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Big Bad Twins

Page 85

by Tia Siren

  He nodded, and I felt a little frustrated by his stoicism.

  “Can we go somewhere you’d be more interested in talking? We’re going to be stepsiblings soon, and it might be a good idea to get to know each other a little better before then,” I said.

  He sighed, and by now his drink had arrived, which he took a large gulp from before setting the glass down.

  “Look, you’re a pretty city girl. More than a few of the boys here wouldn’t mind a night with you, and that’s a fact. But I don’t think you’ll be here long enough for it to matter.”

  I took another sip of my drink in an attempt to buy time while I figured out what he meant.

  “So you don’t want to know me because I’ll be leaving soon?” I asked.

  “Exactly,” he replied.

  I leaned back in my seat and could feel the bar spinning around me. It was probably best for me to stop drinking, but I was past the point of realizing that I should stop.

  “You might not want to get to know me, but I want to get to know you. We’re going to be siblings, and that’s at least a little important to me. So, just humor me for a bit, will you?” I pleaded.

  He crossed his arms and scrunched up his face in a look of frustration.

  “Okay, fine,” he said, sighing. “What do you want to know?”

  I leaned forward in the booth again. My curiosity about this enigmatic biker was palpable. He threw punches and smelled like engines. He was a different breed of man, and I was intrigued.

  “What do you do for a living?” I asked.

  “Mechanic,” he replied straightaway. “Next question.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “This isn’t an interrogation,” I said.

  “Next question, please,” he added.

  I giggled, but I didn’t think he understood the humor.

  “What made you want to be a mechanic?” I asked.

  “I know engines, been tuning them since I was five, or at least that’s the earliest I can remember,” he replied.

  “When did a mechanic learn how to throw a punch like that?” I asked.

  “I’ve been fighting since before I was five,” he said.

  I stared at him, doing my best to keep my eyes focused through my drunken haze.

  “So you’ve been working on cars and fighting since you were a kid?”

  He just nodded at my question. He really wasn’t one for many words, and I had no idea how to coax a conversation out of him.

  “All right, I gotta get out of here. I can’t do this tonight. Maybe you’ll be more talkative some other—”

  “What do you do?” he asked, cutting me off.

  He startled me for a second, and for some reason I couldn’t think of the obvious response.

  “I’m a nurse,” I finally managed to say.


  “I like to help people,” I said.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  I wanted to say that I did, but I really didn’t know. It was becoming more of a chore to wake up every day and go to work. The wide-eyed look I had once had was diminishing every year that I continued my work.

  “I do,” I sighed.

  “It doesn’t sound like it,” he said coldly.

  “Whatever I might feel about the work now, it’s what I chose to do.”

  “Why don’t you find something else that you want to do?” he asked.

  “Because all my training is in medicine; what else could I do?”

  “Anything,” he replied.

  I picked up the remaining half of my beer and guzzled it down. He continued to stare at me with that intense look in his eye. I didn’t have any idea what he wanted me to say.

  “I should get some sleep,” I said, excusing myself from the table. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Axel.”

  I offered a hand, and he stood up to accept it, but instead of shaking it he kissed the back. I deigned to say that I felt more than a little flush at this behavior. Perhaps the alcohol was finally taking its due, or perhaps the travel was making me more lightheaded than I thought. Either way there was no way I was attracted to Axel—I thought.

  I pulled myself away and sidled up behind my mom.

  “I need to sleep,” I said.

  She just nodded and pointed to the motel just up the road.

  “I’d offer you your old room, but I’ve since turned it into my craft room. I hope you’re okay in the motel. Here’s the key.”

  She shoved a small hunk of metal and plastic into my hand and then turned back to her company.

  I grabbed my bag from the back of the truck before finding my way to the room I’d be staying in. The entire walk had my head going in circles. I knew that some of it was due to the large amount of alcohol, but I was also still reeling from the kiss I’d received.

  There was nothing wrong with Axel. In fact, there was a lot that I found more than attractive. But I knew that by Sunday he would be my stepbrother, and that would be the end of it all. With that clearly being taken care of, my head cleared a bit.


  I didn’t remember falling asleep at all, but I must have done it quickly, as I wasn’t under any blankets and I was still wearing my clothes from the previous night.

  My phone woke me up, flashing the big word “mom” across the front.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Hey, sweetie. Hope you didn’t drink too much last night. The fitting is in two hours for your dress. I’ll be by to pick you up.”

  Then the line went dead. At least she’d been brief. Still, I had a lot to get ready for and not a lot of time. First things first: A shower was in order.

  The water worked wonders for waking me up, and I took my sweet time. My mind still lingered on Axel. His powerful build was a sight to behold. He made Mark look like a marshmallow in comparison.

  I giggled when I thought about Mark as a marshmallow. Then the thought of Axel joining me in the shower popped into my head. I wondered what he would really feel like against my skin. Would he be gentle when he held me, or would he take the lead and show me what to do?

  I tried to suppress the thought of it, but like any thought you tried to deny, it just came back stronger. I ran my hands along my soapy skin, lightly caressing the curves of my body.

  I paused and smacked my cheeks a couple of times in an effort to stop myself before I went too far. This was wrong, and I knew better than to let myself get wrapped up in my own fantasies. I quickly finished my shower and toweled off.

  A knock rang out in the small room, and with the towel still wrapped around me, I glanced out the window to see my mother waiting, so I let her in.

  “I’ll just be a minute. I just need to get dressed,” I said.

  She nodded and took a seat in the one available chair in the room.

  “What do you think of Duke?” she asked.

  I continued to towel off my hair, but the question had caught me by surprise.

  “He is different, but he seems like a good guy. You seem happier when you’re with him. I’m glad there’s someone who can make you that happy, Mom.”

  She smiled from ear to ear. I thought she’d been hoping to get my approval before Sunday, and hearing my positive praise must have set her mind at ease.

  “I’ll go one further. What do you think of his son, Axel?” she asked.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn’t have the words. My head was still wrapped up in my thoughts from the shower, and I knew that if I spoke now the words wouldn’t be so honest.

  “Give me a minute,” I said, buying some time to think of an adequate response.

  “He runs the local auto shop. He’s quite good, I hear,” she said.

  “Mom, whether he’s a good mechanic or not shouldn’t affect my opinion of him,” I said.

  “I know, but he’s a pretty quiet guy. I think I saw him talk more to you last night than I’ve seen him talk to anyone.”

  I set about putting on my underwear.

  “He se
ems all right,” I said, just looking for something to say.

  “All right?” she asked.

  “What are you expecting me to say? He’s going to be my new stepbrother. Should I say that I think he’s attractive, or that I want him to fix my car?”

  She laughed.

  “I just wanted you to say that you think I’m making the right choice. Your approval means a lot to this old woman. And, while I’d still probably get married without it, you’re the only one I can count on right now. I love you, sweetie,” she said.

  I slipped on a pair of leggings and a comfy shirt.

  “I love you too, Mom. Let’s get out of here,” I said.

  She led me out to the truck, and the two of us set upon the road. We didn’t travel extremely far, and we continued to chat like we had when I was still living at home. She grilled me on my situation with Mark and discussed what a creep he was. I assured her that his chance was over and I had no interested in returning. I was glad my mom always had my back when it came to matters of the heart.

  Once we arrived at the small bridal shop in town our conversation changed, partially because a lot of the details of the wedding were still a secret to me and partially because Duke and Axel had arrived as well.

  “Hello,” I said, looking at Axel. I felt myself blush slightly.

  He shot me an awkward smile as he pulled himself off his motorcycle. His bike was matte black; it looked old, but incredibly well maintained for its age.

  “That’s a nice chopper,” I noted.

  “It’s my favorite,” he replied.

  “I’ve never ridden on one before. Is it dangerous?”

  “Only if your driver is an idiot,” he replied.

  I looked at him with the intention of asking the obvious question.

  “I’m not an idiot,” he said plainly.

  My mother ended the conversation by tugging me inside the store. I rolled my eyes and followed her in.

  After twenty minutes of shopping around the store and trying on a couple of dresses, she settled on one that looked fine enough. I wasn’t incredibly impressed, but I knew I only had to wear it once. Granted, this would be the third time I’d have to wear a dress to one of her weddings.

  I caught up with Axel as we were leaving the store. He was already throwing a leg over his bike.

  “So, when are you going to take me for a ride?” I asked playfully.

  He plucked a helmet from the back of the bike and offered it to me. I turned to my mom, waiting for a sign of approval. She just shrugged, letting me decide for myself. New experiences were always hard to turn down.

  I grabbed the helmet and stuffed my hair inside. My mind was full of giddy anticipation. At the same time, being a nurse, I knew all the injuries that could come about. I wrapped my arms in a death grip around Axel as he pulled us away from the store.

  I was scared to death as the wind rushed through my jacket, the cold biting my skin. Axel wasn’t wearing a coat and didn’t even seem to be shivering.

  I lifted my head from Axel’s back and looked around. The landscape was open. Barely a single house could be seen. It was just rolling hills crashing into each other, with spotted fields of seasonal crops jutting from neatly trimmed rows.

  I looked to the sky and saw the clouds making fun shapes, reminding me of the days I’d lain in the tall grass with my mother and given them all names as they’d passed by.

  I inhaled what I would quickly consider my first free breath of air. There were no patients needing to be watched, nor doctors ordering me about; there was only the road and the wind, and the roar of the engine.

  My apartment seemed like a refuge in my memory, something I entered to escape the outside world. But now I saw it as a prison cell that I tucked myself into to lock myself away from the rest of the world.

  Time passed. I didn’t know how much of it, but I could see the sun beginning to make its way toward the distant horizon. Axel pulled us off the road and into a strip mall parking lot. I wondered where we were heading, but it became clear when I saw the shop.

  He stopped the bike just outside the door and unlocked the shutter, letting us both inside before locking it again.

  “This is where I work,” he said.


  “So why did you bring me here?” I asked.

  He reached over and pulled a length of cloth off another motorcycle sitting nearby. The motorcycle was a sight to behold, its chrome and glossy new paint gleaming in the light.

  “I’m building it as a wedding present for my dad,” he said.

  I reached out and ran a hand along the length of it.

  “This is a gorgeous bike; I’m sure he’ll love it,” I said.

  He smiled. It was the first time I’d really seen him smile. The tense look I’d seen him wear the previous night seemed to disappear.

  “Okay, there’s nobody else here. Are you able to talk now?” I asked.

  He let out a sigh.

  “I’ll take that as a no,” I said.

  “I just don’t have much to say,” he said.

  “You don’t have to say a lot. I just want to know why I feel like you’re giving me the cold shoulder,” I said.

  “I didn’t think I was being cold,” he replied.

  “Well, you were.”

  “I have my reasons,” he said.

  “So you admit that you were being cold,” I said, slipping him up.

  “I have to be,” he said.

  “And why is that?” I wondered.

  “I can’t tell you,” he replied.

  “I won’t stop pushing until you do. It’s what siblings are for,” I said.

  He leaned against a nearby work bench and crossed his arms.

  “You have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone,” he said.

  I was a little intrigued that he would say something like that; he didn’t seem the type to be worried about saying what was on his mind. Nor did he seem to care what others really thought about his opinions.

  “I promise,” I said, hoping he’d open up.

  He waited a few moments to see if I was really telling the truth. Once he was satisfied with my answer, he opened up.

  “I find you incredibly attractive,” he said.

  I was surprised to hear that, and the shock of it caused me to be at a loss for words. Then again, I knew what I wanted to say, just not how to say it.

  “What do you like about me?” I asked playfully.

  “The first thing I noticed was your big blue eyes,” he said.

  “Most people notice those first. Keep going,” I said.

  “Then I couldn’t take my eyes off your long slender legs,” he continued.

  “I do like to run when I can,” I replied, taking a small step closer to him.

  “Then your luscious lips.” He exhaled, and I could see his breath in the cold workshop.

  I moved in close and caressed his cheek with my hand.

  “You know, we aren’t officially siblings until tomorrow,” I whispered into his ear.

  His eyes went wide, and he threw his arms around me. His powerful muscles picked me up from the ground with ease and sat me on the nearby bench.

  Our ride together on the motorcycle had sent my head spinning in all directions, and the feeling of freedom I had gleaned from it made me want to try everything all at once, starting with the gorgeous man in front of me.

  I could already feel my heart racing at his slightest touch, and the feeling sent shivers through every part of my body. He massaged his hand up and down my leg as he leaned in for a kiss that I readily provided. My lips hungrily searched for his whenever he pulled away.

  The room was cold, but I didn’t mind in the slightest. I didn’t even mind when he unbuttoned my jacket and tugged it off, only to throw it in the corner. His skin was cool to the touch, but comforting. I yanked his simple white shirt off his chest to expose his rippling pack of muscles, running my hands along the curves and taught skin beneath.

  With eac
h kiss, I could feel myself getting more turned on. He hooked his hands under my shirt and tugged it off, exposing my tiny white bra, which he happily tugged off as well. My nipples poked out in the cold, only to be warmed by the touch of his hand and the heat from his lips.

  He took each on in turn and suckled them. As he did so, I could feel my chest becoming flush. The sensation of his lips wrapped around my nipples shot pangs through all my nerves.

  I reached down to his pants, sliding them down as best I could. He didn’t want to relent to me moving, as he seemed to be enjoying himself. His manhood fell out of his pants, and I was impressed by his size. I worked my hand along his shaft and felt him harden with each stroke.

  He returned his lips to mine and pulled me in close to him with a hand on my lower back. The sensation was becoming unbearable in my pants; I had already soaked through my panties.

  I think he knew, because he grabbed my leggings and, almost intentionally slowly, lowered them down my legs, along with my simple white cotton panties. I sat there on the exposed metal bench, dripping all over his work space.

  My hand returned to the engorged shaft I could feel myself begging for. I continued to kiss him on the lips as he lined his massive member up with my tiny slit.

  The few strokes of his head in my wetness teased my nerves and tickled my clit, sending shooting pulses through my limbs.

  I tried to push myself onto him, but I think he knew what I was trying to do, because he pulled himself back just enough to avoid it. Then he smiled at me wickedly and plunged himself inside.

  I could feel myself parting inside, and I lost my breath for a minute with the suddenness of the movement. It seemed to never end, as he continued to push himself in farther than I thought he could go. My welcoming sex continued to beg for it, and I panted with each inch that pushed its way inside.

  I held on to the work bench, gritting at the slight twinges of pain as he worked his way inside. Then it stopped. His massive member filled me more than any other ever had, and I was surprised.

  He leaned in to me and kissed me on the lips while holding my legs in place. Then he started working himself in and out. I could feel my sex clenching around him, and he seemed to enjoy the sensation, as he let out a slight moan of pleasure. I did the same with each inch that left only to return.


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