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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

Page 11

by Jeanne St. James

  Her clit was so sensitive to touch from the orgasm that she cried out, almost painfully, as he continued to explore her swollen lips and everything in between.

  “Stop. Stop!” she cried out.

  He stilled and lifted his head. His smoky green eyes met hers. The smile on his face was proof enough he enjoyed this as much as she did.

  She had a fleeting thought about whether he was enjoying it even more because Ren was watching them.

  “No more?”

  “I can’t,” she said breathlessly.

  “That was only the beginning,” he promised, with a slight head tilt toward the quiet Ren.

  “I know!” She tried to laugh, but couldn’t catch her breath enough to. Not only was she breathless but she felt boneless. If one man could do this to her, what was going to happen when there were two?

  He moved up her body until his hips were settled between her thighs. Both warm hardness and softness pressed against her, his shaft against her still sensitive mound.

  He kissed her breasts lightly. When she arched her back, he nibbled around each nipple. They were painfully hard, but even then, she was desperate for his touch, his mouth. He sucked one into his mouth, rolling it around with his tongue, tasting and teasing. His thumb and forefinger captured the other, rolling the hard nub between his fingers, then stretching and pulling on it.

  Shockwaves landed in her belly and lower. “Cole, Cole…don’t tease me.”

  Cole gave her a wicked smile. “Put a condom on me.”

  Eve felt around for the string of condoms he had thrown on the bed and ripped one off and open. She slid it over his hard length, lingering, fingers brushing.

  With hooded eyes, Cole’s jaw tightened as she released him. He rolled her onto her stomach and yanked her hips up and back toward him. He bent down and gently bit into the soft roundness of her ass. Eve loved when he bit her. It was gentle enough that it didn’t hurt badly, but hard enough to bring all the endorphins rushing through her system. It made her nipples tighten painfully and her pussy feel like it was dripping. She’d be surprised if there wasn’t a wet puddle under her.

  He tested her slickness with his thumb. “So wet. I want to sink myself deep inside you.”

  She muffled a frustrated scream into the sheets. “Do it!”

  Her pussy pulsated, waiting and wanting to feel the head of his cock at her opening. Instead, he slid his thumb through her wetness one more time, then pressed it against her anus, not quite breaking through, but putting pressure where she wasn’t used to. But before she could give it too much thought, he pushed his cock into her. Deep. So deep. Her insides stretched to accommodate his girth, his length. He filled her up tight. His ragged breath blew across her heated skin. He blew another.

  He slowly slid out of her completely. She felt empty, wanting. She wanted him to fuck her hard. To give her all he had, all he could give her. And then even more.

  He pushed back into her slowly, and when he reached her limit, his thumb slipped into her ass, stretching her there too. A whimper escaped her as he took up a rhythm with his thumb to match his hips. He slid in and out of her, in and out. The sensation was unfamiliar to her, but she closed her eyes, and gave him access to all of her. Her pussy, her ass. He was taking it all as his.

  “I’m going to fuck you in the ass.”

  “No,” she groaned. She couldn’t take his size there. It was impossible.

  “Yes. Not tonight, but soon. I will have you begging for it.”

  His thumb pushed deeper until he was knuckle deep. His hips moved against her faster, harder. He reached around her with his free hand, balancing all his weight on his knees. He found her clit with his middle finger, stroking, pushing, tweaking.

  The rhythm of his thumb, his middle finger, and his cock synchronized. Each touch, each sensation bringing her closer to the edge. She gripped the sheets in her fists, and cried into the mattress with each thrust. His cock pulsated inside her as he stroked her spot, the spot that wanted to make her break open and lose herself all over the bed. All over Cole.

  “I’m going to come,” she cried out. His rhythm got more intense, more frantic. He pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

  She cursed and cried as the waves of orgasm rippled through her body, from her core to her toes and back up again. The throbbing of her pussy matched the thumping of her heart. And he didn’t stop. He pounded into her, their skin smacking together. He released her clit and her ass to grab her hips, to pound her harder. And again, the waves broke over her, through her. Her inner walls clenched him so tight it made him cry out her name and still, the base of his cock pulsating as he released deep inside her.

  REN’S COCK WAS so hard he swore he was going to have blue balls when this was all over.

  He had released the button and zipper on his shorts after Cole put Eve on the bed. And now, his trembling hand was squeezing the base, smoothing along his length, the thick vein pulsating underneath his fingers. He reversed his grip and stroked himself while Cole fucked Eve, making her writhe and scream. He had done that to her also. It should be him between her thighs, fucking her until she came. But it wasn’t.

  He watched Cole’s ass flex and push as he fucked Eve from behind with his cock, playing with her, fucking her ass with his thumb.

  He couldn’t turn away. He couldn’t do anything but watch. And he realized he wanted to, he was so turned on by Cole fucking Eve. He wasn’t jealous. He was envious, he should have joined them sooner.


  Ren had enough. He couldn’t sit there and watch Cole pleasure Eve anymore, watch her writhe and cry out under his friend, dig her nails into Cole’s back. He stood suddenly, the chair he was sitting in sliding back and banging against the wall.

  But by then Cole had stilled and then collapsed beside Eve, who slid to her belly, breathless.

  They both turned at the bang.

  “Let me tell you something…” He moved next to the bed, studying their naked bodies, their limbs intertwined. “That was some of the hottest shit I’ve ever seen.” He stepped closer. Close enough he could touch them. “I’m so freaking hard right now.”

  Cole sat up to extend out his hand in invitation. “Well, come on then. Let us help you with your dilemma.”

  Ren put a knee on the bed, the mattress sinking with his weight. “I don’t know…”

  “Yes, you do. I won’t touch you if you don’t want. You can do all the touching,” Cole reassured him. “But…will you be okay with accidental touching?”

  Ren’s first instinct was to say no, but Cole had asked him to stay open-minded and he told himself he would. “Fine. I can live with accidental touching.”

  “If I do something by accident that makes you uncomfortable, just say something.”

  Ren frowned. “Like a safe word?”

  Cole laughed. “No, you don’t need a safe word. Simply point out what I’m doing. I might not even realize it. I want you to be comfortable, but I also want to expand your boundaries.”

  “I think I’m worried about the expanding part.”

  “I want us all to enjoy it. No one to feel left out,” Eve added, a sparkle in her eyes. She was clearly excited about the prospect of Ren joining them, her nervousness from earlier gone now.

  “You’ll be the cream in our cookie sandwich.”

  Eve smiled at Cole. “That’s all I can ask for!”

  “Do you want Eve to undress you?” Cole asked him.

  Ren shook his head. As tight as his balls were, as hard as his cock was, having Eve undress him might be his undoing. If he was going to lose his load, he wanted to be doing something other than undressing.

  He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it. His shorts were already undone, the engorged head of his cock peeking out of the top of his boxer briefs. He peeled out of his shorts and briefs and threw them out of the way too.

  He stood naked in front of Cole, his curved hard length touching his belly. They had seen each other naked a m
illion times before. There was no shyness to be had in the locker rooms and showers before and after games and practices. But never had they seen each other hard, aroused.

  However, tonight was different.

  Cole moved back to lean against the headboard, Eve on her side practically curled around him.

  Cole studied Ren’s body slowly from head to foot. Ren thought that would make him lose his erection. It didn’t. His cock twitched under the other man’s gaze.

  Eve uncurled herself from Cole and moved away, patting the bed between them. Cole shifted a little, giving him space.

  Ren stared at the spot Eve patted, the spot they’d made for him.

  He cautiously climbed up in between. Cole, keeping his word, didn’t touch him, but he didn’t move away either. They sat shoulder to shoulder against the headboard.

  Eve crawled into his lap and straddled his hips. Her wet heat against his balls, his cock sandwiched between them. Precum was gathering at the tip. Eve ran a thumb over it, swirling it over the head, down his length. He thrust into her hand, losing the little control he was fighting for.

  Eve met his gaze. She smiled, then leaned forward to kiss him, her hands braced against his pecs. She skimmed his nipples with her palms.

  She kissed him along his neck, over his shoulder, down his chest. As she did so, she moved between his legs, brushing her lips over his belly, along his hip. She placed her lips on the inside of his thighs, and nibbled along his skin. She took his sac into her mouth, her tongue rolling his balls around.

  Holy fuck.

  He couldn’t get any harder; he couldn’t wait to be deep inside her anymore.

  Her fingers replaced her mouth. She cupped his balls as she licked the crown of his cock. Around and down and back up again, capturing the precum on her tongue.

  He groaned, leaning his head back against the headboard. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her tongue and her lips.

  The mattress shifted as Eve moved down to take his length in her mouth.

  Oh, fuck. Her mouth was so hot and wet. She sucked him deep again and again. In the few weeks they had been seeing each other, she’d never taken him this deep before. He fought to keep from thrusting up into her mouth, down her throat.

  He was so close. Oh God, he wanted to fuck her, but he couldn’t move. He wanted this. He wanted to come down her throat. Her hand squeezed the root, keeping him from coming for a moment, making the pleasure last.

  He reached down to grab a handful of her long silky hair. His fingers encountered a smooth, bald head instead. His eyes flew open.

  What the fuck!

  He grabbed Cole’s skull and before he could push him off, Cole mumbled “Relax” around his hard cock.

  Holy hell! How was that cocksucker so good at…sucking his cock? Why wasn’t he losing his erection?

  He should be fighting him off, pushing him away.

  But he couldn’t. He couldn’t.

  Eve was on her back under Cole, sucking the other man’s cock at the same time. They had tricked him. They’d swapped places. But damn…

  Cole took him deep into his mouth. He could almost deep throat Ren’s whole length. Impressive.

  “Ah, fuck.”

  Cole paused at the top. “Do you want me to stop?

  “Yes. No. Fuck, I’m about to come.”

  Cole smiled before continuing. It was his hand wrapped around the base of him. His hand squeezing him as he sucked him. His hand cupping his balls.

  Ren looked past him to what Eve was doing. She was sucking Cole as hard as Cole was sucking him. Cole was on his knees, giving Eve room in between them. She had her fingers circled around Cole’s balls, which were becoming a dark purple. She rolled her eyes up toward Ren and smiled around Cole’s hard length. She reached her free hand down between her legs and played with herself. Ren couldn’t quite see what she was doing, but he could imagine.

  What he imagined was enough to make him stiffen and flex his toes, warning Cole, “I’m coming!”

  Cole kept sucking him, taking Ren’s load down his throat. He didn’t stop until Ren was depleted and weak. Cole released him and laid his head on Ren’s thigh, moaning as Eve continued to stroke him over and over with her mouth and squeeze his balls. Finally, Eve let his sac go, the normal color returning slowly, and Cole tensed, grabbing at the sheets on either side of Ren.

  “Oh fuck,” Cole cried out against Ren’s skin. “Oh fuck!”

  Ren placed a hand on Cole’s back. He was warm, his skin damp under his palm. “I want to see you come in her mouth.”

  Ren watched the muscles of Cole’s ass clench as he cried out, coming.

  Cole relaxed against him, lying on Ren’s legs as Eve rolled out from underneath him, catching her breath.

  She dragged herself up beside Ren, curling under his arm, nuzzling his neck.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Perfect,” she answered, and smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For this. For even considering it.”

  Ren didn’t answer her but looked at Cole, still sprawled over his legs. His breathing was slow and soft, tickling Ren’s balls, his mouth barely an inch away.

  If he hadn’t just come, Ren would be hard again. Cole’s cock was now soft against Ren’s calf.

  He shook himself mentally. What was he thinking? He wasn’t gay! He wasn’t attracted to men!

  He never had any sexual desire for Cole before. Yes, he loved him as a brother, a friend. That was normal, right?

  But Cole had sucked him until he came. He had better skills than any woman he’d been with, even Eve. He probably had more practice.

  But what bothered Ren the most was he had liked it. He liked it. And knowing Eve had been pleasuring Cole as he was pleasuring Ren made it that much hotter.

  Damn it!

  Ren kicked Cole with his foot.


  He scowled at Cole. “Don’t you ever do that again!” Ren added, “Especially, without asking me first!”

  Cole gave him a wide smile. “Okay, but you’ll be asking.”

  Ren grimaced. Cole was not only a good cocksucker, but a cocky one too.

  Chapter Ten

  Not long after Cole teased Ren about how he’d be asking Cole to suck his cock again, Ren peeled himself out of the puppy pile they were lying in. He gathered his clothes and walked out of the bedroom. Not a word spoken, not a backward glance.

  Eve was going to follow him to talk to him, but Cole stopped her. “Just let him be for now, let him process.”

  She nodded her head, sighed resignedly, and climbed back into bed with Cole. They had snuggled until they fell asleep, which didn’t take long at all. Her last words to him were her hoping Ren would return and she’d wake up between the two of them.

  But this morning Ren was nowhere to be found. None of the spare beds had been slept in. His overnight bag with his clothes was gone.

  Both Eve and Cole had tried to call and text him. They got no response.

  Cole could see the worry on Eve’s face as she moved around the bright kitchen. She tugged at her lower lip with her teeth, not even realizing she was doing it.

  Cole moved up behind her to hug her. He wanted to reassure her that Ren’s disappearance wasn’t her doing. She stiffened at first, but after a moment she sank against him. He ran his hands over her shoulders, down to her fingertips, and back up again.

  “What did I do, Cole? This is all my fault.”

  “Nothing. It was me. I pushed him. I shouldn’t have tricked him like that.” He frowned into Eve’s hair, smelling the fruity scent of her shampoo. He loved to feel her hair all over him when he was naked.

  “I hope he’s okay.”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.”


  He cut her short, trying to get her mind off what happened. “I’m hungry. What’s to eat?”

  “I thought about making Belgian wa
ffles with fresh strawberries.”

  “That sounds good, but I was thinking of something else first. A little appetizer.”

  She leaned back against him, turning her head slightly. “What?”

  Cole pushed the long T-shirt she was wearing up above the swell of her hips and palmed her soft mound over top of her little pink panties. “This.”

  His arms pinned her around the waist from behind as he reached with one hand to pull aside the cotton panties. He stroked her warm pussy with his other hand. She must have shaved in the shower this morning. Her lips were super smooth where he touched them. He slid two fingers into her warm canal.

  “Not so wet this morning?” Cole murmured against her ear. Her chest heaved and she squeezed her body around his fingers. He fucked her slowly, feeling the clench and unclench of her muscles. “Ah, there it is. Drench my hand.” She grasped the edge of the counter as he worked his way in and out of her. Her head fell forward, her hair hiding her face. “That’s it. You’re so wet now. Just how I like it. That’s it, baby.” Her muscles clamped tight. “Fuck, yes.”

  Cole’s hard-on pressed through the thin cotton of the T-shirt, pushing against the crease between her ass cheeks. Her hips rocked against his fingers, which made him rock against her ass.

  “I’m going to pinch your clit and you’re going to come, okay?” His voice was low and rough even to his own ears.

  “Oooo…kay,” she whispered.

  He slid his ring finger and pinky finger inside her and used his thumb and index finger to snag her clit and squeeze.

  Eve cried out and her knees buckled. He wrapped his arm across her chest, above her breasts, holding her up and against him. He could bend her over right there against the counter and drive it home. It wouldn’t take much to feel her wet heat around his throbbing cock. But… not yet.

  “Did you like that?”

  She nodded, breathing hard.

  He turned her around and kissed her hard, his lips pressing against hers, his tongue forcing them open so he could explore her mouth. He captured her moan between his lips.

  He swung her up into his arms and laid her on the kitchen table, her ass at the edge, her legs dangling over. Her shirt was pushed up to her breasts, exposing her hard peaks. He wanted to bite them hard. He wanted to hear her cry out. He wanted to leave teeth marks in the sensitive flesh around her nipples. Patience. Patience, he told himself.


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