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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

Page 12

by Brooke Summers

  "Mia!" Tina exclaims. "Stop, we'll talk about it later."

  Mia rolls her eyes and stands from the table, "I don't want to discuss it, Mom, you've said what you wanted, just leave it." Mia looks pissed.

  "You took what I said the wrong way." Tina stares at her daughter in despair.

  Mia shakes her head, "It's what you said Mom, there was no other way to take it." Tears are in her eyes as she walks out of the kitchen, leaving all of us wondering what the hell just happened.

  Lacey throws her napkin onto the table and pushes her chair from out under the table, "I'll go." She shakes her head at Tina, fuck how do I not know what the hell happened?

  "Lacey..." Tina begins, but Lacey shakes her head.

  "Mrs. Brady, I respect you a lot. You're like a second mom to me, and that's why I'm not going to say anything right now." Lacey walks toward the door. Once she gets there she turns and faces us, "I have to say this…” She says, and I want to laugh, she needs to make up her mind.

  “Mia's been through a lot, she's lost her dad, and she's hurt because you never told her you were dating or that you were getting married. I was surprised that she wanted to come here this summer, she wasn't planning to, especially when she found out about your marriage. But what you said to her," She shakes her head in disgust, "You hurt her more than anything." She walks out of the dining room without another word.

  I want to get up and go after her, but I need to find out what the hell just happened.

  "Tina, what's wrong?" I don't think I've ever heard my dad sound so... soft. "What did Mia take the wrong way?"

  Tina begins to weep softly, and Dad's beside her within seconds. "Tina, it can't be that bad..."

  "She hates me." She weeps, "I need to talk to her." She tells my dad as she stands and pushes past him and rushes out of the room.

  Dad sighs as he turns back to the table, "Jagger, Barney, would you give us a minute?"

  I sit back in my chair and cross my arms as I wait for the guys to vacate the room.

  "Son..." He begins as he reaches for his bottle of beer. "What the hell are you playing at?"

  My nostrils flare, "Dad...." I say through clenched teeth, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

  He shakes his head. "The business is yours," he says as if that's supposed to appease me. "I'm talking about this shit you're doing with Mia. Christ, are you fucking crazy?"

  I'm on my feet within seconds, "What I do is none of your business." How fucking dare he?

  "It is my business." He fires back, "She's family Hudson. How could you fucking sleep with her? I heard you two last night and again this morning. Our bedroom is below Mia's. I'm not stupid either son. I saw the way you two were the night of our party. Of all the women in the world, why did you have to pick her? Hudson you could have your pick of any woman out there, leave Mia alone." His hand bangs down on the table as he shouts at me.

  I place my hands down on the table and lean forward, so we're almost face to face. "I won't leave her alone. We're two consenting adults Dad. You have no say in what goes on between us."

  He throws the bottle across the room, the glass shattering as it impacts against the wall. "You have to realize Hudson, that just because you want something, it doesn't mean you can have it. She's your sister."

  I step back in disgust. This is exactly what Mia didn't want. "That's utter fucking bull, and you know it. Unless you're her father, then Dad, you've some explaining to do."

  His feet are silent against the tiled floor as he paces the room, "Hudson, don't be an ass. I'm serious, leave Mia alone. I don't understand you've been going crazy about finding this mystery girl for what two years now and then all of a sudden you're all over Mia. Are you trying to sabotage my marriage?"

  A bitter laugh escapes me, "I couldn't give two fucks about your marriage. The mystery girl is Mia Dad. It happened the night she came to Synergy. I won't leave her alone. We were together before you and Tina got together."

  "Fuck." His jaw is grinding.

  I laugh, "Tina doesn't want me near her daughter? I'm not a fucking monster." Well, not to Mia anyway.

  He cuts me a side glance, "She knows what you do, Hudson, she's not real happy that you're here while Mia is."

  "Wow, look at you Dad, you're a fucking peach!" I shouldn't be surprised, he's always put himself first. "How much of a hypocrite is Tina, huh? I mean she knew what you did and she still fucking slept with you. Oh, she also knew you were married, and that didn't stop her either. Yet I'm the bad guy."

  Movement in my peripheral vision. Fuck. Mia's standing there with doe eyes, "You were married when you and Mom started dating?" She shakes her head, "I don't even know that woman anymore." She turns around, and both Dad and I follow behind her.

  "Mia, why were you listening to their conversation?" Tina grabs her arm to stop her from going any further and I want to rip her arm away, Mia looks fucking gutted, and I want to hurt Tina for making her look that way.

  "Son, don't. This is between them." Dad whispers to me. He's right. Mia won't thank me for getting involved.

  Mia's laugh is bitter, "Oh, everything is someone else's fault. I mean, I just found out that you slept with a married man. You broke up a marriage Mom and yet I shouldn't have overheard a conversation where they were screaming at each other. What was I supposed to have done? Shoved ear-buds in my ears?"

  I bite back the chuckle. Damn Mia’s pissed.

  "Mia, you ready?" Lacey asks coming down the stairs, and I glance at her. She's wearing a short dress and heels. Turning my attention back to Mia, I see that she too is in a short fucking dress and heels. Her ass would be shown if she bent over.

  "Ready? Where are you going?" Tina asks looking between the girls.

  "Yep, ready." Mia smiles, and it's the first genuine smile I've seen on her beautiful face tonight.

  "Mia?" Tina asks again.

  "What, Mom? Am I grounded?"

  Tina's eyes roll skyward, "No, but I'd like to know where you're going."

  "Out." She replies as she grabs Lacey's hand and leaves the house, slamming the door behind her as she does.

  "Tina, leave her. She'll come home when she's ready. If you keep going, she's going to fight back harder."

  My eyes are on the door. I need to find out where the hell she is going. The way she is tonight, she could easily end up in an accident, or worse.

  "Tina, what the hell happened? You've been telling me that Mia is sweet and mild. You're upset and she's mad." Dad asks, and I turn my attention to Tina.

  She sighs, "Mia and I were talking about her dad and I. I made the mistake of telling her that Rob and I weren't in love, that we were only together because I was pregnant. Because of Mia."

  "Okay, but I still don't understand why Mia would be mad about that?" Dad questions, we're all getting the sense that there's more to this than just saying they didn't love each other.

  "Mia said that we shouldn't have got married. I told that her back then, things were different. She asked if I regretted it… I told her I did and didn't." She glances at Dad and I just as Martin and Jagger make an appearance behind her. "I thought she meant having a baby, but she meant marrying Rob. I love Mia, she's the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't regret having her. She took what I said in the wrong context." She begins to cry, and Dad pulls her into his arms, probably to get her out of my way, she told her daughter she wished she never had her, no wonder Mia's pissed.

  Jagger coughs, "Boss?"

  I give Dad a glance, he's got a gripping hold of Tina and consoling her. Fucking sap. I walk over to Martin and Jagger, "What?" I ask wondering what the hell is happening now. We've yet to talk about the shit that was revealed last night. I wanted to give him time to contact Sarah and get all the facts before we start killing that fucking bitch Carina.

  Martin stands a little taller, "Boss, Arturo was deported this morning, and Juan is digging to see what the hell happened. Jimmy called, Juan has a friend in immigration, he's trying to find out
who reported him."

  I narrow my eyes, "He won't be able to, right?"

  Martin looks at me like I'm stupid. "No, he won't, it was an anonymous tip. He can look until he's blue in the face, he's never going to find out it was us."

  "Okay, and you're telling me because?"

  "Because, he's been calling the office looking for you." Jagger smiles at me, "The fucker is wanting your help to find out what happened to his cousin."

  Of course he does, "I'll call the asshole, will you two find out where Mia and Lacey are?" I walk away and head upstairs knowing that they'll do as I ask. By the time I've finished talking to Juan, they'll have her location.

  "Juan, you've been calling. Have I missed a meeting?" I don't schedule meetings with that fuck. He's a try hard, and I seriously wonder how the hell he became head of a cartel. The man shouldn't be left alone with a fucking plant, let alone an entire fucking cartel.

  "Hey, Hudson, my man." My teeth grind at his words. "I've been calling because I need a favor." His words are hard to understand as he has a very thick accent.

  "What do you need?" I can't help but smile, he's an amateur and asking me for a favor proves that.

  "My cousin Arturo has been deported. I want to know who informed the authorities that he was here. Then I want them taken care of."

  I smile, this could be a great way to get rid of one of my enemies and have Juan owe me one. "This is going to cost you."

  He doesn't even hesitate, "I don't care. I want this done."

  "I won't be able to get your cousin back, but I'll find out who informed the authorities. I'll be in contact when I have information." I end the call, that will keep that fucker off my back for a few days.

  I dial Jagger, and he answers immediately, "Where are they?"

  "Malibu. Martin has the car ready and waiting."

  "I'm on my way down." I hang up. It's time to get my girl.

  “Hudson?” Tina says as I reach the front door.

  “Yeah?” I ask, turning to face her, trying to keep my anger in check.

  “Your dad told me about you and Mia.”

  My hand tightens on the door handle, “Let me guess; I’m not good enough for your daughter? I need to stay away. Mia’s a good girl, and she doesn’t need to be led astray by me.”

  She tentatively takes a step toward me, “You’re the Kingpin Hudson. The drug lord, baron, whatever you want to call it. You’re the boss of a criminal empire. That’s not something I want my daughter mixed up in.”

  “Shouldn’t that be Mia’s decision?”

  She shakes her head once, “She’s been hurt enough, I can’t, I won’t let her be hurt by you.”

  My nostrils flare as I try and tamp down my anger. Fuck, she’s pushing me. “I won’t hurt her. If Mia doesn’t want me, then I walk away. That is the only way I’m going to walk away.”

  She throws her hands up in the air. “Why? What game are you playing with her?”

  “I’m not playing a game.” I glance at Dad as he comes and stands beside Tina.

  “Then why won’t you leave her alone?” She’s crying now.

  “Everything is about what you want, isn’t it, Tina?” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Hudson, don’t,” Dad warns me.

  “You slept with a married man and ended my parent’s marriage. You didn’t want Dad to be the boss, so you got him to quit. You don’t want me with your daughter, and I’m taking it that it’s you that doesn’t want me here.” The way her cheeks redden tells me that I’ve hit the nail on the head. “Have you thought about my dad and what he wants, or wanted? Because looking in, it seems like you’re out for yourself and only you. Fuck what anyone else thinks.”

  “How dare you?” She bites out, “I love my daughter and I love my husband. I want the best for them.”

  I laugh, “The best isn’t having me around them. Don’t worry, I won’t be back.”

  Dad steps forward. “No, this is your home as much as it is ours and Mia’s. You’ll come home. Go and get Mia and Lacey.”

  “Harrison!” Tina cries and looks to my dad, tears streaming down her face. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t so selfish.

  “No, Tina, Hudson’s right. You don’t like my son because of his job. You haven’t taken the time to speak to him. This is my house and my son is welcome anytime he wants.” His tone menacing and Tina flinches.

  Damn, I didn’t see that coming. My dad never stands up for me; he never has. I wonder what has changed. I don’t ask, I turn and leave, let them two have it out and come to a decision. It’s no skin off my nose if they don’t want me here, I’ll go. But I won’t keep away from Mia.

  “That was intense,” Jagger comments as I step outside.

  “You think?”

  He pats me on the shoulder, “About time your old man started acting like one.”

  “Yep, enough about that shit, let’s go to Malibu and get the girls.” Getting into the car, I turn to Jag, “What’s happening with Sarah?”

  A big smile forms, “Hudson, I saw my daughter. Fuck she’s amazing man.”

  I smile, I’m happy for him. “Good, so what’re you going to do about the situation?”

  His eye twitches, “I’m getting Sarah to move back here. I need her and Allie with me.”

  I nod, it’s what I thought he’d do. “What about Carina?”

  His eyes narrow, “Leave her to me; she crossed the wrong man.”

  That’s enough for me, I’ll leave her be. I know that Jagger is going to fix what was damaged with Sarah and also end her reign of terror over him. I’ve let it slide long enough, and I can only bite my tongue for so long. She’s a woman, and that’s the only reason I’ve not put a bullet in her.

  I lean back in my seat and close my eyes, wishing Martin would put his foot on the gas. I need to get to Mia. I want to make sure she’s okay, and then I want to be inside her. I’ve been hard as fucking stone since I woke up this morning. Damn, she’s addictive, but I like it.



  "Boss, Barney's with the girls now." Martin says, and I open my eyes, "He said that he and Lacey were talking and she told him where they were."

  "Good." At least they're with my man. He'll make sure they're safe.

  "Um, Boss..." Martin says tentatively.

  "Martin?" I ask, getting frustrated. He knows how much I hate this fucking hesitant shit. Say what you have to and get it over and done with.

  "He said Mia's not doing okay. She's sitting on the beach with Lacey, that she was crying earlier. That both the girls were."

  Shit. "Did he say what upset them?"

  "No, he said they were fine when he got there, and then when Mia came out of the house she looked pissed. She and Lacey spoke and they both burst into tears."

  "How long until we get there?" Now I'm on edge. She shouldn't have left the house, although I understand why she did. She's in a fragile state of mind. Fuck. Martin needs to put his foot on the gas.

  "Ten minutes." He replies.

  Jagger laughs, "I bet he's fucking having heart failure. That man is so tactless. He has no idea how to deal with women and their emotions."

  "And this coming from Casanova himself?" I quip.

  Martin chuckles, but Jag shakes his head, "You got jokes. I'm fucking amazing with women."

  I give him a look. "Jag, you've had that poisonous bitch attached to your dick for almost five years now, I wouldn't exactly call that amazing with women."

  He flips me off, "She went too far this time." His voice turning deadly.

  "Where is she?"

  "Don't worry, she's nowhere near your business," I smirk, the fucker knows me too well. "I have her in rehab at the moment. I'm not paying for it, her father is. I have enough shit on that family that I can do whatever the fuck I want, and they'll play ball." This is the Jagger that I know, the man that I made my right-hand man, not the sap that was pussy whipped because that bitch was leading him by his dick. Carina is fucked. "I'
m lucky that Sarah understands that Carina is a psycho."

  "Psycho? Jag, she's fucking worse than that. I'm warning you, brother. When she finds out that you're moving Sarah here with the baby, she's going to lose her shit."

  He shakes his head, "I know, but Hudson, you don't know Sarah, she'll tear her head off."

  I narrow my eyes, "Just how well do you know Sarah?"

  He shrugs, "Her brother Frankie and I were at high school together. She was always hot, but strictly off-limits."

  It's in this moment that I know why Mia never told me who let her into the club. It was Jagger. Fuck. "Jag... " My voice hard. "You willingly let two underage girls into my club?"

  "Fuck you, man." He fires back, "No, I didn't. I didn't know how old she was. It had been years since I saw Frankie, since I had seen Sarah. They had IDs, fucking good ones. I'm not stupid."

  "So you knew who she was, why didn't you find her?" I have been searching for Mia since that day. I had Martin look for her, and he came up short. If I had known that Jag knew her friend, I would have had her in my bed a hell of a lot sooner.

  He rolls his eyes at me, "Look, Boss, do you think I've been sitting on my ass? I knew that you slept with Mia, although I didn't know her name either. I knew that you wanted her just as I wanted Sarah. I went to Sarah's place every month, and each time I did her mom told me she'd not seen her since Sarah left. I don't think her and her mom get along."

  "What about her brother?"

  He shakes his head, "He's in the military Boss. He's a SEAL. He's deployed, the last time Sarah saw him, she was eight months pregnant and hid it from him. She didn't want him to worry while he was deployed."

  "You need to get her home soon, by the sounds of things she's alone in New York, it's got to be hard for her Jag, not to mention lonely."

  He smiles widely, "I'm working on it. Don't you worry."

  I nod, that's good, if he can get Sarah home, it may help me persuade Mia to stay here in Cali too. Fucking Arizona is like a ten-hour drive, and I'm not moving there. "Have you told your mom about Allie?"

  "Yep, she's dying to meet her, and I'm trying my hardest to get her to calm the fuck down and wait until Sarah's ready. But you know my ma, Hudson, she doesn't exactly know how to be patient."


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