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Page 37

by Jennifer Kacey

  “What the hell happened?” Cyn voiced the question she knew they were all asking. “One minute you’re getting bought by the two men you want more than anything and then Jillian tells us you cut and ran, not that long after it—with neither of your men in sight. You don’t talk to us. We’ve been worried.”

  Jenna clutched their hands, thankful for their friendship and so much more.

  “I’m sorry I made you worry. It wasn’t my intention but I was lost all day today, plus Nawa’s in town and I had that interview tonight. My head is scrambled so I just turned off my phone. Don’t think I could have handled anything else right now.”

  “Nawa?” Haleigh piped up. “The guy you learned rope stuff from?”

  “Yes.” She let go of their hands and took another sip of her beer.

  A waitress showed up and took the girls’ drink orders.

  “Why’s he in town?” Haleigh continued as soon as the other chick walked away. “You didn’t tell us he was coming.”

  “I didn’t know. He said a friend called him and between the lines told him I needed him. No clue who it is. Wish I did, though. I’d like to thank them. I really needed him last night. It’s a fourteen-hour time difference. He must have left even before the auction. None of it makes sense to me. But I don’t care. Don’t really know what would have happened if he hadn’t been on my front porch when I got home.”

  “That bad?” Skye wanted to know.


  Their drinks arrived and Jenna took a deep breath. Before they could ask any more questions she confessed, “They wanted me to choose.”

  They stared across the table at her, all three in a state of disbelief. Skye smacked her girlie drink down on the table and a tiny bit sloshed over the rim, wetting her hand. “You’re fucking kidding me?” Menace laced her question and the other two looked just as mad.

  “I love the three of you. Have I told you that lately?”

  “Yeah, yeah love and all that bull honky later. Tell us what happened so we can go feed them to the fishes.”

  Haleigh looked over at Skye. “Is that still a thing?” She was so serious about it that everyone laughed, including Jenna.

  She took a breath and blew it out, ruffling her hair. “I don’t really want to get into it.” She held her hands up when all three women opened their mouth to start in on her. “Not because I’m being secretive but I’m processing a lot. And I crashed hard last night.”

  “Drop is a bastard.” This one came from Cyn and she held up her glass. “May he rot in the hell he spawned from.”

  They all clinked their glasses together to a chorus of “hear hears”.

  “I need to talk to them.”

  “Yes, they’re looking for you. Been blowing up our phones too since they couldn’t reach you.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t tell them I’m here.”

  They all shook their heads. “We wouldn’t do that. Not this time.”

  Haleigh looked at her, nibbling her lip. “You love them, don’t you?”

  Jenna nodded.

  “Both of them?”

  She nodded again.

  “But you haven’t told them how you feel, then they freaked out after they took you together and totally fucked it all up while you were still spaced out?”

  “That about sums it up.” Jenna sucked on a dry bottle and a waitress appeared out of thin air with a friendly manner and a nice smile.

  “Another?” She gestured toward the beer with no name and Jenna shook her head, handing her the empty glass.

  “No, I’m driving. Can I just get some water?”

  “Of course. Everybody else okay?”



  “All good.”

  “We’re here if you want to talk. You know that.” Cyn took her hand. “But if you need some space to think it out on your own, we get that too. We’re just really glad to you know you’re okay. At least mostly. We were about to show up on your doorstep. I’m surprised the guys haven’t yet.”

  Jenna squeezed back. “I am. Or I will be, once I decide what to do.”

  “We’ll be here when you do, no matter what.” They all nodded. “Now tell us about the radio interview. Did it go well?”

  Relief swamped her at the not-so subtle topic change.

  “Amazing. She wants me to come back on a regular basis and she’ll pimp the new stores. Plus, she’s willing to contribute material and stuff for Aftercare. And she does hair and makeup.” She looked at Haleigh. “Like good hair and makeup.”

  “As in, for photo shoots?”

  “Exactly. I spoke to her a bit after we finished and told her what you were planning on doing. She’s interested, schedule permitting, obviously.”

  “Yes!” Haleigh bounced in her seat and Skye bounced right along with her, whether she wanted to or not.

  “And I’ve got something else I want to discuss with the three of you. I think I want to talk to Chris and Jared about doing rope classes.”

  “Like at the place that shall not be spoken about?” Skye asked.

  “Exactly. I don’t know, once a month maybe, at least to start. See what kind of interest I have.” She sucked in a lungful and said the rest before she could talk herself out of it. “When Ian walked before, I shut down. Gave up rope. Became a hollow shell. I refuse to do that again, if that’s what ends up happening. This is my place, my people, my club and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Well, thank fuck.” Cyn downed the rest of her drink and toasted her with the empty glass.

  “Now, are you talking about teaching rope or demos or both?”

  “Both, I’m sure. I’d need to start with basic technique, safety, types of rope. I’ve got so much I’d like to talk about, even before we get into suspension and predicaments. Oscar said he’d bottom for me.”

  “Damn, that man’s ass is fine.”

  “And his arms. Jesus.”

  “It’s the hair. That dark hair and those crystal-blue eyes. Shouldn’t even be possible with his heritage but damn it looks good on him.”

  “Everything looks good on him. It’s probably good he don’t swing our way ’cause he is OMG kind of nice and sexy.”

  Jenna smiled. “So you guys would want to be a part of it, maybe? Help me out? Learn?”

  Cyn nodded for the group. “Absolutely. We’d already talked and were going to ask you to teach us and our men. It’s hot.”

  “Awesome. If it’s okay with you guys, I think I’m going to run over to The Library and talk to C and J while it’s fresh on my mind.”

  “Want some reinforcements?”

  “I’d love some.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Everyone else seemed to have cleared out of The Library so when the girls found Jared and Chris talking to Oscar at the main bar, they pulled the twins over to a big table and they all sat down.

  Jared looked over at Jenna without a smile. That never happened. “You okay?”


  “Those guys have their heads so far up their asses they’ll likely never find their way out.” Chris spoke and Jenna snickered at his narrowed gaze.

  “And you wouldn’t have a clue what that’s like. Right?” Cyn asked all sweet and peaches and then rolled her eyes.

  “I figured it out.”


  He yanked Cyn’s chair closer and bit her neck until she squealed. “Red.”

  He looked at her seriously for a second and then caught her smile and relaxed. “You can take my whips but you red out on a little nibble?”

  “Yes.” She angled her head away. “Kiss it?”

  His eyes flared and he moved in close. “I’ll do you one better.” He licked her neck and her eyelids fluttered closed on a sigh.

  “Much better, Sir.”

  “Good.” He kissed her throat and then pulled her face over for a kiss.

  Jared stared at Cyn, smiling at her pleasure.

  Jenna wanted that.
No jealousy. Just happiness.

  “You wanted to talk to us.” Jenna blinked and realized Jared was talking to her.

  “Yes, I did. And I brought my fan club with me.”

  “Always a smart move.” His smile was back on his face as he added, “Whenever you’re ready. The floor is yours.”

  Chris turned around. All business.

  Jenna launched into what she wanted to do. What she told the girls earlier but a little bit more details, especially about Aftercare, since she didn’t know how much they knew about it.

  They didn’t immediately fawn all over her with accolades. They took it seriously and she really appreciated them for it.

  “You’re basically looking for a dedicated rope night.”


  “What requirements are you going to place on people that want to take your classes?”

  She thought for a second but didn’t need long. “A desire to learn and some rope. The good kind. Not the home improvement store kind. That’s nasty.”

  “Agreed. Smells like diesel.”

  “Do you make it?”

  The girls all looked at him like he was nuts. Cyn piped up, “Make what?”


  “Yes,” Jenna answered.

  “No way?” Cyn stared at her super hard.

  “Made it for years.”

  “Your own rope? Seriously?”

  “Yep. Nawa taught me years ago. Been making it ever since. Stopped for a bit in the middle to get my bearings again but it’s in my blood. Not something I could stop for long.”

  Skye continued. “So, what you’ve tied with all these years? It’s really been your rope?”

  “Every piece. Well, I still have a few pieces from Nawa when he taught me but I don’t suspend with it anymore. It’s past the time I feel safe using it for load-bearing ties.”

  “So you know your rope. That’s good. You’ll know what people have and what it’s good for and can make suggestions on different kinds, depending on what they want to do.”

  “I could even teach how to make it, actually. It’s really not that hard.”

  “You’re like a ninja.” Haleigh bounced in her seat and Jenna had to laugh.

  “We saw you self-tie on the main stage not too long ago with Nick.”

  “Yes. It’s how I learned. On myself and then I started tying others. Just recently I’ve started tying others again but I couldn’t ever go very long without self-tying. I need it. It’s therapy and exercise and awesome.”

  The twins looked at each other. Never spoke a word and then turned back to her.

  “We’d like to see a demo of what you can do. Content, length, all of it is up to you.”

  She nodded, expecting something like that to be required. “I’ve been tying Oscar. He’s going to bottom for me. He’s tough as nails and twice as sharp. Getting him to the breaking point is hot.”

  “We’ve heard about your abilities. We want to see them in action and not when punishment is the main attraction. Neither one of us have much rope experience.” Chris looked up, over her shoulder and nodded. “But what we have, we learned from the best.”

  Jenna twisted in her seat just as Nawa walked up.

  “There you are. I had a feeling I would find you here.”

  “Hi.” She stood, giving him a big hug and all of the girls came around the table to meet him.

  As soon as all of the introductions had been made, she turned back to Jared and Chris.

  “It would be my pleasure. When would you like me to perform?”

  “How long do you need to get ready?”

  “Couple weeks would be great. We’ve already been working on something. I could have it ready to go by Friday next, as long as Oscar’s free.”

  “We’ll reserve the time and space for you on the main stage. If you need to change anything just let us know. You’d like the custom frame up? We can have Jackson work it, if he’s amenable.”

  Skye smiled. “I’m sure he’d dig that.”

  “Are you going to tie? For a crowd?” Nawa looked at her with pride.

  “Yes. I want to start a rope night here. Share the knowledge you taught me. Pass it along so it goes forth and multiplies.”

  “You make an old man very happy, mago.” He kissed her forehead, beaming at her for all to see.

  “What does that mean?” Haleigh inquired. “It sounds so nice.”

  He turned to Jenna. “Beloved granddaughter.” And then he bowed slightly toward her. A huge sign of respect and love.

  She sucked in a startled breath and latched on to him with tears in her eyes. “I love you, you know that?”

  “I know that. I love you too.”

  “You didn’t know?” Skye asked. “What the name was, I mean?”

  Jenna laughed, wiping a tear from her cheek and exhaustion pulled at her all of a sudden. “No. I was always afraid to ask in case it meant, ‘oh clumsy one’ or ‘thou pasty white girl’.”

  Nawa chuckled, patting her on the back. “I should have told you before.”

  Jenna looked around, staring at some of the men and women she considered her family. It was a wonderful thing to realize when she’d felt alone for so long. “No, this was perfect.”

  Almost perfect, she thought to herself, wishing Ian and Nick had been there.

  “What’s perfect?” As if he’d heard her calling him, Nick walked out of the hallway—with Ian right behind him.

  Jenna’s smile fell, seeing them was just as hard as she imagined. She wanted to go to them, to fall at their feet and tell them everything. But her emotions were so chaotic from the last few days she didn’t trust herself right then.

  She stiffened as Ian approached and Nawa hugged her close.

  “Why don’t you call it a night, Jenna? I’m sure you’re exhausted and I’d like a moment or two alone with Ian and Nick.”

  He wasn’t really giving any of them a choice. When he spoke, people listened.

  “We’re calling it a night too and hauling ours to bed.” Everyone stood and moved toward Jenna, flanking her, protecting her.

  Tears filled her eyes again and she couldn’t face the men. Her men… Didn’t sound right. Not exactly.

  “I’m glad you’re safe,” Ian told her. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice steady. “Give me some time, okay? I need to work some stuff out first.”

  Nick responded. “We’ll wait for when you’re ready, Jenna.”

  She nodded and let Haleigh and Skye pull her toward the hallways to a room they could sleep in. Cyn left down the other hall with Chris and Jared. She winked at her across the distance as Chris lifted her, cradling her in his arms. “Night,” she mouthed.

  Jenna’s gaze shot back to Nick and Ian right before she turned the corner into a room.

  They were stoic, focused, steady.

  She wanted to believe they would always be there. Needed desperately to believe in the fact she could rely on them, but first?

  She finally decided she had to believe those things in herself first.

  Putting it all on their shoulders was unfair to all of them and dangerous to what she hoped they could still have.


  A very dangerous four-letter word.

  Walking into the guest dungeon with her girls, an inkling of an idea formed on what she could do to accomplish that.

  She pulled her phone out to text Oscar and set in motion something she should have owned up to a long time ago.

  * * * * *

  When one of the legends of Shibari looked at someone the way he eyed Nick and Ian, Nick was fairly certain they were in for the ass-chewing of a lifetime.

  Once everyone else had cleared the space, silence grew into a living thing between them.

  Nick was a big dude, had fought and laid flat bigger dudes. Confidence could have been his middle name but with Goshujin staring him down he felt the first inkling of unease he’d had in years.

  He refused to drop eye contact or hide or make excuses. He fucked up, they fucked up. They knew it.

  He opened his mouth to explain that but the master rigger standing before him beat him to it.

  “I mentored you both, did I not?”

  “Yes,” they each answered, one right after another.

  “Did I not teach you the ways a top can harm a bottom?”

  A simple nod came from each of them.

  “Is it all physical? Is that the only way you can hurt someone in rope?”

  “No, Sir.” Nick answered this time and Ian crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Is it even the worst way you can harm someone who has given their control over to you? Anywhere close to the worst?”

  “No.” Ian dropped his arms, planting them on his hips, staring at the floor.

  “I expected a big fight to get you to see reason and stop being so pig-headed. This is not what I thought would happen.”

  Ian dragged a hand down his face and Nick squeezed his shoulder, then faced Nawa again. “We talked it out after Jenna left the other night.”

  Ian turned to him with an incredulous look on his face. “We yelled at each other for almost an hour and then you decked me.”

  Nick shrugged. “Finally got you to see reason, didn’t it?”

  “And stars, you ass.”

  “I’m not gonna have some therapy session with you. You were being a dick. Don’t get all bent out of shape. I was being a prick too. But we’re guys, not part of some hen party. I’m not here to snuggle your feelers. It’s not in me.”

  “Me neither but don’t bust me in the face anymore.” Ian actually smiled. “I’m too pretty for that.”

  “Pretty my ass.”

  “You both realize you are acting like brothers, do you not?”

  “He wished he was that cool.” Nick smirked at both of them and ran his fingers through his hair. “All bullshit aside? If we’d met any other way we’d be friends, no question. Jenna between us made that a hard place to get to. But we’re there now, I think.” He raised an eyebrow in Ian’s direction who nodded.

  “Most of this is my fault. I get that. Past errors tainted everything to start with. Now I…we have to hope Jenna can forgive us and give us a chance to start over. Together.”


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