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The Vordalyn 2

Page 34

by Michael T Payne

  “Get up, Janouc.” Alyndra said right away, then helped him to his feet. “You are a loyal servant and I see merit in your advice. I will speak with her in private, in support of your words.”

  “Thank you,” Janouc said then smiled and shook his head, “I’m sorry, Alyndra.”

  “What for?” She asked.

  “When we first met, I was sure you…” Janouc started to say.

  “That was a long time ago, we have come a long way since then.” She said, “I think we have proved to one another that we both serve our mistress?”

  “Yes.” He said and smiled again. He looked at Dracon, “Do we just leave him here?”

  “He is not your concern.” Talila said flying in to the room from the balcony, landing a few feet behind Dracon on the floor. Janouc stepped back several feet, she was intimidating. Alyndra stepped between them.

  “Have you been listening outside the window, like some sort of paranoid twit? Where do you think you’re taking him?” She asked.

  “You should be paranoid, sister, for it is I, who has become favored, by both lord and mistress.” Talila put her hands on her hips proudly, “Venalina says he must rest, I’m taking him to rest. Only, if he does not need me to satisfy his urges first, he is ravenous when we are alone!” Talila said as a barb to Alyndra.

  “You’re a braggart, and you exaggerate.” Alyndra said unaffected by her attempts to get her goat.

  “Do you want to come watch then?” Talila asked threateningly. Alyndra chuckled at her sister.

  “Go away, do your duty and be gone.” Talila knelt down next to Dracon and right before they vanished, she looked at Alyndra a moment.

  “It’s too bad she didn’t make you a full Vordalyn like me, I can see the power left you already, and you are your drab, boring, human self again.” She said.

  “Alyndra,” Janouc said after Talila and Dracon disappeared, “The way you and your mistress are treating his highness like a doll, that, is the cause of all of this. I am afraid we are going to need the man of war he once was, if it does not change, and quickly.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Dracon opened his eyes and looked around the much smaller guest room Talila had ushered him to, after cooking for him in the servant’s kitchen. He felt good. He felt better than he remembered feeling in a long time. He remembered Talila watching him train, then they shared time together. She was very easy for him to talk to, even about things he dared not tell anyone. He looked down and there she was, nuzzled under his arm. He remembered when she whispered to him…sleep. And, just like when Venalina did it, he slept. Suddenly, he had flashes, disturbing images of Talila and her sisters turning into Vordalyn, like Venalina, the palace emptying of guards and servants alike. The whole city abandoning him like he was some sort of monster. What horrible dreams he had, beside such a beautiful woman. Ironic. Talila stirred and opened her eyes, then smiled at him, seeing he was watching her while she slept. She reached up and touched his face, it made him smile.

  “You slept well, I hope?” She asked, her eyes so bright and beautiful, her tan skin revealed even more by the blanket falling away from her when her hand went to his face.

  “Yes, Talila. I guess I have to come to your room tonight and ask for you in front of your sisters?” He asked with a wider smile. Her brow furrowed, confused.

  “What?” She asked then smiled, still confused, “Oh,” She said understanding what he was talking about, “That was so long ago, you have above and beyond returned that favor.” Then it was Dracon who was confused.

  “How do you mean?” He asked.

  “By ravishing me nightly since that day, of course!” She giggled.

  “Talila, the things you say, you confuse me at times.” He said shaking his head at her, “One moment you’re a woman of great insight, and the other, a silly girl making up stories.”

  “You don’t remember any of it, do you?” Talila asked.

  “I don’t remember any of what you and your mistress do to me when I am put in a trance beyond my control, you know this already.” He said sitting up on the bed.

  “I envy you that, then.” She said also sitting up, letting the blanket fall away from her naked body.

  “You enjoy not being remembered?” He asked making her smile.

  “I envy that you and I make love, and for you, it is the first time you have fallen for me, over and over again.” She said.

  “I don’t understand, Talila?” He questioned, still confused.

  “It is not under some trance that we made love, Dracon. We have shared time together, you and I have shared a bed, regularly, just the two of us, of your own free will.” She said putting her hand to his cheek, “You took me because you wanted me, not because of some trance Venalina uses for the ritual. Our time has been genuine and I will woo you again and again, until you remember. You may have forgotten how I won your heart, but I have not, and I will win it again!”

  “How long have I been asleep?” He asked chuckling in disbelief of her story.

  “It’s been weeks since we had the conversation you remember, Dracon.” Talila rolled over, leaning on his chest and looked into his eyes, “You are lost, aren’t you?” Dracon shook his head with a smirk, still believing she was playing some sort of a game with him.

  “Get up, I have things to do, a kingdom to rule. Your silly tales will not woo me today, Talila. Thank you for giving me peace for one night.” He said making her laugh. Dracon started to dress, he was pleased his Drow clothes were there. “What is this ritual?” he asked.

  “Venalina’s Vordalyn ritual, it gives us magic.” Talila said then snuggled back into the blankets and went back to sleep. It was early morning and very bright. The summer sun shined brightly in the sky, lighting up the entire palace through every opening, windows and doorways alike. Dracon went to his and Venalina’s bed chamber looking for Venalina. It was very quiet, unnervingly quiet. He looked into the hall outside his bed chamber for a guard, or a servant, but saw no one. He started considering if he had seen anyone since he left Talila? He left the palace and still saw no one. Was he dreaming? Dracon went back into the palace and travelled to its highest vantage point, then looked out. It was the outer region, the walls around the palace were empty of guards. In the outer region an army approached, for as far as he could see. It alarmed him. Dracon ran as fast as he could throughout the palace, looking for anyone. He left the palace again and ran to the city. He began to yell a warning as he exited the palace gates but stopped when he saw the city appeared empty. He walked a few steps more, questioning what he saw with his own eyes. He was alone, only Talila was in the palace behind him, or was she? There was a force approaching from the outer region. He had to get her to safety, then call on the armies of Ganlin, he needed to act fast. Where was Venalina? Where had everyone else gone? He heard a goat, then he heard Talila’s voice in his memory, I flew up above the wall and looked out over the city. I couldn’t see anyone. Just a goat, and that chicken on your plate.

  “My lord, are you ok?” Janouc called from behind Dracon. He was just inside the palace gates, he saw Dracon run from the palace and out the gates, to the road down to the city. Dracon spun, alarmed at first, then, seeing it was Janouc, he calmed slightly.

  “There is a force, an army, coming from the outer region, we have to gather the forces of Ganlin, prepare to leave Dwerma.” He said walking back to the palace. “Apparently the alarm was given, but nobody saw fit to wake me to join the evacuation. What are you doing here, Janouc?” He asked as he reached him.

  “You don’t remember? We’ve been here for days, my lord.” He said, “Venalina is at the city gates with our men, awaiting the forces of Ganlin, who march on us from the south, not the outer region. She left Talila to watch over you.”

  “What do you mean? There is a force coming from the outer region, I saw them myself?” Dracon was confused. Janouc cocked his head.

  “Are you sure?” He asked, Dracon was not sure. He wasn’t sure of anyth
ing he saw, or heard.

  “Let’s go to the gates.” He said then left the palace grounds. Janouc turned and saw a battlemage who had come to the palace with him.

  “Gather the lady Talila, be prepared to open the portal, should it be necessary.” Janouc commanded then followed after Dracon.

  South of Dwerma, at its border with Urixis, a mighty army of thousands of elves waited. Throughout the day, during their wait, they were joined by every race that called Ganlin home. Each wore armor, whether they be winged, two-legged, four-legged, every race arrived, ready for battle. Seeing the army assembled before her, Queen Menina was filled with pride, watching as every citizen of Ganlin picked up the sword and joined her side, to defend her reign. It was not the way she planned it, but it was in fact going to secure her as the Queen of Ganlin, supported by the people and even her staunchest opposition, her own brother, Prince Charnio.

  Her brother’s forces joined her army, one at a time, each prince joining her side at the head of the army. Prince Darrin was first to arrive and appeared to have lost weight to Queen Menina, who opted not to comment on it. Prince Renic and his forces joined her and as soon as he arrived by her side, elven scouts returned with Elmyra at their lead.

  “The city lies empty, abandoned, there is no army of monsters, there appear to be a few men in and about the palace, but no army. We did see the women, but none had wings or horns.” Elmyra informed the princes and Queen Menina.

  “She is a shapeshifter!” Captain Velen growled from behind the sibling royalty, “I told you this!”

  “Calm yourself, Captain Velen, no one is disputing your words, she is only informing us of what she saw.” Prince Renic said trying to calm him.

  “I should go, see to him myself, if he is alone?” Captain Velen began to jerk the reigns of his horse.

  “You will stay where you are, soldier! That is an order!” Queen Menina yelled at him just as he was about to break his horse into a full run. He choked up on the reigns, halting his horse, then folded back in to the ranks behind them, grumbling to himself. “I understand your desire to ride out and avenge your loved ones.” She said, “We all do.” She said even louder, for all the men around her to hear. “Today, we face an enemy we know all too well.” Queen Menina looked at the soldiers nearest to her, then the one’s behind them, then further, beyond even that, “I would have prayed this day to end in a mere misunderstanding, of who we know is the greatest warrior Ganlin ever had.” Captain Velen spit and grumbled to the men around him, some joined him with angry words of their own. “I know, that by the evidence before us, there is no mistaken what must be done here today. But what we do here, we do as brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, of Ganlin. It may seem insurmountable, even terrifying, to face him. I know this more than you might think. Today, I join you on the field of battle, against one I once called brother, who we all once called brother.”

  “All hail Queen Menina!” An elven soldier yelled immediately joined by his entire company. It was a praise that spread from elf to human and beyond. She raised her hands to quiet the warriors.

  “This is not a day to praise me, I am one of you, a daughter of Ganlin, it will take every soul to win this fight, every ounce of courage, every blade and spell we can muster, to save ourselves from this new threat who was born right here in Ganlin, lost to us in the outer region, and returned a poisoned shadow of the man we once knew and loved. This is not a day I wish to hear praise. Today we have to put down, not a sick dog, or goat, but a man, a brother. Once a good man, a great man. Think on that and prepare yourselves.” She saw Prince Charnio slowly coming toward her on horseback. He stopped several yards away, ahead of the army with Queen Menina and her other brothers. Alkwin and Prince Charnio’s captains flanked him.

  “We will follow you into battle, Menina!” Prince Charnio raised his sword high above his head, his men wasted no time doing the same, the act spread through the ranks of the army as every soldier, of every race, raised a weapon, in somber silence at the task ahead.

  Vartan and Raggrun approached on horses, riding up to Queen Menina, “Are you sure you wish to take part in this?” Vartan asked as Prince Charnio joined them, arriving just in time to hear the conversation.

  “I will lead this army to one end or another.” She said, “It is my duty to stand against him. If we cannot locate his army, it might be a trap.” She said looking at those gathered around her.

  “Or they have yet to assemble, because we acted in time, before he could rouse them against us?” Prince Renic offered.

  “Yes, but if the city is empty, then surely, he knows by now that the people are on to him, and soon, he’ll know we are too?” Prince Charnio said.

  “In either case, we must act now, move on him before his army assembles in Dwerma and takes the city. If it takes the city, many citizens of Ganlin will fall before Dracon’s Lair is penetrated. He built that fortress for a reason.” Prince Renic said.

  “Yes, but I still do not see it.” Queen Menina said looking at Vartan.

  “I admit, your highness, at first glance it appears foolish that he built that fortress on the cliff and called it a strategic advantage? But he was the greatest strategist Ganlin had, so though we cannot see it, we must be wary of it.” Vartan reminded her.

  “Agreed.” Queen Menina nodded.

  “Let’s march.” Prince Renic, said then nodded to Elmyra. Each of the princes returned to their armies to lead them. Elmyra sounded a horn that was repeated at the head of each of the armies by others. Prince Charnio rode alongside Queen Menina.

  “I would feel much better about all this, if you returned to Urixis. I would gladly face whatever lies ahead, knowing it was you who saw to the task of protecting my wife and child.” He said.

  “Charnio,” She smiled at him, “Are you concerned for my safety?”

  “Well, I have come to believe that a king, or queen, should not accompany her men into battle, after what happened to father, I… we would be lost without you.” He struggled to say.

  “Charnio, I am the most skilled wielder of all the creatures in Ganlin, mother trained me well. We will live or die together, but facing him, we must do, together. Go join your men, when we reach the forests edge at Kalsine, we will reconvene and form our plan of attack.

  “I say we ride right up to the empty city in full force, and call for his surrender?” Prince Charnio offered. Queen Menina laughed.

  “Really?” She asked.

  “Why not, if the city is truly empty, we can occupy it. He cannot stand alone against all of this, us?” Prince Charnio motioned at the armies around them, “We’ll have him trapped, and if his monstrous force does arrive, we will have the city to take refuge in, the advantage will be ours.” Queen Menina considered his advice.

  “Why do you think he left himself so exposed?” She asked.

  “If he is poisoned by these creatures, then the man he was, the strategist he was, might also be lost. Only the will of those creatures guide his shell?” Prince Charnio answered.

  “That is possible. He cannot be himself if he is poisoned of mind.” Queen Menina agreed.

  “But if it is like the council said and he is here for revenge? The son of Terrax? Then we are facked.” Prince Charnio nodded then urged his horse off to join his men. Queen Menina considered the truth. She knew he was not the son of Terrax, but was he truly poisoned by Venalina? The army of monsters was a mystery too, who did they serve? Tamina joined her side. “Why does the council believe those women are Vordalyn? We saw them, they are human, albeit they have learned some magic, that is for certain, but human none the less?”

  “I don’t know, Aynisa.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Venalina, Alyndra, Kaylin, and Saida stood atop the outer wall of the city, just over the city gates. Four battlemages were with them, keeping watch for the army spotted approaching from the south.

  “My lady, what will we do if it’s true?” Kaylin asked. She was nervous and fidgety. All the w
omen had returned to their human forms. Saida looked on, watching Venalina for an answer to Kaylin’s question. Alyndra, however, kept her eyes beyond the wall, anticipating a vast army to appear from out of nowhere.

  “There is a cliff over there that overlooks the entire city. It would be an advantage for an attacking army.” Alyndra pointed out.

  “Only if they wanted to watch, an army could never come down that road without losing riders, and if they came down single file, it would take forever.” Talila said, suddenly appearing just behind Venalina. Saida scowled at the sight of her.

  “You are most proficient, aren’t you?” Venalina asked turning to Talila, “You come and go as if born with the power.”

  “But I was,” She said smiling, stepping closer to Venalina, then kissed her full on the lips, “I was reborn!” Venalina chuckled and pushed her back.

  “An astute observation of that cliff, however, we would need to have an army to take advantage of them, should they come that way. Else, it is simply we, who must watch and wait while they travel it to us.” Venalina pointed out.

  “I could bring it down.” Alyndra said.

  “You can? From here?” Venalina asked.

  “Yes.” Alyndra said turning to Venalina, “I can do it.” She said sure of herself, wanting to prove she was as powerful as Venalina thought Talila to be.


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