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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

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by Brooke Summers

  Forbidden Lust

  The Kingpin Series Book 1

  Brooke Summers


  1. Mia

  2. Hudson

  3. Mia

  4. Mia

  5. Hudson

  6. Mia

  7. Hudson

  8. Mia

  9. Hudson

  10. Mia

  11. Mia

  12. Hudson

  13. Hudson

  14. Mia

  15. Hudson

  16. Hudson

  17. Mia

  18. Hudson

  More of The Kingpin Series

  Are You Following Brooke?


  Forbidden Lust

  First Edition published in 2020

  Text Copyright © Brooke Summers

  All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  Cover Design by Lee Ching of Undercover Designs.

  Formatter Kristine Moran of the Word Fairy.

  Editing by Lisa Flynn of Simply Writing.

  Proofread by Gemma Woolley of Gem’s Precise Proofreads and by Nicole Wilson.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum

  For you, for taking the time to read this story.



  "Mia!" Sarah cries and I quickly pull on my strappy heels, throwing open the bathroom door I narrow my eyes as she claps her hands like a seal. "You look hot!" She smiles widely, "Are you planning on handing in your V-card tonight?"

  I roll my eyes, that's all she's focused on. "No plans to." This has been a constant discussion between us in the last month, I haven’t found anyone who I’m attracted to and I’m worried that there’s something wrong with me.

  She huffs at me as she flicks her blond hair over her shoulder, "Mia, you're going to college, no one goes to college as a virgin anymore."

  "Shut up." I say as I throw my bag on the floor, "I'm ready whenever you are." My nerves are setting in, I've never done anything like this before, if Mom knew what Sarah and I have planned she'd go crazy, she believes that I'm staying at Sarah's and Sarah's mom thinks she's staying with me tonight.

  She claps her hands together and grins, "Let’s go, I'm so excited. Tonight is going to be epic." She links her arm through mine and we walk out of the motel room and towards the BART station, four stops and we’ll be in San Fran. My excitement is building as the adrenaline courses through my body.

  Walking up to the club, there’s a long line and I sigh, the longer we wait the more nervous I’m going to get, but Sarah grabs my hand and practically drags me toward the front of the line, causing a lot of groans from the people in the queue as we pass them and I instantly feel bad. I’d be pissed too if someone was cutting the line. “Hey Jagger.” Sarah purrs as we come to a stop.

  Jagger’s at least six foot seven along with having tattoos snaking across his neck and when combined with his shaven head, gives him a menacing aura. He takes a sweeping glance at both Sarah and I, a smile spreading across his face. “Damn Sarah, looking good.” He winks as he holds out his hands and we both pass him the fake IDs Sarah’s brother Frankie got for us. He doesn’t really pay much attention to them as his gaze is directed on Sarah’s chest, he just hands them back to us, “Have a wonderful night ladies.” He nods his head indicating for us to go on ahead.

  Both Sarah and I casually stroll into the club, while inside I’m squealing. I can’t believe we managed to get in. “Look a table, Mia, grab it and I’ll get us some drinks.” She instructs. My feet move toward the empty table and I take a sweeping glance around the club. It’s crazy busy already, there’s people talking and having fun while others are on the dance floor, the one thing they all have in common, is their bright smiles.

  "Let's toast!" Sarah says loudly trying to be heard over the music as she hands me a drink. "To us, may we achieve everything we set our minds to. May we be happy wherever in this world we may end up, and lastly, may we forever be friends!" I raise my hand and our glasses clink against one another. "Mia, we've been friends since first grade, we've been through a lot and made it out the other end. Thank you for being here with me tonight."

  Sarah and I have been friends since first grade, we along with six other girls had been inseparable since then. We’d do anything and everything together. We all had our weddings planned out, with the other seven girls being bridesmaids. That was up until two months ago when Sarah slept with Riley just after he had broken up with Lola. Yes, Sarah went against girl code but she didn't deserve the brutal shunning that all the girls gave her, I wouldn't be a part of that and I too was shunned. It showed me that they were never truly my friends if they could turn against me that quickly.

  I give Sarah a warm smile, "I'm so glad that we came, I already feel lighter." I've been so stressed about going to college, it's going to be the furthest I've ever been away from home and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it.

  "Let's enjoy our last night together. Tomorrow is a new chapter." Sarah tells me. I’m going to miss her like crazy, she's going to New York to try and pursue a career in fashion. She wants to be anywhere but Oakland. She’s happy to get away from the crap she’s been dealing with.

  "You want to dance?" She asks and I shake my head, I'm not in the mood yet. I'm not a great dancer and it takes it a while to gather the courage to let loose. "Suit yourself." She winks at me and leaves me at the table as she saunters off to the dance floor. Within seconds she's dancing with a guy, a beautiful smile on her face, she's so happy, it's good to see especially after her feeling down the past couple of months.

  I stand here and watch silently as I sip on my drink. I can feel eyes on me, the heat from their gaze makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Turning around I can’t see anyone in particular who’s making me feel this way. Shaking my head I turn back to the dance floor. Sarah’s having so much fun, she’s really letting her hair down and relaxing. She smiles and waves over at me as the song changes and her eyes light up, its Cardi B’s Bodak Yellow that fills the club, “Mia,” She calls as she raises her arms in the air and her body begins to sway.

  Downing the drink, I place the glass on the table and make my way over to Sarah, my hips swaying as I do so. Sarah reaches her hands out as I get closer to her and she pulls me toward her, both of us getting lost in the music and dancing away. Tonight, neither of us have any problems, we’re living in the moment.

  I manage to stay out dancing for six songs before I need a rest. Walking over to the bar, I order us Margaritas, I manage to get the table we were at when we first came in and place the two drinks down. Peering up at Sarah who’s dancing alone, I’ve not seen her this happy for a long time, even before she slept with Riley.

  A shadow falls over the table and I look up, and my breath catches as a gorgeous man stands before me. Jet black hair, piercing brown eyes and a smirk that screams bad boy, not to mention the tattoo that’s peeking out from his shirt collar. "You alone?" His deep and gravely tone sends tingles down my spine. I instinctively know that he was the one who was staring at me earlier, the person
who made the hair on my neck stand up.

  My tongue sweeps across my bottom lip as I stare, mesmerized by him. I shake my head, "No, I'm here with a friend."

  His eyebrow raises in question, "Friend?"

  "Yeah, friend." I tell him and I glance over at Sarah, she's now dancing with the guy she had danced with earlier.

  His lips twitch, "That's good."

  "Oh and why is that?" I ask, my voice husky. I can't believe that I'm flirting with this guy. I’ve never flirted with anyone, I’m usually the shy one, the girl that gets overlooked because my friends are amazing.

  "Because you're coming home with me tonight and I'd hate to break up a relationship."

  I splutter, "I'm sorry, says who?" How dare he?

  "Says me." He smiles and God, he's beautiful.

  "I'll think about it." I don't know what the hell has gotten into me tonight but I'm tempted to go home with him.

  His smile widens, "You do that." He slowly walks away, his eyes boring into me as he does so. I can't take my eyes off of him.

  "Who's the hunk?" I spin on my seat, my heart beating fast as I come face to face with Sarah, her eyes on the crowd that the guy just disappeared into.

  Taking a sip of my drink, trying to steady the rhythm of my pulse. The tequila is strong but the lime takes the edge off of it. "I don't know."

  "So, are you going home with him?"

  I gape at her, "How the hell did you hear that?"

  She shrugs, "I didn't, I can lip read. You should totally do it."

  “I don’t know, I don’t even know his name. Hell he just asked if I was alone and then told me that I was going home with him.” What the hell has gotten into me? I would think that was an ultimate turnoff and yet, I find it sexy as hell.

  Her eyes widen and a slow smirk forms on her lips, “That is hot! Look, see how you feel by the end of the night. You can go with him and see where it takes you. No one is pressuring you to do anything, if they do, I’ll kick their ass.” She winks at me as she picks the Margarita up and takes a sip, “He really is hot.”

  I nod, “Yeah he is.” He’s freaking gorgeous. “What about you? You going home with that guy?”

  She waves her hand dismissively, “I’m not sure, we’re just dancing at the moment. I’d love to go home with Jagger, but I don’t see that happening.”


  She tips her chin behind me and I turn and see Jagger standing by the door, his arm around some girl’s waist as they talk. “That’s why. She’s Carina, she’s his on and off again girlfriend. The last I heard they were off permanently. Guess that’s no longer the case.”

  Shit, gone is her happiness and in its place is the usual defeated, sad Sarah that I’m used to seeing. “His loss, come on, let’s go and dance again.”

  We both finish our drinks and she smiles, “You’re right. It’s his loss. Besides, it’s not as though I’m going to see him again after tomorrow so what’s the point?”

  Linking my arm through hers we make our way to the dance floor, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up once again, turning I see the dark-haired sexy God standing at the back of the club with his arms crossed looking at Sarah and I. My heart begins to race as his eyes rake over my body.

  “Mia, I’ve never seen you so flustered before.” Sarah says as we dance, “You keep glancing at the back of the club, is he there?”

  “Yes, he hasn’t taken his eyes off of us.”

  She scoffs, “Oh Mia, my sweet, sweet Mia. His eyes are not on me.”

  “What am I going to do Sarah?” This is all so new to me, I’ve no idea what to do, and I don’t even know what to say or how to act. I should forget it and go back to the motel with Sarah.

  “Mia, that’s something I can’t tell you. What does your head tell you?”

  I laugh, “To run back to the motel.”

  She smiles, “And your heart?”

  I throw my head back and groan, “My heart wants to go and see what happens.”

  She pulls me into her arms, “Your head wants to protect your heart, and you have to decide which one you want to follow.”

  I nod, “I guess it’s going to be a decision I make when the time comes.”

  “That time is going to come sooner than you realize.” She laughs, “Mia, it’s almost closing.”

  Glancing around the club, the throbbing crowd from earlier is thinning, I catch sight of a guy holding his girl's shoes as they leave the club hand in hand. A cheer rings out, turning, I see a guy downing his beer being egged on by his friends. Damn, she’s right. “One more drink?” It may help me make a decision.

  She shrugs, “Yeah sure, we are celebrating after all.”

  Fifteen minutes later and the club is closing, I glance around and see that the mystery man is gone. That makes up my mind anyway. Sarah isn’t leaving with anyone either. I’m not upset; I’ve actually had an amazing night.

  “Ladies.” A deep voice says as we reach the door.

  I turn around and see Jagger standing there waiting for us, “Hey,” I say softly, but he doesn’t respond, his eyes darkening as they take in Sarah.

  “Hey Jagger, did you have a good night?” She asks softly, a flirty smile on her lips.

  His tongue darts out and swipes at his bottom lip. “I’m hoping it’s about to get a hell of a lot better, sweetness. You want to come back to my place?”

  Sarah instantly nods, and I suck in a sharp breath. Damn, what is with these men and the way they can make us lose our minds? “Jag,” Sarah says turning to face him, her brow furrowed, “Do you know her mystery man?”

  A cocky grin appears on his face, “Describe him. I know a lot of people.”

  “Tall, jet black hair, piercing brown eyes.” Heat rises in my cheeks as I describe him. “He has a tattoo on his neck.”

  “Sugar,” He says a bright smile on his face, “take a seat and wait a moment, your man’s coming for you.” The last couple of party goers leave, making us the only ones left here. Sarah walks up to Jagger, and he wastes no time in wrapping his arms around her. I have to look away as they make gooey eyes at each other. “He’s a good man, he’ll treat you right.” He tells me, and I feel a little less anxious about staying here.

  Sarah rushes over to me, “Remember what I said, do whatever you want, today is our last day here Mia, I want it to be one we remember. Meet me back at the motel at six, that way we’ll be home and no one will notice.”

  “Okay, have fun,” I whisper to her, nerves and excitement starting to settle in me. He didn’t leave, he’s still here. I’m really tempted to go back with him and see where this goes.

  Her smile is infectious, “Oh, trust me, I will.” Jagger pulls his keys out of his pocket and takes a step toward the exit. Sarah looks back at me, hesitates and places a hand on Jagger’s chest to stop him. “Do you want us to wait with you?”

  I shake my head, “No, you two go and have fun.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sarah calls out as they leave, Jagger locking up behind him, leaving me alone in this club.

  I take out my cell from the hidden pocket in my dress; there are no missed calls or texts. I’m not sure why I thought there would be, Mom has no reason to believe I’m not at Sarah’s house. I’ve been there a million times before.

  I quickly send a message to Sarah’s brother, Frankie. He’s like my brother too; he’s been a part of my life for a long time. I’ve not seen much of him since he joined the Military. He’s a SEAL, and a good one at that.

  Be safe out there and come home to us.

  I’m going to miss him, but I’m proud of him, he’s doing what he’s wanted to do since he was a teenager. He replies instantly.

  You know me, nothing can bring me down.

  I shake my head, he’s such an ass.

  Frankie I’m being serious. Be safe.

  His reply makes me sad as I don’t know when the next time we’ll see each other will be.

  Always Mia, look after yourself and I’ll see you so

  Putting my cell back in my pocket, I glance around the club, it’s completely empty and looks so different than when it’s open. The bar is black and when the main lights are on it looks fluorescent. It’s such a cool feature, but makes it look ordinary once the lights aren’t on.

  Hands run down my arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “Sorry for the delay.” His deep voice settles over me, making my heart race. “Thank you for waiting.”

  I turn to face him. It’s weird being the only ones left in the club. “No worries,” I reply softly, unsure of myself and what I’m doing here.

  His hand comes up to my chin, and his fingers tilt my face up so that I’m looking into those gorgeous brown eyes of his, I could get lost in them, “Do you want to come with me?”

  My tongue darts out and licks my bottom lip, I’m nervous, and it’s showing. “Yes. I want to come with you.”

  He leans down, and his mouth captures mine. This isn’t soft and sweet like I thought it would be, it’s hard and consuming. Our lips are closed, but it doesn’t matter. It’s still the best kiss I’ve ever had and if this is a preview of what’s to come then sign me up. “Ready?” He asks as he pulls away from me.

  I nod, I’m unable to talk, he’s left me breathless.

  “Good.” He smirks and helps me to my feet. His hand on the base of my back, he leads us to the door which he unlocks and then leads me out of the club. The fresh air fills my lungs as I wait for him to lock the club up, when he’s finished he leads me into a waiting car. Shit, he has a chauffeur. Climbing into the back, he gets in beside me, and his hand grips my thigh. His fingers begin to slowly caress my leg. Heat rises throughout my body, and I squeeze my legs together as liquid pools there. Shit, I’ve never been so turned on from someone touching me before. Leaning closer, his lips graze the outer shell of my ear. “I can’t wait to get you inside my house. I can’t wait to finally have you, watching you all night has been driving me crazy.” He whispers, and I whimper. “We’re going to have fun tonight.”


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