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Darkblood Academy: Book One: Half-Blood (A Supernatural Academy Series)

Page 22

by G. K. DeRosa

  When the heavy silence between us became unbearable, I let the first stupid thing on my mind pop out. “I feel like I just stepped foot on the set of Hitched.”

  He laughed, the smooth sound rumbling his chest. He glanced around and smirked. “I guess you’re right. It does remind me of the elaborate parties the producers put together.”

  “Do you miss it?” My voice cracked. “Do you miss her?” I don’t know what made me ask such a loaded question. I blamed the intoxicating fragrances in the air—who knew what sort of mind-altering effect the exotic flowers had on a simple human.

  His eyes widened, and he didn’t speak for a long minute. Just when I was about to take the question back, his jaw ticked. “It wasn’t real. Not really anyway. Being sucked onto a show like that where you’re practically forced into these perfect circumstances and then thrown into dramatic situations isn’t real life. Don’t get me wrong; I had a lot of fun. Getting to know the other guys and of course your half-sister changed my life in more ways than I thought possible. And I’m not saying I didn’t care about Kimmie-Jayne because I did, a lot. There was something about her that made me want to become a better man. I think I did actually love her—or as close as I’ve ever been to loving someone. Do I miss that? Sure. But I wasn’t right for her, not really. I don’t think I was right for anyone back then.” He pressed his lips together and stared out onto the dance floor.

  I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in a slow exhale. Another completely unexpected confession.

  An arm came around mine, tugging me away from Ryder. “Come dance with me, Luna girl.” Ash’s big smile appeared beside me.

  Ryder bristled, his hold on my other arm tightening for a split second.

  “I promise to stay within your line of sight,” Ash said to Ryder. “Believe me, I have no intentions of going up against a demon by myself again.”

  The tension in my guard’s shoulders released, and he relinquished my arm. “I’ll have my eyes on you, dragon boy.”

  Ash saluted our mentor with a chuckle. “Yes, sir.” He tugged me onto the dance floor, my eyes firmly fixed on Ryder’s lingering gaze.

  Chapter 30

  When we reached the center of packed bodies, I found Cinder and Raf dancing. The handsome dark-haired nephilim was all over my roommate. She laughed as he whispered something in her ear, and my heart soared. Rafael seemed like a good guy, and she deserved only the best.

  Ash grabbed my hand and twirled me in a circle, my flowing gown dancing over the shiny wood floor. I whirled and whirled, the DJ’s intoxicating rhythm moving my body. We danced forever, the feverish beats spinning in my mind, and for the first time in very long, I totally let loose.

  Ash was a maniac, his dance moves cracking me up. He broke into old school break dancing before long, and I thought my cheeks would burst from laughing so hard. Someone had definitely been watching old reruns of MTV on the Azarian broadcast network.

  As a circle formed around him, a chilly breath tickled my ear. Spinning around, I nearly smacked right into the ice prince. “Drake!” I cried out. “Geez, you scared me.”

  “Sorry.” He raised his hands up, one clutching a fancy flute with deep lavender liquid. “What’s got you so jumpy?”

  I couldn’t help my gaze flickering toward his glass. The fragrant perfume of the faery wine had already reached my nostrils, and my tongue yearned for another taste. I swallowed to rid my mouth of the odd sensation. “Nothing. I was actually having fun.” And it was true. The past hour had flown by, and I hadn’t thought about the devil’s mark or the demons coming after me once.

  “Good,” he said, his lips curling into a smile.

  Raine appeared a second later in a stunning black sheath dress, her hand clasping onto his shoulder. She threw me a half smile before turning her attention back to the prince. “There you are, Drakey. Come on, let’s go dance. I like this one.”

  I swore he repressed an eye roll before turning to follow her onto the dance floor. I watched them for a moment until Raine pressed her perky breasts up against his chest and began nuzzling his ear. Bleh. I did not need to see that.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I spun around and weaved my way through the crowd. If I couldn’t have the faery wine, I at least needed some sort of beverage.

  At the outer edge of the circle amassed around Ash and his killer dance moves, a hand snaked out with a glass flute. Tipping my gaze up, I found Ryder with his typical smirk curving his kissable lips. “I was on my way to find you.” He handed me the glass, and I sucked it down without a thought. All that dancing had me parched.

  Fizzy bubbles gurgled straight to my head, and my lips puckered at the sour-sweet flavor. “What is this?”

  “It’s the Azarian version of champagne, only it’s made with the glia fruit instead of grapes.”

  I took another sip and swirled the sparkling liquid around my tongue. “It’s pretty tasty.”

  “And don’t worry, it’s not like faery wine.” He winked.

  “Too bad, I guess no kissing tonight then.” I slapped my hand over my mouth. I did not just say that out loud! What was wrong with me?

  The corners of Ryder’s lips tilted upward, and mischief glistened in his dark eyes. “It does have the unfortunate side effect of loosening inhibitions.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, shooting him a good glare. “Thanks for the warning.” I’d already guzzled down the entire glass. “You didn’t happen to have any of it, did you?”

  He stepped closer, his delicious scent invading my senses. “I’ll never tell,” he whispered, his lips brushing my earlobe.

  Holy demon babies! My toes curled in my sexy stilettos, and I had to force myself not to jump my hot instructor right in the middle of the dance floor.

  His hand came around my waist and settled at the small of my back as the tempo of the music slowed. “Dance with me.”

  He totally did have some of that stuff!

  “You look incredible tonight, mini minx. I can’t tear my eyes away from you.”

  “Thanks,” I stuttered. I swallowed hard as he closed the distance between us, pulling me into his body. Everything else fell away, the close-packed dancing bodies, the tinkle of toasting glasses, the chatter and even the music.

  I thought it was just the all-consuming effect Ryder had on me, but a sweet, smoky scent reached my nostrils a moment later. Magic.

  Glancing up, I caught the flicker of a hazy golden orb encasing us. “Are we in a protective bubble or something?”

  His lips twitched. “Cloaking spell. I can’t get anything by you anymore, can I?”

  A tiny pang of hurt jabbed at my heart. He was embarrassed to be seen with me. My lips turned down, and my lost puppy dog expression must have given me away.

  He tipped my chin up and forced my eyes to meet his. “Hey. I’m your teacher. I can’t be dancing with you like this in front of the entire academy. It’s entirely inappropriate. I may skirt the line when it comes to the rules, but I’m not completely insane. You know that, right?”

  A ridiculous smile split my lips as he tugged me back into his chest. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck and leaned my head against his firm pec. His heart thundered beneath the surface.

  My brain told me to pull away—that nothing would ever come of this, but my heart told my nosy brain to mind its own business. Making logical decisions just wasn’t possible when I was in Ryder’s arms.

  We swayed to the smooth rhythms seeping into our little bubble, our bodies pressed against each other. Mine molded into his so perfectly it felt like its missing half. My skin tingled everywhere we touched, the sensations zipping over my flesh and setting it ablaze. His chin dipped down and his eyes locked on my lips, flashes of citrine like lightning bolts skimming the dark depths. I sucked in a breath as he inched closer.

  The music slowed and then stopped, the sultry tune replaced by a raging beat. As if the song had weaved a magic spell over us, its absence had the opposite effect. Ryder rel
eased me and took a step back, and the cloaking spell burst. I could feel its magic as it washed over me. The room sprang back to life, all the vivid sights and sounds on full blast. It was like a bucket of ice over the head.

  Something vibrated in Ryder’s jacket pocket, and his gaze finally pivoted away from mine. He scanned the screen, and his brows furrowed. “Cillian wants to see you.”

  “Right now?” I huffed, snapping myself out of the heated moment. “Am I in trouble?” We’d never really had “the talk” after I snuck out of his office to fight the demon. I figured the headmaster was giving me a break because of exams. I couldn’t imagine he was pleased that I’d blatantly disobeyed him right after promising to trust him.

  “Possibly.” His dark eyes sparkled. “Come on, I’ll take you.”

  We marched through the quiet halls to Cillian’s office, the music from the gym falling away. Ryder sauntered beside me, my ever-vigilant bodyguard. Every so often, his gaze traveled to mine, his silent intensity boring into me. If I had any hopes of getting over him, I needed to find a way to remove this mark otherwise he’d remain stuck to me like glue. And being near him without being with him was going to break me.

  His arm brushed against mine, and tiny sparks crackled along my skin. I paused and Ryder slowed his pace, before finally turning to me and tugging me into a quiet corner. My heart pounded against my ribs as he trapped me in the small recess.

  “We’ve got to get this under control,” he whispered, his lips inches from mine.

  He’d definitely been drinking that magical champagne. There was no other explanation. “Get what under control?” I hedged.

  A mischievous smile twisted his lips up. “This”—he pointed back and forth between his chest and mine—“whatever this is, between us.”

  I tipped my head back to meet his piercing gaze. “It’s nothing, right?”

  “It can’t be.” He shook his head. “Not right now—no matter how we may feel.”

  My heart thudded erratically. Did he just admit he felt something?

  “Cillian would kill me. Literally. And then I’d be forced out of the academy, and I wouldn’t be able to protect you or train the others. What we’re doing here is important, and we can’t risk it failing or else both our worlds will be in deep shit.” He paused and licked his lips, his eyes still intent on mine. “I’m obviously having a hard time controlling myself around you. So you have to help me, okay?”

  I nodded, chewing on my lower lip, all the words getting stuck in my throat.

  “Not helping.” He freed my swollen lip from my teeth, and his thumb lingered on my chin. “Gods, Luna, if you only knew what you did to me,” he rasped out, his eyes trailing down my revealing neckline.

  My core clenched, heat pooling in my lower half.

  “This is the last time,” he muttered before his lips captured mine. Ryder’s massive frame pressed me against the chilly wall as my fingers dug into the soft hair at his nape. His tongue entwined with mine, engaged in a sensual tango ten times more intense than our dance from a few moments ago.

  Excitement thrummed through my veins, my heart pounding so hard its fevered beats rushed across my eardrums. He pressed closer, obliterating every inch of space between us, and a little moan escaped my lips. He swallowed it up as he continued his frenzied assault. I arched against him, unable to control my body around him.

  My brain flickered to life for a second. Luckily, not every ounce of blood had rushed to my lower half. Ryder was kissing me in the middle of the hall; sure we were tucked into a little nook and everyone was at the dance, but still. If we got caught…

  Obviously coming to the same realization I had, he pulled away much too soon. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, he smiled and tugged on my hand. “Come on. We don’t want to keep the headmaster waiting.”

  The remainder of the walk to Cillian’s office passed in a blur as my mind whirled with Ryder’s words—and toe-curling kisses. He’d made it clear we couldn’t be together, but that he had feelings, and then he’d kissed me like I was the only person left in the world. That’s not confusing…

  I pushed the thoughts aside to a dark corner of my mind marking them “Do Not Open till Christmas—or maybe ever.”

  When Darby ushered us into the headmaster’s office a few minutes later, a strange sensation prickled my skin. A pungent sweet, smoky scent filled my nostrils. Slowly, my head pivoted to a blonde man perched on the leather couch by the fireplace. Unnervingly familiar cobalt eyes met mine, and all the air siphoned from my lungs.

  Ryder bristled beside me, moving a few inches closer.

  Cillian stood and motioned to the stranger. “Luna, I’m sorry for interrupting the dance, but there’s someone here to see you.”

  The tall, slender man stood, his scrutinizing gaze running over me with laser-like intensity. Power throbbed from his lithe form, thickening the air around him like nothing I’d ever experienced. It was as if a pool of dense magic cloaked his very essence.

  A shock of white hair zipped through the neat golden blonde strands, a stark contrast to the brilliant cobalt of his eyes. Sculpted cheekbones and a defined, straight nose rounded out the middle-aged man’s handsome face.

  A tight-lipped smile finally appeared, and he extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you at long last, Luna Hallows.”

  I returned the tight-lipped grin, but my fluttering heart betrayed me, ramming against my ribcage with every erratic beat. I knew what was coming next—I could feel the unbending certainty deep within my bones.

  “I’m Garrix, your father.” His gaze lowered to the symbol mystically carved into my chest. “And I’ve come to help you get rid of that nasty little mark.”

  Read on for a special sneak peek of Darkblood Academy: Supernatural Slayer Squad! And you can already preorder it here!

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  Sneak Peek of Darkblood Academy: Supernatural Slayer Squad

  Chapter 1

  “Come on, Luna!” Drake shouted.

  “I’m coming!” I panted back, my breaths coming in short, ragged spurts. My boots sank into the ankle-deep snow with every frantic step as the towering evergreens’ branches whipped by as I ran. Stupid Fae forest. Stupid Winter Court. I still didn’t trust those trees not to poison me after last semester’s fiasco. If my uber-hot instructor, Ryder hadn’t saved my life that night maybe I wouldn’t have fallen for him so hard. And maybe I wouldn’t be chasing this godforsaken demon through the freezing cold forest in the middle of the night.


  A spine-tingling shriek sent my head spinning to the left where I could just make out Drake’s footprints disappearing into the thick copse of monster trees.

  “Drake?” I cried out. Pumping my arms like a madwoman, I darted through the darkness following the path and the general direction of the scream. Crapcicles! Where were the others?

  A monstrous growl whizzed over my head as a dark shadow blotted out the faint moonlight streaming through the thick canopy above. Tilting my head up, the light emerald green scales of dragon-Ash’s underbelly soared over the tree line.

  It’s about time he showed up.

  The harsh clash of metal steered my legs around the bend to a clearing. Halting behind a tree to catch my breath, I peered around the massive trunk shielding me. After a month of demon fighting, I knew better than to run straight into a possible trap.

  “Drake?” I whisper-yelled. Where was the ice prince? The clang of swords colliding rang out all around me but I couldn’t quite pinpoint the location. Apparently, neither could dragon-Ash who circled the dark skies above.

  “Argh!” Drake burst free from an op
aque inky bubble, his sword held high and covered in black sludge. As was the Fae prince. His murky black form stood in stark contrast to the snow-white clearing he’d just appeared in.

  Behind him, the dark blob coalesced into the form of a creature.

  “Watch out!” I screamed as the thing became a human-shaped, sword-wielding attacker.

  Drake spun around and raised his sword in time to block his demonic adversary. The sharp clash of blades resonated through the quiet forest and spurred me to action. Releasing the dagger from its sheath around my calf, I threw it at the demon, whispering a targeting incantation as it sailed through the air.

  The sharp blade hit its mark, burying itself in the monster’s thick shoulder blade. Black goo spurted out, tingeing the pristine snow.

  Dragon-Ash circled overhead, flapping his leathery wings as he descended. As he neared, dark plumes of smoke puffed from his nostrils. I took a step back, taking shelter behind the tree line once again. I knew what was coming next.

  With an ear-splitting shriek, the dragon dipped further down, only a few yards from Drake and the monster. Our unofficial team leader knew what was coming too. With one final powerful arc of his sword, he slashed the demon across the chest. Inky liquid shot out as it doubled over clutching its torso. It was all the distraction Drake needed to dart out of the way as dragon-Ash spewed out a blazing wave of dragon fire.

  The demon’s unearthly shrieks echoed across the forest and sent icy chills down my spine. Still I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the flames licking up the creature’s torso and engulfing every inch of onyx leathery flesh. That was another thing I’d learned over the past few weeks: confirm the demon is dead before walking away.

  I neared the demon bonfire, the pungent scent of charred flesh and bones wafting into my nose. I held my breath to stave off the nausea crawling up my throat and moved closer. When the putrid smoke finally cleared, nothing remained of the monster but a pile of sooty ash.


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