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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

Page 5

by Jeanne St. James

  She instinctively reached out to straighten the collar on his shirt. An old habit coming back to the surface. “I should be thanking you.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  “You don’t have to. You were only obligated for one date,” she reminded him.

  “I want to.”

  She smiled as she pulled the house keys out of her clutch. “Okay. I look forward to it.” She realized he wasn’t going to leave until she was safely in the house. She unlocked the door and stepped through the threshold.

  “Me too.”

  His low, sexy voice made her turn to watch him stride away. She closed the door and then leaned against it. As she dropped the clutch to the floor, the solid door at her back held her up. Her heart was beating intensely.

  Tonight went way better than she’d expected.

  Her instinct had been right about Ren Landis. She’d made the right choice.

  She kicked off her shoes and danced her way through the house.

  Chapter Five

  She thought she’d hear from Ren again before Cole, but she was wrong. Cole called her the next day and asked if she minded going to a small club with him that night. So much for the private date Cole hinted at the night before.

  At first she thought they had been lucky to get a table toward the front of the stage, but it turned out the reason Cole wanted to hear this band was he had played college football with the drummer. He hadn’t seen him in years, so he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to support his former classmate/teammate’s music.

  Cole hadn’t given her a lot of details ahead of time, but he picked her up and they made small talk during the drive to the club. It turned out that the Philadelphia-based band, Thorazine, played old-school 90s punk, not music she normally listened to. But it was fast paced and the crowd was fun and energetic. Their table was to the side of the crowd that packed the floor in front of the stage, where the fans were jumping up and down, and even sometimes slamming into each other…on purpose.

  The music was loud and so was the crowd. In the end, the music was so deafening that they didn’t get to talk much. But between songs, Cole promised her they would get to talk later.

  Cole kept her flush with extra dirty martinis, while he nursed a Long Island iced tea. He didn’t seem much of a drinker, and she was more than okay with that. She enjoyed a well-made cocktail, but wasn’t a big drinker herself. She hadn’t had this many martinis in a long time. She made sure to slowly sip them, since as soon as her glass got low, Cole would order her another.

  One thing she noticed throughout the evening was the attention that Cole attracted, not only because of his football fame, but because he was so beautiful. Women of all ages would sneak peeks at him, circle their table, and some were outright bold enough to slip him their number, or even touch him as they walked by.

  At first Eve would hide her smile behind her martini when she noticed their actions, but as the night wore on, she wouldn’t hide her smile when she got dirty looks. How lucky was she that she was with such a stunning man? Well, she guessed she had five grand worth of luck. He might not have given her the time of day normally if she hadn’t won a date with him at the auction.

  But whatever. She got to spend the evening with him and the other catty women did not. And she was going to enjoy every minute. She could lose herself quickly in his amazing green eyes and easy smile.

  But Eve was pleased he wasn’t merely looks. He had substance. She noticed that the night of the commitment ceremony—the few times Ren would let him even close to her. And she learned more about him simply from the small talk during the drive to the bar.

  During a break between sets, his old schoolmate, Dallas Cantland, climbed off the stage to join them. Cole stood up and did the clasp hands, bump shoulders sort of greeting. Dallas had a towel around his neck, and kept wiping the sweat off his smooth bald head. Cole introduced her.

  “You’re a great drummer!” Eve said, while shaking his hand. While she may not like his genre of music, she recognized the skills of the musicians.

  Dallas spun an empty chair around at their table to sit backward on it, leaning against the back of the seat.

  Eve could feel him checking her out, or at least eyeing what he could see since she was sitting… It was enough to feel his gaze from her cleavage to the top of her head.

  He shot her a big smile. “Wow, smart and beautiful.” He turned to Cole and elbowed him. “Where did you find her?”

  Eve tried not to blush. She didn’t like liars, but she hoped Cole ended up stretching the truth a bit. He didn’t.

  Cole gave him a mouthy smile. “She bought me at an auction.”

  “What? What? What?” Dallas’ eyebrows rose. “No she didn’t. You’re fucking with me.”

  Eve placed a hand to her hot face. “No. I didn’t buy him. I bid on a date with him for charity.”

  “Same shit,” both men said at the same time. They looked at each other in surprise and then laughed.

  “Damn, it’s been years,” Dallas said to Cole.

  “I know. Once we were out of college, you got busy with music and me with football.”

  “Dallas, you didn’t want to pursue football?” Eve asked him.

  He shook his head. “I was good enough in football to put me through college but wasn’t good enough to get drafted, and I was A-okay with that. Being a drummer is the shit and I get to tour all over the country and Canada. You can’t beat that.”

  Eve thought Cole might argue that point. The football star did have a Super Bowl ring and, she assumed, a nice fat bank account. But he didn’t mention it, and for that he went up a notch in her eyes.

  Dallas turned to her. “Do you like the music?”

  She smiled, choosing her words carefully, “It’s a lot of fun. I especially liked the last song before the break.”

  Dallas chuckled quietly, as if he knew it wasn’t her type of music and she was only being polite. “There comes a time when you will know and you will see/Accept your place, your life, your vulnerabilities/Look within yourself and you do it on your own…”

  Eve looked at him in surprise. “What?”

  “That’s the lyrics. The song’s title is ‘The End.’”

  She shook her head and stood, pushing her chair back. “Dallas, would you like something to drink?”

  He shook his head. “I have something on stage, but thanks.”

  She glanced at Cole. “Excuse me while I head to the ladies’ room. It’ll give you a few minutes to catch up.”

  She straightened the skirt she had worn for the evening, and turned to go.

  Dallas’s words stopped her in her tracks. “What an onion!”

  Eve turned back to him and frowned. “I’m sorry?” Maybe he thought she was being rude by excusing herself.

  “An onion,” Dallas repeated, as if she should know what he meant.

  Cole gave her a look and shrugged.

  “That ass. It’s like an onion, ’cause that thing is going to make me cry.”

  Cole laughed and Eve finally released her breath. She gave Dallas a big smile and turned to head toward the restrooms. She shook her head with a laugh and made sure she swung her hips more than usual. She could feel their gaze watching her walk away. She was pleased with their reaction, as she wanted Cole hook, line, and sinker…

  When she returned to the table, they were wrapping up their conversation, and Dallas stood next to the table. The men bumped fists, and Dallas pulled out her chair for her.

  She thought, what a gentleman, until he leaned over to Cole and whispered, “Bang that ass like a screen door in a hurricane!” Only the whisper really wasn’t. It was one of those “whispers” loud enough to be heard over the crowd and the background filler music. Not so subtle, and Eve’s face filled with heat.

  He then leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, and as she moved to sit in her chair, he swatted her on the ass. She fell into her seat with a thump, surprised, and watched Dallas walk back to the stage,
his loud laughter following him.

  Cole turned to her and grabbed the hand she had laid on the table. “I’m sorry.” He brushed a kiss over her knuckles.

  “For what?”

  He turned her hand over and rubbed his thumb over her palm. “For Dallas being such a lech.”

  She gave him a warm smile, and wrapped her fingers around his. “He wasn’t. I bet he’d be a lot of fun to hang out with.”

  “We had a blast in college.”

  She had no doubt, with Dallas being the character he was. “What was your major?”

  “Does it matter? It was only a formality. It was a foot in the door to go pro.”

  She shrugged slightly, “I’m just curious.”

  “I’m curious about you too.”

  “You’re trying to change the subject.”

  He tilted his head, and it made Eve catch her breath. His green eyes were beautiful. His skin was deeply tanned, like he was outside a lot. She wondered if it was really a tan, or simply a darker skin tone. His career could’ve easily been modeling instead of sports. In fact, she’d seen quite a few ads with him in it. He was a natural. He had beautiful features, but was still all male.

  Eve realized she always thought of him as beautiful, which is certainly not the normal description for a man. But he was and he could pull it off.



  “That was my major. I thought if my football career came to an early end, that I could be a sportscaster.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. It’s something you can still do now that you’re retired at the ripe old age of thirty-four.”

  He got serious for a moment. “I retired when I was thirty-four. I’m now almost thirty-six.”

  “Wow! Ready for the old folk’s home,” she teased.

  “Sometimes my body feels that way.”


  “Really,” he answered her in a serious tone.

  Eve wanted to dig deeper into the subject, but the whole band had returned on stage and the music made it impossible for them to finish the conversation.

  Cole leaned over the table and yelled into her ear. “You want to get out of here?”

  Eve was relieved. She mouthed Yes to him, and he offered a hand to help her out of her chair.

  His fingers were long and warm as they strongly wrapped around hers. She could hardly make out his words when he yelled, “Let’s get outta here.”

  They didn’t say a word until both doors were closed on his old muscle car the valet pulled around. The silence of the closed car was deafening.

  Cole finally broke it. “The night is still young yet.”

  “Yes.” The night was young with still so much potential.

  He placed a hand over hers, which was resting on her thigh. “Where to now?”

  “Somewhere quiet?”

  His fingers flexed over hers. “Have you ever driven stick?”

  She shook her head.

  He interlaced his fingers with hers and placed their linked hands over the gear shift. “You don’t know what you’re missing. All that power within your fingertips.” With his hand guiding hers, he shifted the restored classic Camaro into first gear. He let out the clutch and the big block engine roared to life as he pulled away from the club, the tires chirping a bit. He continued to drive through the city with her hand under his on the gear shift. Her hand felt tiny in comparison to his broad palm and long fingers.

  She didn’t bother to ask where he was headed. She didn’t even care. The warm, long fingers intertwined with hers had such promise. She hoped he was just as skilled with them as Ren had been the night before.

  That thought made her sit back in the bucket seat. This was what she wanted. What she intended. But could she live with herself for being so open to sex on the first date with two different men? Two men she only had knowledge of because they had lived a very public life?

  She had picked them for a reason. They were both men who had played the field. And she wasn’t thinking about football. Both had been sexually active with women, and in Cole’s case, also with men, but didn’t take relationships seriously. She figured they’d be more open-minded to what she would propose. If they agreed, she hoped it would eventually work out to be long-term but reminded herself not to be disappointed if it didn’t. Either way, she wanted to explore her sexuality, wanted to explore something new. Both men seemed to be secure enough in their sexuality, from what she could see.

  He worked his way through the city with skill. It was clear he knew it well, and it wasn’t long before he pulled into a parking garage below what had looked like the same building where they dropped him off the night before.

  He had taken her to his place. Her pulse jumped from the sudden awareness of what he intended to the anticipation of what was to come.

  After parking, he opened the door for her and helped her out of the car. His parking spot was steps from the elevator, and she thought he must have some pull to get that coveted spot.

  “I should’ve asked… Are you okay with coming up to my place for the quiet you were seeking?”

  He didn’t air quote “quiet” with his fingers but it was there in his voice.

  Before she could answer, the elevator doors opened and he led her inside.

  He pushed the only button for a floor that didn’t have a number. It only had a P on it. He had to slide in an ID card before the elevator would even move. She presumed he lived in the penthouse. But really, she couldn’t imagine him in anything less.

  He held her hand while the elevator rose. He didn’t move her any closer, but for some reason she felt like the prey of a lion being dragged into his lair. Her heart pounded. How could it not? She didn’t know him that well… She was taking a risk by going up to his place alone. No one would know she was even there.

  The doors whooshed open and, surprisingly, there was no hallway. The elevator opened directly into a wide-open living space. No wonder he had to use an ID card. You wouldn’t want just anyone intruding into your personal space.

  She looked around and caught her breath. He had the whole top floor to himself. The open area was full of windows, and being that it was dark out, the city’s lights were enchanting.

  He released her hand and she wandered over to an oversize window. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, the view was a selling point.”

  “Can you see the river from here?”


  She turned to him, but he was gone. She took in the furnishings and décor. It was simple, but modern and classy. Nothing pretentious. Sleek, clean lines. Beautiful, just like him.

  She liked that.

  She wandered around the corner and found him in the large open kitchen. She ran her fingers over the granite countertops. The stainless-steel appliances were all high-end chef quality. She loved to cook and would kill for a kitchen like this.

  “This is a cook’s dream kitchen. Do you cook?” It would be a shame if no one used the kitchen to its utmost potential.

  “I dabble. I’ve taken some cooking classes. I enjoy it, I wish I was better. You?”

  She nodded her head, still in awe of the kitchen. The kitchen was always the heart of a home.

  “I love to cook.” She added, “And bake. I’m always trying new recipes. I’ve never taken classes though.”

  “Maybe you can make me something someday. Wine?”

  She would love to cook him a meal. However, like Ren, he was only obligated to tonight’s date, so it surprised her that he mentioned the future. But she was elated at the possibility. “Sure.”

  He gave her a grin. “To the wine or the cooking?”

  She laughed. “Both.”

  He pulled a bottle out of a built-in wine cooler. He uncorked it and poured them each a glass.

  He lifted his glass up to her. She tapped hers against his and they both said, “Cheers.” Cole added, “…to a fun night.” He held out his free hand and said, “Come.”

hout hesitation, she linked her hand in his and followed him back through the open great room. He took her glass and his, placing them on a table in front of a large white sectional sofa before sinking his large body into the soft leather cushions. He patted the couch next to him and she followed. It felt how it looked. The leather was quality: luxurious and very comfortable.

  “You’re not worried about wine stains on your furniture?”

  “Should I be? Are you klutzy?” he kidded. He picked up a nearby remote, and with a couple pushes, music came through a hidden surround sound and the lights dimmed enough to give them a better view of the city.

  “Slick,” she said.

  “Better to seduce you with.”

  She waved a hand toward the remote. “I guess you’re used to groupies throwing themselves at you.”

  Cole shrugged. “There are women who will do whatever to whomever just for a little fame.”

  “Ah, that desired fifteen minutes of fame.”

  “I last way longer than fifteen minutes. I guarantee you.”

  “Do you think you’re so slick that I’m simply going to fall into bed with you?” she teased.

  “No, I plan on throwing you on the bed. No falling necessary.”

  The playful banter turned serious.

  “Is that a promise?” Then the heat rose in her cheeks. She’d never been this forward with any man. She had even surprised herself. She jumped to her feet and walked around the couch behind him. Her fists clenched and she couldn’t control her sudden tremors.

  She didn’t want him to see her reaction, to see she was suddenly overcome with nerves. Not that she didn’t want to take this further, but she just didn’t have the experience to be so open to sex with someone she hardly knew. She never had a one-night stand before, and even though that’s not what she intended this evening, it didn’t mean that it wouldn’t end up being one.

  She turned to face the back of him where he still sat on the couch. He hadn’t moved an inch. She closed her eyes and steadied her breath. She wanted this. No time to chicken out now. Inhaling a deep, calming breath, she reined in her anxiety.


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