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The Vordalyn 2

Page 36

by Michael T Payne

  “My lord, this is the result of careful planning. I mean no disrespect to her, but she has been battling her own inner turmoil, all her energy has been focused on those women she surrounded herself with, and making them like her. It has been a consuming task, for the priests as well.” Janouc shook his head at the strenuous task of training the sisters, “As far as Talila is concerned, she is a woman of action, most of the time, without thought. I believe she reacted to his threat the only way she knew how? Nothing more. I have seen her lash out before, even at her highness, with that uncontrollable flame, gifted to her by her highness. I myself have felt fear of death in her presence, if I were to correct her too harshly.”

  “What else should I know, Janouc, I can’t have any more surprises.” He said.

  “The priests who were left in Qinkas, were recalled and replaced by men from around Cold lake.” Janouc answered almost immediately. Dracon narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “The first? Satana?” Dracon asked.

  “As far as I know they are still in Qinkas, waiting to escort Queen Jenzenya and her entourage to the wedding.” Janouc explained.

  “How did you understand those creatures, Janouc, you said they spoke an evil tongue?” Dracon watched Janouc carefully, Janouc chuckled.

  “Evil, good, it’s all subjective.” Janouc said.

  “A philosophical answer would have served us better out there, in front of my family, Janouc. I think calling it an evil tongue didn’t do us any favors during that conversation.” Dracon was highly irritated and easily angered.

  “Yes, in hindsight, I suppose I did not consider the broader implications of maybe a better choice of words. But to answer your question, we are scholarly at heart, the priests, I mean. We have spent lifetimes, studying, creatures, the world around us. If not for Terrax, we would still be hidden away from society, studying. Languages and communications are one such study. We discovered that all creatures of a like mind, in one way or another, can understand each other. A pious good man, can understand a creature of light, even though they do not speak the learned language of the other. We’ve come to call it, alignment tongue.” Janouc explained, “A very base form of communication, understood by others of the same nature, if you will.”

  “And you can speak them all?” Dracon asked making Janouc chuckle.

  “No.” He said.

  “Have your men been monitoring this army? Those creatures?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes, they are in the expanse and have not made any aggressive move, yet.” Janouc looked down the hall at an approaching battlemage, “I fear, however, the armies of Ganlin will attempt to breach the city at dawn. In the event you are again unsuccessful in diplomacy, how do you wish to proceed?”

  “My lords, they are preparing a fire at the gates to the city, it appears they are going to attempt to burn them down.” The battlemage informed them. Dracon chuckled.

  “Is there something funny?” Janouc asked.

  “Burn down the gates of steel, it’s ridiculous, it’s a distraction. Knowing my brothers, I would guess they are picking a spot near the lowest wall and will attempt to go over it or take it down. They have some powerful magic with them.” Dracon nodded his head thinking about all the elves and their magic, not to mention his sister. It would be like fighting his mother, unimaginable power at her fingertips, “You have the portal?”

  “Yes, my lord.” Janouc answered.

  “Get them out of here, I’ll hear no argument, understand?” Dracon started to walk away with the battlemage.

  “She may not obey, my lord.” Janouc said.

  “No arguments, tell her what you must, threaten her that I will abandon her if she does not obey, you know her fears, it’s time we manipulated her for her own protection, Janouc.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Janouc bowed then turned back to get Venalina and the daughters of Castien out of the city.

  Night fell on the world and the outer region was treacherous. Talila transformed into her Vordalyn form as she traveled, very slowly, toward the camp that was home to the creatures in the outer region. She was terrified to be out there alone. The way was dangerous, and walking would have had her with broken legs very quickly, had she not chosen to fly, hovering mere feet off the ground to keep hidden. The closer she came to the camp, the louder the sounds became, the snarls and growls of the creatures that sounded like they were celebrating. Drums were beating the same beat, over and over. Fighting could be heard among them, accompanying the beating of the drums. Talila dropped to the ground and slowly walked to the top of the last hill before the camp. She swallowed hard, steeling herself for what she was about to do. Fear welled up inside her with such force, she felt like dropping to her knees and crying. She was so sure she was about to die. Talila wiped her eyes and for the first time in her life she felt so alone, her sisters were always at her side and now in the face of death, she regretted every foul word that ever came out of her mouth. If only one of them could be there with her, hold her hand, assure her they would be ok. She knew if they were at her side, it would have been much easier and fear would not exist, but alone? Talila took deep breaths as she crested the hill. The creatures came into view and the sounds were so much louder at her new vantage point, she wanted to flee in her terror. What would Venalina do? How would she act? Could she become as fearless as her mistress? She had to. Suddenly, the beating of the drums stopped, Talila shook from her thoughts and realized that the silence spreading through the ranks of the creatures, was because of her. They spotted her and became silent. The roar of the fire seemed so loud to Talila in the silence, it was deafening. From behind the creatures below her, at the bottom of the hill, from another fire, a large creature pushed through the crowd. Once through, he took a good look at Talila, examining her as he walked around to her side of the fire. He held a large stone club, he looked over his shoulder at the creatures behind him, then lifted his club in the air and roared. Talila almost fled right then, she balled up her fist and grit her teeth in the face of the roars and the beating of the drums that began anew.

  Um’Vec started up the hill toward Talila, growling in his language. “You are a messenger from the Goddess O’on, Venalina?” He asked noticing that Talila resembled her and had to be of her kind. Talila stepped back as Um’Vec approached, he stopped a few feet before her. “What are her orders?” Um’Vec asked. Talila could not understand him and her breathing became a pant, making Um’Vec cock his head at her, curious of her silence. Talila swallowed hard. She recognized he said Venalina, he knew her. Talila decided to just ask him to come with her. It was a better idea than the alterative. How else was she going to battle, and drag, this thing to Venalina as she requested?

  “Vena… Venalina…” She said, barely able to contain her fear in the face of the monster that could easily tear her to pieces. “Venalina.” She said again, pointing at Um’Vec, then waved for him to follow her. Um’Vec turned to the crowds of celebrating creatures behind him.

  “It’s time! We march! We will feed on the sweet flesh of man!” Um’Vec yelled to the crowds.

  “No!” Talila yelled when she saw every creature start toward her. Um’Vec turned back to Talila and looked at her confused. “No!” Talila said waving her hands in front of her to wave off the others from approaching. Um’Vec held up his mighty fist and the creatures became silent again and stopped moving. How was she going to make him understand her? She thought a moment in a panic. Talila pointed at Um’Vec and waved him to her, then pointed at his army and waved both hands as if ushering them back and shaking her head no. Um’Vec nodded his understanding. Tears fell down her cheeks, unbeknownst to Talila, tears of fear. She was panting and short of breath, standing there, before the thousands of monsters, every one of them staring right at her. Um’Vec motioned behind Talila to lead the way. She stared back at him, unsure if she should turn her back on him. Um’Vec motioned again for her to lead the way then growled his irritation with her delay. Talila swallowed hard, then turned
away from him, quickly composing herself when she was not immediately attacked. She jumped into flight, again, barely a few feet off the ground, then led Um’Vec back to Dracon’s Lair. She led him to the secret entrance at the base of the cliff, behind the city, that the palace was built upon. A narrow passage, Um’Vec had to scale slowly. Talila flew up the cliffs narrow passage, only wide enough for one man at a time. Talila flew up until she was higher than the walls of the city, to get a lay of the land. She could see the doorway where the city wall met the palace wall. Talila could see vast distances in the dark, it made her smile when she realized it. “Just like a cat!” She whispered to herself with a smile. She looked down at Um’Vec, who scaled the cliff side, cutting across the slim passageway meant for men, taking a more direct route up, as though the path did not exist. In reality, the small path was too small for Um’Vec to follow, he had no choice but to make his own path. Talila spotted a group of men moving along the outside bottom of the wall of the city. Talila instantly thought of Alkwin, for it was he who showed her that secret entrance. They must be trying to sneak in, under the cover of night. Talila flew down to Um’Vec, hovering behind him as he scaled the cliffside. “Hurry up!” She whispered urgently. Um’Vec glanced over his shoulder at her and growled. He stepped on to a part of the passage large enough to hold him, panting heavily. He put his hands on his knees taking a break. He waved her away absently, like he was shooing a fly, growling his annoyance. She could see he was exhausted from the climb. She pointed at the men moving at the bottom of the wall. She watched Um’Vec, who looked and narrowed his eyes, she was surprised to see that he too could see very well in the dark. Um’Vec straightened up and began to climb again with a sense of urgency. Talila did not want them to be spotted, she began to panic, flying up to his side, urging him to hurry. Talila grabbed Um’Vec by his shoulders from behind, at first, just to help him, but when she lifted him easily as a child’s doll. She flew him up, over the wall, to the palace grounds, landing near the park where she first met Alkwin. Um’Vec shook free of her when they landed, moving several feet away from her then turned to face her. Talila was just as surprised as he was that she could lift him. Talila began a nervous laugh she could not control; her new powers were more than just magic. She finally remembered that Janouc and his men were roaming around, so she needed to get Um’Vec to Venalina quickly. Talila looked up and spotted the balcony where she and her sisters shared a room. She rushed over to Um’Vec, who backed away from her, not wanting her to touch him again. Talila pointed up at the balcony and waved at him to follow. Talila took flight, then flew behind Um’Vec and grabbed him again, flying him up to the balcony, then dropping him on it. Talila landed on the balcony then returned to her human form. Um’Vec’s eyes widened and he gave a surprised growl. Talila shushed him, then urged him to follow her in, off the balcony. Um’Vec reluctantly followed. She put both hands up for him to stay put in the room. “Venalina.” She said, then pointed at the door. Um’Vec began toward the door. “No!” Talila said, then put her hand to her chest. She pointed at the door, then pointed at him, then to the floor of the room. Um’Vec growled nodding that he understood her.

  “I will await the goddess here.” Um’Vec growled. Talila stopped then looked at him, cocking her head, she understood him. Um’Vec looked back at her confused. “Why do you look at me, messenger? Get the goddess!” Um’Vec growled. Talila turned back around and wasted no time leaving the room. How did she suddenly understand him? Another power developing? She walked casually at first, until she saw she was alone, then ran down the hall to Venalina’s room and burst through the door, slamming it shut behind her. Alyndra and Venalina were holding hands and talking. Venalina looked at Talila with a scowl.

  “I gave you a task to complete, Talila.” She said.

  “I have completed it. He awaits in my room for you, Goddess O’on.” Talila said mocking the title, making Venalina look at her curiously. Talila was instantly jealous of Alyndra being alone with Venalina, while she was sent out in the night on such a frightful task. Talila kept glancing at Alyndra then back at Venalina with an angry scowl.

  “In your room? Here? Now?” Venalina asked, ignoring her angry face.

  “That’s right. There’s something more.” Talila said bitterly.

  “What else?” Venalina asked.

  “Men are trying to sneak into the city through a secret door behind the city, just below where the palace wall meets the city wall.” Talila informed her. She started to leave the room.

  “Wait!” Venalina said, “How many men?” She asked.

  “I don’t know, I was trying to hurry and get that monster inside before anyone saw us.” Talila snapped at her, then started out the door again.

  “Talila! Come back here!” Venalina demanded angrily, “I am not done!” Talila stopped in the doorway and leaned against one side with her arms folded across her chest with a very obvious pout on her face. Venalina glanced at Alyndra, who was already scowling at her pouting sister’s antics. Venalina walked over to Talila with her hands on her hips and met her spoiled child’s gaze. “What is wrong with you?” She growled.

  “Nothing!” Talila said looking down, obviously lying.

  “We don’t have time for this, Talila. Show me this door and be quick about it.” Venalina commanded.

  “Why don’t you just have her do it, I’m sure she’s the one you really want to go with!” Talila sneered.

  “Talila! Stop it! Do as I say!” Venalina yelled at her, her wings sprouted and her eyes instantly turned black, Venalina’s horns shot from her head so fast it scared Talila, making her look down. Venalina looked at Alyndra, “Get your sisters and meet our guest. See to it you become Vordalyn before you enter that room with him. If he so much as growls at you, turn him into an icicle!” She looked back at Talila, “Let’s go.” She ordered, “Now!” she shouted when Talila didn’t immediately move.

  Talila led Venalina down to the city and showed her the doorway. It was larger than what Venalina expected. Many men could pour through it at a time. Venalina became human again, then went out and looked at the expanse of death. She could see the light of Um’Vec’s hordes and could hear the faint sound of drums on the wind. Then she looked down and spotted the men following the border, between the outer region and the back wall of the city. They would soon be in a position to start up the path to the doorway. The climb would not be an easy one, or a quick one. Venalina could see the hazards of the climb, snaking back and forth through the rock face. There were many boulders and scores of loose rocks. She counted twenty men, ten of whom were halflings. Venalina walked to the very edge of the cliffside, watching. She glanced back at Talila, who remained inside the city walls, skulking and pouting, while she waited. She did not pay any attention to Venalina and was muttering to herself, with complaints of her woes, still acting very childish.

  Venalina felt a very light touch on her wrist, she moved her hand absently, thinking it was a bug of some sort. She felt it more prevalent all around her wrist, then looked at it. It was a wire or piece of string, it resembled a rabbit’s snare. Then suddenly, it tightened. She was yanked hard by it, dragging her to the ground. The wire tightened and pulled her, keeping her from regaining her footing. She could see a halfling holding a stick that was attached to the wire. Venalina began to cry out, but before she could, another wire was suddenly around her neck, tightening and pulling in the opposite direction. She was snuffed silent, she couldn’t even gurgle it was so tight. She could feel it cutting into her neck like a blade. She clawed at it with her free hand, trying to free herself and breathe. The two halflings ran past her in opposite directions, running to where the other stood, spinning her, knocking her to the ground before she could stand. Fear gripped Venalina, her eyes began to bulge. She couldn’t cry out or make any noise and was panicked, struggling for life. Her eyes began to turn black, bulging from her head.

  “Hurry!” One of the halflings whispered. The other ran over to Venalina and kicked her
in her face, then used the same long wire from her wrist, to bind both wrists together. The other halfling also ran over to her, putting his knee on the back of her head, pulling on his wire with all his might. He meant to cut her head off with it, like he was cutting through cheese.

  “Venalina?” Talila called from inside the wall. The two halflings looked at each other, both freezing in place. Venalina’s struggling had lessened until she heard Talila’s voice, then her fight began anew, trying to hold on until Talila could help her. The halfling with the wire around Venalina’s wrists handed his to his compatriot, then pulled a dagger from his belt, quickly moving to the side of the doorway. Talila called again and began through the short hall that was as long as the wall was thick. Suddenly, she saw Venalina struggling with the halfling on her back, choking the life out of her. She ran toward her and was in mid scream, when Zender, the halfling, jumped out in front of her legs, causing her to topple right over him, stifling her scream. Zender rolled with her and pounced on her back. He was flung right back off, when her black wings burst from her back. She transformed instantly to her Vordalyn form, taking flight from the ground, with hardly a flap of her wings. She glided mere feet from the ground directly into Venalina, knocking the halfling from her back, grabbing her in the process. Talila flew up and out, over the cliffs edge. The wire was still tightly around Venalina’s neck and life was leaving her. Zender recovered and began shooting a hand crossbow at Talila that had no effect, easily knocked away by her beating wings. Talila rounded the palace, flying as fast as she could to the balcony of her own room. She and Venalina burst through the closed balcony doors, into the suite the sister’s shared. They crashed to the floor, sliding to the opposite wall to an abrupt stop.

  Um’Vec took a defensive stance, alarmed by the sudden arrival of the women. Alyndra, Saida, and Kaylin, were also alarmed, they did not recognize the pair at first. Venalina was still unconscious. Talila struggled to get to her feet, her wings flapped furiously, making it hard for her to get her balance. She slipped in place on the marble floor. “Venalina!” She yelled, pointing at her motionless body. They could all see the blood from her neck. Saida screamed in horror. Um’Vec walked over and examined her, then grabbed her limp body by her arms, still twined together with wire. With a long sharp claw, he plucked the wire from her neck, snapping it easily. He had to dig his claw into her neck to reach the tightened wire. He did the same to the wire around her wrists, then threw her across the room onto one of the beds closest to him.


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