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Desire (The Desire Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Ava Alexia

  He stood up and then pulled her upright. He quickly dressed and left the bedroom. Jaime dressed more slowly as she wondered what it was that he wanted to talk about.

  Chapter 5

  Jaime heard Jules plucking the keys of her grand piano when she exited her bedroom. When she entered the living room she saw Jules seated at the gleaming white piano which occupied the corner at the far side of the room. Its sparkling image was reflected in the glass of the floor the ceiling window.

  “Do you play?” she asked as she approached him.

  He looked up at her.

  “No. Music is not one of my talents. I am completely tone deaf,” he smiled dryly.

  She leaned into the elbow of the piano.

  “No you’re not. I heard you singing in the shower,” she refuted.

  “That was a total fluke. The sound of the running water made my voice sound better than it really is,” he explained.

  “That’s a bunch of crock and you know it,” she laughed.

  She moved to sit on the bench beside him. She ran her fingers along the keys and produced a lovely sound.

  “You do that so effortlessly. You are very talented,” he admired.

  “It’s all about practice. Most people could play well if they are willing to put in the practice time,” she shrugged.

  “I beg to differ. Very few people could play as you do,” he objected. “It’s more than just striking the correct key. You pour your soul into your music. That cannot be learned.”

  She glanced at him and smiled gently.

  “Thank you,” she replied. “Now. Sing for me.”

  He shook his head negatively.

  “Uh uh. I will not be put to that kind of shame,” he chuckled.

  “Come on, Jules. You have a lovely voice. Pleeeeease,” she begged. She began to play the song Moon River. “I’m sure you know this song; everybody does.”

  Jules groaned. He knew that he had a fairly good voice but he hated to sing publicly. It just wasn’t his thing. But when he looked into her pleading, glowing grey eyes and he knew he was powerless to say not. He could not deny her.

  “Alright. But I’m only doing this for you. I will not sing in public and don’t try to coerce me into it,” he warned.

  “Alright,” she smiled.

  Jules thought her smile was rather sneaky and secretive but he let the thought go.

  “Ready?” she asked softly.

  He nodded. She played an intro to the song and then he sang. Jaime was enchanted with his instrument. Hearing it up close was like listening to the gurgle of a bubbling brook. Jules’ tenor voice had a smooth and rich tone. His voice was the syrup to her pancake. They blended perfectly. She followed his lead and they ended the song on a beautiful crescendo that spiraled down to a gentle end. Jaime applauded him joyfully.

  “You were wonderful. Your voice is fantastic,” she exclaimed.

  “But I only sing for you,” he said.

  “Jules, why won’t you sing for others? You have a marvelous gift that should be shared with the world,” Jaime expressed.

  “No, Jaime! Believe me; no one wants to hear me sing. And I would just assume not damage their ears trying,” he argued. “Don’t try to put me on the spot if we’re in public. I will refuse you.”

  Jaime bit her tongue in consternation. It had crossed her mind to do just that. But he was so vehemently against it. She would have to leave the idea alone.

  “Jaime, promise me. No surprises when we’re in public. Promise me,” he insisted.

  She hated that he was making her promise. A promise was one thing that she would not break. He must have sensed that intuitively.

  “Alright. I promise,” she vowed.

  He cupped her head and leaned in to kiss her gently. He then pulled back.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “So, what did you want to talk about?” she asked.

  Jules was now hesitant about bringing it up. He had come over to make sure she was on the same page as him about their affair. But somehow it just didn’t feel right to talk about it now; maybe because he was experiencing feelings that were unexpected and alien. He had lived his life being carefree and completely unattached. He had affairs as it suited him and walked away from them without a single regret. But this time he wasn’t so sure if he could just up and walk away when the time came. He wasn’t sure that he wanted to cast what they had aside. What did they have? And why couldn’t he discard it? Until he could provide a cavalier answer to those questions, he couldn’t expect a similar response from Jaime. It wouldn’t be fair.

  “How about dinner and dancing? I want to hold you in my arms,” he said.

  “That’s what you wanted to talk about? Dinner plans?” she asked in bemusement.

  “Sure. We can go somewhere casual and dance until sunrise,” he smiled.

  He stood up and pulled her up as well.

  “Casual, huh? Well, I still should change,” she said. “Maybe jeans and wedges.”

  He grinned as he slid his hands inside the waistband of her cotton shorts. He felt her bare bottom and blood rushed to his penis. He pressed her against his groin.

  “Sure. But remember; no panties,” he said softly.

  Jaime felt his growing erection. She grinned slyly as she cupped him with her palm. She squeezed him slightly.

  “If you say so,” she murmured as she flitted away from him.

  Jaime went into her bedroom while Jules turned to hold onto the piano. He breathed deeply as he tried to get his uncooperative cock under control. He loved what she could do to him with the slightest gesture. It didn’t matter how near or far he was from her. His penis stood at attention and ready for action at the sight of her. He also admitted that he liked her and enjoyed being in her company. Those were just two of the reasons why he couldn’t walk away. And something told him that he would soon discover more.


  It had been a stressful day as Jules attended to critical details for the completion of his projects. He had been busy putting out fires to keep his costly projects on schedule. And arguing with city officials to secure special permits. It had been a long and grueling day. Now, all Jules wanted to do was to go home, shower and change then go see Jaime. But as he was driving home he remembered that he had left some important documents at his office. He needed to go by there to retrieve them. He decided that he would take them to Jaime’s place and work on them tomorrow; he knew that he would be spending the night as he always did. He made a mental note to pack an overnight bag and stash it in the trunk. He parked in his designated spot at his office building and got out of the car. He trotted into the building and took the elevator to the eighteenth floor that housed his lavish offices. It was after hours and no one was about. He walked through the outer office and opened the door to his private domain. He stopped short when he saw his executive chair turn from facing the window.

  “Hello, darling.”

  Jules face turned to stone.

  “Lyndsay!” he exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

  Lyndsay crossed her ankles on the corner of his mahogany desk and looked at him seductively.

  “I decided that the more direct approach was necessary since I received no response to the messages that I left for you,” Lyndsay said. “Even your trusted foreman claimed he had no idea of your whereabouts. I figured you would come to your office eventually. I was correct.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. I’ve been busy,” he said coolly.

  “The typical excuse which is probably far from the truth. But I’ll let it go this time. I have more important things on my mind,” she purred.

  “How did you get in here?” he demanded.

  “I waited until that watchdog of a security officer went to the bathroom and then slipped into the building. I took the service elevator to avoid detection,” she replied.

  “What do you want, Lyndsay?” he asked tartly.

  “Something we will both enjoy,” s
he said softly.

  Lyndsay eyed him as she inched her skirt up her thighs. She uncrossed her ankles and spread her legs for his perusal. Jules could see that she wore no panties; she remembered that was one of his fetishes. In the past that gesture would have had him on his knees and between her legs; but not now. His cock remained limp. Her provocative behavior was only a turn off and he regretted satisfying his base urges with her. His time with Lyndsay was over. He wanted nothing more to do with her and it was time that she knew that.

  “Our time together has mutually beneficial but it has drawn to an end, Lyndsay,” Jules said.

  Lyndsay began fingering herself as she ran her tongue across her lips.

  “Are you telling me your mouth isn’t watering at the thought of tasting me?” she sighed.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s over Lyndsay,” he replied.

  Lyndsay whipped her legs from his desk and stood up. She moved provocatively toward him and stopped just inches in front of him. She ran her hand over his penis expecting it to be hard and throbbing. It felt like a wilted piece of lettuce. She looked at him in shock then raised her hand to slap him. Jules caught her wrist in mid-flight.

  “It only responds to women I want,” he said sharply.

  “Let go of me. You’re hurting me,” she cried.

  He slowly released her arm.

  “I hope I’ve made myself clear, Lyndsay. I wanted to part amicably. I hope we still can,” he said calmly.

  Lyndsay looked at him angrily as she chafed her wrist. She then straightened her clothing and picked up her clutch from the visitor’s chair and stalked out without another word to him. Jules sighed deeply. That hadn’t gone as smoothly as he’d hoped but it was done. Jules felt a burden of relief at the thought of Lyndsay being gone from his life. Now there was nothing in the way of him focusing solely on Jaime. He went to the credenza behind his desk and unlocked one of two drawers. He pulled out a file and flipped it open to ensure that it contained what he wanted. He smiled as he perused the documents. It was all there. He closed the file, shut the drawer and locked it. Now he could think about his evening with Jaime. He left his office and arrived home in record time. He went into his extravagant, ultra-modern condo and headed toward his bedroom. He had taken off his jacket and shirt and tossed them on his seldom slept in bed when his cell phone rang. He realized just how seldom in was ensconced in his silk sheets since he started seeing Jaime. He didn’t mind not sleeping here. He pulled his cell out of his pants pocket and answered it.

  “Hello,” he greeted.

  “Hey. It’s Logan.”

  “Hey, Logan. What’s up?” Jules asked cheerfully.

  “The family is having a cookout tonight and I want to invite you. It’s to celebrate Kevin making junior partner at his law firm. Sorry that it’s last minute but I only got the invite a few hours ago. Can you come?” Logan said. “And of course you can bring a date.”

  Jules hesitated. Kevin was Logan’s older brother by three years and he was a wiz lawyer. Jules wasn’t surprised that he had made partner so soon. Normally he would have agreed to attend without thought but things were a bit different now. He would like to take Jaime with him but doing so would suggest all kinds of implications. But he didn’t want to take anyone else; and he didn’t want to go without her.

  “Okay. It will be me plus one,” Jules said. He would just deal with the fallout.

  “Great. Come around seven o’clock. See you there,” Logan said.

  Jules disconnected the call. What had he gotten himself into? And how would Jaime feel about it? Well he would soon find out.


  “We’re going where?” Jaime exclaimed.

  “To the McClain’s. Kevin made partner and they’re celebrating. Surely you’ve been invited,” Jules said.

  He stood in the middle of her living room calmly sipping a Scotch. Jaime frowned as she moved to the piano to retrieve her phone. Her cell rang several times that day but she ignored it because she was practicing. She’d said that she would listen to the messages later. She looked at the phone and saw two messages from her mother and one from Maddie.

  “My mom and Maddie left messages,” she sighed.

  “Do you think they could have invited you to the party?” he asked smugly.

  Jaime frowned fiercely at his conceit.

  “Quiet,” she snapped as she held the cell to her ear.

  Jules smiled arrogantly. Jaime listened to the messages and hated to hear that he was right. Both her mom and Maddie were telling her about the party. She grimaced and disconnected. She glanced at Jules who stood there with one eyebrow arched. She sighed.

  “Okay! You were right. Both Mom and Maddie left messages about the party. There’s no way either of us can avoid attending. I’ll go alone and see you there,” she said.

  That did not sit well with Jules. He wanted them to travel together. He knew the idea was irrational and was breaking all the rules of their alliance but he didn’t care. He wanted her with him.

  “We will go together,” he said flatly.

  She looked at him as if he had two heads.

  “We can’t,” she exclaimed. “That would be ludicrous. You would be announcing that we are a couple. For my family would not see it any other way.”

  “I want us to go together, Jaime,” he repeated.

  “Jules, do you realize what you’re suggesting?” Jaime asked in shock.

  She couldn’t believe that he actually wanted them to go as a couple. Not after they had so painstakingly kept their relationship from the family.

  “I don’t have all of the answers, Jaime. I don’t know what will be said or what will occur,” he said as he ran his hand through his thick, dark hair. “I just know that I want us to attend together. We’ll just have to wing it if something untoward comes up.”

  “Wing it?” Jaime scoffed.

  He put his glass on the coffee table and moved toward her.

  “Yes, wing it. I’m up for it. Are you?” he asked softly.

  He grazed her bare arms with his fingers. Jaime’s entire body tingled at his touch. She would agree to whatever he wanted when he touched her like that. And he knew it. She gave in with no further objections.

  “I will manage,” she whispered.

  “Good girl,” he murmured.

  He lowered his head and captured her mouth in a searing kiss. His tongue felt so good in her mouth. Jaime’s tongue danced with his until flames of desire were licking at her groin. She held his waist tightly as he pushed her lavender capris down to her ankles. He groaned as he saw that she wore no underwear.

  “Jules, there’s not enough time,” she panted.

  “There’s always enough time for this,” he growled.

  She had barely stepped out of her capris when he lifted her onto the piano. He pulled her bottom to its edge as she fell backward. She had never thought of her beloved instrument being used in this manner. But she could only think that it was time that it received a new christening. Jules held her legs apart and dipped his head to her heat. She cried out as his tongue licked her clitoris then moved deeper into her sweet haven. He looped her legs around his neck and caressed her thighs as his mouth sent her into paradise. She bucked wildly against him, needing more of him. Jules knew what she wanted. He lifted her from the piano and carried her to the windows. He laid her on the floor and busily stripped naked. He came down between her legs.

  “Jules, it still daylight,” she objected.

  “I don’t care. I want you now. Here. In front of this window. For all to see. Although I doubt that anyone can. We’re up too high,” he said.

  Jaime had always been fairly conservative. But he had her doing things that she never would have even considered before. What had come over her? She knew the answer: Jules. She opened her legs wider and he plunged into her. Jaime screamed in delight as his cock pulsated within her. She twisted; bucked and writhed as he banged her like there was no tomorrow. They climaxed together a
s they always did and it was the sweetest, most glorious sensation she could ever have imagined. Jules breathed harshly in her ear as he came back to earth. At some point during their union her top and bra had come off. He kissed her neck then moved his hand to caress her boob. Jaime could feel his penis hardening inside of her. He ducked his head to nibble on her nipple. My God! He wanted more but could she give anything else?


  “Hmm,” he mumbled.

  “I….I don’t know if I—

  “You can. I’ll take you there,” he whispered.

  And he did as he kissed her breast and massaged her mound. They soon were caught in the web of exquisite lovemaking.


  Jaime nervously walked up the porch steps of the McClain’s home. She didn’t know how this was going to play out and she had not one answer to the questions that would be asked. Jules had been of no help when she asked him what he would say about their relationship. He had only shrugged his broad shoulders and walked away. A lot of help that was. Now she stood on the precipice of possibly total humiliation and she had no escape plan. What if Jules denied having a relationship with her? That would be heartbreaking. And worse still, what if he just said the truth? That would be total disgrace. But he would come out of it fairly unscathed. It would the woman who had to bare the embarrassment and dishonor. Oh dear Lord! She couldn’t do this. There was still time to back out of it. Jules raised his hand to ring the doorbell. She grasped his hand before he could press the bell.

  “I can’t do this, Jules. I can’t,” she whispered fiercely.

  “Yes, you can. It will be alright. We’re in this together, Jaime,” he smiled.

  At that moment the door opened. Winifred McClain, Jules aunt, stood at the door. Her face was wreathed with smiles.

  “Oh! The two of you got here at the same time. Come in. It’s so good to see you both,” Winifred exclaimed.

  Jaime and Jules realized that Winifred had not put the two of them together as a couple. Maybe things wouldn’t be as difficult as they had imagined. They entered and were soon surrounded by friends and family. Jaime congratulated a beaming Kevin who was soon pulled away by his lawyer buddies. She had become separated from Jules shortly after they had arrived so as of yet there’d been need to explain their association. She wandered into the massive backyard that had been beautifully lighted and decorated by Winifred and a team of stylists. She selected a plate of hors d'œuvre and moved to chat with her parents and two sisters. Maddie approached to pull her away to chat with some old high school chums. Jaime had relaxed and was having a great time. She was laughing hysterically at a joke told by one of her former school mates when Jules observed her. She looked so beautiful and enticing standing there talking with her friends. He wanted to go to her and put his arm around her. He wanted be a part of her orbit. He bristled when he saw a guy put his hand on her shoulder and bend to speak in her ear. His fists clenched and fury danced in his piercing green eyes as he watched them. He took a step toward them but was halted by Logan’s hand on his arm.


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