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This Changes Everything

Page 28

by Sally Ember, Ed.D.


  Exploding and Imploding Earthers; or, What the Buddha Teaches That Makes His Followers’ Heads Explode

  Public Talk given by Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., Chief Communicator,

  new Nobel Laureate

  Nobel Peace Prize Recipients' Ceremony

  12/12/16, Oslo, Norway

  Thorbjørn Jagland, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee: Greetings, Many Worlds Collective Delegates, former Nobel Laureates, Leaders from the Global Unity Leaders Council, and friends. We are pleased to have this year's Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Clara Ackerman Branon, Ph.D., Chief Communicator and liaison between Earth and the InterGalactic Council as represented by the Many Worlds Collective, here with us in person to receive her award and offer us her remarks. Please give a warm welcome to Dr. Branon! [Applause]

  Branon: [After applause quiets] Thank you, Thor. Thank you, everyone. I'm glad my family and The Band [Laughter] can be here tonight on this momentous occasion. I wouldn't be here accepting this award if not for Led, Ringo, Mick, and Janis—Diana, nor would any of you know about it as well as you do if not for my excellent Chief Media Contact, Esperanza Enlaces. Please join me in appreciating their collaboration in our Peace efforts. [Applause] Thank you all.

  As you know, my life changes a lot in late December, 2012. But, after January 5, 2013, when news stories, videos and ‘blogs about my visits with the Many Worlds Collective representatives begin to “go viral” almost immediately, reaching millions then billions of Earthers via online and other media outlets, all of our lives change forever.

  I believe music and art have a great role to play in helping us cope with great transitions in our lives. So do media people, apparently, because very often, accompanying these videos or stories, is the 1971 song by John Lennon, so beloved by optimists and Spanners, “Imagine.”

  For those of you off-p or too young to know, John Lennon is the original leader of the rock-'n'-roll band, “The Beatles,” which grows to global popularity in the 1960s. After the Beatles (including Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison) split up, each of “the Fab Four” goes his own way in music, arts, film and writing, including political activism.

  John Lennon independently creates and then co-creates music, books and art (with second wife, Yoko Ono) and is a public political activist, gaining global notice and popularity in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s. In 1980, causing many of us great sorrow, John is murdered; he is only 40.

  What most of you do not know is this: in other timelines, Lennon is not killed on that date. He lives to make more wonderful and interesting contributions with Yoko Ono and his sons. His views on Transition and everything APC [After Public Contact] are fascinating, to me and many others. Yoko Ono, Julian and Sean Lennon do make many public comments in this timeline, all supportive of the MWC, but John's family members never have the influence he has.

  I wish often that John is not murdered in this timeline. I even request—but am denied—a Re-set specifically to prevent his untimely death. His views and support of the MWC are greatly helpful to many Spanners in those 'lines in which he lives, but there are other problems caused by his survival that make this timeline preferable. I'm sad about that, even now.

  Without John's help in this timeline, more responsibility falls on those of us here who are supportive. Although I manage to prepare, to warn some people and encourage them to spread the word that the MWC are benign and that Earth's membership is a good thing, most Earthers hear about the MWC via news sources.

  As we all know, not everyone does well with this life-altering news. Following closely after the original publications and showing of MWC news stories and videos, beginning in mid-January, 2013, stories of deaths and disappearances begin to filter in, from every country.

  At first, no one but I and a few others know what is happening. With sadness, we realize that these deaths and disappearances are not only connected to one another but also are a direct result of the publicity about the contact between the MWC and Earthers. Some people literally cannot handle the truths of the multiverse and their place in it. The havoc this wreaks with their worldviews and personal beliefs is unmanageable for them.

  For the first few weeks, into mid-February, most of the deaths are of people over the age of 75. Most of the disappearances are of leaders of the most far-out, extremist religious and political sects and movements on Earth. Individuals close to these people notice and mourn; some are relieved or bewildered. However, the survivors are not yet recognizing the common cause of these individuals' demises, nor do they note the trend.

  Eventually, other astute people do notice. Their concerns and questions become the subjects of reporting, and, most unfortunately, the rallying cry of the Fraggers.

  When younger leaders of the more visible political movements and religious groups—the “Tea Party” in the USA, Hammas in the Middle East, and other fundamentalist, right- and left-wing leaders from all parts of the globe—are dying or becoming unable to function “normally," up to and including having psychotic breaks, many more take notice.

  The more discerning among them begin to suspect and then, confirm, that these outcomes are related to the MWC’s visibility and the information the MWC's holos are sharing, via me. Extreme cognitive dissonance, an increasing inability to hold paradoxical information, and other intellectual/emotional overloads are taxing some people’s psyches to the breaking point. Severe mental strain and personal anguish are causing some people's biological systems to collapse completely.

  They could choose to view The Transition differently, if they could be willing and able. One or both is lacking.

  I offer them tonight a poem my friend, Franco Galina, introduces to me about twenty-five years ago that explains the situation. Many thanks to the poet, Ms. Portia Nelson, who becomes ReInvolved in 2001 after her journey in this timeline:


  [Copyright 1978 Portia Nelson, from

  There’s a Hole in My Sidewalk ]

  Chapter 1

  I walk down the street.

  There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

  I fall in.

  I am lost… I am helpless.

  It isn’t my fault.

  It takes forever to find a way out.

  Chapter 2

  I walk down the street.

  There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

  I pretend that I don’t see it.

  I fall in again.

  I can’t believe I am in this same place.

  But, it isn’t my fault.

  It still takes a long time to get out.

  Chapter 3

  I walk down the same street.

  There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

  I see it is there.

  I still fall in … it’s a habit … but, my eyes are open.

  I know where I am.

  It is my fault.

  I get out immediately.

  Chapter 4

  I walk down the same street.

  There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

  I walk around it.


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