Tompkin's School (For The Extraordinarily Talented Book 1)

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Tompkin's School (For The Extraordinarily Talented Book 1) Page 21

by Slick, Tabi

  I found him, Kain’s thoughts announced, he is heading into the building for first period.

  How are we going to get him in there? I asked.

  Well, Kain began, we can try using our magic. Remember how you made that vial appear?

  Yes, I thought.

  Perhaps you could try this on Chuck? he asked.

  I smiled just thinking about the idea. Being able to move a person wherever I wanted? That sounded almost too good to be true.

  Think you can handle that one? Kain asked, his chuckled filling my mind as he felt what was running through my thoughts.

  Where will you be? I asked.

  At the cabin, Kain replied, where he held us captive.

  I smiled at the poetic location. His fate had been sealed the moment that he had captured us. He had literally placed the target on his own head and had chosen his own tomb without even knowing it! I circled the building above, waiting for the opportune moment. I took a deep breath, focusing on the desire. At first my senses went straight to the scent of blood that was not too far away. It was our next target. I shook my head, knowing that that wasn’t our goal at this time. My body seemed to argue with me, but I tried to lock those feelings up for the time being. I stretched my hand out and felt an instant connection to Chuck. I knew he was confused and I knew his heart was racing as he suddenly turned away from his classroom. I saw him leave the building and head towards his car. I knew he was locked and would follow me so I flew off towards the cabin.

  He’s on his way, I thought.

  I flew passed the dorms and towards the outer roads beyond. Suddenly, I heard an engine behind me and I dove into a group of trees, hiding in a cluster of branches. It would be very handy in these situations to have that power of invisibility like Lawrence had. I climbed up to the top of the tree and looked to see if the coast was clear. Not seeing any cars I began my journey once again. I pushed myself faster, all the muscles in my wings working together to increase my speed. I soon saw the sign for the lodge and circled to find the perfect landing. I slowly lowered myself in front of the nearest cabin and knew when I felt Kain’s heartbeat grow stronger that I had found the right one.

  How soon will he be here? Kain’s thoughts asked.

  As fast as humanly possible, I thought as I entered the cabin, I saw him go to his vehicle when I left.

  Kain was standing in the kitchen area where he had once been hanging in his weak human form. Not this time, however, this time he could barely fit in the small space and the mere size of his arms would make me fearful for my life if I didn’t have my own power. We waited in silence for our once captor. But what if he recognized us? What if he got away?

  You’re giving me a headache, Kain’s voice whispered into my thoughts.

  I have valid concerns, I spat.

  We will stay in the shadows, Kain replied.

  But we’re bringing him here! My thoughts cried, It’s so obvious!

  He won’t know for certain, Kain thought back, He will only have suspicions. He wasn’t even supposed to bring us here. Without seeing our faces, and with my voice the way it is in this form, he will not suspect a thing.

  I paused as I processed all the possibilities, but while thinking through endless outcomes of this situation there was one thought that kept returning. The blood of the one I desired, the one I needed. I felt her heart beat on and the strongest desire inside of me cried to put it to rest. I needed the heart of this mortal and every inch of me longed for the moment I could hold her beating heart in my hands.

  You sense her, too, don’t you? Kain’s thoughts asked.

  Yes, I replied, how are you able to control the pull?

  It’s all I can think about, Kain confirmed, but I know my desire for revenge surpasses whatever else is calling me.

  But how? I asked, this being the most prominent question on my mind, I can’t push the thought of her blood out of my head!

  I know my desire for Chuck’s blood is greater, Kain thought.

  This sounded easier as a thought than an actual practice. Fighting my own instincts was like turning my back on myself and everything that I stood for. Were his priorities rights? Should I ignore my inner desire and focus my entire attention to the task at hand? I had no clue what to do at this point. All of a sudden, the sound of a car ignition being turned off came from outside of the cabin. I turned to the window right as Chuck hopped out of his vehicle.

  He’s here, I thought.

  The look on Chuck’s face indicated he had no idea why he was back in the exact location where he had brought us. If he got out of this alive we would have no doubt that it was us. I mean, we were the only ones who knew that this was where he had held us captive. But would anyone believe him?

  If he gets out of this alive, I thought.

  Oh don’t worry, Kain’s thoughts chuckled, he’s already discredited himself to his uncle.

  He’ll be coming for us, though, I replied.

  We can handle it, Kain shrugged, anyways, I don’t plan on letting him go.

  I heard the door to the cabin slowly open, I felt Chuck’s heart beating as if it was my own and I knew he was afraid.

  “Hello?” Chuck’s voice came crawling through the air and made its way to my ears, “What the hell is going on?

  I shared a knowing glance with Kain as I stretched my arm forward, pulling his body into the kitchen and throwing his feeble bones into a chair.

  “Remember me?” Kain growled.

  “What the…?" His frightened voice trailed off as he attempted to wrap his brain around what he was seeing.

  “Not so quick with the tongue now when the tables are turned, eh?” Kain hissed.

  “How is this possible?” Chuck asked, not believing his own eyes.

  “It’s only fitting,” my brother’s growl shook the floor, “you held me bound for answers. Now you have them. Give me the journal.”

  “You’re insane,” he spat, “even if I did know what you were talking about, I wouldn’t tell you anything.”

  While I watched the two of them bickering like children, I let my thoughts wander. My ears seemed to tune out everything that was being said and all I could hear was a familiar voice. She spoke with such kindness, but there was no sound sweeter than the beating of her heart and no smell more intoxicating than the blood flowing from it.

  Izara, Kain’s thoughts interrupted my daydream.

  I shook my head, trying to snap out of it and realized I was no longer in the cabin. How did I get here?

  Where did you go? Kain demanded.

  I’m not sure, I answered, honestly, I’m not sure how I got here.

  Get back here now! He ordered.

  You have that situation under control, I thought, I must take care of this other matter.

  We have to do this together! Kain growled.

  No, I replied, we have a higher calling. A bigger purpose than just revenge. Don’t you feel it?

  Yes, Kain thought, but I won’t be controlled by whatever this is. We can’t just blindly do what our instincts are telling us to do! We need this journal. We need answers.

  And I need this heart, I thought.

  I felt Kain’s heartbeat attempting to pull me back, but I pushed through it. He couldn’t stop this. We had made a mistake ignoring our instincts once before and something inside me knew that our inaction would have consequences. I stretched my hand out, letting my fingers brush through the tall, wild grass as I headed towards my victim. This early morning was busy for her, I could sense her rushed state, but soon it wouldn’t be so. I flew over the barbwire fence and landed gracefully on the other side. I walked straight through the backdoor and entered a cluttered kitchen with what smelled like burning oatmeal on the stove. I listened for footsteps and quickly heard movement above me. I left the kitchen and soon found the stairs, making my way up to the second floor. The heartbeat grew stronger and I knew I was close. I walked towards a half closed door and could just barely see movement pass by inside the room. I hea
rd her footsteps get closer to the door and I stopped as she came through the door, arms full of laundry and a cell phone braced between her ear and shoulder. Her entire body froze when our eyes locked and I could sense her fear rising.

  “Did you miss me?” I taunted, knowing that she could just barely recognize me.

  “What’s going on?" Her voice quivered.

  “You have something I need,” I replied, slowly gliding forward, “don’t be afraid. This will go quickly.”

  “What, what happened to you?" She asked, backing up.

  “You ask the wrong question,” I said, “you should be asking what’s going to happen to you?”

  I heard a voice on the other side of the cell phone trying to get her attention and I flew forward, snatching the phone out of her hands and breaking it in my fist. She let out a loud cry and I knew it was time. I smelled the blood running through her veins which verified that she was the one it wanted. I didn’t know who or what was calling the shots, but whatever it was would have its way. Kain would soon learn what needed to be done. I stretched out my fingers and I could see her eyes go into shock as my hand broke through the skin and wrapped around her heart. For a moment I felt human again, I felt afraid of what I was doing, and tried to stop myself but I no longer had control over my body. I blinked and the feeling was gone. I couldn’t give in to weakness. I pulled the heart out and caught her empty body with my other hand before it hit the ground.

  What to do with this? I thought to myself.

  Without delay, I flung her body over the railing and watched as it fell to the living room below. I suddenly heard another heartbeat and I flew through the nearest window. I couldn’t risk being seen by any of the living. I flew into the woods to gain coverage. I wasn’t too sure what I had heard, but I definitely couldn’t waste any time. I still had her heart in my hands! I needed to get to a place where I could take what I needed. I weaved through the trees and branches with unimaginable speed. Soon I heard a river and I had a pretty good guess of where I was. At that moment I felt a familiar heartbeat join mine and I knew who it was.

  Izara, Kain’s thoughts came rushing in.

  Don’t bother me right now, I demanded, this has to be done.

  I know, he growled, the problem is you abandoned me.

  I fumed inside. I couldn’t always be by his side, especially if he was going to ignore all of our responsibilities.

  I had to let Chuck go, Kain thought.

  What?!? I hissed.

  He didn’t have the journal, Kain replied, but he did have some sort of old map. I took it from him and left him back in his dorm after knocking him out.

  That could be a mistake, I thought.

  Yeah, he conceded, it definitely could be.

  Was that you that I heard come to the house? I asked.

  What house? he asked.

  I heard another thoughts trailed.

  I haven’t been anywhere else besides the cabin and the school, his thoughts replied.

  Then whose heartbeat did I hear? It couldn’t have been an animal’s...and it didn’t feel quite human at the same time. Just then I heard something behind me and I whirled around in midair. My eyes scanned the woods for movement and listened. I heard the blood dripping from the heart in my hands, I heard leaves blowing in the breeze, and then a faint heartbeat in the distance.

  “Who’s there?” I hissed.

  I saw a black shape move in the distance that disappeared before I could make out what it was. I felt the strange heartbeat getting closer and closer. Where was it coming from?

  “What do you want?” I demanded.

  It was as if I was speaking to the howling wind. I heard something moving through the brush and I backed up, turning around towards my actual destination. I wasn’t going to wait around any longer. A chill shivered through my bones as I felt someone’s breath on my ear. I spun around in shock. I knew I was not alone.

  “Show yourself!” I cried.

  Out of nowhere something suddenly grabbed me and I was being flown through the air Even when I tried to break free, I couldn’t seem to shake whatever was holding me. My wings thrashed as I tried to push away the invisible force. It felt as though I was glued to whatever it was. I couldn’t get away! Suddenly, my body began to tremble and I felt my claws begin to retract.

  Not yet! I thought to myself.

  Apparently the full moon did not wait for anyone and before I knew it my wings were crawling back into my spine. I let out a cry as the pain became unbearable.

  Kain! I thought, using all the energy I could muster to push my thoughts to my brother.

  What! I heard him growl, I knew he was going through the same torture.

  Something has me in the air, I thought, if I finish transitioning back I will fall.

  I knew he sensed my fear as clearly as I could feel the pain he was going through. I knew he didn’t know what to do and that he felt helpless. Before I could do anything else it happened. I was falling fast to the ground. I tried to move what was left of my wings to slow my fall, but soon my wings were gone and the last thing I saw was the world disappearing in darkness.

  Chapter 13: When The Damage Is Done

  I felt something drip on my cheek as I began to regain consciousness. My whole body ached with unfathomable agony and I grew tired of living in this state of constant transitioning between forms. How much more pain did we have to endure? I placed my hands on the ground and braced myself as I picked myself up, but I did not feel my bed below me. Instead I felt damp earth and sharp twigs. I opened my eyes and realized I was still outside somewhere in the forest! Had I ever made it home after transitioning? I felt something wet hit my cheek yet again. Bringing my hand to my face I tried to remove whatever was dripping on my face. When I saw what it was on my hands my insides trembled with fear. I looked up and saw a heart stuck in the branches above me. I sprang to my feet, afraid of what this meant. What did I do? The previous night seemed so far away, the details blurred. I remembered something startling me while I was flying away. I remembered transitioning back to my human form while still in the air. But what was I rushing away from? I needed to find Kain, perhaps he could help me piece together what exactly I was missing here.


  I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to know. I brushed myself off and took a deep breath. I could just leave all of this behind me and return to school as if nothing had happened. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to bottle this one up, but I knew I had to find a way. I also had to find a way to get back to the school without anyone noticing the caked blood on my hands. I took in my surroundings and tried to use any power I had left to find my way home. I heard squirrels scampering off, birds chirping, and rushing water in a river not too far away. I headed in the direction that the water was coming from, knowing that there was a river not too far away from the dorms. If I could just follow the river in the right direction I might be able to find my way back. I looked back at the spectacle I was leaving behind. It was horrifying to look at, the morning mist cascading through the trees as a heart tripped. The sound seemed to echo in my ears and I wondered whose heart it belonged to. I obviously didn’t even get a chance to use it. Why was I like this? Who was the puppet master controlling us? Because of this another innocent person was dead and I had lost yet another day of my life. I could paint the world with all of my unanswered questions. I finally made it to the water and I began to wash my blood drenched hands. My eyes watered as I tried to remember what I had done, but I could only see bits and pieces. How could I not remember the face of the person I had just murdered? My vision blurred as the tears came rushing down. The blood twirled in the stream as I tried to scrub my hands clean. But no matter how much I washed and scrubbed, the blood seemed to stick to me like glue. Stuck behind my fingernails, in the deep crevices of my skin, all proof of the hideous thing I had done.

  “Why won’t you come off?!?” I cried in despair.

  I let myself collapse on the ground
next to the water, completely exhausted. My back throbbed and I had bruises in places no normal person would get because no human could have survived the fall I had taken. I should have died. Maybe I already had. Each transition felt like death, but instead of peace we were reborn each full moon in the form of some heartless, flying, demon. I knew I should just pick myself up and not dwell on all of this. I had to get back to my brother. But the sad part was I knew it would happen again and there was nothing I could do about it. Suddenly, I heard sirens in the distance and my heart skipped a beat. I was sure that was for whatever I had done and despite their efforts they would never find the one who did it. I picked myself up and headed upstream towards the school. I hoped I had washed enough of the blood off of me so that I could at least get into my dorm room without any suspicious looks. I hadn’t even asked Kain how his talk with Kia went. I had completely forgotten about it and then we transitioned. In transition you don’t really feel empathy...or really anything at all actually. You just feel the urge to kill. Why could I remember how I felt and not remember what I had done? It seemed like this was a regular thing. Doing something terrible, forgetting that it ever happened in the first place, only to have the memory triggered later on by one thing or another. Perhaps my mind was protecting me from these traumatic events, but why did these memories have to come back to haunt me later on? It was a strange sort of torture. I’d rather deal with them immediately or not at all. I finally saw the dorms and quickly snuck around to the back entrance of the girl's dorms. I heard girls leaving for breakfast and guessed that it was at least after nine o’clock in the morning, which was the time the cafeteria opened on Saturdays. I ran up the stairs to my room, keeping my head down hoping that no one would notice that it was me. I quickly ducked into my dorm room as a group of girls were headed my way. I spun around to grab my shower things when I ran into Kia.

  “Izzy?” She asked.

  Her eyebrows rose once she got a better view of me. I’m sure I looked just fabulous.


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