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The Vordalyn 2

Page 35

by Michael T Payne

  “If the time comes, you’ll get your chance.” Venalina said, Talila snorted with disgust at Alyndra trying to one-up her.

  “Venalina!” Dracon called from the road leading to the front gates, “Venalina!” Janouc was walking with him. Venalina walked to the other side of the top of the wall and looked down at the two men.

  “Up here, my love.” Venalina called down and raised her hand for him to see her.

  “Your majesty!” A battlemage said alarmed, pointing out beyond the city walls. On the road from the south an army approached, covering the road and beyond, on all sides. It looked to be the entire population of Ganlin. Every race, side by side, marching toward the city. Dhysevera spoke through Venalina aloud.

  “Again, they ban together against me, and again, I will destroy their world!” She said, Venalina grabbed her head to control herself from becoming Dhysevera. “No!” she said, “You lost your war, it killed my mother!” Saida rushed over to her.

  “Venalina, are you ok?” She asked. Venalina grabbed Saida’s arm, steadying herself, then stood up straight and gasped. She held her breath on the inhale and her vision magnified, zooming the distance between the approaching army and herself. She saw Queen Menina leading the army and just behind her, also atop a horse, was Tamina. She exhaled and her vision returned to normal.

  “It’s her!” Venalina growled, “She dares to stand against us! That Tamina is to blame, I have no doubt!”

  “Venalina!” Dracon called again from below, just inside the city gates. Venalina looked around thinking on what to do next. Janouc was right. It might be too late, her personal desires occupied her so much, she was oblivious to the world around them, or what was happening.

  “What have I done?” She whispered to herself, “How can I fix this?”

  “What is it, Venalina?” Talila asked her. Venalina looked at her confused, “We are powerful! Nothing can stand against us!” Alyndra walked over angrily, and grabbed Talila by her arm, then jerked her, dragging her to the edge of the top of the wall, looking out at the approaching army.

  “When have you ever raised a fist and fought anything? Let alone an army?” She asked her, “Look there, you simple minded girl!” She pointed at the army, “That is an army, coming to kill us, the few of us, against thousands of trained warriors who have seen battle. Do you think we are the only ones who have magic?” She turned to Talila and put her face inches in front of hers, “Are you so stupid you can’t see what is happening here? Or is it that you are too stupid to know and fear death?” Talila jerked her arm free of Alyndra’s grip and stared back at her with a snarl on her lips.

  “The army has stopped, some of them are still coming, it looks like a small group.” Kaylin informed them, making the women walk to the walls edge and look.

  “Venalina!” Dracon called up to her, “Come down here!” He demanded walking out of the city through the gates. “Janouc, get horses, I’m riding out to meet them.” Janouc ran off immediately.

  “What will you do?” Venalina appeared next to him.

  “What happened, Venalina?” He asked her dismayed, “My whole return has been a blur, and now I stand in an empty city, looking out at my homeland, my countrymen, gathered against me?”

  “I, … I don’t know?” Venalina didn’t know how to answer him. “I’m sorry.” Janouc arrived atop a horse, leading a second.

  “I’m coming with you, my lord.” He said, Dracon climbed atop his horse like a veteran, then nodded his assent to Janouc.

  “Venalina, get back to the palace, stay inside. I’ll return shortly, I’ll talk to my brothers, my sister, find out what’s going on. I’m sure they are here to face the threat from the outer region.” Dracon said down to her.

  “My place is by your side.” She said.

  “Not this time, ya!” He said and his horse took off, followed by Janouc.

  “What threat is he talking about?” Talila asked, appearing just behind Venalina.

  “I don’t know.” She said then yelled, “Ladies, to me!” One at a time, they appeared at her side, Kaylin was the last to arrive, she seemed to struggle with teleporting more than the others. Venalina looked at her a moment, then asked, “Are you going to be able to assist me?”

  “I am, my lady,” Kaylin said after a pause.

  “Focus,” Venalina said, “Terrible things may lie ahead of us, remember what I taught you, you have my power now.” The women took a nervous breath, all but Talila, who smiled wide, like it was a test she would shine in. Alyndra looked at the exuberant Talila then stepped forward.

  “We will not fail you.” She said.

  “Again.” Talila muttered to her sisters, but it was loud enough for Venalina to hear.

  “No.” Venalina said to Talila, “I will not stand for division among us, not now. We are sisters, we must be as one, if I must go without you, I will. Find your sisterhood again, or stay behind.” Talila looked down embarrassed. Venalina turned around and started to walk out of the city after Janouc and Dracon.

  “Where are you going, my lady?” A battlemage asked.

  “To parlay with the enemy, I assume.” She said without turning around.

  Venalina wasn’t the only one heading toward the group. Um’Vec was also heading, with a small group of his own, to meet the army that marched on Dragon’s claw. He wanted to see for himself what lie ahead, who lie ahead. It was time he met his dark lord, it was time he took his place beside him and quit wandering the wastelands. He left the hordes behind to await the orders of the dark lord, once he had met him for himself, once he had been the first to take a knee before him.

  Dracon and Janouc closed in on the approaching group. Among them, his sister, his brothers, Tamina, who he did not know, though she looked familiar to him. Several guards escorted them. In the distance behind them, Dracon could see a vast army. They had all their banners flying, the royalty of the realm, the colors representing all the noble houses of Ganlin. Dracon was dressed and accompanied meagerly in comparison. His brothers were armored, shield and sword in hand. Lagging the group, he could see Velen was with them. The group stopped and only Queen Menina and the princes rode out to meet him.

  “Dracon,” Queen Menina said before anyone else could speak, “You have one chance to walk away from this battlefield today alive, surrender to us and stand trial for the murder of the family of your captain. Answer for assembling an army of monsters, you meant to unleash on Ganlin. Answer for the bloody annihilation of towns and villages of Ganlin, and the slaughter of its citizens.”

  Dracon looked at Janouc then back at his sister and brothers with a smile of disbelief, like it was all some joke, “Battlefield? You can’t be serious? Killed a family? An army of monsters? Menina, have you lost your mind? Have you all, lost your minds?” He shook his head, “I woke up this morning and the world was not as it was when I went to sleep. What nightmare has stirred me from my peace?” He asked, more to himself than to anyone else. Janouc was silent, he knew it was not his place to speak. He couldn’t really offer any insight, it was all new to him as much as it was to Dracon. He had no idea what had occurred in Ganlin while he was in the home of the priests he ruled.

  “Do you deny it?” Prince Charnio yelled from several yards behind them.

  “Charnio, you know me?” Dracon asked in disbelief.

  “I did. Once.” He responded. Dracon shook his head again in disbelief. “I’m not sure my brother came back the same as he left.”

  “I am still Dracon, the same Dracon you all know.” He said.

  “You have to answer for your crimes, Dracon.” Queen Menina said.

  “You conspire with the Vordalyn, this woman of yours.” Vartan stated.

  “Who are you?” Dracon asked.

  “Answer the question, Dracon.” Prince Renic demanded.

  “Yes, she is a Vordalyn, her people have long since passed, she is the last of her kind. What does she have to do with any of this?” Dracon asked.

  “So, it’s true?”
Prince Darrin asked aloud.

  “I’ve never denied it.” Dracon said to his brothers, then looked at Queen Menina. She had pity for him and it was reflected in her eyes. What was she about to do to her brother, who saved them all from a life of war? She began to reconsider what it was she was doing. Then, Venalina appeared between Dracon and his siblings. Queen Menina’s horse reared at her sudden appearance, she regained control, then turned it back to be closer to her brothers and Tamina.

  “How dare you!” Venalina said as one by one, Talila, Saida, Alyndra, and finally Kaylin, appeared, all on foot, between Dracon and his family. “He has overcome so much to come home to you!” Venalina said pointing at each of them. “He has fought wars, beyond the Expanse of Death to get home, his home. He spoke of you so often it almost made me sick! And here you are, the beloved of my Dracon, marching on him for war, one man against all of this?” She asked pointing at the armies behind the princes and Queen Menina.

  “You are a Vordalyn!” Vartan pointed at Venalina, Tamina grit her teeth, sure Venalina would expose her and Queen Menina.

  “I am,” She said proud of her heritage, “I am from a race of people, who are no more. I can wield magic, is that so different from any of you, your queen?” She asked pointing at Queen Menina, “I came here with the man I love to make a home, to stop hiding from the world and be a part of it. He is a caring and loving man, who has given up his life to protect Ganlin, more than anything!”

  Um’Vec walked into view, out of the brush, alarming everyone. He stopped and spoke. The princes and the men with them pulled their swords from their sheaths. Um’Vec and the four Gnolls with him took a knee while Um’Vec spoke.

  “What manner of beast is that?” Prince Renic asked.

  “It’s a bugbear.” Janouc said, finally having something useful to offer.

  “A bugbear?” Prince Charnio asked ready to attack.

  “What’s it saying?” Prince Darrin asked, “Is it talking?” The brothers looked at each other, considering whether to attack it or not.

  “It speaks a tongue known to many as, evil tongue, I can understand it, but it has been a while since I’ve heard it spoken aloud.” Janouc offered.

  “Then answer the question, Janouc, what is it saying?” Dracon demanded.

  “He says he is here to take a knee to the… the black…. the dark…” Janouc shook his head, “He… uh, they, rather, are here to serve the king?”

  “What?” Dracon asked looking at Janouc then back to Um’Vec, who spoke again.

  “He is here to serve the dark lord that rises in the south.” Janouc translated.

  “Who sent him? Who told him of this dark lord?” Tamina asked from within the group behind the princes, conveniently hidden from Venalina’s view. Janouc cleared his throat.

  “One moment, it’s a guttural language, bear with me,” He said then growled, then paused and growled out words to the bugbear. Um’Vec’s response needed no translation.

  “Venalina.” He said and looked up. Prince Charnio yanked the reigns of his horse.

  “This conversation is over!” He growled, then a battle cry came from Velen, who charged his horse through the princes with abandon, to attack. Um’Vec retreated with his escort, back to his hordes, as quick as he could. Dracon watched Velen charging at him, in disbelief. Talila transformed into her Vordalyn form and rose up high enough to be eye level with Velen.

  “Fíeda!” She yelled, setting him and his horse on fire. The princes looked on in horror. Queen Menina pulled the reigns of her horse, trying to join the retreat as the sisters each transformed to Vordalyn. Vartan began to cast a spell, but before he could finish, Alyndra sent a cone of cold in his direction, flash freezing the elf, who fell off his horse, shattering into a million pieces.

  “No!” Dracon yelled, horrified at the sudden violence before him. Velen fell from his horse, burning to death.

  “Fíeda!” Talila yelled again and Velen was no more than a pile of ash, blowing away in the wind. Janouc grabbed the reigns of Dracon’s horse and turned it back toward the city. The army roared toward them to protect the queen, seeing the fighting that broke out ahead of them.

  “We must return to the city, my lord” Janouc pleaded, all the while Dracon stared at Venalina with anger in his eyes. She was still in her human form and her eyes pleaded with him not to blame her. Dracon looked at Janouc a moment more before taking the reign’s back and leading his own horse to a full run back to the city.

  “Talila!” Venalina called to her, still hovering in the air, “Find that creature, bring him to me.”

  “What?” She asked terrified, “How?”

  “I don’t care how, I need to speak with it. Go, and don’t come back without it!” Venalina commanded. “Get back to the palace, now!” She said to Alyndra, Saida and Kaylin. Alyndra and Saida immediately complied, but Kaylin stared at the approaching army, frozen with fear, unable to move. Venalina ran over to her, grabbed her arm, then they both vanished in a black wisp.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “How did this happen, Venalina? The last thing I remember is a meal with my brother, then nothing but a jumble of you and your maidens dominating me until now. My kingdom has rallied against me!” Dracon yelled, “This is a nightmare come true!”

  “This is not because of me, my love.” Venalina said cowering before him, “I had no idea the people were rising against you, it is a mystery to me as well.”

  “They said I killed Velen’s family! They must have proof of such a claim to wage war?!?” Dracon was in disbelief at the claim, but then, Velen did attack him before Talila immolated him. Set the world afire, he heard Talila say in his mind. Dracon closed his eyes then shook his head, “Conveniently, he is dead, and I will never get to hear the accusations from his own lips!”

  “At that meal, with your brother, he tried to warn you, warn you that your sister was plotting against you!” Venalina said, she ground her teeth thinking of Queen Menina and Tamina turning Dracon against her, and the kingdom against him.

  “Did you do it?” Dracon asked clenching his jaw tight, “Did you kill his family? Then have Talila murder him before he could say it?” Venalina’s face twisted in disbelief at his question.

  “I would never!” She answered.

  “The two of you have always been at odds, maybe you thought you had an opportunity when you had me so delusional, I couldn’t see straight, don’t deny it Venalina, you have kept me subdued the entire time I have been home!” He shouted angrily.

  “I do not deny it!” She shouted back at him, “It had nothing to do with him, or your kingdom! I did what I did for them! To make them, like me! My only fault in this, is that I did not pay attention to what was going on outside the walls of your palace.” She said pointing off as if pointing at her loving sisters, watching Dracon pace back and forth in front of her, “I had no idea, Dracon.” She said stepping closer to him, but Dracon waved her off, raising his arm away from her she intended to grab. “I swear to you! This is not my doing!”

  “That creature, that bugbear, he said your name!” Dracon yelled at her, “He said, Venalina!”

  “I don’t know why!” She shouted, “I don't know that creature!” She dropped to her knees, “Dracon! I love you! You are my life!” Dracon paced even more quickly, still mad at her. He stopped and looked at her, shaking his head all the while. Her arms were outstretched, trying to reach his legs that were just far enough away she couldn’t touch him.

  “Even if you had nothing to do with it, you are the cause. If not for that stupor you kept me in, none of this would have happened!” He growled then left their bedchamber.

  Janouc awaited him in the hall, making Dracon stop and look over his shoulder back at the chamber door, wondering how much was overheard from the hall. “My lord, an update?”

  “Speak.” Dracon said and started to walk down the hall. Janouc kept pace with him.

  “The forces of Ganlin remain outside the city walls, they seem to be prep
aring to breach and occupy the city. I’m not sure what keeps them at bay, but they have held back as of yet.” Janouc informed him, “We have a way out, my lord, when you choose to exercise that option.”

  “I am not leaving my home, Janouc.” Dracon growled.

  “I only offer options. Should I gather the rest of our forces here, in your palace?” Janouc asked, “Maybe disperse them throughout the city to keep watch?”

  “That would only add to the ire against us.” Dracon shrugged the off idea.

  “If they attack, you’ll have no one to help you, sire.” Janouc was concerned.

  “They won’t attack, they are my family!” Dracon growled and stopped to look at Janouc.

  “Can I speak plain with you, sire?” Janouc asked. Dracon began to pace back and forth in the hall, growling.

  “Where were you all this time? Did she tell you anything that could be helpful to me?” Dracon asked, walking like a caged lion.

  “My lord, I believe Venalina has been preoccupied with the daughters of Castien, teaching them magic. They have spent much time with us, in our home back in Sumia, training. Venalina has been with them. Not here.” Janouc explained, “Whatever happened to your kingdom had to be in the works before your return, sire. How else can a whole nation be turned away from you virtually overnight? Neglect is at fault here, my lord, neglect and design, from outside your inner circle.”

  “Are you saying this to protect her?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes.” Janouc said cocking is head slightly, “But that does not make it any less true. Those women have been self-indulgent, with you as their reward. They have hardly thought of anything else but being the wives of Dracon, and jockeying for position of her highness’s favor.” Dracon lowered his head thinking. He had images of the women, Venalina, making love to him while he was half asleep. There was truth in Janouc’s words. But he had other images that flashed in his head, all of death, was there truth in that as well?

  “You believe she had nothing to do with any of this?” He asked, “What about Talila killing Velen before I could speak to him?”


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