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Desire (The Desire Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Ava Alexia

  “Easy, Jules. You’ve got no claim on her,” Logan said in hushed tones.

  “The hell I do,” Jules snapped.

  “The hell you don’t. You made sure of that when you concocted this crazy affair,” Logan argued. “The terms you’ve set makes her a free agent.”

  “Not when she’s with me,” Jules said sharply.

  “But she’s not with you tonight, is she?” Logan replied. “Mom thought that the two of you arriving at the same time was coincidental. And you didn’t bother to correct her. Now you see Jaime talking to another man and you want to deck the guy. You can’t have it both ways, Jules.”

  Jules stared at Logan.

  “What do you know about it?” Jules said sharply.

  “Do you really think that you could hide something like this from me? I know you better than anyone,” Logan said. “It wasn’t hard to put things together when I saw you go into her apartment building the night of her party. A little more snooping let me know that you were involved with her.”

  “You’ve been spying on me?” Jules growled.

  “Jaime is like a sister to me. So yes, I’ve been looking out for her,” Logan said.

  “And what conclusion have you drawn,” Jules demanded.

  “That you’re in over your head but you haven’t figured that out yet,” Logan smiled.

  “What cryptic nonsense is that? What are you talking about?” Jules asked in frustration.

  “You care about her, Jules. You dropped Lyndsay like she scorched your hand when you got involved with Jaime,” Logan said. “And you came here with Jaime and were willing to go public had Mom not misconstrued your arrival.”

  “How do you know how we got here?” Jules questioned.

  “I saw the two of you get out of your car. And I wouldn’t be surprised if others didn’t as well. Not a smart move for a man who’s trying to cover his tracks,” Logan observed.

  Jules moaned.

  “But no one has said anything,” Jules said.

  “Because they’re waiting for you to make a move. So far the two of you have been avoiding each other like you have meningitis,” Logan replied.

  Jules sighed.

  “You’re right. I do care about her. I’m just not sure…..”

  “If you’re ready to give up your playboy lifestyle? If you ask me, you already have,” Logan said. “But I’m warning you right here and now—don’t hurt her, Jules. Or you will have me and my entire clan to deal with.”

  Jules watched Jaime for a few seconds and was about to move to her when Lyndsay joined her group. Jules sucked in his breath.

  “What the hell is she doing here?’ Jules snapped.

  “Her mom and mine are friends. She’s here on her mother’s coattail, I’m sure,” Logan said.

  “She’s here to cause trouble. We did not part amicably and she’s angry,” Jules said worriedly.

  “You’d better do something before Lyndsay does,” Logan encouraged.

  Too late.

  “Jaime! How’s your racy affair going with Jules? He’s one sexy stud. I understand why you wanted him for a sex only buddy. Lots of sex with no strings; smart girl,” Lyndsay said cheerfully.

  “What?” Jaime stunned.

  “He told me all about your steamy sexscapades when we were in bed last Wednesday night. Oh, I don’t mind that he’s sleeping with you as well. We have an open relationship just like the two of you. Jules is way too much of a man for one woman to handle,” she giggled.

  Jaime was flabbergasted. There was dead silence in the entire backyard. Lyndsay had spoken quite loudly and everyone had heard her speech.

  “Lyndsay!” Jules thundered.

  Jaime turned to stare at Jules in humiliation and disbelief. She couldn’t believe what Lyndsay was saying. She recalled last Wednesday. Jules had told her that he had to travel to New Jersey and that his business would keep him there overnight. But he had lied if Lyndsay was to be believed. Jules had lied to her. Jules saw Jaime’s expression and it tore his insides to shreds. Jaime looked at everyone’s faces and saw the incredulity, disapproval, disgust and pity on their faces. But what broke her heart the most was the look of disappointment on her parents face. Tears streamed down her face as she covered her mouth. She thought she was going to vomit from her churning stomach. She ran through the yard and from the house. She could hear Lyndsay’s shrilled laughter. She had to get away from it. She didn’t know where she was going; she just ran. She could hear Jules shouting her name but she wouldn’t stop. She kept running until she collapsed against a streetlight in exhaustion. She slid down to the ground and sobbed uncontrollably.

  Chapter 6

  She felt arms embrace her.

  “Jaime,” he said softly.

  She struggled against the tight bands of his powerful arms.

  “Let go of me! Let me go!’ she wailed.

  She started pounding him with her fists. She struck him everywhere she could reach. Jules allowed her tantrum for a few moments then caught her wrists in his firm grip.

  “Stop, Jaime. Please stop,” he pleaded.

  Suddenly Jaime stopped for she was winded and tired.

  “Go away,” she whimpered. “Just go away.”

  “Not until I say my piece,” he said.

  “Then say it and leave,” she snapped furiously. She wiped the tears from her face roughly.

  Jules pulled his handkerchief from his inside jacket pocket and gave it to her. She took it without saying thank you, wiped her face and blew her nose. Then offered it back to him.

  Jules smiled grimly.

  “You can keep it,” he said.

  “What do you have to say? More lies?” she asked.

  “I didn’t lie to you. I was in New Jersey just as I told you. I can prove it if I need to,” he responded. “I can call the contractor I met with and the hotel where I stayed. They will tell you that I was in New Jersey. I even had dinner with a buddy of mine that night. I can call him and he will confirm what I’m saying. I didn’t lie to you. I wouldn’t do that to you.….ever.”

  She looked up at him. He saw bewilderment and confusion in her eyes. He wanted to erase the wounded deer look from her watery grey eyes. He would do anything to shield her from the hurt that she had experienced tonight. A single tear fell from her eye. He caught it with his forefinger and put it to his mouth. He would swallow all of her tears if it meant she would trust him again. Jaime saw the truth of his words in his turbulent green eyes. She lowered her head to her knees in shame. She should have trusted him and waited to hear his side before running off. But she had felt so betrayed and humiliated.

  “I believe you, Jules.,” she sobbed softly. “I should have trusted you instead of running but I felt so betrayed and I felt cheap. I’m so sorry.”

  He kissed the top of her head and held her tighter.

  “Don’t ever refer to yourself in that way. You are the classiest woman there is and you have nothing to be sorry for. Lyndsay wanted to make trouble, and for a moment she did,” Jules murmured. “But it’s all behind us now. She can’t hurt us anymore.”

  “But everyone knows about us now. They know that we’ve been sleeping together,” Jaime said softly. “She made our relationship sound so trashy and low-class. People will think that I’m a slut.”

  He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him.

  “No, Jaime. Not one person at that party would think that of you,” he said. “They know you to be a classy, graceful lady and their minds will not change upon hearing foul words from a spiteful, vindictive woman. They still love you just like they always have.”

  “They may love me but will they respect me? You see, I’m really old-fashioned when it comes down to it,” she said in low tones.

  “A lot of people sleep together without being married, Jaime. Everyone is aware of this; even your parents,” he reasoned. “We are not living in the Victorian Age. We’re a couple and it is okay that we sleep together. And there is no one else I would rather s
leep with.”

  Jaime encircled his neck and hugged him tightly.

  “Thank you for understanding, Jules,” she murmured.

  “I should be saying that to you. Thank you for trusting me. I will never abuse it,” he said.

  Jules held her close. Just a few minutes ago he’d thought that he had lost her. It felt like a kick in the gut. He had never before felt that kind of pain regarding a woman. But Jaime was different. He knew for an absolute fact that he needed her in his life. And he would do whatever it took to keep her in it. She had become an essential element that he would have trouble living without.

  “Come on. We need to go back to the house to get the car,” he said.

  She groaned.

  “I don’t want to face anyone. Please Jules. Don’t make me,” she pleaded.

  He helped her to stand.

  “You don’t have to go inside but I have to get my car,” he said gently.

  “Alright,” she said.

  Then they heard a car horn. Jules looked toward the street and smiled.

  “I think you’ve just been saved,” he grinned.

  Jules Maserati slowed to a stop beside them and the window rolled down.

  “I thought you might need this,” Logan called out with a smile.

  “Remind me to give you a raise,” Jules chuckled.

  “Oh, I will,” Logan grinned. He put the car in park then got out of it. He tossed the key to Jules. “Having your spare key came in handy.”

  “Thank you, Logan,” Jules said.

  “Not a problem. Maddie and I didn’t think you would want to come back to the house,” Logan said. He moved to hug Jaime. “Don’t worry, Jaime. Everything is fine.”

  “Really?” she said in his ear.

  “Really,” he assured her. He pulled back from her. “People still love and respect you as they always have. Nothing has changed. And Maddie went into commando mode and threw Lyndsay out the minute you ran from the house. Folks treated her like the pariah that she is; and she deserved the censure. She won’t be showing her face any time soon.”

  “Thank you, Logan. I love you so much,” she said as she hugged him again.

  “I love you too, Jaime,” Logan said gently. He pulled away from her and looked at Jules. “Take care of her, man.”

  “I will,” Jules said.

  “Goodnight,” Logan said.

  “Goodnight,” Jaime and Jules said in unison.

  Jules helped Jaime into the car. Jaime noticed that her clutch purse was on the passenger seat. Maddie had made sure to put it in the car. Jules got in and drove off. Jaime drifted to sleep during the drive home. Jules thought about what he had heard Jaime say to Logan; that she loved him. He had felt a twinge of jealousy. Did he want Jaime to say those words to him? He was beginning to think that he did.


  Jaime was sitting at the piano practicing. She had closed the bedroom and hallway doors as not to disturb the still sleeping Jules. She had an engagement coming up in three days in Los Angeles and she needed to brush up on a particular piece of music. She soon became lost in the classical piece and didn’t hear Jules come into the living room. He was dressed in his pajama bottoms only as he padded to the kitchen to get a mug of coffee. When he came back into the living room he sat on the lounge part of the sofa and leaned his head back against the cushion. He closed his eyes and listened to the splendid music flowing from Jaime fingers. She was a tremendous musician and it wouldn’t be long before she was known worldwide. She ended the piece and immediately went into another with seamless transition. Jules could have sat and listened to her play all day long. Thankfully it was Sunday and he didn’t have to go to the office. He thought about the night before and wondered how Jaime was feeling. He could have happily broken Lyndsay neck for what she did last night. The vicious bitch had wanted to hurt him and humiliate Jaime all because he didn’t want her. Well, karma had something waiting for her and he wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. Jaime ended the piece and glanced up to see Jules sitting on the sofa. She crossed the room and sat on couch beside him.

  “Good morning,” she said softly.

  He cracked his eyes opened and set his coffee mug on the table beside him.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you. I was hoping the music would not penetrate the closed doors,” she smiled wryly.

  “It’s alright. It was nice waking up to such sweet music,” he said.

  He reached over and lifted her onto his lap.

  “Jules,” she giggled.

  “That’s my name,” he said as he nuzzled her neck.

  “I have to practice some more,” she said.

  “Do you have an engagement coming up?” he asked.

  “Yes. In Los Angeles in three days,” she said.

  “In three days, huh?” he questioned.

  “Yes. And I must practice,” she said as she scooted off of his lap.

  “Would you like some company on the trip?” he asked.

  She looked at him curiously.

  “Company?” she inquired.

  “How would you feel if I tagged along with you? I think I can move a few things around,” he said. “And Logan can handle things while I’m gone.”


  “Yes. I would like to come with you,” he said earnestly.

  She threw herself atop him and hugged him tightly in her excitement.

  “Yes! Yes! I would love to have you with me. Can you really come?” she exclaimed.

  “The proverbial wild horses couldn’t keep me away,” he grinned.

  “Ah! This is fantastic. Thank you,” she said.

  “For wanting to be with you? You don’t have to thank me for that. I will be right where I want to be,” he smiled. ‘By your side.”

  She pulled back from him and gazed into his sparkling green orbs. She saw his honesty shining through.

  “It’s where I want you to be as well,” she said gently.

  She started to get up but he grasped her arm to halt her. She looked at him in question.

  “Are you alright this morning?” he asked in concern.

  Jaime knew what he was questioning. He wanted to know if she had recovered from last night’s humiliating debacle. And she wasn’t—not completely anyway. She had never been so embarrassed in her entire life. It would take some time to get over it.

  “The truth?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Always,” he replied.

  “I feel better about it but it’s going to take more time for me to get over it completely,” she said quietly. “It was such a humiliating scene for me. People now know that I’m in a ‘no strings attached’ relationship. I just need time to adjust to them knowing.”

  “That’s understandable. You are not the hardcore cynic like me, who doesn’t care what people may say about him,” he grinned wryly.

  “You’re not uncaring, Jules. You just want people to think that you are,” Jaime said wisely.

  “Jaime, is that what you still want? A no strings relationship?” he asked seriously.

  Jaime looked down at her fidgeting hands.

  “It’s what we agreed to,” she replied softly.

  “But is it still what you want?” he questioned.

  “I….guess…it’s what—

  “Jaime! Tell me. Is that what you still want?” he insisted.

  She looked at him and he could see the tears filling her lovely eyes.

  “No, it’s not. But it’s okay that you do. I accepted it in the beginning and I don’t want to try to make a change that you don’t want,” she said hurriedly.

  She furiously wiped away her tears before they could fall.

  “You’re wrong about that, sweetheart. I do want the strings; every string that will bind you to me.

  “Really? You’re not just saying that because I’ve made a fool of myself?” she said in surprise.

  “I mean every word of it,” he said. Jules pulled
her down onto the sofa again. “I want you for my lady and I want the world to know it. You’ve changed me, Jaime. I’m feeling all kinds of mushy emotions that I’ve never felt before.”

  “I’m so glad you feel that way. You’ve just made me the happiest woman on the planet,” she exclaimed. “And a man can feel those mushy feelings just like a woman. It doesn’t make him any less of a man,” she smiled.

  “Oh, I am definitely a man,” he said softly. He grabbed her waist and flipped her beneath him. “And I’ll happily prove it.”

  He kissed her before she could utter a word. And after a moment she’d forgotten what she was going to say anyway. Jaime reveled in his kiss for several moments then gently pushed at his chest. He dragged his mouth to her neck to suckle it.

  “We have to stop, Jules. I must practice,” she breathed.

  “Later,” he mumbled.

  Jaime was so tempted to postpone her work. Jules was making a good argument as to why she should delay her plans. She kissed his neck and caressed the taut muscles in his back. She loved the feel of him. He was strong and powerful yet gentle in his touch. She felt the need in her growing. If she didn’t stop things now she knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop them later.


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