Lifestyle Mastery Boxed Set
Page 39
Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. Many of the future events we are convinced will happen rarely do. Sure, bad stuff does happen, and in many cases the things we never feared could happen too.
For example:
You lose a job you were convinced was secure. What are you going to do?
Your spouse walks out on you after twenty years of marriage. What are you going to do?
The market crashes overnight and you lose 90% of your investments. What are you going to do?
The truth is, we waste too much time dreaming up fears of the future that may or may not happen. But who can predict what is going to happen today, tomorrow or in twenty years from now? There is no evidence to prove that 99% of our fears exist. The imagination is great at conjuring up illusions of what could happen.
The fear of failure? Yes, you will fail.
The fear of loss? Yes, you will lose something at least once in the next decade.
The fear of dying? Yes, that will happen too. Not today but, you can take great comfort in knowing most of your fears are false and some are destined to happen no matter what.
Our fears are only as great as our imaginations allow them to be. By knowing you can act and make choices in the present moment, it fills your mind and spirit with confidence.
Free Your Fears from Rejection.
We fear rejection on many fronts. Our internal rejection issues destroy opportunity, hold us back from achieving goals, and keep us living small when we should be living large.
Rejection is an issue that everyone deals with. In my coaching sessions, I have walked many people through the program to remove rejection fears from the equation. With this taken out, you are free to be yourself and take risks that once seemed impossible.
Imagine where you could be if you:
Approach a company to apply for that job you really want.
Ask someone for something you’ve always desired.
Speak your mind without worrying what other people will think.
Do it anyway when your fear is telling you to run.
Talk back to your internal negative voices that are filling your head with lies about who you are.
Start to count your wins and not your losses.
Focus on building abundance and ignore your fear of scarcity.
Put an end to your biggest negative behavior and adopt a set of positive values that trigger new habits.
Allow yourself to fail. More often we are so afraid to fail that we avoid trying. Our expectations and attitude from the beginning is “I have to be perfect before I try this.” When we think this way, it reduces our motivation and drive to try. We defeat ourselves by refusing to accept our right to fail.
If you don’t give yourself that room to grow, you’ll never develop the skills you need to become confident.
Learning to fail is essential. You need to give yourself permission to learn. Confident people are not born, they are made through years of trial and error.
Desensitize Your Fear
By knowing what scares you the most, you can challenge this fear again and again. You can condition your fears through a “rejection proof” strategy by getting out there and just doing it.
Jia Jiang, the founder of 100 Days of Rejection Therapy and the author of Rejection Proof, did exactly this. He went out and challenged himself to do 100 things that scared him. In many cases, it involved putting himself in certain situations that caused incredible discomfort.
Several of these daring challenges include:
Test drive an expensive car
Make an announcement on an airplane flight
Get a free room at a hotel
Challenge a CEO to a staring contest
Name my own price at Dollar Tree
By putting yourself in a situation in which the risk of rejection is high, we can desensitize ourselves to the fear. By getting rejected on purpose, you begin to lose the fear of this happening.
For example, you might be scared to approach strangers and strike up a conversation. However, I’ve found that most people enjoy a good chat with someone they don’t even know. The next time you want to challenge your discomfort of approaching people, set a target for yourself. How many people can you meet in one hour, or one day? How will they react to you?
You might be surprised to know this, but many people feel the same way. We’re afraid to ask, afraid to act, and afraid to be ourselves. Well, do it scared and make someone’s day by starting a conversation.
Stepping out of the safety zone feels unnatural to us. Train your mind to set this aside and free yourself. Why be afraid when you could be making friends?
Facing up to the fears that have been keeping you scared for most of your life is not an easy challenge. But then again, living in fear and missing out on all the great things you could be experiencing is the sacrifice to giving into your fears. See fear as an opportunity to grow, because that is what it is and nothing more.
Ask yourself, “Where will I be if I take action?”
Who knows? You might end up with everything you ever dreamed of.
I know I did, but to get it, I had to say YES to my fears and NO to living life alone as recluse who was afraid to face the world.
So, be afraid.
Do it scared and take action today.
Say YES to the fear that holds you back.
Embrace fear as your companion on this journey.
As one of my favorite authors, the late Susan Jeffers, once said:
“We must feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Building Your Life
by Design
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
— Norman Cousins
We have covered a lot of material in this book. Just to recap, you learned how to:
Integrate the 16 principles of world class achievers
Design a personal mission statement
Build a system of habits by sticking with a set routine
Adopt a role-model to build a solid foundation
Break through internal and external obstacles
Determine your priorities and kill your distractions
Turn failure into victory
Release your resentment and turn negative thinking into a positive mindset
Throw away excuses and develop the Steve Jobs approach, or new challenge approach.
Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
I have always maintained the attitude that nothing in life is fixed or permanent. No matter where you are, how old you are, no matter where you live or what circumstances you have been thrown into, or what you’ve accomplished—or haven’t—where you are today is the outcome of your life by design. Your decisions, thoughts, actions, and relationships have had a massive impact on the way your life has turned out so far.
If you are not where you want to be just yet, if you are still struggling to develop yourself to get to some place or accomplish a specific goal, you might want to consider the influences happening around you and within you.
Do you have compelling goals that build up your passion and make you want to stay up late and get up early?
Are you surrounding yourself with people who are supportive and can help you (and you can help them)?
Do you feel good about yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually?
Do you have your priorities in place or are you still struggling with uncertainty?
Do you have a clear vision of the direction you want to take?
Are you committed to doing whatever it takes to break through your obstacles and succeed no matter what?
Design or Default: Your Life by Design
Everything you do is by design, whether it be default action or proactive. You—yes, you—can create anything you want. You can empower your life to attract every possible opportunity.
life by design and not default means that we are taking intentional actions to change, shape and develop our future instead of allowing life to just happen. There is nothing more powerful than following through on a decision with consistent actions as opposed to just taking your chances.
Always remember: You’re never a victim of your circumstances. You are the master of circumstances. While you may not be able to control what’s happening, you can take charge of how to deal it.
In every situation there is a call to action. Will you do what is needed to respond when the time calls for it? Are you ready to take action on your goals?
No matter what takes place in the world around you, never allow circumstances to dictate your future.
Consider these situations:
What will you do if your business crashes and you have to start over?
What will you do if your spouse decides to divorce and you lose your job in the same week?
What will you do if you’re in an accident and permanently injured?
The truth is, we don’t know what challenges life will bring. One day things are fine, and the next you might be locked in a struggle to survive.
What we do know is that you can be the master of your actions. You can master your emotions and thus master the decisions that influence destiny. This is how you live by design and not default.
When we rely on default to work things out, it is like throwing chance to the wind and hoping for the best. In this case you have no control over the outcome and are relying on blind luck to get through.
Living by default works as long as everything works out, but in most cases, relying on good fortune or luck only goes so far. You usually end up serving someone else and stuck in a situation that makes you unhappy.
People who plan gain the most ground in their lives. They are able to make more money, have better jobs, travel more, and have the freedom and flexibility to do what they enjoy.
I’ll make it simple for you: You’re either living an empowered lifestyle governed by intentional action, or you exist to serve someone else’s agenda. If it is the latter, and for many people it is, we can change this. There is always a new door to open and you have the key to unlock all the personal power you need.
By design, you are the master of your life.
By default, you become a slave to somebody else’s plan.
This book is designed to get you thinking about your life and how you want it to be.
We can always maximize our quality of life by staying fixed on the things that matter most and avoiding whatever doesn’t add value.
My hope in writing this book is that you may gain valuable tactics for boosting the quality of your life. You are meant to succeed, not just through achievements, but by helping others, spreading wisdom, and making others happy.
I’ll leave you now with five valuable tips you can implement to squeeze every ounce of fulfillment out of your life. Not only will you improve your life, but you will also improve the lives of everyone around you.
To start living by design, here are the actionable steps you can take today.
Throw away your “life by default” attitude.
We fall into automated programming at an early stage. It starts with relying on someone else to make our decisions. We trust that those decisions made by others (parents, peers) are in our own best interest. But years later, we struggle to take control.
You might become helpless in certain situations and realize you have been living by default instead of by design (taking action and pushing toward your goals).
A massive shift in your attitude can change everything. This means thinking and acting in a way that is the opposite of how you have been doing things. Instead of trusting the universe to work things out, get up and put in the work yourself. The universe is busy with other things. Trusting the universe has your back and that you don’t have to worry about a thing is setting yourself up for a fall.
Throw away the attitude that says it will all work out even if you do nothing. You can pray for the best, but then, as soon as you are done, get to work on building the best. Success is not an accident. It is not a game of roulette where you might get lucky even if you do nothing. This book is based on a plan of action and you have to put what you know into play.
Keep pushing forward when the going gets tough.
Some days, my efforts seem to have little impact and I drain myself of energy when focused on negative thoughts. The journey is not always fun, and we struggle to get through some rough times. But the struggle is the victory.
It isn’t reaching your destination that counts, but the walk you take to get there. Focus on the journey. When you get to the end of the road, the action is over. The thrill of the moment is right now and all the steps you take in this moment are adding up to your life’s passion.
Stay focused on what matters most.
A question people often ask me is, “How can I know what matters most when everything feels important?”
My response is simple: “Focus on what feels right to you.”
What is calling to you? Is it an idea, or a mission? In chapter one, I discussed at length defining your purpose in life. You will never discover what it really is if you are chasing everything.
You need to choose, and then pursue that idea or passion with relentless diligence. Stay focused on what makes a difference, not just in the moment because it feels right, but because you see the potential for building a successful future.
What matters most is having work that you love, enjoying the company of the people you work for, and the things you can do when your work sets you free. In other words, choose a profession that gives you the freedom to do what you want to do. You’ll live a more empowered lifestyle. Not only will you be living your purpose, but you’ll be embracing the best parts of this world.
Be aware of the obstacles keeping you stuck.
In chapter four, we discussed the roadblocks we have to deal with. By confronting these difficulties head on, we eliminate the attraction to procrastinate and avoid our difficulties.
Make a list of the challenges you have every day, even if it is something as simple as making a call or filling out a form. If something is blocking you, work to remove it and keep chipping away until it is done. This works for small obstacles as well as bigger ones. The bigger challenges may take longer but can be defeated, too.
Help people whenever possible.
When we are focused on building a life that counts, it is so easy to become self-absorbed. We might forget to watch out for the people who are struggling and could use our help.
Living your life by design is about helping others to reach their goals as well. A big part of your plan should be to build those vital relationships along the way. You will always be rewarded by helping others, even if that reward is not recognized in public.
Now, go do this thing. Empower your life in such a way that you set yourself up for success twenty years down the road. Begin today and start building that momentum. The opportunity you seek is grounded in the actions you take.
Until Next Time…
Together, I believe we can transcend any challenge and overcome all obstacles to create a better future.
Remember to give yourself the time to grow. You can begin by accepting the fact that there is no perfection in what we do. There is recovery and healing, learning and self-discovery, and subsequently, the branches of a new life are created.
We are on the precipice of a new world, and I take great comfort in knowing that I do not stand alone.
Be well, my friends, and may all the days shine brightly on you wherever you may travel.
Scott Allan
January 24th, 2019
Scott Allan
"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.”
— Howard Thurman
About Scott Allan
/> Scott Allan is a bestselling author who has a passion for teaching, building life skills, and inspiring others to take charge of their lives. Scott’s mission is to give people the strategies needed to design the life they want through choice.
He believes that successful living is a series of small, consistent actions taken every day to build a thriving lifestyle with intentional purpose. By taking the necessary steps and eliminating unwanted distractions that keep you stuck, you are free to focus on the essentials.
Scott Allan lives in western Japan and is currently working on several new writing projects.
You can connect with Scott online at:
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Scott Allan’s
Recommended Reading List
I've been reading books for over three decades as a source of learning and inspiration. In fact, I make it a daily habit to set aside thirty minutes a day for reading. It is one of the best habits to either start your day first thing in the morning, or finish it as a means to wind down.
Here I share with you master list of favorite books on self-help, personal development, mastery, productivity and happiness. These books are the best I've read over the years and have helped me to grow exponentially as both a person and an author.
So, I am recommending them to you for your journey so that you may learn, grow and experience your success in achieving the impossible.
To stay up to date on more empowering strategies and how to live an undefeated freedom rich lifestyle, sign up at to stay up to date. The journey begins here!
Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins shows you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your emotions, your body, your relationships, finances, and your life. The acknowledged expert in the psychology of change, Tony Robbins takes you through a step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control, of your life, and harness the forces that shape your destiny.