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Soul Mate (The Mating Series)

Page 28

by S. Swan

  “What was your major in college?” Cho asked.


  “Did you flunk?” Cho smiled and finally looked at me.


  “Trust me you could write your thesis on Jimmy…and me…well my whole family.” Cho laughed. “We have our own category of fucked up in the psych books.” Cho reached over and gave me a great big hug. “You’re a good kid.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “I hope we don’t mess up your life too much. I have enough on my conscience without you.”

  “Like what?” I asked. I remembered what Jimmy told me about how Cho fantasized about women.

  “Nothing you need to know about,” Cho said. “When you’re an attorney, you tend to walk on the dark side.”

  “Like defending people you know are guilty?” I asked.

  “That’s part of it. I took an oath to protect the rights of everyone. Sometimes that means doing things that I don’t morally agree with, but I’m bound constitutionally.”

  “Sounds difficult.”

  “It’s not for me. You should see me in court. I’m ferocious,” Cho said.

  “I think I got a taste of that earlier.”

  “You brought it on yourself,” Cho said. “You fought back. You should have been an attorney. You would have made a good one,” Cho said. “I would love to spar with you in a court room.”

  “Jimmy said you’re all about the conquest.”

  “I am.” Cho agreed. “I’m that way with everything in life. I like a good challenge. That’s why you drive me crazy. You challenge the hell out of everything.”

  “I don’t intentionally, but when it comes to Jimmy I would kill for him.”

  “I hope someone feels that way about me someday.”

  “You’ll have someone like that.” I assured. “I get the feeling your friend is like that.”

  “I don’t think so.” Cho said, wistfully.

  I finished my cigarette and went to bed. I considered everything Cho said. I wasn’t mad at him anymore, but I didn’t like his assessment of my relationship. I decided to talk to Jimmy about what he wanted before I made my decision. Maybe I should let him go home for a while. I’m sure he wanted some time to patch things with his parents. My presence wouldn’t make the situation any easier.


  The next morning a phone call made my decision easier. Tom Jenkins reinstated my position. The Board wanted me to start on the Monday of the next pay period. That way, I would get a complete paycheck. As much as I wanted to be with Jimmy, I had bills to consider. I accepted the reinstatement, with out hesitation.

  I told Jimmy to go without me. Jimmy promised he would be gone only a short time. “’I’ll call you every day,” he said. I pushed the negative thoughts away. Jimmy would come back. I knew it. I trusted Jimmy. Jimmy needed to get his life together. I hoped that when he returned, we could get our relationship together.

  Trisha Pennington called Cho to schedule time on Thursday to remove the home detention equipment. Jimmy booked a flight later in the afternoon. Cho offered to move his flight to the same time, but Jimmy told him not to. “I don’t need a chaperone,” he insisted. “Besides you want to get home to your girlfriend.” Jimmy taunted Cho like a bratty little brother.

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” Cho snapped.

  “I’ll take Jimmy to the airport,” I said, “and make sure he gets home.”

  Jimmy and I spent Monday and Tuesday making plans for his visit home. I agreed to stay with him until he left. We made love often and truly enjoyed being together. Cho was even pleasant. The three of us dined out, and drank a lot. By Thursday night both men would be gone, the thought made me sad.

  “Now remember, Trisha will be here at eight in the morning to remove your monitor,” Cho said. “Don’t over sleep.”

  “We won’t over sleep,” Jimmy said.

  “I’ll pick you up in Chicago. Don’t miss your flight.”

  “Cho, quit worrying,” I said. Cho packed his luggage. I sat at the edge of his bed. Jimmy stretched across the bed wrapped around me. Cho fretted over us like a mother hen.

  “We’re grown adults,” Jimmy said. “We can manage.”

  “Are you sure?” Cho asked, rhetorically. “I see the two of you constantly making out like teenagers. I don’t know if I can trust you.”

  We followed Cho to return his rental car and then returned to the condo to get his luggage. Jimmy would drive Cho to the airport alone. I declined to go. They needed privacy to say their goodbyes. “Are you coming?” Jimmy asked his brother.

  “In a minute, let me say good-bye the kid,” Cho said.

  “Hurry it up,” Jimmy said. “You never know what security will be like. I want to get there in plenty of time.” Jimmy took Cho’s bags, and headed to the car.

  I leaned against the wall watching the two of them. I fought tears. I didn’t want to say good-bye to Cho. I hated Cho at first, but he grew to be a friend. I’d probably never see him again. I’d miss him.

  “Are you going to say goodbye?” Cho asked.

  “I don’t want to say goodbye. How about, see you later?”

  “Whatever.” Cho said waving it off. Hard ass. “You’re doing the right thing by letting Jimmy go tomorrow.”

  “I hope,” I said. My lip quivered.

  Cho leaned into me against the wall. “You’re the biggest pain in the ass I know,” he said. For Cho it was a compliment.

  I smiled. “You’re the biggest ass I know.”

  Cho fixed his dark eyes on me. “I’m going to miss you.” He wrapped his big arms around me and bear hugged me. Without warning, he kissed me hard on the forehead. It wasn’t a lusty kiss, but full of sorrow. It felt like he was saying goodbye forever. “I hope we can stay friends even if you and Jimmy…” Cho stopped. He avoided the words. “If it doesn’t work, we can stay friends,” Cho said, sadly. He acted like he knew it wouldn’t work. “When you meet that soul mate, don’t forget me. Got it Kiddo?” Cho brushed my hair like a little sister. “If my brother hurts you, I’ll kick his ass.”

  “I’ll keep in touch,” I promised.

  “See ya Kid,” Cho said as he left. I waved to him. I had to respect Cho’s honestly, even if I didn’t like it. Down deep Cho was a good guy, and the best brother a person could have. I’d miss him as much as Jimmy. I felt like my own brother left. My eyes welled with tears.

  When Jimmy returned home, we barely spoke. Cho’s departure hurt, but it’d to kill me to say goodbye to Jimmy. The air grew thick with anticipation. I sat on the couch absently watching TV.

  “I will be back,” Jimmy said, finally.

  “I know,” I said.

  “Then why are you so sad?” Jimmy asked.

  “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “You’ll go back to work soon. It will help keep you occupied.”

  “I hope,” I said. “There’s a new administrator, and I’m anxious about meeting him.”

  “Why are you anxious?”

  “Mary and I were close, but I don’t know anything about this guy...and it’s a guy.”

  “Maybe he’s really hot.”

  “Oh, eye candy,” I said.

  Jimmy wrapped his arms around me. “You can look, but not touch,” he said.

  “You can’t look or touch,” I said.


  “Nope.” I kissed Jimmy on the cheek. “I’m the only woman you’re allowed to look at.”

  “That’s not fair,” Jimmy said.

  “I want you to pine for me while you’re away.”

  “I will.” Jimmy said, pulling me up. “Give me something to think about.” He led me to the bedroom. “Our last night together for a while, let’s make it special.”

  Jimmy pulled my hair out of its pony. He fanned it out over my shoulders. “I love your hair down,” he said.

  I ran my fingers through his hair. “I love your hair more,” I said. “You better not cut it.”
r />   “Never,” he promised.

  He began to undress me. “I want to be on top,” I said.

  “Oh no,” Jimmy said. “I’m in charge.”

  “You think.” I laughed.

  “Mhmm,” Jimmy said. “Cho’s right, you need your ass spanked.” Jimmy playfully smacked at my back side. “I think you need to learn who’s in charge.”

  “Really?” I purred. “Maybe you should show me.” In one movement Jimmy pinned me face down on the bed.

  “I’m in charge,” Jimmy said. He sat astride on my back, as he kissed along my neck. I tried to flip over, but I couldn’t move. “Don’t fight.” Jimmy teased. “I will just prolong giving you what you want.”

  I arched my back attempting to topple Jimmy, but he was too heavy. “When I get up, you’re in trouble,” I said.

  “I don’t think so.” Jimmy reached between my legs. His touch was light, but enough to drive me crazy. It didn’t take much. I moaned in excitement. “Do you like that?” Jimmy asked. “Then I’ll stop.” I groaned in frustration. “Who’s in charge?”

  “You are,” I said.

  “I didn’t hear you.”

  “You are in charge!” I shouted. He spread my legs with his knees and rubbed his erection against me. “Quit teasing me.” I loved the game. I wanted him inside me. I heard Jimmy open the condom wrapper. “No condom,” I said. “I want to feel you.” I felt confident we’d be safe.

  “Sorry Babe,” Jimmy said. “I promised Cho I’d keep it covered.” Cho is the freaking poster boy for safe sex.

  “How would he know?” I asked. “Just this last time.”

  “He’ll know in nine months if we screwed up. Stop talking,” Jimmy said. Before I could reply he slid into me from behind. The new position was heavenly. Jimmy leaned close to me. I could hear his breathing in my ear. “I love you.” He moaned.

  Jimmy went slow drawing out the anticipation of climax. Each time I reached that point, he slowed his movements to make it last longer. “Don’t stop!” I cried when I felt the orgasm come on.

  “I want this feeling to last all night,” he breathed.

  “Please, don’t stop.” I keened. “Oh Jimmy!” There was an upsurge of muscle contractions that spread throughout my entire body. I trembled at his touch.

  Jimmy’s movements went from gentle rocking, to quickly driving into me. He pushed up on his arms, and pushed hard against me one last time before he collapsed on my back. He didn’t move for a very long time trapping me under his weight. “Jimmy?” I squirmed under him. “I can’t breathe.”

  “God that was good!” he said as he rolled off of me. Jimmy’s phone began to buzz on the night stand. “Cho,” he said, not looking at the phone. I picked it up and answered it.

  “Hello,” I said, drowsy.

  “Hey Kiddo,” Cho said.


  “Sounds like I interrupted intercourse,” Cho said.

  “No, just finished.”

  “Me too,” Cho said.

  “You sound too chipper to have had sex.”

  “I’m chipper because I had sex.” Cho laughed. “It was magnificent.” Cho taunted. “How was it for you?” He chuckled on the other end of the phone. Better than you!

  “I’m not discussing it with you,” I said, annoyed. “Why are you calling?” I asked. He interrupted my after sex basking and knew it.

  “I promised Jimmy I’d call when I got home.”

  “You got home hours ago.”

  “Well, not exactly. I made a detour first.”

  “I don’t care,” I said. The last thing I wanted was to hear about was Cho’s sexual experience.

  “What’s Jimmy doing?” I glanced over. I heard the soft snoring sounds.

  “He’s asleep.”

  “Tell him I called,” Cho said.

  “I will.” I said and hung up on Cho. I snuggled close to Jimmy and slept.

  The next morning, I got up before Jimmy. I busied myself making breakfast. I heard the shower running at about seven thirty. Cho called to make sure we were up. I confirmed that we were both up and ready.

  Jimmy had enough time to choke down some toast before the doorbell rang. “Don’t get up. This won’t take long,” Jimmy said. “Finish eating.” He went into the other room. I heard him talking to Trisha Pennington. I had half a mind to go glare at her, but I didn’t want to be catty on my last morning with Jimmy. Her giggles echoed through the door. Vomit!

  I ignored the technician while he removed the base. It was the same guy who installed it. I pretended to read the newspaper. As he walked in and out of the kitchen, I noticed the sound of his movements. He made a thump… drag… thump… drag sound as he walked. Similar to how Nessie described the man who attacked her. Ironic. I watched the technician briefly. He systematically unscrewed wires…with his left hand. I hadn’t noticed the man when he installed the device. The guy looked in his late forties or early fifties. I began to put things together, left handed, middle aged, and walked with a slight limp. I blinked. Skinner killed the prostitutes, but denied killing Mary. The technician couldn’t be the killer. It all pointed to Skinner and the church. My mind forced things together.

  A loud crash broke my concentration. I dashed to the living room. I saw the coffee table on its side. Trisha Pennington stood with a long hunting knife in her hand. I froze in confusion. “What the…”

  “Cassie run!” Jimmy yelled. He lied flat on the floor. The light color carpet turned red. It took me a moment to connect the red stain to blood. Jimmy is bleeding! “Run!” He cried. I ran towards him wounded on the floor.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Trisha screamed, and kicked Jimmy hard in the stomach. He crumpled. “Get out of here, Cassie.” Jimmy begged.

  Trisha straddled Jimmy and drove the knife into him. “I said shut the fuck up!”

  A scream rose to my throat, but wouldn’t manifest. I ran to the door, but Trisha blocked my path brandishing the knife. I stopped short. My mind raced between getting out, and going to Jimmy, who lay lifeless.

  The technician came up from behind, and punched me hard in the back. Pain shot through me. It brought me to my knees. The man hit the back of my head. “Don’t kill her,” Trisha said. “We need her alive.”

  I fought to stay conscious. My vision blurred and I couldn’t breathe. I began hyperventilating. Another blow to the back of my head took me out. I had a momentary thought about Jimmy bleeding on the floor. He’s dying and I can’t save him. “I said don’t fucking kill her!” Trisha yelled.

  I came around briefly in some kind of van. My hands and wrist zip tied behind me. My mouth duct taped shut. My head throbbed. I looked around for Jimmy, but I found myself alone.

  The back door swung open. Trisha Pennington stood outside. She held up a syringe. “This will keep you quiet,” she said. I tried to push myself away from her, but too restrained to move. Trisha grabbed me by the shoulder and sunk the needle deep into my neck. “When we get there, all will be explained,” Trisha said. “You will not be hurt anymore.”

  “Jimmy!” I screamed, but it didn’t come out right through the tape.

  “Oh you want your boyfriend.” Trisha stroked my face. “I know why you liked him. He was sexy wasn’t he?” Tears ran down my cheeks. Jimmy was dead. “You’ll forget about him,” Trisha said. “It won’t take long before you begin to get sleepy.” I felt my lids getting heavy. I tried to ignore it. I had to get out of there. I had to get help for Jimmy. Cho wouldn’t miss him for hours. He’d bleed to death. I blinked back tears. It became difficult to open my eyes after each blink. Soon, I couldn’t open my eyes or move. Paralyzed, I fell over unconscious when the van began to move.


  I woke disoriented. I bolted up and looked around. I appeared to be in a lush hotel suite, decorated in cream and maroon satins, with plush carpet. The room had a bed, a couch, and a small table. The curtains were drawn, but several bright floor lamps illuminated the room. I noticed the door. It wasn’t a hotel door
. It was a heavy sliding door, probably steel, with a keycard slot on the side. I couldn’t escape.

  I went to the windows to see out. I hoped to get my bearings if I saw the landscape. I found a brick wall behind the curtain.

  My head began to pound. Panic rushed over me. Trisha Pennington kidnapped me, Jimmy was dead, and no one knew where I was. No one would miss me. Cho would begin to miss Jimmy when he didn’t show up in Chicago, but it would take days for anyone to classify me as missing. I couldn’t contact Mom. If I could, she couldn’t help. Screwed, I began to cry.

  “Hello.” Trisha said, bursting into the room. She carried a tray full of food.

  “Where am I?” I demanded.


  “People will look for me.”

  “I don’t think so. Cassandra Williams no longer exists.”

  “What?” I asked. “I exist and I am here, wherever here is!”

  “No, Cassandra Williams died in a terrible car accident. It is happening as we speak. You’re nobody and you’re nowhere,” Trisha said.

  My heart sank. If everyone thought I died, then no one would look for me. “You and your church will not get away with this!”

  Trisha turned on me. “We’re not part of any church. Those mindless idiots couldn’t catch their asses with both hands.” She sat the tray down on the table. “Eat! You need food for these pills.” She held up a little cup.

  “I’m not taking drugs,” I said.

  “We can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way.” Trisha seethed.

  “I’ll handle this, Trisha.” A man said from the doorway.

  Trisha turned and averted her eyes. “Master, I didn’t see you come in.”

  I studied the man. He had long brown hair, bright green eyes, and big dimples. He almost looked like the Caucasian version of Jimmy. He wore a simple vest that accented his muscular arms, and European cut pants that were slightly baggy. If not for being held captive and terrified, I’d probably give this guy more than a passing glance. “Cassandra.” The man flashed a dimpled smile. “May I call you Cassie?” I shrugged in indifference. “Cassie, it is so good to finally meet you.” The man spoke slow and deliberate to calm me. “Let’s sit and talk.”


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