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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

Page 5

by Jessica Gray

  Trevor shook his head in disgust with himself. He should have picked up on the signs with statements like that! He’d never expect her to give up her dreams to be with him. Maybe she was speaking from a bad past experience. That would explain her statements and her irrational fleeing of a few moments ago.

  He stood up and brushed his pants off. Trevor vowed to find out what had caused her to run, and then work diligently to make sure she trusted him. To be with him.

  Nicole was the woman for him! It was that simple. Yes, they’d only spent an afternoon and evening together, but he was certain she was the woman he’d been waiting for all of his life. No doubt about it! Nicole is going to love me if I have anything to say about it!

  Chapter 9

  Nicole woke up the next morning, trying in vain to put the events of the night before out of her mind. She’d fooled herself into thinking she’d accomplished that goal, and she was actually getting some work done – until the phone rang.

  After looking at the caller I.D., she groaned out loud. Trevor. I really don’t want to answer his call! But she also didn’t want to lose her job, which meant she still needed to talk to him about the talk show.

  Seeing no other option, she swiped the answer button and answered, “Hello?”

  “Did you get home safely?”

  So, no chitchat; he went right to the point. Sighing, she answered him, “Yes.”

  A long awkward silence followed. Trevor didn’t answer, and Nicole waited with bated breath for him to say something. Anything! She didn’t want to start the conversation because she didn’t want to explain herself.

  Finally, with a long sigh, Trevor spoke up again: “I’m sorry for the kiss. I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “I’m not scared,” she countered quickly. “But I don’t think we should get involved. This is business. The kiss was a mistake.”

  “Are you still interested in having me on your talk show?”

  Nicole wasn’t sure if she was relieved he hadn’t pushed the subject of the kiss, or not. But taking her cue from him, she went with the subject change: “Yes! Very interested.”

  “Fine. So, tell me how this works.”

  She was happy to have the question of his participation off the table, but not ecstatic. After a long and lonely night of thinking, she’d come to the conclusion that she needed to protect her heart from him. Falling for him was not something she could allow. This has to be all about business. Nothing else!

  “I’ll send over a questionnaire. It will contain an overview of the type of questions I’ll be asking on the talk show. That way you can be prepared.” This was a fair compromise in her opinion. Normally, she’d have met with her guest face-to-face, but this time it was in her best interest to stay away from him for as long as possible. If he’s not sitting across from me, maybe I can get a handle on this attraction we’re both feeling.

  “I thought you’d want to meet in person to do this type of thing?” he asked, surprise and confusion in his voice.

  He’s so right! I’ve never interviewed a guest speaker using email. That’s so not my style, but with Trevor… Breaking off her thoughts, she stayed silent, hoping he’d hang up. But she couldn’t be more wrong.

  “So, I was thinking that sometime during the course of your questions, you could ask me about legal avenues available for battered women, and I could use that to segue into a few minutes about the pro bono work being done over at the women’s shelter.

  “Perhaps the director of the women’s shelter could call in towards the end of the show and answer more specific questions about the services they can offer.”

  “About that…I haven’t had a chance to run the idea by my boss. She was out of town yesterday, but I haven’t forgotten and plan to discuss the idea with her just as soon as she gets into the office.”

  “Okay. Will you call me after you’ve spoken with her?” Trevor asked.

  “Not a problem. What is the name of the director?” Nicole asked, her pen poised over her notepad.

  “Sophia Carrington. If you need to speak with her first, just let me know and I’ll get you her contact information.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary right now. I’ll call you as soon as I have news.” Nicole didn’t wait for him to say anything else; she simply ended the call and breathed a sigh of relief. I handled that very well.

  As she headed towards the break room, she spied Cynthia entering her office. Foregoing a fresh cup of coffee, she knocked on Cynthia’s doorjamb. “Got a minute?”

  “Nicole, come on in. What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to let you know I finally tracked down Trevor Armstrong and he’s agreed to be a guest on the talk show, but there was a condition.”

  “A condition?” Cynthia looked intrigued and then waved her hand. “Okay, tell me what he wants.”

  “Nothing too horrendous. He and his partner are involved in some pro bono work for the battered women’s shelter, and they’ve been asked to help raise funds for a brand new project that would enable the shelter to help a lot more women.”

  Cynthia nodded her head. “And?”

  “And he wants to plug the shelter and their latest project. He was thinking maybe the shelter director could call in during the show and answer some questions.”

  “I love it! In fact, why don’t you see if the director of the shelter would be interested in being the guest for the next episode of the show? It would make for a great human interest snag and get some attention focused on their need.”

  “Really? I’m sure she’d agree. And I think it would be a great idea. So many women stay in bad relationships because they don’t know where to go for help. I’ll make the requisite phone calls to set things up.”

  Cynthia smiled and nodded. “Good work, getting Mr. Armstrong’s agreement to do the show.”

  “Thanks.” Nicole blushed slightly, grateful for the praise. She enjoyed doing a good job, but it never hurt to have it recognized by someone who mattered.

  She left Cynthia’s office and headed back to the break room. She skipped the coffee, instead grabbing a water bottle from the staff fridge and a candy bar on her way back to her own office. Suddenly she’d become very hot and the ice water would help to cool her down. She needed a fresh mind to put the questionnaire together and send it over to Trevor.

  Just the thought of him and the kiss they’d shared made the air around her heat up. Or was something wrong with the air condition? Another few sips from the water, and she finally summoned the courage to dial his cell phone. “Trevor?”

  “Nicole. I just received your email. It wasn’t nearly as long as I had anticipated.”

  “Keep in mind those are just general question categories. Anyway, I called to let you know I did speak with my boss in regards to the shelter director and she thought your idea was a good one. She even gave approval for me to do another episode where Mrs. Carrington is the guest.”

  Trevor’s smile came through the phone line. “Sounds great! The shelter can certainly use the publicity.”

  “So, could you give me Ms. Carrington’s contact information…”

  “I think it would be better if I talked to her first. Due to the delicate nature of her business, she’s usually a very private person. She takes the safety of the women who come to the shelter very seriously.”

  “I can understand that,” she murmured.

  “Let me talk to her and see if she’d be willing to meet with you so you can explain the talk show and other details.”


  “Let’s say this evening at 6 o’clock, in my office. Will that work for you?”

  No! “Of course,” Nicole agreed. “I’ll be there at 6.” She hung up the phone, glad that she was sitting down because her knees were shaking! And her palms were sweating. There must be something wrong with the air conditioning!

  As she prepared to meet with Sophia later that evening, she was thankful that she wouldn’t see Trevor alone. After their last disastro
us encounter, she really didn’t want to be alone with him. No repeats. With Sophia in the room, there will be no opportunity for us to get too near each other.

  Chapter 10

  Nicole entered the law office and smiled at the older woman seated at a large desk in the center of the room. She was slightly surprised to see the secretary still there, but then again, the secretary for a law office probably didn’t have the luxury of working a nine-to-five schedule.

  “Good evening, I have an appointment with Mr. Armstrong.”

  “Yes. You must be Nicole Kendrick. I’m Erin. I believe Mrs. Carrington is already here. Follow me.”

  Nicole thanked the woman and followed her down a hallway until they came to a small conference room. “Right in here.”

  “Thank you,” Nicole said as she stepped inside. What she’d thought was a conference room was actually just a small sitting area situated at the front of Trevor’s office. She’d been impressed with how much light there was in the outer office, but his personal office was even better.

  Large windows, modern furniture, and lots of glass and metal furnishings should have looked impersonal, but were not. The entire space looked inviting and friendly. As she took it all in, she realized the space perfectly fit his personality. And it’s nothing like what I had assumed a lawyer’s office would look like.

  If someone had asked her what a legal office looked like, she’d have told them lots of wood, bold colors, old, leather-clad books, and a virtual dragon of a secretary protecting it all from outside distractions.

  The only part of her assumption that was even partially true was the dragon of a secretary. The woman had introduced herself as Erin, so Nicole knew this was the same woman that had been putting her off for more than two weeks. She was older, but she also had a warm smile and, in person, didn’t seem nearly as austere as she had over the phone.

  Nicole saw Trevor sitting behind his desk, a woman sitting in a chair facing him. Apparently they’d had a meeting before her arrival. Hearing her entrance, the woman turned her head and smiled warmly.

  Getting up, she approached Nicole with much more enthusiasm than the talk-show host expected.

  Sophia was in her early fifties, dressed in a dark gray business suit, which included a skirt that fell to just below her knees, and a matching jacket. She wore a light pink blouse beneath the jacket, with an elaborate collar that was tied in a large bow and left to drape over the front of the blouse. Matching gray shoes, with a standard three-inch heel, completed the look.

  Nicole took in her appearance and was struck by the daring collar. Without it, Sophia would be dressed just like any other middle-aged businesswoman. But the extravagant collar gave her a more youthful and fashionable appearance.

  Sophia’s hair was jet black, and secured at the base of her neck into a tight bun. She had a few streaks of gray at each temple, but they only served to make her look even more authentic and likable. She was not anything like Nicole had been expecting. What were you expecting? A run-down, weary woman who looks like the same women she’s trying to help?

  Nicole listened as Sophia and Trevor finished their conversation. That woman had lots of energy. Not only was she very beautiful, she was clearly on a mission.

  “Nicole, why don’t you join us?” Trevor offered, indicating the other vacant chair in front of his desk next to Sophia’s.


  Trevor made the introductions, and then they got right down to business. Nicole explained the basics for the talk show, and what part she was hoping Sophia could add. They instantly connected, and Nicole found herself looking forward to having her as a guest on the show.

  She found herself smiling as she watched the energetic woman talk. She talked fast and used her hands just as rapidly. Her perfectly manicured hands! I wonder when she finds the time to get her nails done?

  Nicole listened as Sophia shared stories of some of the women who had been helped by coming to the shelter. Sophia never gave away names or places, but she had a way of re-elling the stories that brought tears to Nicole’s eyes.

  Time and again, Sophia’s stories revolved around a domineering man who used either physical, mental, or emotional abuse as a way of controlling the woman –sometimes using a combination of two or three simultaneously. One more reason to stay independent! Never give a man power over you! Never!

  Nicole tried to stay in the present, but she couldn’t help thinking of her ex as Sophia continued to talk. He’d used more subtle means of controlling her, stealing her independence little by little on the pretense of giving her the world.

  He’d tried to create a gilded cage where he could control her every move. He’d never wanted her to work, telling her he enjoyed taking care of her! A woman, in his opinion, was the perfect addition to a man. Not less – but definitely not more either. He’d never appreciated her for what she was. On the other hand, he’d expected her to admire him, obey his every command, and have no ideas or thoughts of her own. I still hate myself for not leaving him earlier! How could I have let him walk all over me like that? Never again!

  What had begun as a nice romance had slowly turned into a nightmare. The closer they grew, the more of a control freak he became. She’d ignored it, until they moved in together. Almost overnight, a nightmare started to unfold. He’d call her hundreds of times a day to find out exactly what she was doing.

  Shivers crept down her spine when she remembered the time with him. Her regular night out with her girlfriends was a constant cause of fighting, until she stopped seeing them. He’d question her for every minute she wasn’t in the house. Worse, he expected her to be home whenever he was. In his opinion she’d plenty of time for her things when he was working – and only then.

  He wanted her to be present at his side, and didn’t care how often she was forced to push her own appointments back. Her attendance at social events was mandatory, and if she already had other plans, they simply became superfluous. He never consulted her about anything. He hadn’t even asked where she’d like to spend their honeymoon!

  Nicole clenched her fists as the emotions associated with that time in her life came rushing back to the surface. I hate him almost as much as I hate myself for allowing it!

  Sophia’s warm voice interrupted Nicole’s thoughts. “Goodbye.” She was out of her chair and preparing to leave.

  “Nicole, I can’t tell you how excited I am about the opportunity to come on your talk show. Not only do we need financial support in terms of donors, but we can always use volunteers as well. And this is a social issue that doesn’t get nearly enough publicity. I honestly believe if more women knew there was help available, less women would become victims.”

  As Nicole met her gaze, she somehow felt discovered. Had what she was thinking shown on her face? No way this woman she just met could know what had happened to her? Or could she? Had she dealt with enough abused women to pick up some signal Nicole didn’t even know she was broadcasting? God, I hope not.

  Not willing to stick around and find out, Nicole smiled politely and stood to leave as well. “I’ll be in touch,” she told Sophia, confused when the women gave her a brief hug before leaving the office.

  Nicole gathered up her belongings and prepared to leave the office as well, but Trevor called her back.


  She briefly thought about ignoring him, just to ensure she was beyond his reach. It had been nothing short of sheer torture being in the same room with him, looking at his handsome face and trying to pretend nothing had happened.

  “Nicole?” Trevor called again, softly, stealing her resolve.

  With her gut wrenching, she turned and looked at him. He’s so hot. Why can’t I get him out of my mind? Realizing he was waiting for her to respond, she lifted her gaze. “Yes?”

  “Please don’t run away.”

  She blushed. “I don’t run away.”

  Trevor ignored her lie and began to talk: “You know, sometimes I absolutely hate my job.”
/>   Nicole was stunned at this change of topic. She had assumed he wanted to talk about the night before, but he was talking about himself. Now, that’s a change. Especially since he’s being brutally honest about having feelings. Maybe he didn’t get the guy memo stating it’s against the code to admit to having emotions, let alone wanting to discuss them!

  “…Sometimes I feel like my heart is being ripped in two. I mean, I see these people come in here, day after day, that at some point in the past convinced themselves they were madly in love with the person they eventually married. But from where I sit, true love happens very rarely, if ever. Statistically, only 50% of the people who get married this year will still be married to the same person three years from now. What kind of odds are those?!

  “What’s even worse is that they don’t divorce as friends. They start hating each other and even fight Wars of Roses. They dish each other’s dirty laundry for all to see, they slander one another to gain another dollar, and they use family, friends, and even their own offspring as weapons to hurt each other. They behave their worst, and expect me to help them do it!”

  Trevor broke off as, apparently, he struggled to control his thoughts and his breathing. He looked up at her and seemed surprised that she had returned to stand in front of his desk. “Two days ago if you had asked me about whether or not I believed in love, I would have told you quickly the answer was ‘No’ and meant it. But things have changed.”

  Nicole couldn’t resist asking, “They have?”

  Trevor nodded his head, coming around his desk to stand facing her. “They have. I met you. I guess I was trying to convince myself love didn’t exist to make handling the emotional upheaval of my job easier. But love does exist. And I know we’ve only just met, but I need for you to tell me what it’s going to take for you to give us a chance.”

  “A chance?” Nicole asked, her heart bursting with emotions she had no idea how to process.


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