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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

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by Brooke Summers

  I don’t know how much time passes before we reach his house, but it only seems like minutes. He’s been driving me crazy the entire drive, his fingers caressing my skin, going higher and higher up my leg but never going anywhere near my panties. His breath hot against my ear as he whispered what he wanted to do to me when he got me inside. He helps me out of the car, placing his hand on the base of my back. I’m hot and bothered, I need him, and I have no idea how or why, but I know that I do.

  As soon as we enter the house, he’s on me. His mouth fusing against mine, his tongue sweeping into my mouth and our teeth clashing. It’s hot, wild, and brutal. It’s amazing. My hands go to his shirt, wanting, no needing to touch him. “The first time is going to be quick. I hope you didn’t plan on getting any sleep tonight. I have plans for you.” He growls as he pulls my dress over my head, leaving me standing in my panties and heels. His eyes darken as he rakes over my body. “I’m going to have so much fun with you.”



  “Boss, we’ve got a problem.” Jagger’s southern drawl comes over the line.

  “What?” I ask. It’s almost ten, and I’ve just sat down in my office. That fucking bitch Carina texted me asking me if she can have an advance. She’s crazy, I’m not her man, and she doesn’t work for me, I don’t owe her shit, and yet she has the cheek to ask me to give her drugs without paying. In her fucking dreams.

  “Kane’s body has been found.” He tells me, peering at the camera outside, he's in the shadows, away from the crowd of people waiting to get in. Jagger's my bouncer along with being my right-hand man.

  I shake my head. He’s been missing for two days. I knew he was dead; there’s no way he’d go that long without checking in. “What happened?”

  “Bullet between the eyes.” He says matter-of-factly.

  This is a message, whoever shot him wanted to send a message. I’ve received it loud and clear. They're not going to get away with this. You don't execute my men and live to tell the tale.

  "Find out who did it!"

  "Boss, I already know. It was Healy."

  "Why the fuck are those Irish gangsters killing my men?" They've crossed the line. We didn't have any problems until now.

  "Seems as though Kane was playing around with Healy's daughter…” There’s a pause, Jagger’s fucking pissed. “Boss, she's sixteen." He bites out.

  Fuck, I would have killed Kane myself, that asshole was twenty-nine, you don't do that shit with a sixteen-year-old.

  "I'll call Healy and see what the fuck is up." He should have come to me. I would have dealt with Kane. "Make sure Carina stays the hell away from my club tonight Jagger. I'm sick of dealing with her pathetic ass. We're not a charity, I don't give anything away for free."

  His sigh is heavy, "She still at that crap? Don't worry Boss, I'll make sure that she doesn't show up."

  "Good, I don't want her stepping foot in the club, she's bad for business." She's a mess. That woman's so high she could be a damn kite. "It's time you got rid of her Jag."

  He's silent for a beat. "Are you demanding I get rid of her?"

  I grind my teeth together. I wish I could tell him to, but I'm not a prick. Well, not all the time. "No, it's your life, do as you please. I'm telling you as a friend that she's toxic."

  "I know you don't like her Hudson, but trust me, I know what I'm doing." This is the same speech he's been giving me for almost two years now.

  "If you say so. I'll talk to you later. I have Healy to deal with." I tell him and hang up.

  I scroll through my cell until I come to John Healy's name. Hitting call, I grit my teeth as I listen to it ring. My hand is shaking with rage the longer I wait for him to answer.

  "I've been waiting for this call," John says as he answers.

  "John, you should have fucking called me," I say through gritted teeth.

  He sighs, "I was planning to, but as soon as JJ found out what that piece of shit had been doing to his sister, all politeness left. I had to make a call: be with my son while he dealt with the fuck who defiled his little sister, or give you a courtesy call."

  I'm silent as I let what he's just said digest. What would I have done if I were in his shoes?

  "Look, Hudson, I respect you a hell of a lot more than I do your old man and I'll respect whatever decision you make in regards to what's going to happen to us. If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't even hesitate.”

  "How many people know what happened?" I ask. I've already made my decision.

  "My family and obviously your men." He replies instantly, confusion in his voice.

  "How many know you didn't talk to me beforehand?"

  "None, I've not said anything, and JJ has asked, but I told him to mind his damn business. Hudson, what the hell are you thinking?" He snaps. Like me, he hates games and even though I'm not playing one, I am holding out on him.

  "It was sanctioned. I gave you the go-ahead after you came to me." This could go fucking south, but if it does, I'll slaughter the lot of them. "Betray me John, and I'll unleash holy hell on you and your family."

  "I wouldn't Hudson, how long have I known you? When have I ever given you the impression that I'd do that?" He’s right. He’s never done anything for me to believe he’d betray me. I don't trust him, not fully, but I do consider him a close ally. "I owe you, and big time. You need me, call. I don't care what it's for. Understand?"

  "I understand John. I'll talk to you soon."

  "Thank you Hudson, you're a good man." He tells me and hangs up, leaving me to laugh. I'm not a good man, I'm the son of the drug and gun kingpin. We're the biggest supplier on the west coast. If I were in charge, I’d change up the whole fucking organization.

  Having me say I gave the go-ahead for Kane's murder could mean a lot of crap for me to deal with. Everything is meant to go through Dad. My boys call me Boss as I'm their boss, but I still have to answer to my boss... My dad. He's going to have something to fucking say about this, but I couldn't give a fuck. I'll be taking over one day, and when I do, I'll be doing things a hell of a lot differently.

  "Boss," Barney growls, opening the door and walking into my office, without even asking. "Matt and Carmine. They're fucking morons." He's pissed because he's having to babysit them tonight.

  "What have they done now?" I don’t move my focus from the screen in front of me as I watch a young man move from person to person an easy smile on his face as he greets them all with a handshake. I shake my head, seeing the birthday pin on his top. He’s celebrating his twenty-first. "They're in a fucking strip club right now, drunk as skunks. I'm not a babysitter, why the hell should I have to watch their asses?"

  I sigh, "You fucked up Barney, you almost started a war with Antonio Conte. Dad's pissed so until someone else fucks up and he has someone else to hate, you're on the shit jobs."

  "His sister's hot, all three of them. I don't understand what the fuss is about? She was as willing as I was." He has a big smile on his face, he damn well knows what the problem is.

  "Get out of my office, and do some damn work," I tell him, as I glance once more at the screen before my eyes narrow in on a woman standing at a table; long raven hair, strappy shoes, legs that go on for miles. Her ass is barely covered in the tight, light pink dress she's wearing. She's got curves that have my dick stirring.

  "Something interesting Boss?" Barney quips and I fire him a look, one that has him scurrying for the door.

  Glancing back at the screen, she's with a blonde woman, and no man seems to be around them. I get up out of my chair and make my way onto the club floor. I stand at the bar, hidden by the crowds of people, but I'm able to see her. She turns almost as if she's able to feel my stare. Holy shit, she's fucking beautiful. She shakes her head and turns back to look out onto the dance floor. I'm unable to take my eyes off her.

  "Hey Hudson," that whiny fake voice sets my teeth on edge, I don't turn to face her, however. I scan the crowd to look for Jagger. He needs to remove her ass from my

  Her hand touches my shoulder, and I shrug her off, "Don't fucking touch me." I bite out as I glare at her. Her make up is all over the place, are those fake eyelashes? Why the hell are they falling off? Her tits are practically falling out of her dress. I roll my eyes. She really is a disaster. "What are you doing here Carina?"

  She glares right back at me, she has no respect. "I wanted to talk to you. You didn't respond to my message."

  I get in her face, "Get your skanky ass out of my club. I'm not your dealer, I don't give freebies. Get yourself cleaned up. You look a fucking state."

  "How dare you?" She screams, her face getting red with rage.

  "My bad, Boss," Jagger says as his arm goes around her waist and he drags her away.

  I stare at the fucking moron as he pulls her into a corner and they talk. He really needs to get rid of her.

  I glance back toward the table the woman was at and see she's gone. Her glass is still there so she mustn't have left the club. I search for her friend on the dance floor, they’re dancing together, looking as though they don't have a care in the world. She makes her way to the bar after a couple of songs, she’s in her own world. She doesn’t even notice the appreciative looks she’s getting from the men in the club. She makes her way back to the table. This is my opportunity to introduce myself.

  She takes a sip from her cocktail. The salt around the rim of the glass tells me it’s a Margarita. I wait until she places her drink down before walking over to her. She glances up at me as I reach the table. Her fucking eyes are magnificent, emerald green. "You alone?" I watch as she shivers. I already know that she's with her friend.

  Her tongue peeks out and sweeps across her bottom lip as she stares at me, I can picture her licking my dick from base to tip. She shakes her head, "No, I'm here with a friend."

  My eyebrows raise in question, "Friend?” Are they waiting for their men to join them?

  "Yeah, friend." She glances at her friend on the dance floor, before turning back to face me, her cheeks a slight shade of pink, damn she’s cute.

  I fight the urge to smile, "That's good."

  "Oh, and why is that?" Holy fuck, her voice is husky, and I want her to say my name with that tone. Shit, my dick’s straining against my suit pants. Begging to be freed.

  "Because you're coming home with me tonight and I'd hate to break up a relationship," I tell her and watch as what I've just said registers with her.

  She splutters, "I'm sorry, says who?"

  "Says me." I smile. I like her. I want her in my bed.

  "I'll think about it." She says and not in a way to appease me. She's actually going to think about that.

  That only makes me smile harder, "You do that." Her eyes on me as I walk away.

  A couple of hours later and the club's closed. I've just finished cashing up and sorting everything out. My mystery woman is waiting for me by the bar, and I'm pleased that she hasn't left. I wasn't sure if she would stay or not. But damn, now that she has, I'm going to have a fucking good night. I need to get her to my house and get inside of her. There's something about her that's calling to me, I've been instantly attracted to a girl before, but this, this is different.

  Walking out of the club, Martin's waiting at the curb for us, he doesn’t say anything when she climbs into the back of the car, her dress riding up her thighs just a little. My hand reaches out, needing to touch her. I gently caress her thigh and her skin is smooth against my calloused hand, “I can’t wait to get you inside my house. I can’t wait to finally have you. Watching you all night has been driving me crazy.” I lean in and whisper, she whimpers, and that sound makes me hard again. “We’re going to have fun tonight.”

  My fingers caress her thighs the entire car ride, I’ve been driving myself fucking crazy touching her, but I know that she’s uneasy by the way she keeps glancing at me, her eyes filled with uncertainty. But as soon as I turn my focus onto her she eases. Martin finally pulls up outside my house, and I’m out of the car before he’s even switched the engine off. I help her out of the car, my hand going to her back as I lead her to the house.

  As soon as I close the door, I'm on her like a starved man. My tongue delves into her mouth, and I take everything she’s offering, those tiny whimpers of hers tell me how much she’s loving this. “The first time is going to be quick. I hope you didn’t plan on getting any sleep tonight. I have plans for you.” I growl as I pull her dress off over her head. She's standing in front of me in her underwear, fuck she's beautiful. “I’m going to have so much fun with you.”

  I pull off her panties, and her pussy is exposed to me. She tries to hide herself, but I stop her, pulling her hands away. "Show me." My voice is gruffer than I've ever heard it. "I'm going to eat that pussy later, but right now, my dick needs feeding," I tell her and watch as her eyes widen as I set my dick free from my pants.

  "Are you ready for this?" I ask her. She's standing there like a doe caught in the headlights.

  Her tongue peeks out of her mouth again, and she wets her lips. "Yes." She whispers.

  My hands immediately go to her hips, her skin like porcelain, delicate and soft. I lift her up and pin her to the wall, her legs wrap around my waist as her hands grip my neck. My lips descend on hers as I line her pussy up with my dick. As soon as I inch my way inside of her, the walls of her pussy clench. Fuck! She's tight, God, this is perfect. I take my time and inch slower into her, before withdrawing and doing it again, I've only moved a slight bit inside her.

  She whimpers, her fingernails digging into the skin around my neck. I can't take it anymore. I need to be sated, deep inside her. Pulling out of her once more, I thrust all the way inside of her. She screams out in pain as I break past the barrier, and I still. What. The. Fuck? She's a virgin? How? Why? Shit. I can't contemplate that right now as I'm dying to move, I'm buried inside the tightest pussy I've ever been in, and I need to move, but I can't hurt her. I won't hurt her. I've never been with a virgin before and fuck it feels good.

  I move a bit and see that she's not wincing in pain, I do it again this time pulling out and thrusting gently inside of her. She moans, her legs tightening around me. Oh, yeah. She's enjoying this now. "You okay?" I ask, and she nods, whimpering as I slide into her again.

  "Harder?" I need to make sure she's okay with it.

  "Yes, oh please, do something." She cries, and I do. I slam back into her and her hands grip my hair, I lose control completely, thrusting in and out of her like a mad man. I'm possessed, and I have no idea why. She's got me fucked up, and I don't care.

  "I'm going to come," I tell her as I feel the orgasm building.

  "Do it." She breathes in my ear and I thrust a few more times before exploding inside of her.

  "Next time, you're going to come," I promise her when I recover and am able to breathe. I carry her to my bedroom and lay her on the bed. "Let me take care of your pussy first," I say as I get down on my knees and open her up for me, damn, she’s red and puffy. I fucked her too hard for her first time.

  "No, it's okay." She says, trying to push me off.

  "Did you like what we just did?"

  She stills, "Yes."

  "Then trust me, you're going to love this," I promise her, and I get to work, showing her just how great oral sex is.

  Turning over, I feel emptiness. Opening my eyes, the bed is empty. Sitting up, I realize the house is quiet. Shit, she's gone. I reach for my cell and see that it's eight am, fuck. I hit dial on Jagger's number.

  "It's early. This had better be good." He gripes.

  "Is your girl gone?" I know he went home with my girl’s friend. Anyone's better than fucking Carina.

  "What?" He asks, and I realize I've just woke him up. "Shit. How did you know?"

  "Mine has gone too. Jag, find them." I demand and hang up. I instantly call Martin. "Martin, find that woman who I left the bar with last night. I don't care how you do it. Just do it." I hang up without letting him answer. I'm like a fucking mad man, I had one
night with the woman, and I'm desperate to see her again. Fuck, that's not right.

  My men had better find her; otherwise, I'm going to go crazy. I throw my phone, and it bounces off the wall, smashing into pieces. Why did she leave? Where the hell has she gone? I wasn't finished with her yet. "You can run Princess, but you can't hide. I'm going to find you, and when I do, I'm going to make you mine." I whisper. It's a promise. She's never getting away from me again.



  Twenty Months later

  Ugh, I'm dreading the drive home. It's summer break, and I've been summoned to return home.

  "Mia, are you sure it's okay that I tag along too?" Lacey asks as she stands by my bedroom door, "I mean you're meeting your stepdad for the first time." Her parents are in the Bahamas this summer and she’d be home alone if she went back to Carson City.

  I throw her a smirk, "I've spoken to Mom, she's expecting you. Apparently, her and daddy dearest are throwing a party." I roll my eyes. It sounds so pretentious and something that my mom would never do. I guess a lot of things have changed since she married Harrison Brady. They eloped two weeks ago. I only found out that they were married once they returned.

  She perks up, "A party?" She doesn’t really go to parties here, I think because I’m her only friend here in Arizona, she’s so shy around everyone at college and yet with me, she’s herself and I love her as if she were my sister, so hearing her perk up at the mention of a party surprises me.


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