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Big Bad Twins

Page 4

by Tia Siren

  “What’s so funny?” I asked, my lips on his.

  “I forgot all about the gators,” he said with a grin.

  “That’s good,” I said, bracing my palms on his chest to push myself up to sit on him like a pool float. His cock was still inside me. I wiggled my hips against him. “But trust me, they didn’t forget about you.”

  “That’s not even funny,” he said, looking around. He put his hands on my hips and gazed into my eyes. “Why don’t we go back to my hotel in New Orleans for round two.”

  I rolled my thumbs over his hard nipples. “Round two?”

  “Yes,” he said, giving me the smile he knew I couldn’t resist. “My brother is waiting for you.”

  CHAPTER 10: Danielle

  The Wolf twins were staying at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel in downtown New Orleans, forty-five minutes south of Bellegrade. It took Terry and I an hour to get dried off and make the drive over the Pontchartrain Causeway and through the downtown traffic.

  We didn’t talk much. Terry seemed to understand that this was going to be an entirely new experience for me. I was excited and terrified at the same time at the prospect of having both brothers on the same night, at the same time. But I knew they would be gone soon, as would my chance to experience something so sexually magical.

  Tomorrow, I’d be back to my dull old life in Bellegrade.

  I refused to let this opportunity go by.

  “You okay?” Terry asked as we pulled up to the entrance of the hotel. He glanced over and smiled. “You don’t have to do this, you know. I can take you home any time.”

  “Don’t you dare,” I said without hesitation. I gazed into his eyes. I looked at him with no embarrassment or regret. He gave me a nod and opened his door.

  My heart raced as I watched him give the valet his keys.

  It skipped a beat as he came around the car to open my door.

  He held out his hand and I laced my fingers around his.

  My body tingled at his touch.

  “Come on,” he said. “Tony is waiting.

  * * *

  The Wolf brothers were staying in one of the French Quarter Lofts at the Bourbon Orleans. It was a spacious, two-story suite with two king beds and a luxurious spa bathroom. Terry held my hand as we stepped off the elevator and he opened the door. I held my breath and followed him inside.

  “Where’s your brother?” I asked, surprised that Tony wasn’t there waiting for us. Maybe he didn’t want to appear too eager. Or maybe I wasn’t as special as I thought I was.

  “He’ll be here soon,” Terry said. He was still holding my hand. “Come on, let’s take a shower. We smell a little…fishy?”

  “Fishy is the word,” I said with a smile.

  He took my hand and led me up the stairs to the large master bathroom. The room was covered in marble and Italian tile. It was almost as big as my trailer. And a million times nicer.

  There was a step-in shower large enough for four people. It had a large rain shower head in the ceiling and six other shower heads positioned in the walls. The shower was controlled by a panel outside the glass door.

  “Do you have a preference as to water temperature?” he asked, tapping the button to turn on the water.

  “The shower in my trailer runs hot or cold,” I said, smiling at him. “So, I’d say…hot?”

  “Hot it is,” he said. “And I assume you’d like all the shower heads on?”

  “Why not?” I said.

  He tapped another button and water began shooting from every shower head. The shower filled with steam that quickly overtook the room. He leaned down to kiss me. “You get in. I’ll be right back.”

  I watched him go with a heavy sigh. I was still tingling from our encounter as I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

  I leaned my head back to wet my long hair.

  I closed my eyes and let the hot water rain down on me.

  So many firsts tonight, I thought.

  My first one-night stand.

  My first time in shower large enough to wash a Buick in.

  My first time having two men in one night.

  Possibly at the same time.

  There was an assortment of shampoos and conditioners in the tile cutout in the wall. I filled my hand with one that smelled like rose petals. I leaned my head back again to lather my hair. I had a lot of hair, so it took several minutes to lather it all up and then rinse the soap out. The thick lather cascaded down my body. It sluiced between my breasts and pooled in my red pubes.

  I heard the glass door open and close.

  I could feel someone behind me, though I didn’t open my eyes or turn around.

  I felt his hands on my waist.

  He pulled me back into him.

  His cock pressed into my ass, hard as a rock, slippery in the lather that was running down my back.

  His hands slid around my waist and up to my soapy breasts.

  He massaged the soap into my globes.

  My nipples were like hard pink thimbles.

  He rolled them under his soapy hands.

  I leaned my head back against this shoulder.

  He sighed in my ear and I moaned.

  He was rubbing his cock up and down the crack of my ass.

  I reached around and took it in my hand.

  It was so long and hard.

  My soapy fingers closed around it and began milking him.

  “You’re beautiful, Danny,” he whispered, his breath hot in my ear.

  His left hand remained on my breast.

  His right hand slid down my body, across my stomach and through the red curls.

  His slick fingers found my clit, swollen and aching to be touched.

  When he slid his fingers across my folds, I spread my legs to let him inside. My moans echoed off the tile walls.

  My breath came in short bursts as his fingers found my opening and slid inside me. First one finger, then two. He finger-fucked me in rhythm to my hand milking his cock. I smiled to myself. It was as if we had discovered a new way to fuck.

  “I want your pussy,” he said.

  “It’s yours,” I replied.

  His hand slid from my pussy. I was sad to feel it go. He put his hands on my shoulders and leaned me forward at the waist so my pussy and ass were open to him. I braced my hands on the wall and closed my eyes as I felt the head of his cock press to my opening.

  “You’re so tight,” he said, moving his hips, sliding the head of his cock inside me. His fingers clenched at my hips. He slid in another inch, and then another. I could hear him suck in air each time his shaft drove in deeper. He slid in as far as his long cock would go, and then he began slowly sliding in and out, in and out.

  I’d never realized how amazing that position could feel. It was as if his cock had a straight shot to the back of my throat. Each time his cock filled me, it caused me to grunt.

  Randy was a straight missionary man all the way, and while Davy had been strong and creative, he was also a kid who couldn’t hold back for long. He always came two seconds after entering me. I didn’t mind. I was a live wire back then. He could just touch me and make me explode.

  The pace of Terry’s cock slamming into my pussy quickened.

  My heavy breasts hung from my body.

  They swayed with the motion of his thrusts.

  “Oh…fuck…” he moaned.

  “Fuck me…” I moaned in reply. “Harder…faster…yes…”

  His grip on my hips tightened as his thrusts grew faster and deeper. The sound of our skin slapping filled the shower stall, along with our grunts and moans and heavy sighs.

  I cried out as the orgasm shook me, building deep from inside and shuddering through my body like an earthquake. He thrust in and held himself there, filling me with his hot seed as my juices flowed back over him.

  We held the position for a moment, both of us too spent to move.

  His cock was still inside me.

  His hands were caressing my back.
r />   My hands were braced against the wall.

  “That was amazing,” he said.

  “Yes, it was,” I said.

  For the first time since I’d heard the shower door open, I glanced back over my shoulder to see who had fucked me.

  We smiled at each other.

  Was it Terry or Tony?

  I honestly couldn’t tell.

  He must have read my mind.

  He drew circles on my back with his fingertips and smiled.

  “Hi, Danny. I’m Tony.”

  CHAPTER 11: Terry

  I took a shower in a separate bathroom while Tony joined Danny in the big shower upstairs for round two.

  I was alone, so it didn’t take long to wash the muck of the lake from my body.

  I thought of Danny as I showered.

  I closed my eyes as I soaped up my cock and balls.

  I grew hard in my hand.

  I moved my soapy hand up and down the long shaft for a moment.

  I was tempted to pleasure myself, but I resisted the urge.

  The night was young.

  Danny and Tony would be finished soon, and I wanted to be ready to play in the game.

  I went into the master bedroom and filled three glasses with champagne.

  I took a glass and lay down on the bed and waited for them to join me.

  I tugged on my cock to keep it hard.

  I was ready for round three.

  CHAPTER 12: Danielle

  “Nice to see you again,” Tony said, turning me around and taking me into his arms. He brushed his lips to mine and smiled. “Would you like to know how to tell us apart?”

  I put my arms around his neck and wiggled my clit against his resting cock. “Yes. That might come in handy someday.”

  He tapped a finger to his chin. There was a faint white scar across the width of his chin. “Split my chin open playing rugby in college,” he said, lifting his chin so I could see the scar. “Other than this, Terry and I are identical in every way.”

  I cupped his cock and balls in my hands.

  “You really are. Even this felt the same.”

  He grinned. “So we’ve heard.”

  I glanced at the glass door. “Where is Terry?”

  “He’s waiting for us in the bedroom,” he said, kissing me again. “Soap up, rinse off, and get ready for round three.”

  * * *

  Tony and I were naked as he led me from the bathroom into the bedroom. He held my hand as if we were on a casual stroll through the park.

  Terry was stretched out on the bed with a glass of champagne in one hand and his hard cock in the other. When he saw us, he held up the glass and smiled.

  “Well, there you are,” he said. “How was it?”

  “It was amazing,” Tony said, leading me to the bed. He gestured for me to lie down next to Terry. Once I was situated, he handed me a glass of champagne and lay down next to me.

  I was flat on my back, scotched between them like the gooey center of a delicious cookie. They lay on their sides, propped up on elbows. They were both smiling at me. I could feel their stiff cocks rubbing against my legs. Obviously, it didn’t take these boys time to recover.

  “Having fun?” Terry asked, giving my cheek a kiss.

  “Yes,” I said, smiling. “You?”

  “Always,” he said. He tilted his champagne glass above my right nipple and let a little champagne spill out. He licked it away like a kitten lapping up spilled milk. The fire down below started to spark again.

  Tony put his finger to my chin and turned my face toward him. He kissed me as his brother nibble and sucked at my breast. Tony’s mouth was soft and hot and wet. His tongue slithered into my mouth and swirled around my tongue. His hand found my breast and squeezed.

  They were moving their hips, rubbing their cocks against my thighs. I reached down and took a cock in each hand. I slowly slid my fingers over their rigid shafts. I rubbed my thumbs to the undersides where the shafts met the heads, making them both moan in time.

  “I want to suck you,” I whispered in Tony’s ear. I turned to Terry. “And I want you to fuck me while I do it.”

  The brothers smiled at each other. I got the feeling there was nothing they hadn’t done with a woman, because they immediately told me what to do.

  Tony pushed himself up to lean against the headboard. He told me to get on my hands and knees between his legs so I could suck his cock while Terry stood at the foot of the bed to fuck me from behind.

  “I like it from behind,” I said with a smile as we got into our positions.

  “That’s good to know,” Terry said. “Do you like it in your behind?”

  The question threw me for a moment. I had never even considered anal sex. I mean, that was an exit, wasn’t it? But there was something in Terry’s eyes that told me I could trust him. He went into the bathroom and came out with a small tube of lubricant.

  “If you don’t like it, I’ll stop,” he said.

  “Okay, but if I scream…”

  He gave me the smile again. It was like an instant sedative. “Trust me, you won’t scream unless it’s to tell me not to stop.”

  “Danny?” Tony called my name. I turned to see him stroking his long cock, looking at me with his mouth open. “Suck me.”

  I got onto my hands and knees and lowered my lips to the bulbous head of his cock. I could taste his juices seeping from the slit: warm, salty, a little bitter. He moaned as my lips closed around the head and my hand started slowly sliding up and down the shaft.

  I closed my eyes when I felt Terry’s fingers on my ass. My pussy was dripping juices of anticipation. He positioned the head of his cock at my hole and slid it inside me. I felt the breath rush from my lungs as he filled me with his girthy manhood.

  “We’ll start with this…” he said, his fingers kneading my ass cheeks as his cock filled me completely.

  Tony twisted his fingers in my hair as my head bobbed up and down on this cock. I held it firmly in my grasp, milking the shaft up and down as I sucked on the head like a big piece of hard candy.

  Tony moaned when I removed my hand and let his cock slide into my mouth as far as it would go. I slid my tongue up and down the underside of the shaft as my lips engulfed him.

  “Oh…fuck…” I heard Terry say from behind me. My pussy was on fire. The faster he pummeled into me, the closer to an orgasm I came.

  I felt Terry’s hands on my ass. His fingers were warm and slick. I realized they were covered in lube. His fingertips probed my asshole for a moment. The lube let his fingers slip in all the way to the first knuckle. There was some discomfort, but there was also an odd feeling of pleasure, as if there was some connection between my asshole and pussy that I had never known existed. He slid his finger all the way in and out of my ass as his cock rocked my pussy.

  I let Tony’s cock slide from my lips and glanced back at Terry.

  “Put your cock in my ass,” I said. “Slowly.”

  Terry lubed up my asshole and slid his cock from my pussy. I held on to Tony’s cock and closed my eyes as I felt the head of Terry’s cock slid into my ass.

  “Oh…” I said, breathing hard.

  “You okay?” Terry asked, frozen in his tracks.

  “Yes,” I sighed. “That was a good oh.”

  Terry smiled and slid in another inch, then another.

  “There,” I said. “That’s enough… Fuck me to there… Easy…”

  I blew out a long breath and went back to work on Tony. Both of my hands could wrap around his cock it was so long. I started milking him with two hands while I licked and sucked the head. I saw the muscles in his torso flex. His cock grew a bit more. He moaned. He was about to come. And so was I.

  “Now…” Terry said.

  “Now…” Tony echoed.

  “Now…” I sighed.

  As Terry pummeled into my ass and I pumped Tony from base to shaft, the three of us exploded as one.

  My pussy gushed as Terry filled my ass with his
hot sperm.

  Tony’s cock exploded in my hand, sending milky white ropes shooting into the air before cascading down to cover my hands and his stomach.

  After a moment, we let go a collective sigh.

  Tony looked up at us and smiled.

  “I need another drink,” he said. “And another shower.”

  “I have a feeling there will be lots of showers before dawn,” Terry said, sliding out of me with his hands on my shoulders. He pulled me up to him and kissed my shoulder.

  “And you said there was nothing to do in Bellegrade, Louisiana. Shame on you.”

  “Yes,” I sighed happily. “Shame on me.”

  CHAPTER 13: Danielle

  Randy had been sitting at the end of the counter for the better part of an hour, looking me up and down and clicking his tongue.

  He finished his free bowl of gumbo and large shrimp po’boy and burped loud enough for everyone in the diner to hear him. Since most of the diners were Randy’s fishing, drinking, or working buddies, they laughed like he was the king of the court. Apparently, I was the only person in Bellegrade who thought Randy was an annoying idiot.

  I glanced at my watch and gave a little sigh.

  This time twenty-four hours ago, I had been heading to the lake with Terry to begin the most amazing night of my life.

  The sad thing was that my amazing night had come to an end and I had returned to my boring life.

  I’d woken up naked, sore, and horny between the Wolf brothers. We shared one last orgasm together, took one last shower together, and then they dropped me off at my little trailer in time to change and get to the diner for breakfast.

  I somehow managed to get through the breakfast and lunch services, even though I was exhausted and had a hard time focusing on the tasks at hand.

  By dinner, I had settled down a bit because exhaustion had set in. Every muscle in my body ached. I couldn’t wait to get home and kick off my shoes and soak in a hot bath. I had a new respect for the ladies of the evening who walked the streets in New Orleans and had sex for a living.

  I’d had no idea sex could be so exhausting.


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