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Darkblood Academy: Book One: Half-Blood (A Supernatural Academy Series)

Page 21

by G. K. DeRosa

  He twisted his beast-like head at our approach, a sinister smile curling back his lips. “There you are my little half-blood.” Stepping away from Drake, he trudged toward us. “While I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself with the prince, I’ve grown weary of this game. It’s time to end this.” He reached out a clawed hand, beckoning me forward.

  Drake slumped against the tree, his breaths ragged spurts. “Don’t get any closer, Luna.”

  We hedged the outer rim of trees, slowly moving toward Drake as the abacor loomed closer. Triston had to reach Drake for this to work, and he was still a few yards away.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let go of my hand,” Triston whispered.

  I nodded, my eyes fixed on the advancing demon.

  “Human, let’s not make this any more unpleasant than it needs to be.” He ran a claw over his hairy jaw. “You’ve intrigued me, and though the dark lord wants you dead, I think your unique qualities merit a one-on-one first. So let’s make a deal. You come with me, and I’ll let your friends live.”

  “Not a chance,” hissed Drake.

  Triston crept closer to the prince, and inch-by-agonizing-inch, I followed.

  “Who is this dark lord anyway, and what does he want with me?” I was both curious and figured keeping him talking could provide the distraction we needed.

  Crimson swirled across the demon’s dark pupils. “That is for the dark lord to reveal when the time is right.”

  Figures I’d get some cryptic mumbo-jumbo. “How about you tell me his name so my friends here know who to come after and kill once we’ve finished with you?”

  His massive chest rumbled in what I swore was a belly laugh. “You are certainly an entertaining little human. And gutsy. The dark lord will like that.”

  “Too bad he’ll never get to meet her,” shouted Drake as Triston’s hand clasped around his fingers.

  A jolt of electricity ignited in my fingertips and slammed into me like a lighting bolt. It was a good thing Triston was holding me, or I would’ve ended up flat on my back.

  “Now!” yelled Triston.

  The foreign words of the spell filled my mind and sprang from my lips, unbidden. “Toree fuocum celis demoniom, toree fuocum celis demoniom!” Fire burst from my core, hemorrhaging through my veins until my whole body vibrated with power.

  Drake pointed his sword at the demon, and a blaze of lavender shot from the blade, sending the creature hurtling through the air. His massive dark form hung suspended near the tree line for a moment before plunging down into a sprawling oak with a sickening crunch.

  The hair on the back of my neck tingled, and I swiveled around to see a dark shadow emerge from the path leading from the academy. Onyx eyes locked onto mine, sending a shuddering breath through my lungs.

  “Let’s finish this,” growled Triston, snapping my attention back to the fight.

  I followed the boys’ lead, extending my hand out toward the crumpled form of the demon. “Toree fuocum celis demoniom, toree fuocum celis demoniom!” we shouted in unison.

  A brilliant fiery wave burst from our splayed palms, flowing like molten magma. The demon’s eyes widened, his gaping maw forming a capital O as the scorching energy rolled over him like a tidal wave.

  Hideous shrieks filled the quiet forest as brilliant orange flames consumed the demon’s flesh.

  Triston released my hand and my knees wobbled, my legs no more than jelly. The forest went topsy-turvy, the darkening sky appearing beneath my feet and the snow above. Squeezing my eyes shut, I waited for the crash of cold earth, but it never came.

  Warm arms enveloped me, crushing me to a firm chest. “I got you, mini minx,” a voice rasped, his words like a heated embrace. Cocooned in the familiar intoxicating scent, I let go and let the encroaching darkness consume me.

  Chapter 28

  A spicy musky scent swirled around me as I nuzzled into the soft pillow and silky sheets. My lids were heavy, every muscle in my body sore, but that familiar tantalizing fragrance coaxed them open.

  Sunlight streamed in through the picture window. I glanced around the bedroom, my mind hazy, until the gigantic bed sparked heated memories. I shot up, throwing the fluffy comforter back.

  A pair of bottomless irises stared at me from a chair positioned at the foot of the bed. Ryder raked his hand through his hair, tugging at the wild locks. “You are the most infuriating person I know.”

  “Right back at ya.”

  The hint of a smile tugged at his sexy lips. I smoothed down the crumpled comforter to avoid his gaze and what it was doing to my insides.

  “You know I should ground you for the rest of the semester for that stunt you pulled.”

  I arched a brow. “You’re not my parent so I’m pretty sure you can’t ground me. And I’m not a kid anymore. I am eighteen so technically I’m free to do whatever I want. I could walk right out of here if I felt like it.” I scooted to the edge of the bed, and my toes barely skimmed the floor. Before I could push myself up, a dark blur stopped me.

  Ryder’s hands were on my shoulders, his fingertips brushing my sensitive skin. “You should still take it easy. And you’re definitely not going anywhere. Not today and not anytime in the near future, not with that mark. And besides, you expended a lot of energy killing that abacor demon—whether you’re a kid or an adult.” Was it me or was his voice a little breathy?

  I glanced up, the limited air between us crackling. “I feel fine,” I murmured. My voice was definitely breathy.

  His dark eyes skimmed over my lips, and I couldn’t help my tongue from snaking out to wet them. My entire mouth had gone impossibly dry at his proximity.

  He growled and took a step back, releasing me. He muttered something under his breath, but I couldn’t make it out beneath the rumble of his throat. My entire traitorous body sagged at his absence.

  “Are you going to keep doing these incredibly stupid and risky things? I need to know now if you’ve got a death wish or something.”

  I narrowed my eyes at my exasperating instructor, shooting daggers at his annoyingly handsome face. “Of course not. I like living just fine, thanks. I hated being sidelined for no good reason.”

  He clenched his jaw, the tendon in his perfectly sculpted jaw twitching. “There was a good reason. Your life was at stake, and you’re too important to m—to the team. We can’t lose you.”

  My knees wobbled a little, but it could have been an after effect of yesterday’s heady magic use. Or maybe it was the searing eyes I was trying to avoid. “I’m sorry,” I muttered without looking up. “I wanted to help. My powers are finally starting to emerge, and I thought I could finally do something for once. I hate feeling useless.”

  He exhaled a sharp breath and tucked his hands in his pockets. “Come on, we have to meet the others in the training room. They’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”

  “Okay,” I muttered. Man, this guy’s mood swings were making my head spin.

  After a quick stop at my dorm so I could change, we trudged out into the snow to The Seven’s covert training space. Cinder hadn’t been in our room, and I missed my best friend. I wanted to see how she was doing and catch her up on everything that had happened. At least the fact that she’d felt well enough to go to class lightened the pressure in my chest.

  When we reached the old stone structure, Ryder opened the door and applause filled the cavernous space. I glanced up at The Seven, heat swarming my cheeks. They stood in a line, each wearing simple black sweats and their house pin. Turning back to Ryder, I arched a curious brow. His only response was a one-shouldered shrug and a casual smirk.

  Drake stepped forward as we neared, an unreadable smile playing on his lips. He held something pinched between his fingers, but I couldn’t tell what it was. “You did well out there yesterday, human. As much as it pains me to admit, I’m not sure that we could’ve defeated the abacor demon without you.”

  Triston and Scarlett both nodded behind him. I was beyond relieved to see both of them healthy and b
ack to normal.

  “You’re much stronger than any of us ever expected, and as unofficial leader of the team”—Drake shot a smirk at Ryder—“I’d like to invite you to be our number eight.” He closed the distance between us and handed me a pin in red, white and blue.

  My fingers closed around the little trinket as tears filled my eyes. “You made me a human pin?”

  He chuckled. “No, I didn’t make it, the girls did.”

  Glancing over at Raine, Aeria and Scarlett, I wasn’t sure which was harder to believe.

  I smiled, flipping the pin over in my palm. “I love the colors.” It was like wearing a tiny American flag, which figures that’s what they’d associate with humans.

  “So what do you say?” asked Ash, his emerald eyes twinkling.

  “Only if we make the Supe Slayer Squad our official name. I like the sound of that better than The Eight.”

  Scarlett giggled, no doubt remembering our sleepover conversation. Raine rolled her eyes with a scowl, but it seemed less hate filled than usual.

  “Whatever you say, human,” said Drake with a grin.

  Ryder stepped forward from behind me and clapped his hands. “Luna, you’ll officially join the team at the start of next semester—once you’ve passed all your exams.”

  Ugh. Easier said than done.

  “Good, now that that’s official, we can all get back to training.”

  A chorus of grunts rang out behind me.

  “You guys did well yesterday considering, but you’ve got a long way to go. Now with Luna on the team, you’ll need to learn to work as a whole new unit.” He glanced at his watch. “You’ve got an hour before class so let’s get to work.”

  My muscles still ached from yesterday, but I forced myself onto the mat with Drake. “What are we working on today, oh fearless leader?”

  A big smile lit up his typically expressionless façade. “I like the sound of that. You may refer to me as such from now on.”

  I rolled my eyes. “In your dreams.”

  His faery sword appeared in his palm, and he thrust before I could blink. Fae bastard! I dodged just in time to avoid a blade in the gut and darted to the far wall to choose my weapon.

  As I marched back toward Drake with a short shiny blade clenched in my fist, a surge of happiness bubbled in my chest. I’d never really been a part of anything before. There’d always been something missing and somehow these seven supernaturals had filled that void. Maybe Ryder too…

  “Hurry up, half-blood!” shouted Drake, pulling me from my musings.

  “I’m coming!”

  Chapter 29

  “I can’t believe you’re dragging me to this thing.” I stared at my reflection in the mirror as Cinder held a lacey red gown up against my chest. My fingers grazed the silky material, the fine lace more exquisite than anything that existed in the human world.

  “Luna, we survived our first semester at Darkhen Academy, and we passed all our exams! We totally deserve a night off to celebrate.”

  I grimaced. I’d barely passed my exams last week after the abacor demon debacle, not to mention most of my classes, thanks to my fickle magic and one ornery unipeg. And I’d almost gotten myself and Cinder killed a few times. But my roommate’s smile and bubbly energy were contagious. “Couldn’t we just hang out in the dorm and watch a movie or something?”

  “Absolutely not. The end of the semester dances at Darkhen are epic. There’s no way we’re missing the first one.”

  I grunted, blowing wisps of blonde hair from my face.

  “This dress is going to be perfect on you. Now go try it on.” She stuffed the gown in my arms and pushed me toward the bathroom.

  After nearly getting killed by the abacor demon, and a week of grueling final exams, I so didn’t feel like parading around in a ball gown. Even if it was the most gorgeous thing I’d ever laid eyes on.

  I slipped the soft material over my head, and it immediately molded to every curve of my body. The silky lace practically floated over my skin, wrapping me in its smooth embrace. The sweetheart neckline dipped to the perfect spot, showing a little bit of cleavage without being overly scandalous. My fingers brushed over the mark on my chest, its deep crimson shade nearly matching the sultry ruby of the dress.

  Luckily, the demons had let up on me this past week. It was almost as if they’d known getting through my exams was torture enough, and they were being polite.

  “Are you coming out or what?” Cinder’s voice seeped through the cracked door.

  I peeked my head out, and she urged me forward.

  “Let’s see!” She clapped her hands, bouncing on her tiptoes. “You look amazing!” she gushed when I finally came out all the way.

  “So do you.” The raven-haired beauty wore an emerald green mermaid gown that accentuated her long legs and slender figure. “There’s going to be nothing angelic about Raf’s intentions when he gets a look at you in that.”

  Her cheeks flushed, matching the deep pink of her lip-gloss. “Oh, whatever.” She handed me a pair of ruby stilettos and smirked. “If anyone’s going to have the guys gawking tonight, it’s going to be you. I was right, red really is your color.”

  “Ha! Like any guy will come near me with a broody Ryder glued to my side.” My self-appointed demon bodyguard hadn’t left me alone for more than a few minutes the past week. I was fairly certain he was skulking outside the door at this very moment.

  “Is that really so bad?” She winked as she strapped her heels on. “I don’t care what he says, that guy totally wants you. The way he looks at you…” She shivered, her shoulders shuddering. “It’s so hot!”

  I shook my head, running my fingers through my long hair. “Too bad nothing will ever come of it.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She disappeared into the bathroom and returned a minute later with a makeup bag in one hand and a curling iron in the other. “Now let’s pretend I’m one of your stylists from Hitched, and let’s get you camera-ready.”

  Two sharp knocks at the door sent my heart into overdrive. Sure, demons I could handle, but the idea of a dance had my nerves twisted into a pretzel. Taking one last glance in the mirror, I tore myself away from the stunning stranger staring back at me. Cinder had done an amazing job with my hair and makeup, blonde locks tumbled over my bare shoulders and smoky navy eyeliner brought out the deep blue of my eyes. I didn’t look quite as gorgeous as Kimmie-Jayne on TV, but I was pretty damn hot.

  “I’ll get it!” Cinder burst from the bathroom and darted across the room to the door.

  Ash and Raf filled the entryway, both in dark suits. Damn, what was it about these supes being so good looking?

  “Wow, you guys clean up nice,” I said as I walked toward them.

  “You too,” stuttered Ash, his emerald eyes sparkling like the most brilliant gemstones as they traveled down my revealing dress.

  “We thought we could escort you to the dance,” said Raf, his gaze flickering toward my roommate.

  “That won’t be necessary, gentlemen.” Ryder’s hulking shadow appeared behind them, and suddenly the uber-attractive guys paled in comparison. A fitted, black tux outlined the demon bad boy’s wide shoulders and clung tightly to his powerful chest. Ryder dressed in normal clothes was hot. In a tux, he was devastating.

  I had to remind myself to breathe as all the air was forced out of my lungs. Devilish demons, why did he have to be so breathtakingly gorgeous?

  His piercing eyes raked over my body, leaving a trail of fire in its scorching wake. I repressed the urge to squirm, clenching my fingers into tight little fists at my sides. Hundreds of glimmering stars shimmered across his impossibly dark eyes as I finally lifted my gaze to meet his.

  Ryder locked his jaw back into place and barreled by the guys, offering me his arm. “You look ravishing, mini minx,” he whispered against the shell of my ear. A swarm of goose bumps prickled to life down my bare arms.

  “Shall we?” Raf’s voice tore me away from Ryder’s spell, and I g
lanced up at my roommate who stood arm in arm between Ash and the nephilim.

  “Let’s go!” she squealed.

  The threesome walked in front of us chatting away as I glided down the hallway, locked against Ryder’s thick arm. His musky, sandalwood scent swirled around me, and it was impossible to inhale without breathing him in. He was like a drug, and I was hopelessly addicted—a crack fiend desperate for my next fix.

  The dense silence between us finally dissipated as we neared the gym. The pounding beats of the music filtered down the hallway, and we quickened our pace to keep up with Cinder.

  “I wonder what the theme is this time,” she said, craning her head back to me. “It changes every semester, and I heard they bring the royal decorators in from the Winter Court. I can’t wait to see it!”

  When the double doors opened, my jaw dropped. The gym from a few hours ago had vanished—the bleachers, barren white walls, and the light parquet floor were nowhere to be seen. Instead, an exquisite rose garden stretched before us. White trellises climbed to the vaulted ceilings, trailing with roses of every color of the rainbow. The fragrant perfume wafted over us as we crossed the threshold, my heels sinking into the lush grass. My head dipped back to take it all in.

  Between the winding verdant pathways sat round tables dressed in fine white linens and gilded tableware. Sprinkled over each place setting were more rose petals and a beautiful candelabra adorned the center, flickering flames dancing over the tall, tapered candles.

  “Wow, it’s amazing,” I muttered.

  We continued toward the beautiful gazebo in the center of the room where hundreds of bodies wriggled across the dance floor. Every inch of the top of the white gazebo was blanketed in blush roses and leafy hanging vines. Thousands of tiny lights sparkled to life, bathing the dance floor in a warm golden glow.

  I was so distracted by the sights, I hadn’t felt Ryder’s heavy gaze boring into me. I swiveled toward him, and his eyes locked on mine. A half-smile pulled at his lips, something unreadable behind his expression.


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