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The Vordalyn 2

Page 4

by Michael T Payne

  “What’s this one about, Janouc?” She asked. Alyndra and Kaylin knelt next to Janouc also looking at him and the book with curiosity. Janouc smiled at their interest, oblivious they were purposely blocking his view of their mischievous sister.

  “This book,” He said gathering it from the floor and placing it on his knee, still open. He put his hand on the pages, “Is an entire catalog of the flora and fauna of Sumia.”

  “What does that even mean? What language is that?” Alyndra asked in a most curious voice that made Janouc laugh.

  “How can I put this? It is a book about all the plants and trees in Sumia.” He said chuckling, “Flora and fauna, is simply another word for it, not another language, my dear.”

  “Ohhh.” The three girls said in a long, unified, sudden epiphany.

  “But Janouc? Why would anyone want to learn all that?” Kaylin asked.

  “Janouc.” Talila suddenly appeared looking down at Janouc and her sisters gathered around the books on the floor like a campfire. He thought she had been there all along. They looked up at her. “Our mistress expects us back soon. Today’s lesson is over.” She said expressionless. Her sisters stood, leaving Janouc still kneeling for a second as he looked at Talila curiously.

  “I suppose the day has run long with the tour and all. Tomorrow I’m sure we can get directly into something more stimulating for you.” He stood after gathering the books from the floor then faced the shelves trying to find their original positions.

  “Can you show us how to work the portal, Janouc?” Kaylin asked. Janouc thought about her question as he put the books away.

  “I suppose a demonstration could be considered in line with her graces wishes?” He pondered aloud making Kaylin’s face light up.

  “Let’s go.” Talila ordered, “I’m getting hungry.”

  “We can get you something to eat here, if you’d like?” Janouc offered.

  “No,” Talila said, a smile crept across her face, “They fawn on us in Ganlin. We are served as her highness herself.” She said sticking her nose up, like she was royalty. It made her sisters giggle their agreement. Janouc smiled at the girls.

  “I see.” He nodded, “You will be treated well here?”

  “Not like in a king’s palace, Janouc.” Alyndra giggled, “You’ve never sampled cheese, than from someone whose whole life is dedicated to just making cheese.” She finished with her eyes closed, remembering the taste of such a delicacy.

  Janouc took them from the temple library to a room with many devices and magical artifacts. The girls asked about everything they could see, making Janouc smile at their wonder. The girls spread out through the room as Janouc went to the portal device. Venalina taught Janouc how to keep the device charged, making it extremely useful. Janouc glanced at each of the girls as they fawned over different boxes of jewelry and other trinkets. “Look at them to your hearts fill, ladies, but do not touch them without knowing what they do. Who knows, your mistress may make one of them a gift to you someday?” Janouc knew his warning would fall upon deaf ears, but the items were relatively safe for the girls to paw and fawn over. He saw Talila eyeing an amulet, lifting it from its case and holding it up. Her eyes were lit with a fire of desire and a smile stretched across her face from ear to ear at the red jewel. It was a golden chain with a large ruby dangling from it. It was a Fire Ruby. Janouc smirked thinking what she would do to him with it, given half a chance. He wandered over and spoke quietly over her shoulder. “It allows its user to completely control fire, bend it to her will.” He said in a whisper. She didn’t look at him, her eyes narrowed as she thought of the possibilities, still staring at the Fire Ruby. She almost started to pant in excitement at the power she imagined unleashed from such a beautiful thing. He took it from her hand by either end of its chain. She glanced back at him as he held it up to her neck, allowing the ruby to rest against her chest, barely touching her skin. She immediately grabbed her hair, making way for the chain around her neck, her chest heaved, her breath quickened in anticipation. Janouc began to fasten the chain, then just as suddenly, pulled it away, returning it into its case. Talila spun on him with a snarl so vicious, it made Janouc laugh, very pleased with himself for teasing her, “I would have to ask her highness first. But don’t fret, I think we can help each other get what we want?”

  “What do you want?” She asked in a low growl, glancing around at her sisters who were each lost in their own worlds, admiring different trinkets they each fancied.

  “I only wish to serve Venalina, that we make peace.” He said staring into her eyes, both reflected the same cold, stare, back at one another, “I will not interfere with your relationship with her highness, and you will not interfere with mine.” Talila nodded slowly considering his offer.

  “I want to be powerful, Janouc. In every way the word could possibly mean.” She said as her demand for her compliance.

  “Caution, lovely girl, ambition can slit your throat, if you’re not careful,” Janouc smirked then said, “Come girls,” loud enough to get the other girl’s attention from the different areas of the room, “Time to send you back.” He set the portal device down on its tripod and traced his fingers over the runes of its globe like top.

  “Tell us what you’re doing, Janouc!” Alyndra exclaimed, reminding him to teach them about the device.

  “First, it has to be activated.” He said as he ran his fingers over the runes, repeating what he had just done so they could see. The portal activated, swirling open before them. On the other side was the large bedroom the girls shared in Dracon’s palace.

  “Bye, Janouc.” Saida smiled, waved, then stepped through the portal. Alyndra stepped through followed by Kaylin. Talila stepped toward the portal, Janouc grabbed her elbow stopping her. She looked back at him. They locked eyes a moment and in her peripheral vision she could see his hand rise, getting her full attention. Her mouth opened slowly as the amulet came into view.

  “Be cautious,” He warned, “Use it sparingly until I teach you how to unlock its full potential.” She raised her hand, cupping the Fire Ruby in her palm. He let it drop from his grip. She quickly closed her hand and brought it to her breast. She smiled at him then nodded yes. She stepped through the portal a happy young woman. The portal closed behind her. Her sisters looked at her expectantly. Talila’s smile left her face thinking her sisters saw Janouc give her the amulet.

  “Well?” Alyndra demanded, “Let me see it!”

  “Yes, we know you took a book, Talila.” Saida joined her.

  “You can’t keep it to yourself! Besides, you’ll need one of us to read it to you.” Kaylin said rushing over to Talila, grabbing her waist and feeling around her thick dress trying to find the book. It made Talila laugh and pull away. She lifted the front of her thick gown, full of layers, and pulled a glowing book from her waist. Alyndra took the book and walked away from her sisters, opening it immediately. The book flashed, letters glowed white on its pages. Alyndra continued away from her sisters staring at the pages. Her mouth agape in awe. She laid her palm against the open pages of the book.

  “What does it say?” Saida asked watching Alyndra walk off.

  “What else did you do?” Kaylin asked Talila. Saida heard the question and was also curious.

  “What, ever, do you mean?” Talila asked trying not to smile.

  “You are hiding something.” Saida exclaimed as soon as she saw Talila’s face, “What is it? Tell us!” Alyndra screamed, piercing the ears of her sisters. Her scream turned to a loud repeating phrase. The sisters turned to Alyndra, who had her hand on the open book. Light emanated from within the book like tendrils, wrapping around Alyndra’s arm up to her shoulder. It pulsed as she screamed words they could not understand. Saida ran to Alyndra standing by ready to grab her. Kaylin grabbed Saida, stopping her from putting her hands on Alyndra, whose screaming gibberish became louder with the brightness of the white light emanating from the pages of the book, “We need lady Venalina!” Saida yelled. Talila watc
hed unable to move or say anything. Suddenly Alyndra dropped the book and stood shaking with her hands stiff like she was fighting a cold only she could feel. She looked at her sisters with her jaw clenched tight, her breath was a cold mist that puffed with every breath. Her eyes were wide, and her skin was almost blue. She fell to the floor shivering. Saida rushed to her side, joined by Talila and Kaylin.

  “She’s frozen!” Saida screamed after touching her sister. Alyndra’s eyes were still wide open, unable to blink, staring at Saida. Talila ran to the nearest bed and grabbed a blanket then rushed back to Alyndra, covering her with it. The door to their room opened and a guard came in.

  “My ladies, is everything ok?” He asked alarmed by the commotion.

  “Get out!” Kaylin yelled at the guard, “Can’t you see we aren’t decent!” His eyes went wide, embarrassed and he shut the door leaving them alone. “We are in so much trouble!” She said kneeling by her sisters. Alyndra grabbed her wrist. Her hand was like ice. It frightened Kaylin. Alyndra lay shivering on the floor, her eyes darting between her sisters. Talila remembered the amulet of fire in her hand. She wanted to warm Alyndra but had no idea what to do with the amulet or how to wield it.

  “What are we going to do!” Saida yelled trying to squeeze the blanket tighter around Alyndra. Frozen breath came from Alyndra’s mouth and nose in a mist. Talila grabbed her own face in both hands, about to lose her composure and cry.

  “Don’t,” Alyndra stuttered, “Don’t say,” She shivered, “Anything.” Then she said a string of words none of them could understand.

  “Let’s get her to her bed.” Saida ordered from her knees. The three sisters lifted Alyndra and carried her to her bed. Talila looked over at the book on the floor, hesitant to go pick it up.

  “Bring it.” Alyndra stammered, looking at Talila. She looked back at her confused. “Bring it to me.”

  “No!” Saida screamed at Talila. Alyndra grabbed Saida’s arm, shaking uncontrollably, her hand was so cold it hurt Saida, forcing her to jerk away from Alyndra’s icy grip. She grabbed her own arm trying to warm it by rubbing it vigorously, standing away from Alyndra’s side. Talila sat on the bed sitting next to Alyndra.

  “Why Aly, why do you want it?” Talila asked.

  “I’m not done.” She answered through a shiver with chattering teeth.

  “I’m scared Aly,” Talila said shaking her head, “I can’t.” Kaylin scooped the book up from the floor, walked over to the bed and dropped it between Talila and Alyndra. Talila stood up frightened of the book.

  “If you die, I will never forgive you!” Kaylin said in a snarl. Alyndra sat up in the bed and opened the book, placing her hand on the open pages again.

  “What are you doing? You’re going to kill her!” Saida yelled. Alyndra fell back in the bed, her hand glued to the pages of the book. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Saida couldn’t watch any longer and left to the balcony. Talila joined her shortly after. Kaylin stayed with Alyndra.

  “What is that book, Tali? What is it doing to her?” Saida asked Talila.

  “I don’t know, I can’t read it!” Talila snapped back at her.

  “You made us help you take that book, and this is what happened! It’s your fault!” Saida yelled at her then settled herself down. She looked around and over the edge of the balcony for anyone close enough to have heard her, “I don’t know why we listen to you, Talila, you can’t even read!” Saida growled trying not to yell again, “You’re so simple, I swear!”

  “Maybe we should go get Lady Venalina?” Talila offered, looking at the ground embarrassed by her sisters scolding.

  “And tell her what? We stole her book for the only one among us who can’t read?” Saida snarled then shook her head. She could see she was about to make Talila cry. Saida softened her tone, “We have to tell her no matter what happens. I know that. We can’t hide things from her.” Kaylin walked out to the balcony, joining her sisters. It was a dark, moonless evening.

  “It’s over.” She said. Talila put her hand to her mouth, fearing the worst. “She’s fine.” Kaylin added seeing Talila was on the verge of tears, then took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “I know it all.” Alyndra walked out shortly after, just behind Kaylin, joining her sisters on the balcony. Saida rushed to her.

  “Why did you do that? By the gods, Aly, you’re freezing!” She said. Alyndra put her hands on Saida’s shoulders.

  “Watch!” Alyndra said stepping back then raised her hands and snow fell on her sisters. They looked around at the falling snow then back at Alyndra, who said, “We need more books!”

  “Did it hurt?” Talila rushed over to Alyndra, who took her hands. Alyndra’s hands were warm again.

  “Yes.” Alyndra said nodding, “Like the first time I gave myself to him.” She smiled.

  “King Dracon felt like an icy book?” Kaylin asked in a laugh.

  “No!” Alyndra laughed back at her, “The pain was fleeting, is all I meant.”

  “All that and you can make it snow? Really, Alyndra, it hardly seems worth your life?” Saida asked angrily then went back in and grabbed a blanket to cover Alyndra.

  “That’s not all I can do, but I didn’t want to hurt any of you. There is no room to safely do anything inside.” Alyndra smirked.

  “You almost died!” Saida yelled again then settled herself down quickly for fear of being heard by someone other than her sisters.

  “You’re exaggerating, Saida. I did not almost die.” Alyndra walked fully onto the balcony with her sisters. Talila grabbed Alyndra’s arm then hugged her, happy she was warm again.

  “What happened to you?” Talila asked.

  “I learned it.” Alyndra smiled, “I learned it all.” Her eyes widened, “The whole book. It just jumped off the pages right into my mind. I could hear the whispers of the words spoken to me. The magic, flowing through me.” She looked around. “Let’s go back inside.” She grabbed Talila’s arm, pulling her as she walked backwards looking at Saida and Kaylin to join her inside as well. They followed her off the balcony. She pointed at the balcony opening and ice grew from the ground up, sealing it completely. A clear block of ice, like a pane of glass. Alyndra smiled at her sisters then pointed her hand at her newly formed creation. A shard of ice burst from her open palm and flew across the room then shattered the ice pane. She turned to her sisters showing them another blade of ice in her hand. “I can do so much more!” Alyndra held both hands out, the shard in her hand evaporated and she closed her eyes. Her hair began to move in a breeze that only affected her. Her breath became a fog from her lips and the room began to get colder as the blanket that covered her fell to the ground. A frost covered Alyndra’s skin turning her white, her eyes and lips turned blue. She pursed her lips together and blew, a whirlwind of snow began all around them. Saida screamed and the three sisters dropped to their knees. The frozen wind pierced them to the bone, almost flash freezing them. Alyndra dropped her hands and the frozen world around them disappeared. She rushed to her sisters. “I’m sorry! I couldn’t feel any of it.” She rubbed Saida’s shoulders trying to warm her. Alyndra was herself again. Talila went to the book and opened it, immediately placing her open palm on its pages.

  “Teach me!” She yelled at the book, “Teach me!” She screamed angrily when nothing happened. She could see it was not going to react to her like it did with her sister. She fell to her knees crying, “It’s not fair! What about me!”

  “What’s going on with you?” Venalina asked suddenly appearing in the center of the room standing over Alyndra and Saida, still on their knees. The girls looked at Venalina with fear in their eyes. Her black dress flowed around her, still in motion from teleporting into the room. Magic crackled around her, making her hair move gently in a breeze. The ruby that dangled from her tiara on her forehead rocked side to side with every tilt of her head. Talila dropped the book to the floor. Venalina stuck her hand out and the book instantly appeared in her hand. She examined it closely then opened it an
d turned a few pages. “Where did you get this?” She asked and before anyone could speak, “Janouc.” She growled to herself.

  “No mistress,” Alyndra said bowing before Venalina then looked up at her, “We stole it.” She wanted to say more but was terrified. Venalina reached down and touched Alyndra’s cold cheek. The other sisters hurried over beside Alyndra, also dropping to their knees before Venalina.

  “You’re impatient.” Venalina said admonishing the women. “It could have killed you, driven you mad, and yet you foolishly proceeded.” The four sisters winced, looking down at her feet. “Haven’t I been attentive enough for you? You do this without me?” Venalina looked around the room then at Alyndra. She was pale. “Stand up, eager girl.” She said to her, “Stand up now, all of you.” The sisters rose to their feet obeying her orders. Venalina grabbed Alyndra’s face, it was cold in her hands. Her skin was no longer tan and full of life, but white, almost as white as Venalina’s own pale skin. “Lord Dracon would never sleep well with your cold skin against his body.” Venalina smiled. “Is this what you want?” Alyndra sheepishly looked her in the eyes.

  “Yes.” She said, Venalina laughed putting both hands on Alyndra’s cheeks, holding her face, “Some nights are very hot my lady, I could comfort him then?” Alyndra offered, making Venalina laugh even more, then she kissed Alyndra.

  “It is too dangerous to keep.” Venalina looked at each of the sisters, “Never again without me. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, my lady.” Talila raised her hand returning the Fire Ruby to Venalina.

  “These things, you took them from the priests?” Venalina asked taking the Fire Ruby from Talila, “Janouc left you alone with them?”


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