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Breaking Free

Page 15

by Alicia McCalla

  “I demand you release me! Do you know who my mother is?” Heather shrieked, pleaded. She wanted to finish Raven off. She would show them all! Nobody would keep her away from Brandon. Nobody.

  Heather swatted away something that pricked her neck.

  “Douche bags!” She said in a drowsy haze … and she went down, quick.

  Heather woke up in an office. She groggily gazed at awards, trophies and certificates. Was she in the Principal’s office?

  I hate that prick…. What’s his name? Mr. Branch. She got up off the couch and staggered to his chair.

  Her head spun, but that was alright. She still felt really, really good. Her confidence was high. She plopped down in the Principal’s chair and twirled around. Mr. Branch wasn’t going to do a thing to her, but he had to pretend to everyone that she’d gotten in trouble.

  She hated Mr. Branch. He’s such a wormy little weasel of a man.

  Heather’s ears perked up. Her hunter abilities were growing. It was like supersonic sound. She could hear Branch talking about her.

  His voice droned. “Yes. Ms. Stillwell … I understand but we mustn’t allow Heather’s ability to manage her sensibilities.”

  OMG—he gets on my nerves! He’s standing in the way of me and Brandon!

  Heather’s hands shook and the sweat poured down her back. She looked down at her trembling hands. Her pretty, pink fingernails were broken. She could still see traces of Raven’s blood.

  Serves that tramp right for not being happy for me and Brandon.

  A small whisper inside her mind asked, What have you done? Heather ignored it. That voice wasn’t in control. She was.

  Mr. Branch kept going on and on. “Yes…. She’s severely injured a student. We had to rush the young lady to the hospital. She may need reconstructive surgery.”

  Heather twirled and listened. Circle, twirl, circle, twirl…. She swung and stopped at a mirror image. Her face was pallid, sallow. Her eyes had huge bags, and her blond hair was wild, unkempt. Heather screamed, loud, and then louder.

  Who was that hideous beast? She looked like a monster or druggie. Her entire body shook as she tried to make herself presentable.

  She looked at her pretty, hot pink outfit stained with Raven’s blood. Oh my God…!

  She couldn’t get herself together. What was happening to her? She scanned the room, to see if she could at least find her hot pink purse and book bag.

  I can’t find it! Was her stuff still in the hallway? She had to stop the trembling.

  Another voice snaked inside her mind. It didn’t matter. She and Brandon were together. Her mission was accomplished. He would love her and only her now. She scratched her head.

  Another voice told her that none of this was right. She really didn’t like Brandon all that much. Her stomach churned. She placed her elbows on her knees and hunched over to drag her hands through the rat’s nest that was her hair. She screamed, again and again.

  She could still hear Mr. Prick droning on. “We would usually escort a student like this to CAGE’s juvenile detention in handcuffs. But since it’s your daughter, I thought I’d give you a courtesy call. Will someone from your office be here to pick her up?”

  Mr. Branch cracked the door open while he held the phone. His tone was somber and still. He talked to her like she was a mental patient. “Heather, are you alright?”

  He didn’t care about her. Heather had had enough of him. She yelled, “Mr. Branch, you are such a freaking idiot! Just let me outta here so I can find Brandon!” Heather breathed deep but it didn’t help. “I need my shot! I need my medicine!”

  She leaped across the desk to strangle Mr. Branch. She saw terror in the man’s eyes. He’d slammed the door closed, quick, before she reached him. Her soul ached. She didn’t want people to fear her like this. Confusion and conflict filled her. What was wrong with her? She collapsed on Mr. Branch’s desk in tears.

  Heather heard him on the phone again, “Sorry, but your daughter seemed to have had a meltdown. Someone needs to retrieve and extract immediately.”

  She heard the phone hang up and shortly after the door clicked and locked.

  She rolled around and shook uncontrollably on his desk. She cried. She yelled. She moaned. Why am I like this? When can I get another shot? What about a pill?

  When can I see Brandon again?

  Chapter 38

  “At some future point, Information GEPs will be able to store millions of bits in one hive. But without the hive leader, there’s no access. Bummer.”

  —Concerned Citizen

  XJ found the room she was supposed to enter. Sweat rolled down her spine. It felt like insects were swarming around her—like she’d kicked a beehive. Is this what her grandfather warned her about? Information Retrieval GEPs lived together in a hive-like mind pattern.

  Al Bibliotecario was a conduit or hive leader. He could extract the information and store where the others only held information in the recesses of their minds, but couldn’t retrieve it without him.

  She raised her shaky hand to knock on the door. Did she feel someone looking at her or was it her imagination? Could they really see through each other’s minds? A baby cried and she heard a mother consoling it. She knocked on the door again and it creaked open.

  She took a deep breath. Here’s goes nothing.

  XJ entered the darkened room. It took her new eyes a few minutes to adjust. The door slammed behind her. Her mind clouded with a million buzzing bees. She calmed herself and erected walls. That’s what granddad told me to be mindful of. The hive-like mind would try to suck her in—she had to be open enough to receive the information. But not so much that they could use her like a puppet. Her breath shuddered.

  A squat of a man walked out. He was five foot one, but walked with the attitude of a dictator.

  She heard her new voice say, “Ector, so good to see you again.”

  The buzzing inside her head worsened. She controlled her fear. When she concentrated, it felt like walking through honey.

  Al Bibliotecario smiled. He spoke in a singsong broken version of Spanish and English, “Ms. Chesimard…. So good to see you.”

  He walked closer. OMG…! What is that smell? He reeked. Her granddad didn’t say anything about that. His odor was a rank body odor, mixed with a metallic version of Old Spice. The stench linked to his power-base. XJ did not want to touch his hand. But she did, anyway.

  As soon as they touched, she received an electrical charge and the buzzing intensified. She relaxed her shoulders and took a moment to rebuild her internal walls. She didn’t want him creeping into her thoughts.

  His speech slurred. Was he drunk on power? “I guess you are her-re to pay me the last payment?” He smiled showing a mouth full of silver teeth. He chuckled to himself and asked, “So wat’s the password?”

  XJ slunk back. The dizzying buzzing got stronger. Her mother didn’t mention any password in her notes.

  Is this dude trying to play me?

  Al Bibliotecario kept smiling. “U seem sensitive. U block us out. Are u okay?”

  XJ straightened her spine. It was as if every person in the motel was taking pot shots at her mind. Trying to rip her to shreds from the inside. But somewhere deep, she heard her mother’s voice from her training—telling her about walking meditation, her mind cleared instantly.

  “What password?” She said with attitude. “Stop screwing around.” Would her mother have said that? She didn’t know but her nerves were raw and she was sick.

  Al Bibliotecario grinned again, and put a toothpick in his mouth. He cleared his throat, “Well, I check, u know. ‘Ust in case u wer-re a spy or somethin’.”

  Whew! XJ relaxed even though her back was drenched in sweat.

  She took the briefcase and threw the last of the cash on the living room coffee table. She wasn’t getting close to him.

  He sauntered over to the table and investigated the contents. “Why u want this infor-r-mation so bad?” His stuttering Spanglish was thick.r />
  XJ felt the buzzing creeping back into her mind. She kept her cool. “None of your business.” Her voice sounded hard even to her.

  He took the money to his dining room table. The metallic stench floated up her nostrils. She gagged, but controlled it with a short cough.

  “I hope my scent is getting to you, no?” he said. “It’s been ve-r-ry strong since u’ve been help me keep my cell str-r-ong.” He removed the toothpick and sucked his teeth. “Fear-r, it is motivator-r. I on’t know how I will keep ‘em under-r my control without you.”

  What is this freak talking about? She responded, “Not my problem.”

  “Oh, but it ‘ill be.” He took out this helmet and placed it on his head.

  Was he threatening her? Little prick.

  He gave her another creepy smile and offered his hand like he was a gentleman.

  “U get close to me, hold my hand so I can put in your brain.” He used his other hand to point to her. “No ‘fraid. It’s simp-ple.”

  XJ hesitated, narrowing her eyes. Her gut lurched as she walked over to him. He grabbed her hand and yanked her in like a queen bee. She wanted to run—hide—but she’d have to get this information. So she calmed down and focused on receiving.

  “How does this work?” She stuttered, as she took a sudden intake of breath.

  “Simple. Information bubble up into helmet.” He tapped the helmet with his free hand. “I imprint to your brain then I give you disk to get code to unlock later-r. Now, come close.”

  XJ’s eyes widened and her body jumped when she made contact. A surge of a million bees crawled up her arm. She shook. Would he know that she wasn’t her mom? She just wanted to get the information and go.

  Al Bibliotecario kept rubbing her arm and pulling her closer. His face was close to hers while his arms touched her all over. Hive energy trapped her.

  His eyes gazed deep into hers but he looked stupid with that helmet on his head. He moved to kiss her. She smashed her eyes shut. She wanted to push him off the step stool but she kept her mouth closed as his dried lips assaulted her. Between that metallic stench, and the powerful hive-like surge, XJ wanted to vomit.

  Hazy images transferred into her mind with small, humming jolts. She couldn’t figure out what they were but she opened her mind.

  Numbers in a sequence … and letters floated … but she couldn’t quite grasp them. Al Bibliotecario’s hands moved to fondle her. Warning bells went off inside her head. His stench grew stronger and it felt like he was suffocating her with too much information too fast.

  She tried to knock him down but she realized that she wouldn’t be able to get all of the numbers and letters if she did that. Between the electrical charge and the images floating in her mind, she thought she would explode.

  Her eyes popped open and Al Bibliotecario smiled, sinisterly. “U no get it all. Too good to lose.” He said in his broken Spanglish. “U stay here, help me contr-rol my cell.”

  Is this guy joking? He must be nuts! Then XJ realized that he was trying to use subliminal mind control on her. It buzzed and burned inside her brain.

  “Screw you!” XJ tried to break his grip. She still hadn’t gotten all the information she needed. It seemed that he’d only passed her one full number—a number that she didn’t understand.

  She pushed back inside his mind. The experience was like pushing a sticky, telepathic liquid barrier. If he wouldn’t give it to her, she would go inside and find it herself. She thought about her mother and the need to save her and threw her mind inside the hive mind.

  She heard Al Bibliotecario gasp … but she focused on finding out what she needed. She’d leapt into what looked like a surreal, virtual library with millions of books. She walked over to one and tried to take it but a jolt knocked her mentally and physically across the room.

  She came to with him on top of her, with his fist closed to punch her in the face. The surreal moment sunk in as she saw his fist coming down. She rolled away from the path of the punch. She almost didn’t make it because this body was too fat.

  “U steal from me!” Al Bibliotecario looked wild-eyed.

  The helmet crookedly sat on his head with wires dangling from the back. It looked like he’d ripped himself from his connection. He lifted his foot and tried to stomp her in the stomach. XJ rolled again and his foot crashed through the living room table.

  “If you’d just given me the information that I paid for, and let me go we wouldn’t have this problem!” XJ shouted as she tried to get out of his way.

  “We could’ve be special but you steal from me!” Al Bibliotecario grabbed XJ by her braids and wrapped them around his fist, as he dragged her body over to the dining room table; and mashed her head down. It happened so fast, she didn’t know what to do.

  “I show u how, ke-ep beeches like u under control.” He spat.

  XJ squirmed but her head was on the table like it was being served. He was strong. He mashed her head on the table harder and it felt like her neck would snap. He was straddling her from behind. She had to get out of this vulnerable position. Was he going to rape her?

  “Let’s make a deal!” She screamed. “I keep helping you control your cell!”

  XJ could see Al Bibliotecario’s reflection in a nearby picture. He hesitated and then she realized that he meant to pound her head with his other fist.

  His fist came down like a hammer on her temple and the pain raced through her body. She had to get away from him, but the weight of him holding her down, she couldn’t get out.

  “I no need you!” He said. “U took the babies so ‘dey do ‘wat I want.”

  XJ’s stomached lurched. Did her mother actually do that? But she couldn’t think of that. She took the moment to lift her high heel and donkey kick him as hard as she could. Al Bibliotecario stumbled back.

  “Bruha!” He yelled and tried to leap on top of her again, but this time she was ready and moved out of his way.

  XJ watched Al Bibliotecario crash. He caught his footing and reached for her. She tried to get away. He grabbed her. The skin to skin contact caused a surge. She tried to push him off. She was trapped.

  His sinister eyes peered deep into hers as the sound of buzzing bees drowned her mind. Everything stopped. She couldn’t tell if she were asleep or awake. All that remained was the static buzzing. Her vision looked like a kaleidoscope. Millions of bees buzzed within her mind, but she could see the faces of every soul connected to Al Bibliotecario.

  “U die.” XJ heard his voice. She couldn’t move. A downpour of information assaulted her like a rolling avalanche. She silently screamed.

  “Now u see the tr-rue power.” Al Bibliotecario spit out. Her mind was like mush. Waves kept coming and coming and coming. Her mind gagged and choked.

  Her mother’s voice was a small whisper but XJ heard it. Sweetheart let the information flow through you like a sieve…. Make your mind a sieve.

  “Mom?” But the voice was gone.

  XJ let it flow. She became a conduit, then separated and became a watcher. Her mind’s eye could see the situation, but her essence was protected.

  The information flow stopped. Everything cleared and XJ settled back into her own mind. She could sense the cell members and Al Bibliotecario, but he’d exhausted himself. XJ began to erect her mental walls.

  In a last effort, Al Bibliotecario stretched wide inside her mind and tried to drown her. XJ shielded her mind in a large bubble. His attacked bounced back.

  XJ watched as he drowned inside his own information. Her eyes popped open and the buzzing had ceased. She looked up as Al Bibliotecario’s whole body seized and collapsed on top of hers.

  “Oh, my God!”

  She pushed his limp body off and scooted back towards the wall. XJ shook uncontrollably. What should she do? She had to get out of here. Had she killed this man? She looked down at her hand and realized that her disguise was gone. She was back to herself.

  She heard footsteps on the catwalk. She still didn’t have the inform
ation that she needed but she had to get out of there. She grabbed Al Bibliotecario’s helmet. Maybe there was still something left in there. She raced out of the room. When she got outside and on the steps she heard a shriek.

  “No! She kill him! We never get our bebes!” She heard a female’s voice in Spanglish.”Find her!” XJ was already down the three flights of steps and almost to her car.

  She pulled out her car keys and jumped in.

  When she looked back in her rear view mirror, she saw the residents all lined up on the catwalk, wailing and pointing to her car. She’d gotten away with one weird number but at least she was alive.

  How was she going to extract anything from this helmet? She gunned the accelerator.

  Chapter 39

  “Sometimes, we all need a moment to take a breath.”

  —Xavier Patterson

  Brandon sped down Rockbridge Road. He changed gears and mashed the accelerator. Everything pissed him off. Did XJ really slap him? He gripped the clutch tighter. It was easier for him to use his ability to drive but when he was mad, driving his Mustang calmed him.

  He drove to Stone Mountain Park. His mother always took him to a special spot here. He needed to feel connected to her. He really missed her. He down-shifted and pulled off the road into a gravel lot.

  It was after dark, but he didn’t care if the park was officially closed. He pulled into a tree covered parking spot and turned off the engine. He cranked the car seat back and allowed his body to settle as he folded his arms tight. He wanted to scream, but he closed his eyes.

  He dug XJ. Maybe she suspected that he was with Heather. I should’ve been real with her and told the truth.

  But, until he figured what information Heather had, he didn’t want to chance it. His soul cried out to find who ordered the murder of his mother. He wanted to take CAGE down. His stomach boiled, burned. What did his dad have to do with all of this?

  He needed to rest then figure it out. He dropped into a deep, deep dream trance. Warmth filled his body. He was a younger version of himself and his mother was with him.


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