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Breaking Free

Page 16

by Alicia McCalla

  Her image was sunshine bright…. He could smell her perfume…. He was loved, safe, and secure….

  “What’s wrong?” He could hear the worry in her voice.

  “Nothing, Mom. I just wanted to see you. I miss you.” Brandon didn’t want to alarm her.

  “Silly. I’m always with you. She pulled him into her arms and rubbed his hair.”

  “How is your father?” she asked. “Is he well?” Brandon heard the hesitation in her voice.

  “I guess he’s fine.” Brandon didn’t know; didn’t care.

  “Well, how’s my little race car driver?” she asked.

  “Not so little anymore,” he said. He wished he was still a baby, and that she was still alive.

  He continued, ”What if you loved someone, but you had to do something that you knew would hurt them, but it was for a good reason?”

  “My son is in love.” Her joy warmed him. “But, if you love then there should be no pain, no hesitation, no question.”

  His forehead scrunched up and he took a serious tone. “I think I found out why CAGE murdered you. But it will take me to do something that will hurt the girl I love.”

  His mother grew silent, continuing to stroke his hair. “My murder isn’t something that you should worry about.” His mother sat up and pulled his face so he could see her. He focused on her outline, blinded by her surreal image.

  “CAGE is dangerous. Too much for you. I want you safe. Let your father handle it.” He saw the worry in her eyes.

  He turned away. “Dad’s not interested. He could care less. He doesn’t miss you like I do.”

  His mother pulled him into her arms. “My poor baby. You don’t know how he hurts. I don’t want you to do this. You are like your father, determined. It’s hard for me to say anything that will stop you.”

  Brandon pulled back. “I am NOT like my father! He’s the reason you’re dead.”

  She soothed his back. “Yes, you are like him.” His mother sounded resigned. “The two of you are made from the same cloth.” She kissed his forehead. “But I will tell you. Your father loved me more than life itself. He would have done anything to keep me safe. He’ll do anything to keep you safe.”

  Brandon wanted to argue but it was hard. She was always right. He kept listening to her. “I think what you seek, in searching for what happened to me, will end with you understanding your father better. But be careful. Don’t lose the one you love in your quest for knowledge….”

  His mother’s image begin to fade as Brandon moved back into reality. Her words stung, but he had to find out what happened, why she was killed. It wouldn’t let go of him. The coolness of the car made him shiver, as the memory of the k-bar dripping with her blood filled his mind. Whatever he had to do to figure this out, he would do it.

  Brandon completely woke up and realized that he needed to see XJ. He pulled from underneath his covered spot, as daylight peered through his windows. He’d stayed at Stone Mountain Park all night, and now he felt calm as he drove.

  He pulled up to XJ’s house and put the car in park. He ran his fingers through his hair. He didn’t want to lose her. He needed her. He felt connected to her, but he had to get information from Heather.

  Should I just tell XJ the truth? Will she listen to me? Heather means nothing to me.

  Something shattered his thoughts. Is that XJ? He squinted. What the heck is she wearing? Looks like a suit, four sizes too big and a pair of high heels. She was carrying a massive football helmet and she was crying.

  He pushed out of his Mustang and bolted. By the time he’d reached her, she’d collapsed on the front porch in tears.

  “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked, winded. He wanted to scoop her up in his arms, carry her in the house, and take care of her. But he stopped just short to give her space.

  “No. I mean, yes. I’m fine. I just had a moment. I’ll be okay.” Brandon saw her wipe her tears on the back of her hand.

  He moved closer cautiously. “Can I help you inside? I know you’re mad at me, but you look like you need a friend.”

  He could see that she was shaken up. She answered weakly, “Don’t you have a girlfriend to attend too? Don’t worry about me.”

  Brandon wondered if she knew about Heather. “I don’t have a girlfriend, yet. I was kinda hoping that you’d be my girlfriend.” He moved closer to XJ and sat next to her on the porch. His arms desperately wanted to wrap around her and hold her, but he held back.

  “Brandon, I know about you and Heather.” Her nose sounded stuffy and she continued to shake. “Please, don’t lie to me. I know you guys are together.”

  She did know about Heather! He was crushed. He hated Heather. He didn’t want to be with her. He wanted XJ.

  Brandon had to get this right. He slumped next to her. “Look … Heather and I used to be together and it didn’t work out. She’s not the kinda girl that I like spending time with … but for now I sorta have too.”

  XJ shivered. “Bull, Brandon! You promised that you’d help me and now you’re off with the uppity white girl? What kinda crap is that?”

  Brandon didn’t want to hurt her, but he still had to see Heather. “Heather has information about my mother’s murder. I have to play a game with her until she tells me.” He could tell that that calmed her a little.

  “Oh.” Her voice sounded strange, awkward. “I understand. I didn’t know.”

  They both sat in silence and Brandon scooted closer. He wanted to fold XJ into his body and take care of her. But he resisted. He wanted her to be his girlfriend, but with all this stuff going on with Heather, he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “I guess you can’t help me then.” She sounded wounded, lost. He hated that she sounded like that.

  He turned to face her, touched her chin and looked deep into her eyes, “What do you need?”

  He wanted to kiss her tears away. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to make her fears go away. He would do both. He had to find a way to help XJ and get the information from Heather.

  XJ’s eyes were beautiful and serious. “I have a number that I came across. I don’t know what it means. Can you help me figure it out?” Her voice sounded weak.

  He wanted to tell her how deeply he felt. Instead he said, “What’s the number?”

  Chapter 40

  “Jealously in the GEP Revolution is dangerous.”

  —Dorothy Kates-Patterson

  XJ wanted Brandon to hold her. Instead she pushed away, stood up and put some space between them. She trusted him … a little. Her mom had such messed-up relationships with men, and she wanted to be free from male drama.

  But her heart craved Brandon. She sensed his hand on her back and turned her body to resist his inviting arms. She opened the door.

  His voice was a concerned whisper. “I want to help. Tell me the number. I promise to figure it out.”

  Her insides were jumbled. She wanted to hit him … to tell him to get away from her … and hold him. Instead she turned to face him.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this….”

  His eyes stopped her. He was genuinely concerned. She wanted to pound his chest, to tell him how angry and jealous she felt. She didn’t care if he was working his own story. When he was with Heather he looked like he was in, all the way. He looked like he enjoyed it. Her stomach twisted.

  “How can I trust you? You have your own story. My mom’s story is secondary,” XJ said.

  He took his hand and touched her face. Her insides twisted. God, I want to kiss him so bad. I want him to hold me. I wanna feel safe in his arms.

  XJ watched his lips move closer. She froze. Her voice squeaked as she blurted. “200175312.”

  He stopped just short of kissing her. “What was that?”

  “200175312. That’s the number that I have. It keeps replaying over and over in my mind. I don’t know what it could be, but it’s very important to helping me with my mom.”

  XJ turned to open the front door of her house. Brandon mov
ed close and hugged her from behind. Her stomach flip flopped.

  His voice was close to her ear, “I’ll help you XJ. Can you put it in my phone so I can access it anytime?”

  She leaned into the front door, pushing it open, and entered the house. “Yeah, I can. Let me see it.”

  The moment their hands touched hot sparks flared. XJ couldn’t control herself. He smelled wonderful and his beautiful eyes swallowed her whole. His arms opened and she fell into a hot kiss.

  The kiss touched her deeply. Her body eased into it and then it became like breathing. It was intense, loving, and caring. She wanted to do more. She wanted to be more. She wanted more. She could feel Brandon’s arms around her and she felt safe.

  Then, XJ heard a buzzing noise…. Brandon kept kissing. She broke the kiss. “Brandon wait! What was that?”

  He looked aggravated. “Nothing.”

  The jealousy crept back. “It’s her isn’t it?” She backed away folding her arms.

  He didn’t have to answer. She already knew it. She understood. If it were her mom she would do what was necessary. She hated Heather.

  His voice stumbled, “Yeah. It’s her. I better go. Type the number in here.”

  XJ snatched the phone from him and typed in the number that kept cycling through her mind. She didn’t want him to go. She wanted him to stay. She wanted to tell him everything. More importantly, she wanted him to be her boyfriend.

  Brandon scratched his head. “I promise I’ll find this out for you.” He kissed her forehead. She wanted to stop him—grab him, hold him back. But she let him go.

  “I understand. Do what you gotta do. I’ll work things on my end.” She watched him walk away and closed the door. Her heart crushed.

  Chapter 41

  “Rich GEPs get away with anything!”

  —Member, Humans United

  Heather rolled across the desk some more.

  “Idiots!” She yelled and threw the stapler at the door. “You can’t keep me from Brandon! You can’t keep me from the man I love!”

  Heather screamed. It felt so good to scream! She felt empowered. The screaming released her anxiety. It was a therapeutic yell. Her hands shook some more. Someone had her purse and her pills. She needed a pill so bad.

  Something inside her said that this was all bad—really bad for her, but she couldn’t connect to that side. It felt like a hazy version of her mind. She could see herself inside her mind, like her true self. But then this was who she was … wasn’t it?

  “Screw you people!” She yelled some more. “Screw all of you!” Screams felt so good! She wanted to scream again, but this time she leapt off the desk and used her strength to turn it over. She wanted to hurt someone for keeping her away from Brandon.

  That’s when she remembered. Brandon. He’d come for her. He’d save her. He’d love her. Something warmed inside and calmed her. She zeroed in on him and she realized that she still had her phone in her pocket. Her hands shook as she texted him.

  I need you, now. Pick me up from school. He’d come for her now. He’d have to come. He’d have to love her.

  She bashed herself in the head with the phone. “No! No! No! Stupid! He doesn’t love you! Wake up!”

  Who said that? Was that me?

  Heather felt confused. She screamed more and more and more. She no longer had tears. All she could hear was the sound of her own screaming and it felt good. She could scream her confusion, horror, and frustration away.

  Warm arms embraced her. The presence soothed her. The little voice inside her mind that was her true self, told her that the love of her life was there. Everything would be okay now. Her whole body relaxed. The screaming inside and outside stopped, with the warmth that smelled like home, comfort, and love all together….

  Heather heard Saskia’s calming voice, “It’s okay Heather. I’ve got you. Calm down sweetie. I won’t let them drive you insane.”

  Saskia? Heather wanted to bolt but the person deep inside told her to let Saskia love her. Soon the warmth of Saskia spread throughout her body and the calm overtook her. She felt Saskia’s body cradling her … her hands rubbed her hair … her kisses touched her forehead, cheek, and face.

  Heather released into her. It felt good. It felt right. It felt calm. The voice inside her told her that Saskia would help her survive this; and that those pills that Nadia had her taking were bad for her.

  Heather scooted into Saskia more. Her body reacted. So many sensations at a time … but with the confusion inside her, she knew that she wanted to love Saskia back … she wanted to love her, hold her, kiss her and care for her back.

  Heather felt like her true self was coming through. “Sas, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”

  “Shh … it’s alright.” Saskia soothed her and warmed her. “We’ve got to get you out of here okay?”

  “Okay.” Heather hesitated but she had to look Saskia in the eye. “I love you, but I don’t have control. It’s the pills.”

  Saskia’s eyes looked sad. “I know it’s not you.”

  Saskia kissed her forehead and Heather couldn’t control herself. She lifted her mouth, and kissed Saskia with her soul. Her mind and body felt electrified and connected. The kiss helped her connect to who she was for a split second. But it was gone again. She broke the kiss and moved back from Saskia. Calmer.

  “Take me away from here, okay?” Heather pleaded with her. “Take me away, so we can be together and alone.”

  Tears rolled down Saskia’s face. “I wish I could, sweetie. I wish I could.”

  Chapter 42

  “Sometimes GEPs use their abilities to become their own enemies without knowing it.”

  —Saskia Milos

  Brandon drove into the school’s parking lot, parked in the back and got out—the place was crazy mad. CAGE vehicles, helicopters, and news crews made a circus at the front of the school. He wondered what the heck was going on. He put a hood over his head, and made his way into the eye of the frenzy, blending in with the crowd.

  “Heather just went crazy and smashed Raven’s face in.” He heard a student say.

  “Yeah … they said Raven used her creepy powers on her.” Another voice answered.

  “Are you kidding? Heather is sprung on Brandon.” Was it one he recognized?

  “Brandon must be putting it on that girl. I wouldn’t mind trying her out myself.”

  He scoffed at that comment. It came from a Hispanic classmate. If he only knew, he wouldn’t say that.

  “You NASTY!” a white girl with a ring in her mouth laughed.

  The voices moved into the background. Brandon hid within the crowd. Did Heather lose it like that? He needed to find out more.

  He was just opening the doors when a massive group of CAGE officers pushed him out of the way. He stumbled back.

  His hood came off as he crashed into a group of students. The CAGE officers were bringing Heather out the door. She was hugging someone and her face was half-covered.

  Her eyes met Brandon’s. She looked empty.

  Brandon’s shoulders tightened. Her CAGE escorts stopped and all eyes focused on him. Before he could get out of the way, they grabbed him and dragged him into a separate vehicle. Brandon slumped in the back of the vehicle, his heart pounding. It all happened so fast!

  He didn’t know what to think or feel but he was curious. He’d never really seen the inside of a CAGE facility. Maybe this could work to his advantage.

  He paced the floor. Seems like he’d been in the CAGE waiting room forever. Were they holding him? His pulse raced. The room was mind numbing with the pale green walls, stiff-backed, brown chairs with an institutionalized décor.

  Brandon wanted to puke. He eyed the receptionist. He needed something to keep his mind busy. If she would just leave! He jumped in place and swung his arms around to loosen up.

  Finally, the receptionist left her desk and took a break. He smiled and cracked his neck. Here was his chance to tap into CAGE’s system.

  He touched the
cell phone in his pocket and accessed the numbers that XJ had given him. He had it in his mind’s eye. Then he went over to the computer and touched it. This woman must have been a fool! She’d left the terminal open after she’d typed her password. It would be too easy for him to hack the system.

  Brandon closed his eyes, tapped into his technopathic ability and began to tunnel through the system. It felt odd, being able to freely manipulate the system. He was used to hacking in. He found the receptionist’s access codes and stored them in his phone. These might come in handy again.

  Now he made the keyboard type XJ’s number. It has to mean something…. I found it!

  It was a case number for a girl named Amber being held in Zone 6. Brandon quickly used his ability to download all the information to his phone, and forwarded it to XJ.

  Something good had to come from playing this game with Heather. Now I’ll see what I can find out about my mom.

  Brandon used his mind’s eye to make the keyboard type his mother’s name. He followed the trail of information, but hit a firewall inside his head.

  His stomach lurched. Suddenly, his mind went cloudy as a virus tried to rewrite his brain. He pulled out but the bio-virus kept following him. Fear crept along his spine. He’d thought he was safe and didn’t take his usual precautions.

  He had to outrun the thing before it caught up with him! With lightening speed, Brandon exited from the connection and fell back from the computer. His heart was racing and he was mentally exhausted. He passed out.

  Brandon opened his eyes. He was surrounded by CAGE officers.

  “Did you have a good trip?” the receptionist asked.

  He had trouble focusing. “Excuse me?”

  She put her face close to his. “Did you have a good trip when you were hacking into my workspace?”

  Brandon bit his lower lip. How am I going to get out of this? Will my dad help me this time?

  “I—I don’t know what you mean!” He tried to sound sincere.


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