

  Eve did. They ended up in the master bedroom, sitting on the enormous bed.

  Quinn placed the plate down between them. “I have no idea what this is about, so just shoot.”

  Eve didn’t know how to start. “I…” She blushed, then cursed herself.

  “I guess this doesn’t have anything to do with the charity, otherwise you wouldn’t be turning bright red. I don’t know you well enough to know your personal life, so does this have anything to do with me?”

  “How does it work for you?”

  Quinn blinked. “How does what work for me?”

  Eve swept a hand toward the bed they were sitting on. “All this. You. The guys.”

  “You mean sex?”

  The heat in Eve’s cheeks flamed again. “No, sorry. I meant the relationship. The three of you.”

  Quinn froze, her hand paused halfway to her mouth with a baby carrot loaded with dip.

  Eve quickly followed with, “I’m sorry if that’s too personal of a question for you. But I’m envious of what you have. I think it works for you three. I don’t know how it does, but it seems as though it does.”

  She put the carrot back on the plate and shifted to face Eve more directly. Her eyes narrowed. “Why do you care how it works for us?”

  “I’m sorry if you think this is strange. I’m not trying to dig into your personal lives, or even your sex life. Remember when I met you at the—”

  “Yes, yes! At the House to Home Monte Carlo night my mother hosted at the country club. I almost forgot that was where I first met you!”

  “Yes. You really caught my attention there. All of you.”

  Quinn chuckled and put a hand to her belly. “Yeah. We caught a lot of people’s attention. It wasn’t like we were subtle.”

  Eve smiled. “It was hard to miss, but you three weren’t the only people I noticed.”

  Quinn made an O with her lips. “Renny?”


  “He’s not very subtle either. He certainly catches the women’s eyes.”

  “Yes, he’s very handsome.”

  “But he doesn’t have a good track record with women.”

  “I know.” She hesitated, but figured it was now or never. “How well do you know Cole?”

  “Not as well as Renny, but— Wait.” Quinn’s eyebrows knitted together. “You don’t want to ask me about Renny?”

  Eve looked down at her hands. She was wringing them. She pulled them apart and tried to lay them calmly on her thighs.

  She couldn’t look at Quinn when she said, “Actually, I want to ask you about both…sort of.”

  Quinn hesitated and from the corner of her eye, Eve could see Quinn tilting her head and studying her. She finally said, “Both.” It wasn’t a question. “I think I’m starting to figure out where you’re going with this.”

  Good. Because I’m not sure I am. She knew what she wanted, but she wasn’t sure how to go about it. If talking with Quinn could spark some kind of idea…

  “Are you… Do you think…” Quinn shook her head and started again. “Are you planning on trying a threesome with Cole and Renny?”

  “Well, I mean not just sex; sex is usually the easy part. I meant a relationship with both of them. Though from what I know about Renny, the sex may not be the easy part. At least with another man involved. Even if it is Cole.”

  Quinn looked shocked. “Damn, girl, you have some cajones. But I don’t blame you.” She shook her head, and the shock quickly changed to approval. “No, I definitely don’t blame you. Wait. Do they even know?”

  “No. That’s why I wanted to talk to you and ask you how this all worked between you and Ty and Logan.”

  “It works very well. Now. However, there was a little jealousy in the beginning. Not from me though.”


  “Ty. You have to understand that I started out as the third wheel. Logan and Ty were already lovers and living together. And theirs wasn’t a new relationship. They were already bonded. And then one night Logan brought me home. That’s a long story…” She absently rubbed her distended belly. “But, anyway, never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I’d be committed to two men at the same time. Hell, even pregnant! I love them both so much.” She finally shoved the baby carrot into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “Oh, boy… I don’t know if what you want will work. No one is currently in a relationship. It’s going to be all new and there will be some growing pains. Hell, probably a lot of growing pains. It may be a complete failure. It would be a shame if something like this tore Cole and Renny’s friendship apart.” She continued to stare off while thinking.

  Eve could see the wheels turning in her head and didn’t want to interrupt.

  “Cole may be easy. He’s an extremely sexual being, from what I know about him. He loves the human body and sex. If it’s someone who ‘does it’ for him, he doesn’t care whether it’s a man or a woman, at least from what I’ve seen and heard. He may be more open-minded to try what you’re asking.” She paused and again thought for a moment. “Renny… Renny, on the other hand…” She blew out a breath. “Renny I’m not so sure about. He loves women. And unfortunately, the women love him and usually the wrong ones. I don’t know of any relationship that he’s been in that’s been successful or lasted any length of time. He just… I don’t know you very well, but from the little that I know, I suspect you may be good for him. You seem to have your head screwed on straight. Even though I think you may have to be a little crazy to try this.”

  Eve only nodded her head, still unwilling to interrupt Quinn. Whatever wisdom the other woman had, she wanted it.

  “Let me say this. Polyamory isn’t for everybody. It takes work. A lot. And you are starting from nothing. The only thing that exists is the boys’ friendship. If you can use that to build upon, more power to you. The dynamics may be a bit different than ours. I’m pretty sure Renny is very heterosexual.”

  Quinn immediately stopped talking when Logan stepped into the room. “What are you two talking so seriously about? This is supposed to be a celebration. Can I steal her away?”

  “Of course.” Eve was disappointed that Quinn’s out-loud thinking had been interrupted, but Logan was right, this was a night for celebrating their relationship, and she didn’t want to be selfish or rude.

  “Sorry,” Quinn apologized. “We can always talk later.”

  Logan helped Quinn up off the bed, one hand caressing her belly, the other holding her by the shoulder to steady her.

  Ty suddenly appeared too. His arm reached around her extended waist, assisting Quinn to waddle across the room. Eve didn’t miss the smiles the three of them gave each other. A secret thought shared.

  Hard to believe that two men and one woman could achieve such bliss. Too many couples struggled in relationships. If the rate of failed marriages was so high, why did she think that a threesome could make it in a successful relationship?

  She was getting ahead of herself. She hardly knew either man. She only knew about them, she didn’t know them.

  She had a lot of discovery to do. And quick.

  Well, the night was young, right?

  Chapter Four

  The gathering finally came to a close shortly after midnight, when Quinn could no longer contain her yawns. She had lost her shoes hours before, her swollen feet unable to be contained anymore. Finally, after she disappeared, everyone started to say their goodbyes and wander out to their vehicles.

  Ren decided that instead of separate cars he would use his rented limo to drop both Cole and Eve off. In that order too, since Cole was closer. His wasn’t the typical limo that had come to Eve’s mind. It was an extended Cadillac Escalade.

  The driver opened the doors for them, but it was Ren that helped her step up into the high vehicle. She did it with as little grace as she had getting out of the town car earlier in the evening.

  Eve felt her dress working its way up her thighs as she climbed into the vehicle and slid onto one of the overstu

ffed soft leather seats. Ren followed behind her and sat directly across from her, while Cole entered from the other side and plopped himself beside her, only a center console separating them.

  She wiggled deeper into her seat with a sigh, and when she was settled, she realized Ren’s eyes had dropped below her dress’s hemline. She followed his gaze and noticed the lacy tops of her stockings peeking out. No, they weren’t peeking out—her dress had worked its way up her legs much too high. The garterless stockings were clearly on display. Ren stared for a long second; then he slowly raised his eyes to meet hers. A wicked grin crossed his face, causing heat to rise into her cheeks.

  Her first instinct was to pull her dress down, like a respectable lady should. But she fought it; she was tired of being a lady, not to mention respectable. She had worn this particular dress and those particular stockings because they made her feel sexy. And, damn it, she was going to enjoy the reaction she was getting.

  Cole’s eyes drew to where Ren’s were staring, and he let out a long, low whistle. “Damn.”

  Ignoring him, she ran her hand over the smooth leather of the seat. “Very nice.”

  “I agree,” Cole echoed her. But she doubted he was talking about the SUV.

  “A little ostentatious for my taste,” Ren murmured. “But I took what was available.”

  Big word for a football player, but in truth, it hadn’t surprised her. Throughout the evening Eve had been impressed with Ren’s intelligence. No matter what the subject, or who he was talking to, he always kept up with the conversation. In fact, it was never him that brought up sports, but others would. She was pleased he was not only extremely handsome, but extremely intelligent and well-rounded too.

  Cole laughed. “Yeah, like your own Escalade isn’t ostentatious, with those big-assed rims on it and—”

  “Let’s not talk about vehicles, Dix. You have one helluva collection yourself.”

  “I can’t help it if I have good taste!”

  They continued to rib each other good-naturedly until they finally dropped Cole off at what looked like a high-rise apartment complex. But Eve guessed it was more likely condominiums, as a uniformed doorman stood out front.

  Cole kissed her on the cheek before sliding out. “I’ll call you about our date. Let me give you my digits, so I can call you directly, and you’ll know who it is.” Eve entered his number into her smart phone while he stood outside the vehicle, leaning in through the open door. He gave her a wink. “Bye.”

  Eve smiled at him. “Bye.” And he slammed the door shut. She watched the sway of his hips as the doorman opened the double glass doors to let him into the building. Before she could let out a sigh, the driver of the Escalade pulled away, breaking her thoughts. Or dirty thoughts, more like it.

  “I miss the days of bench seats, where you could slide next to your date and hold her close.”

  Eve doubted he was old enough to remember bench seats in vehicles, not that it mattered.

  “I would love for you to come sit on my lap for the remainder of the ride.”

  Eve’s eyebrows rose, and she tilted her head to look at him. He was straight-faced, so she wasn’t quite sure if he was kidding or serious. “Really.”

  He nodded slightly. “Really.” He leaned over to clasp her hand and tug slightly. “You can say no.”

  She looked down at their clasped hands, his so dark compared to her pale skin. His fingers were long, slender, and well-defined, his nails short and neat. He wore no jewelry on his wrist or fingers. She gripped his fingers a little tighter. This was her chance to test the waters with him. She wanted to get to know him better, but not for him to think she was some crazy groupie who was only looking for a notch on her bedpost.

  “Maybe I don’t want to say no.” She moved over to him to settle at an angle on his lap. He placed his arms around her, one hand on her left hip, his other hand along her right thigh. Heat pooled between her legs, and butterflies bounced around in her stomach. His lap was larger than the average man’s; he had very thick, muscular thighs. In fact, it would take almost both of her thighs together to equal his one.

  “You fit perfectly.” His breath tickled the hair along her cheek, and his voice was low and close to her ear.

  She shivered at the deep timbre.

  “Are you scared?”

  She shook her head, but couldn’t form any words.

  The index finger on his right hand pushed the hem of her dress up, barely enough so he could trace the lace at the top of her stocking. “This is sexy as shit.”

  She leaned her head back against his shoulder and turned her head a bit to smile at him. But she was too close to his jaw for him to see it. The thumb on his left hand rubbed along her hip as he still traced the top of the stocking with his right.

  “Can you feel me?”

  She slowly let out a shuddered breath, as the heat and hardness of him unmistakably pressed against her ass.

  His index finger turned to his whole hand as he started to stroke her right thigh from under her hemline almost to her knee.

  “Have you ever been with a brother before?”

  The unexpected question caught her off guard. “No. Does it matter?”

  “Not to me, but it may for some people.”

  “I’m not some people.”

  A slow smile crossed his face. “No, you are definitely not.”

  His right hand stroked even higher, until he was skimming his knuckles along her panties. She was damp and warm, inviting him to become even bolder, his hand separating her thighs, giving him room to trace her outer folds through the silky fabric.

  She buried her face in his neck and gasped. She shifted her hips to feel his long, hard cock against her. He traced a finger under the line of her panties.

  “Can I take these off?”

  She wanted to scream “YES!” but instead whispered it shakily into his neck. She planted her mouth against his skin and licked him a second before sinking her teeth into him lightly.

  He made a sound similar to a growl, a vibration low in his chest against her.

  Ren hooked a finger around the edge of her panties and slowly slid them down her thighs, over her knees until they fell around her ankles. He opened her thighs wider, and pushed her dress until it was above her hips, giving him the access he needed and she wanted. His fingers played along her creases and folds, dipping to caress her clit. She cried out and her hips jerked against his hand. He separated her folds and worked a finger into her tightness. It had been a while for her, so even as wet as she was, she was still tight.

  He worked a second finger inside her. He pushed them deep before stilling. Her muscles clamped tightly around him, her breathing heavy. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders to keep her still against his chest. She was desperate for him to caress her nipples, which were pressed hard against her dress. She needed his hands, his mouth on her. But as soon as he moved his long fingers inside her, she forgot all of that. She concentrated on the rhythm he found deep within her. Sounds escaped her as she pressed her face against his neck, her eyelids fluttered closed.

  His other hand grasped her chin and he kissed her. Her mouth was open, gasping for breath, but he possessed it anyway. She mewed into his mouth, his tongue tangling with hers. The heat built up low within her and she started to grind against his fingers. His thumb circled her clit, pressing, flicking.

  The two fingers inside her curved, finding the spot. The one that always drove her over the edge. Within seconds it did exactly that. She pulled away from his mouth and released a surprising wail. Toes curling in her heels, she clamped around his fingers, as wave after wave of orgasms made her thrash against him. He tightened the arm around her shoulders, trying to still her as he withdrew his fingers. She automatically ground down against his hard cock.

  He hissed and held her tighter. “Don’t.” Her eyes fluttered back open and he had his face turned away, his eyes closed, and his brow furrowed. He was struggling. She moved her hips again, wanting all of him
deep inside her. “Don’t,” he repeated, his voice low and deep, almost growly. “I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of you.”

  Her breathing slowed and she snuggled deeper against him. He blew out a breath and studied her. “Damn. I could take you right here.”

  In the low light of the interior of the vehicle, she couldn’t quite read his eyes, but his expression was no doubt strained.

  She reached down to touch him, and in a flash, he captured her wrist, pinning her hand against his chest. “You’re trying to play with fire. And I am not prepared.”

  His hard cock was proof he was ready. But that wasn’t what he was talking about. She realized what he was implying. No protection. She did a quick mental inventory of her clutch purse; she didn’t have anything with her either. Damn.

  She looked out of the darkened windows at the surrounding area. She recognized some of the street names under the streetlights. They were getting close to her home anyway. Double damn.

  She pulled her panties up from around her ankles and wiggled back into them as she shifted back to her seat.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. But it was mutual.

  “Thank you.”

  He grinned. “My pleasure.”

  She returned his grin. “No, it was my pleasure.”

  “I would love to do it again sometime.”

  “Me too.”

  The SUV came to a sudden stop. She peered out through the darkness. She was home.

  “You’re very responsive. I like that in a woman.”

  “You’re not selfish when it comes to sex. I like that in a man.”

  He chuckled, low and deep.

  The driver opened the door and the interior light was suddenly blinding. She blinked, trying to clear her vision.

  Ren got out first and offered his hand to help her out of the vehicle.

  He walked her to the door, which pleased her. He was quite the gentleman.

  “Are you always a gentleman?”

  He looked down into her face. The smile was gone. With a serious expression, he answered. “No.”

  She gave him direct eye contact and said, “Good.”

  He leaned in to give her a soft kiss before drawing back slowly. “Thank you for being my date tonight.”


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