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Big Bad Twins

Page 84

by Tia Siren

  “It’s a boy,” Vanessa said softly.

  Tank clapped his hands together and smiled. “Are you kidding?”


  “I have to go shopping. Do you want to go?”

  Vanessa smiled, but she shook her head after a moment. “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you later, though, all right? Things are going to be different, all right?”

  Vanessa nodded, smiling despite herself. His obvious joy at having a boy was almost infectious. She shut the door as he turned to leave.

  Tank showed up again that night, carrying in bags of toys.

  “I got him a baseball glove, and a bat,” Tank said as Vanessa watched him dump everything out on her couch.

  “He’s going to need diapers before he needs a baseball bat,” she said, not unkindly.

  “I know, I know,” Tank said. “Let me have baseball, though, all right?”

  “Okay. How did you get all that stuff here on your bike?”

  “I didn’t ride the bike; I borrowed Dipstick’s jeep.”

  Vanessa gasped, half-jokingly, half seriously. “You didn’t ride your bike?”

  “I told you, I can change,” Tank said, and they laughed.

  The next few weeks were wonderful. Tank took an active role in the baby’s life, such as it was while it was still in her stomach.

  One day he was sitting in her apartment, on the couch, while she was modelling the latest in maternity wear.

  “I hate my belly,” she said, frowning. She wore a breezy blouse of sorts in a soft pastel floral pattern. Tank leaned forward. As different as he had been lately, he was still Tank. It was what she called him, and it was probably what she would always call him. The young man looked her in the eye and held a hand out. She stepped to him and let him take her hand.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And I have to say, pregnant, you’re even hotter. You give me some…well, I’m just saying you look amazing.”

  Vanessa smiled. “Thank you for saying that,” she said. Tank nodded and then stood up. He was inches from her, still holding her hand.

  “I want to kiss you right now,” he said. Before he never would have asked; he would have just done it. Vanessa opened her mouth to tell him that wasn’t a good idea, but instead she said something that surprised her.

  “Do it then.”

  He did. She closed her eyes and their lips met. She parted hers to his tongue, and their tongues danced together. He pulled her close, mindful not to push against her stomach. His fingers went down, finding the hem of her shirt and tugging it up. She didn’t stop him. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and when the shirt was off and on the floor, he broke the kiss and found one of her nipples with his mouth, which he sucked softly upon. It grew hard against his tongue, and Vanessa felt herself yearning for the man.

  “Bedroom,” she groaned, and he took her hand once more and pulled her forward. They kissed once more while his hands cupped her breasts softly. She pulled his shirt off, dragged her nails softly down his chest. She pushed him onto the bed and then pulled his pants off. He was nude, his cock hard and jutting up from his body. She crawled over him after pulling her own pants off and dropping her panties to the floor as well, stepping out of them as she got onto the bed.

  She teased him, running her tongue in slow circles around the head of his cock, before finally taking him into her mouth. He groaned and fought the urge to thrust his hips up. He let her stay in control, and she was moving slowly, driving him wild.

  When she pulled back, his cock shone in the dim light, the closed blinds stopping most of it from streaming in through the single bedroom window. Vanessa moved up along Tank’s body, planting kisses as she did so. She kissed just above his unruly bush of pubic hair, up his stomach. Her breasts brushed over his hard cock. She kissed his chest, his throat, his chin. Finally, she pressed her lips to his. She reached down, taking his throbbing member in her hand, and began to jerk him off slowly. Up. Down.

  “I need you,” he groaned, and she smiled. She gave him what he wanted. She rode him, his cock sliding into her tight, wet pussy. His hands were at her breasts, pawing softly. She put her hands on his chest as she leaned over. He placed his strong hands on her shoulders, pushing her back. He touched her stomach as she rode, rocking her hips slowly.

  She was coming; it didn’t take her long. She hadn’t been with anyone in the months since she and Tank had broken up. She’d had too much on her mind. It had just been her at night, with her fingers, her vibrator. Now he was there, the man she loved. The man who had won her back with his enthusiasm for being a father.

  Her pussy tightened around his cock as the orgasm rocked her to her core. Warm juices flowed out of her, running down the side of his dick. She didn’t stop rocking her hips, their pelvises meeting with soft slaps. She quickened the pace, and he reached up and pawed at one breast while his other hand found her hair. He pulled on it softly, causing her to groan and smile.

  “Fuck,” Tank said as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his cock. His member jumped inside her as he came. He filled her with his hot semen.

  Afterward they lay together, naked and sweaty and panting.

  “I want you,” Vanessa said. “I want you to be mine, and the baby’s.”

  “I want that too.”

  “What should we name him?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” the young man said. “Tank Jr.”

  Vanessa laughed and slapped his chest playfully. Then she lay her head on that same spot, and together they drifted off to sleep, napping in the late afternoon.



  MOTORCYCLE CLUB Romance – Bad Boy Biker Stepbrother


  “Yes, I’m incredibly frustrated, Joyce,” I shouted into the phone. She had the patience of a saint to let me fume over the phone for the hundredth time about the same thing.

  “It’s going to be okay, Hellen. It’s just a wedding. If it makes your mom happy you should just go with it,” she replied reassuringly.

  I sighed and sank into my chair a little farther. The airport was empty, for the most part, which gave me plenty of room to sprawl out.

  “Why is it that my mom can find three guys who will marry her, and I can’t even find one?” I asked.

  “You’ll find someone; I just know you will. Just be patient and let it happen. That’s how it worked for me and Bill. I just stopped looking and he happened to show up.”

  “I haven’t even started looking, and now you’re telling me I should stop?” I asked.

  “Just keep doing what you’re doing and the right guy is bound to show up when you least expect it,” she said. I knew her words weren’t meant to stress me out, or make me more frustrated, but it wasn’t something I could just set aside.

  “I thought he already had,” I said.

  “Not every guy is going to be like Mark, Hel,” she replied coldly.

  I’d really thought that I had met a wonderful person when I started dating Mark. He was gorgeous and knew how to please me in more ways than one. I had even thought he was going to ask to move in together soon, but when I surprised him at his apartment, I knew it wouldn’t work out. Or at least, that was how I felt after I saw him in bed with another woman.

  “I think I’m just done trying altogether. I need a man break. I think I’m just going to get drunk, tell my mom congratulations, and forget life for a while,” I said.

  “Promise me one thing, Hel,” she said.

  “Okay, fine. What?” I sighed.

  “Promise me you’ll keep an open mind. You never know what’s out there unless you give it a chance.”

  “I make no promises, but I’ll try,” I said.

  “I gotta go. The kids are waking up. Have fun, Hellen, for both of us!”

  “I’m glad I have your permission. I’ll drink twice as much,” I said with a laugh, ending the call.

  A chime rang over the intercom; my flight was beginning to bo
ard. I exhaled deeply, trying to push out all my frustrations and anxiety. I could feel myself edging closer to some semblance of normality, but that all came crashing down the moment I picked up my luggage and headed toward the gate.


  “Hellen!” reverberated my mother’s familiar screech from the crowd. She was a woman blessed with a lack of embarrassment. I did my best to keep up with her.

  “Mom,” I said back, with an awkward look over the gathered crowd that was now paying almost exclusive attention to us.

  “You look gorgeous as always. How was the flight?” she asked off-handedly.

  “Do you really care about the flight? That seems like needless small talk,” I replied with a cocked eye.

  “Well, can’t blame a girl for trying,” she said with a shrug.

  I sat my things on a nearby bench and looked her square in the eye.

  “Can we just talk about the elephant in the room and get this over with?” I asked in a pleading manner.

  She swept over and took the seat by my bags, plopping down loudly on the wooden bench.

  “Oh fine,” she started, “but let me say a couple of things quick before you start storming your mouth off at your mother.”

  I let out a drawn-out sigh and took a seat beside her on the bench.

  “Duke isn’t like your father. He’s straightforward and loud, and I like that. Your father was too timid and always too busy for us. Secondly, Duke knows what it means to be a father; he has a son, and his son turned out all right, just like you.”

  “Are you telling me I’m going to have a stepbrother?” I asked.

  “Why yes, and he’s just a little older than you,” she replied with a smile.

  I rested my head in my hands and massaged my temples to ease the headache that was beginning to form.

  “Don’t you think a stepbrother is something you could have told me about over the phone before ambushing me with it in person?”

  She laughed, and it only served to make my head pound even harder.

  “I don’t see why it would really matter.”

  “Mom, I don’t know how to tell you, but this all sounds ridiculous. I’m going to be related to two people I haven’t even met, and didn’t know existed more than a month ago. Don’t you think you’re getting married just a little too quickly?”

  She calmed herself and embraced me as she always had in the past to comfort me. I missed her warm hugs; I didn’t get enough of them when I was living almost an entire country away.

  “I’m at a point where life doesn’t give you anything; all it does is start taking away. So, I scrape and claw to hold on to anything that feels right. This feels right, and I don’t have all the time in the world to be dating. I need someone who’ll take care of me when I’m sick, someone I can depend on.”

  She held me for a few minutes, and I didn’t want it to end. This felt like the end of our simple little family. I was regretting my inability to visit her when she was lonely, and to make it home for all the holidays. She was always my rock when I needed to feel grounded, my wings when I needed to fly. She deserved something real that she could hold on to, and I felt like a jerk for having thought of denying her that satisfaction.

  “I love you, Mom. Whatever crazy decisions you decide to make, I’ll support you.”

  I stood up and wiped the tears that were beginning to form from the corners of my eyes.

  “Let’s meet the man who managed to sweep you off your feet.”

  She clapped her hands and stood up as I snatched my things from the bench. Arm and arm, we strolled from the tiny municipal airport to the old familiar truck she had always driven.


  To say Otto’s Pub was a popular place would be like comparing it to an oasis. People really only went there because it was the only watering hole in the tiny city that mattered.

  Sure, there were a couple of other bars in the area, but none of them were manned by the famous Otto, who could down a beer in less time than it took you to snap your fingers.

  Our truck sidled into a spot surrounded by several motorcycles.

  “Umm, are you sure this is a good time to be visiting the bar, Mom?” I asked nervously.

  “Trust me, Hel, this is the best time,” she replied with a smile.

  I palmed a small can of mace I kept in my purse, hoping I wouldn’t have to use it.

  She pushed her way through the assembled bikers as though she were a queen, and they parted as such. I felt more than a little embarrassed, and with my head down I followed her inside.

  The old diner was packed. Every plush and colorful booth was overstuffed with men and women of all different sizes and shapes. Through all this, my mother trotted along like this was normal, and I continued to shuffle along behind her.

  We came to a halt in front of a booth that rested against the back wall of the pub, where two men were already sitting with beers that were half drunk.

  “Duke, I’d like to introduce you to my daughter, Hellen,” said my mom, whom promptly pushed me to the forefront to put me on display.

  I felt incredibly uncomfortable with being gawked at by two men I hadn’t previously met. One of them was large, burly, and much older, while the second was tall and muscular with tattoos that ran the length of his arm.

  The younger of the two held my gaze for more than a moment before turning his head away.

  The older of them, who I believed might just be Duke, pried himself from the booth and wrapped his big oafish arms around me in a hug that easily lifted me from the floor.

  “Hellen, your mother, has said some of the sweetest things about you!” he shouted with excitement.

  I smiled awkwardly but couldn’t help but giggle at his silliness.

  “Nice to meet you, Duke,” I said, trying to find my breath in the midst of his tight embrace.

  He returned me to my feet and pulled my mom in close and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

  “As you can tell, your ma is a real gem.”

  They stared at each other for a time before a look of sudden realization came over Duke.

  “Right! This here is my son, Axel. I think he’s a couple of years older than you, but all things considered, I think you two might just get along.”

  I turned my attention to the man still sitting at the booth. He gave a customary wave before pulling himself to his feet. It seemed he couldn’t quite decide whether to shake my hand or give me a hug, as he held his gloved hand out only to retract it and offer me a hug.

  He was warm as he held me. His skin felt like rough leather, a welcome change when compared to the many soft men I had held over the years. He smelled of grease and oil, and unapologetically so.

  “Ahem,” I heard my mother cough behind me.

  Axel released me, and I realized it had been a little longer than a welcome embrace should have been. I straightened my skirt and hair, returning quickly to my mother’s side.

  “The wedding is on Sunday, so it’s a party tonight. Then Saturday we’ll be going for a fitting. So, don’t drink too much tonight, okay, sweetie?”

  I nodded. My head was loopy from the strain of meeting my new stepfamily so quickly. It was a lot to take in, and I really just wanted to get some sleep. The jet lag wasn’t helping much either.

  “Can I just get some sleep in my room, Mom?” I asked.

  The beer she thrust into my open hand answered that question.

  “Dear, you’re young. Just have some fun tonight and sleep later.” She smiled that naïve smile I had come to recognize as uniquely hers, and I relented with a sip of the cool, frothy beverage in my hand.

  The music grew louder as the night continued. I wanted to be social, but at the same time I didn’t want to get to know a bunch of people I wouldn’t stay in contact with.

  That didn’t mean they wouldn’t try, though.

  I was a petite piece of meat, and I had a feeling it was only a matter of time before one of them decided I was ready for tasting. More than a few men w
ere watching me out of the corner of their eye. They probably didn’t think I noticed, but they were terrible at hiding their lust. It was an odd thing to see, but several of these guys had more than their fair share of bruises and bandages. These were ruffians anyway, so it was to be expected.

  Still, I was used to men ogling me. I liked to stay fit, and in my profession I was always running around, which helped me stay in shape. My measurements weren’t anything to gawk at, but they were plenty enough to attract onlookers and the lustful gazes of men.

  “Hey there, cutie,” said a bald man who walked up to me later in the evening. He had a gap between his teeth that seemed very unbecoming and a smile that made me think he had more on his mind than just conversation.

  “Not interested,” I replied, half tired and half drunk, and not in any mood to flirt.

  He continued toward me, and I thrust my hand into my pocket for my mace.

  “I wasn’t asking,” he replied suggestively.

  A blur streaked by in the corner of my vision, and before I even realized what had happened, the bald man was sprawled out on the floor of the bar.

  Standing over his conquest was Axel, looking at the rest of the bikers with a stern gaze. I could feel the intensity in his eyes without even seeing them. Even Duke gave him a nod.

  “There’s that right hook. I taught him that you know,” shouted Duke from the back.

  I would have laughed at his boast if I weren’t still in shock from the surprise of it all. Axel turned back to me and cracked his knuckles.

  “You okay?” he asked simply.

  I nodded and gestured toward the seat across from me.

  He eased himself into the booth and ordered another drink.

  “Looks like you have experience,” I said with a nervous laugh.

  “If I didn’t keep them in line, they would run wild,” he said.

  “Are you some kind of leader?” I asked.

  “I will be,” he replied.

  “So Duke is the man in charge then,” I said.

  He nodded.

  “You’re not one for talking, are you?”


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