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This Changes Everything

Page 27

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.


  Led, Mick and the rest of The Band appear.

  “Hi,” I greet them. “I guess you hear my complaining, again?”

  It is mid-May, 2013, and I am used to their popping in by now, especially if I am ranting.

  Ringo extrudes two appendages toward my computer monitor and it becomes dark. “Clara,” he exhorts me, gently, “we wish you would talk with one of us, first. Some of these ‘stories’ are not what they seem.”

  “I do not see how much more obvious they can be!” I exclaim, rebooting the screen and pointing to it with my finger. “Read this!”

  Janis—Diana chirp, which is the way they read aloud: “’Professor Raymond Wheeler of the University of Kansas corroborates what scientist Alexander Chizhevsky discovered in 1915. Solar storms directly cause conflict, wars and even death among humans on Earth. They plot events [On a graph] against solar storms’ dates with startling correlations.’” They pause, and then turn toward me. “But, Clara, this is not the entire context.”

  “This article states that the Earth’s magnetic field reacts to these solar storms and that these reactions cause extensive changes in our perspectives, moods, emotions and behaviors. Are you saying this is not the way it works?” I ask.

  Led explains, bouncing a little for emphasis, “During solar minimums and maximums, the Earth’s geomagnetic fields do begin to intensify and they always interact with humans, electrochemically within the brain. But, to say that solar storms affect humans’ psychological mechanisms by creating ‘anomalous hormonal swings and significantly mutated brain-wave activity’ is a gross exaggeration and a simplistic misunderstanding.”

  Ringo comments: "This is typical of beings at this stage of development.”

  Mick continues, “Even though solar storms’ peaks coincide with upturns in human unrest, such as uprisings, rebellions, revolutions and wars between nations, you know correlation is not the same as causation.”

  “But, these scientists are saying they can point to a significant pattern, one that they say can be traced back 2,500 years!” I protest. “How could we not draw causal conclusions from that pattern? Plus, now they’re warning us: ‘a surge in solar activity by 50 times more than previously recorded is anticipated in 2012-13. NASA and other space agencies have been warning of this fact.’ I’m beginning to wonder if this is not part of the reason you all become public in 2013. Solar storms birth all those damned Fraggers and certainly all the horrible Trenchers, powering the existence of the Psi-Defiers! Tell me I’m wrong, please!”

  Silence. More silence. The longest silence, to date, with The Band.

  “What is going on?” I ask. “Is your visit, made public, the ‘something really big’ that so many people predicted would happen in 2012-13?”

  “Yes and no,” Led equivocates. He is bouncing more intensely, now. “We are here to help prevent the worst of the economic, political, environmental and interactional disasters that are brewing on Earth, but the reasons these are intense at this time are not exactly related to solar activity, per se.”

  “All right,” I try to accept his explanation. “Then, our major problems are due to what, ‘exactly’?”

  “It’s complicated,” Mick takes over. “Humans are not the only major influences, nor the only major participants, in Earth’s activities or your Sun’s.”

  “Go on,” I encourage him, since I have no idea what he is talking about, now. “What or who else ‘influences’ or ‘participates’ in our Sun’s ‘activities’?” I am baffled.




  Led retakes the floor, bouncing even higher. “Clara, you do not have clearance for this discussion, yet. This is a Level 8 discussion.”

  “C'mon! Don’t you play the Excellent Skills Program training deficit ‘card,’ here, Led. Please? You tell me to ask questions and that you endeavor to respond. Well, so far, not much of a response, yet.” I am very frustrated. I try again. “You have to admit, once news stories like this are public, as these are, we…no, I, have a responsibility to refute or explain them, don’t I? How can I do that without new and improved information? Plus, you should read this list of ‘predictions.’ It is truly designed to freak people out! We have to put the brakes on this or we have panics, which then cause some of these incidents to occur!”

  Ringo comes closer to me and puts two of his hologram “arms” on my shoulders. Oddly, I do feel comforted, even though I feel nothing from his holoform. “Clara,” Ringo soothes, “You are doing so well as the ‘Chief Communicator.’ We have full confidence that you can handle this latest barrage of misinformation.”

  “With what?” I implore. “I need informational ammunition, to fight ‘fire’ with ‘fire,’ right?”

  “Yes,” Led agrees, slowing down his bouncing, finally. “We provide you with clear, effective explanations that counter these false ones and speak to each of the dire predictions. We see them before you do, Clara. We are aware of the dangers.”

  “Excellent,” I say, relieved. I rub my hands together in theatrical anticipation, exclaiming: “Let’s get going on this!”

  Ringo extends another appendage into the air in front of me and pulls down a screen. “We download this information to your internet,” he explains. “This takes each of the so-called facts and expands your knowledge base to begin to understand the context that has been missing.”

  Mick continues, pointing to the screen as well. “Then, each of these ‘predictions’ is discussed, in detail, outlining what is and is not going to occur and what citizens may do to prepare for, prevent or ignore, as is appropriate, the events that are said to be coming.”

  Janis adds on, “Once we do this, you make weekly radio and TV broadcasts with updates on each situation that warrants an update, reassuring, informing and preparing citizens.”

  "I'm going to be giving weekly public broadcasts?" I ask. This is news to me.

  “You can also do Q & As by having humans and other beings send in questions via social media and email sites we set up, complete with translation programs,” Diana says, sounding excited. “This helps everyone feel empowered and included, right?”

  “You really do already know about all this, then?” I realize, feeling relieved. “Thanks. I appreciate your proactive and informed methods. I really do. I would hug you, if I could!”

  Some of them move closer and they all make laughing sounds or movements.

  We have a moment. It’s sweet.

  “I simply have to remember: you are the ‘good guys,’ in the white hats.”

  “’White hats’?” Led asks, puzzled.

  “Another one for you to look up!” I say, laughing. "And, this one: 'I'm ready for my close up, now, Mr. DeMille.'"


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