Alpha's Compromise (Alpha Selection Book 2)

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Alpha's Compromise (Alpha Selection Book 2) Page 12

by Charlee Garden

  Nate had stormed out of the house almost immediately. Tessa had stayed with me, rubbing my back. She insisted I go to bed after I’d finally cried myself out. The offer to bottle my emotions up had been issued, but I was all too familiar with what happened once that seal was broken. I could hardly handle the heartbreak I felt. There was no way I could handle the fall out from her magical assistance.

  I fell asleep almost immediately. The bone deep exhaustion I felt wasn’t physical but it still stripped away my consciousness.

  My fatigue wasn’t enough to silence my nightmares though. Visions of Ben torturing my wolves, destroying their packs and claiming them as his own cycled through my dreams. Sometimes Raul was there, watching the events unfold with a depraved smile on his face. The nightmare grew progressively more terrifying but I couldn’t wake myself no matter how many times I told myself it wasn’t real.

  The feel of fingers being dragged up my arms, of a warm body spooning me from behind, pulled me back to the land of the living--finally.

  “Sam,” I murmured as I snuggled back into my mate.

  “Guess again,” a voice murmured in my ear.

  I tried to jump out of bed but his arms gripped me tight. “Raul,” I hissed.

  “Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.”

  My wolf rose to the surface, my shift tearing me from his grip. I launched myself out of bed only to realize I was no longer in my home. My wolf’s eyes adjusted to the darkness that encompassed the room. A king-sized bed dominated an otherwise empty room. Raul lounged on the bed as he smirked at me. I bared my fangs and unleashed a growl.

  “What are you doing to do, Liliana? Attack me? Kill me?” He laughed. “We both know you’re too gentle for that.”

  He was wrong about that. I stopped being gentle the day I found out I was going to be a mom. I had two more people far more precious than myself to protect now.

  He climbed out of bed and walked over to me, reaching his hand out as if he were about to pet me. I bit him… hard. My canine teeth latched onto his hand as I applied more pressure, whipping my head from side to side to shred the nerves and tendons beneath his flesh.

  He let out a howl of anger as his free hand collided with the side of my head. I snarled and launched myself at him. He held up his hand and my body halted in midair.

  My own magic whipped around inside me but I refused to reach out and touch it. I hadn’t had time to work with Daniel on my magic yet. I couldn’t risk my soul, and Adira’s, separating from my body while Raul held me captive.

  “You didn’t have this much fight in you when Ben took you? Are you mad that I only fucked you to hurt Sam? As if I’d want a human.”

  I growled, the only thing I was able to do in my suspended state. He smiled, thinking his words hurt me. I could care less why he’d pursued me. I had no interest in the man now. I did want to make him pay for hurting my mate though. Sam and I may be over but he was still the father of my children. I wanted revenge for him… for us.

  He walked over to my frozen form. The vindictive glint in his eye made a shiver run up my back. Had I been in human form, goose bumps would have surely sprouted along my flesh as his gaze held mine.

  “I’m going to make you pay for that bite,” he murmured as if speaking to a lover. “Or maybe I should make them pay for your disobedience.” His meaning was punctuated by his bloodied hand as it reached out to caress my stomach. Even in wolf form, the fact that I was swollen with pregnancy was obvious.

  I lost all cognizant thought at that moment. My fragile hold on my magic snapped. My power reached out, intent to choke the life out of him. He had dared to threaten my babies and I was determined to make sure he didn’t live long enough to regret it.

  I could feel his hold on my lupine body fade as I slipped back into my human form. There was no pain from the shift. One second, I was the wolf and the next I was not. My magic never wavered even as I felt his reaching for me. It was a pitiful power, weak. I batted it away with my mind. He was nothing compared to me. I’d never felt more alive.

  Magic permeated the air as his face began to change colors. As Raul futilely gasped for air I would never let him have, I looked down at my hand. With barely a thought, it shifted into a paw. The claws grew longer than my wolf normally had, sharpened to a wicked point.

  A smile full of malice filled my face as I stepped closer to the man. There were no words to be said. I felt no need to drag out my moment of revenge. I simply reached out, slashing his throat so deep that I felt my nails scrape against his spinal cord. My magic released him as soon as the light faded from his eyes.

  His body fell to the ground with a sickening thump as I came back to myself.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered as tears filled my eyes. I forged down the urge to vomit as I started down at his lifeless corpse.

  When my power took hold, I had lost myself. My humanity was gone and so was my wolf. I felt her come roaring back into her place within my chest. The witch magic had taken over completely.

  I didn’t have time to dwell on it. I had to figure out where I was and get the hell out before another elder came.

  My eyes dashed around the room, carefully avoiding Raul. I ran to the door as soon as I spotted it and yanked on the handle. It was locked from the inside… with a key. I cursed before turning back to the fallen alpha. It made no sense for the key to be anywhere other than on his person.

  I didn’t look at him as I dug through his pockets. His blood had soaked into his clothes, leaving its residue on my hands as I rummaged. I felt like the worst sort of person. I killed a man and now I was robbing his corpse.

  Stop. You had no choice. Adira’s voice echoed in my mind. I nodded to my wolf as my fingers wrapped around the cool metal of the key. I wasted no time getting back to the exit.

  I slid the key into the lock, twisting until I heard the tell tale sign of the bolt sliding free. As I pulled the door open slowly, I prayed there was no one on the other side.



  “Wake the fuck up,” Tessa screeched as ice cold water splashed over the length of my body. I shot up in bed cursing as the chill caused my body to shiver.

  “What the hell dude?” I yelled.

  “Lily,” she began.

  My groan cut her off. “I don’t want to talk about it. She’ll get over me. She’s done it before.”

  “She’s missing, you idiot. Get upI”

  Her command was unnecessary. I shot out of bed as soon as she said the word missing. I stumbled slightly as I stood, the alcohol warring with the sobering effects of fear.

  “What happened?” I demanded.

  “Oh now you care about her,” she mumbled.

  “Tess,” I snapped.

  “I don’t know what happened! After she bawled her eyes out all night because you’re an asshole, she went to bed. I went to check on her this morning and she was gone.”

  “What makes you think she didn’t just go out for some fresh air?”

  She rolled her eyes at my question. “You mean other than the fact that the alpha council wants her dead? The room reeked of magic. Someone worked a powerful spell in there. Lily may have power but not like that. It was definitely someone else. My dad is trying to track her now.”

  I shook my head to clear it before looking down at my boxer clad body. “Two minutes and we can go.”

  “Make it five. You smell like a distillery. I’ll meet you in the car.”

  After the world’s fastest shower, I brushed my teeth and ran down to meet her.

  “Here,” she slammed a vial into my chest as soon as I shut the car door behind me. “Drink up.”

  “What is it?”

  “Sobering potion. Bottoms up.”

  I sighed, pulling the cork out. I gagged as soon as the scent hit my nose. Holy shit. “That’s rancid.”

  “Tastes even worse,” she smiled at my expense. When she peeled out of my driveway, my stomach lurched at the motion as my head spun. I eyed the chunky brown
concoction she handed me before I plugged my nose and shot it back.

  It took every ounce of willpower I could muster to keep it down. She wasn’t wrong. It definitely tasted worse. It did its job though. Almost instantly, the mind numbing effects of the alcohol lifted. I felt energized and alert.

  “What’s the plan?” I asked.

  “My dad finds out where Lil is, and then we save her. That’s all I got so far.”

  “Good enough for me.” We both descended into silence after that. My thoughts tormented me the entire ride. My mind continuously concocting horrifying scenarios of things Liliana could be forced to endure. Tess parked in the hidden alcove off the highway and hopped out.

  “Why didn’t you just magic us here?” I asked as we began our way to the arch entrance.

  “A twenty minute drive and you’re just now asking? Maybe that potion wasn’t strong enough,” she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “I can’t magic us there. My dad essentially put the compound on magical lock down so no one else can be taken.”

  “Who else would they even want to take? Lily is clearly the priority.”

  “Um… maybe you, ya’ big dummy.”

  I shook my head before entering the pack lands.

  On the other side of the barrier, Daniel stood with Nate and Ryan.

  “Chancellor Warren,” I greeted.

  “Sam,” his response was curt as he glared at me. Looking around, they all had looks of anger and disappointment on their faces. They didn’t get it. No one did. Lily was better off without me. I was a plague on her life. It wasn’t like I wanted to leave her and our kids but I’d do anything to keep my family safe. Even if that meant not being with them.

  “Link arms,” Daniel commanded. We all stepped forward. I found myself positioned between Nate and Ryan as we awaited our next order. “Hold your breath and don’t let go.”

  He began to chant, his voice growing stronger with each recitation. The ground began to tremble beneath us as I felt my body begin to morph. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. My skin rippled as my body began to contort and shrink in on itself. I held onto the others for dear life.

  I shrunk down to what felt like the size of an ant, my vision completely gone. Before I could adjust to the sensation, we rocketed away. Within moments we began to unfold. We all hit the ground, a collective oof escaping us on impact as we swayed with arms still linked.

  “You can let go now,” the chancellor said as he strode toward a building in the distance.

  “Wait there could be-” I never got the chance to finish. There was a rustling in the overgrown brush beside us. It was the only indicator we had before wolves began to launch themselves at us from various directions.

  I didn’t even have time to shift before the first wolf went for my face. I held my forearm up to protect myself. His teeth were buried into my flesh. My only defense was hitting him with my bare fist.

  Daniel held his arms out wide as they began to glow an angry red so bright that it took my attention away from the beast that bit me. He clapped his arms together, elbows locked, and our enemies crumpled to the ground. Pained howls echoed around us as the wolves writhed in pain. Their bodies slowly morphed into their human form as we watched.

  “Did you just lock away their wolves?” Nate asked.

  Daniel confirmed our suspicion as he continued to walk toward the house where Lily was being held.

  “Wait,” Nate said. “That’s not fair. They’re under the orders of the Alpha Council. They don’t have a choice. It’s not fair to condemn them to a painful death.”

  “Calm yourself,” Daniel replied as he used his magic to unlock the front door. “I’ll release their wolves after we get out of here. I’m not in the business of murdering people with no free will.”

  Nate murmured an apology as we crept into the building. The scent of blood was so strong it overwhelmed my senses. My wolf howled in fear within me as I took off to identify the source. Fear for Lily overrode my rationale. I had to find her, had to see with my own two eyes that she was okay. She had to be. I couldn’t fathom any other outcome.



  I crept through the hall, trying my hardest to move silently. Fear for my children was a powerful motivator. I need to keep them safe at all costs.

  As I turned a corner, I smashed into another body. I fell on my ass but jumped back up, my body curling in defensively before I realized that the person I had crashed into was Sam.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I spat. Apparently, the time for tears was over. Seeing his face now just pissed me off.

  “Rescuing you,” he replied.

  “I can save myself. I already did,” I snapped as I walked around him.

  “Lily,” he whispered.

  “Save it.”

  He reached out and touched my arm before I made it very far. I whipped around and glared at him. “You made yourself perfectly clear. We’re done. I don’t need you. I’m a big girl. I am a fucking alpha werewolf with magic. I can take care of my-damn-self.”

  A low whistle sounded behind me. “Well damn, Alpha. Good to see you’re alright.” Even in my anger, Ryan coaxed a smile out of me. I walked over and gave my beta a hug before Tessa shoved him out of the way and wrapped her arms around me.

  “You gave me a heart attack!” She shouted.

  “You? I’m the one who woke up in a strange bedroom with Raul next to me,” I said as I squeezed my bestie back. “How did that happen, by the way?”

  “He scried for you and put you in a deep sleep once he found you. After that, it’s nothing to transport a sleeping person,” Daniel explained.

  I gave him and Nate a hug, ignoring Sam.

  “I-I killed Raul. He’s in the room around the corner at the end of the hall. He was a hybrid, too.”

  “Impossible,” Sam said from behind me. “He doesn’t have the hybrid scent.”

  “Well, he used magic to stop me from moving so…” I trailed off.

  “Tessa, take care of it. I’m going to take Lily home. You bring the others,” Daniel ordered.

  “But Dad,” she began to protest.


  He pressed his hand into the small of my back and began to lead me out of the house. I knew I shouldn’t but I glanced over my shoulder at Sam anyway. He looked so sad, so lost. My heart ached for him, but I couldn’t keep letting it break for him. I sighed and returned my gaze forward as we exited.

  “What happened?” Daniel asked the moment we were out of earshot. “It reeked of dark magic in there.”

  “I… don’t know. I lost control. He threatened the babies and I snapped. I... felt like a bystander in my own body.”

  He remained silent for a moment before grabbing my arm. “That’s incredibly dangerous, Lily. I think you need to come stay on the witch compound with me until you gain control of your magic. It’s only going to grow stronger.”

  “I can’t, Daniel. I understand your concerns, but I’m an alpha. My wolves need me.”

  He nodded. “Then I’ll stay on the pack lands until you learn to control your power.”

  I agreed before he transported us back to my packlands. My wolves, and a good majority of Sam’s, waited in the clearing outside of the apartment buildings to greet us.

  After way too many hugs, Ember ushered me away from the crowd to the house she’d set up her clinic in.

  “Have you been feeling any pain? Dizziness? Anything unusual?” she asked.

  “No, not at all.”

  “I’d like to examine you anyway.”

  I assented. I changed into a gown once we arrived and climbed up onto the table. The fabric clung to my swollen belly as I Iay back on the exam table.

  Ember frowned at my stomach as she laid a blanket over my legs and pulled the gown up to expose my abdomen.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Maybe nothing,” she answered quickly. I stared at her as she squirted the cool jelly onto my stomach.r />
  After the ultrasound, she made me put my legs into the stirrups. The exam was quick.

  “Lily, I really don’t know how to say this…” She began.

  My heart leapt into my throat as I anxiously awaited the rest of her sentence.

  “But you’re going to be having the babies sooner than I thought. They’re developing faster than the average shifter pregnancy. I’d say you have a month maybe a month and a half before delivery.”

  The breath I held escaped in a rush of relief. The idea of having the twins even sooner scared me, but it wasn’t nearly as terrifying as the thought that something was wrong with them.

  “Alright. I guess it’s time to set up the nursery then,” I quipped.

  She smiled. “Probably a good idea.”

  I returned home to find Sam sitting on my front steps.

  I started speaking as soon as he opened his mouth. “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. You wanted to be done. We’re done. If it isn’t something pertaining to our children or our wolf drama, I want nothing to do with you.”

  He closed his mouth, his eyes sad as he gazed at me. Longing flickered in his eyes but I tried not to let it affect me. He’d broken my heart twice now. I had to protect myself.

  “Are they alright? Are you?” He asked once he found his voice.

  I relayed the information Ember had given me.

  “I can go get the crib tomorrow,” he offered.

  “I’ll take care of setting my nursery up. You worry about your own.”

  “Lily, I-”

  “I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. I told you we were stronger together, that we needed to be a team, and hours later you broke up with me. I want a partner, Sam. Not someone who can’t see me as an equal.”

  I walked past him and into my house. The tears began to fall as soon as I shut the door behind me. I guess I hadn’t totally cried myself out yet.

  I curled up in a ball on the couch, too afraid to sleep in my bed, but I didn’t get a chance to fully wallow in my heartbreak.


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