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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

Page 6

by Jessica Gray

  “A chance to prove that love really does exist. That you and I were made for each other.”

  His words so closely echoed what she had been feeling, she started crying and threw herself into his arms. She placed her arms around his waist and burrowed her head into his chest as she felt his arms come around her. Safe. Warm. Loving.

  “Just give us a chance. Shush, don’t cry. I’ll make everything all better.”

  And…just like that she regretted her moment of weakness. How could she have fallen into the same trap again? Would she never learn? Nicole Kendrick doesn’t need any man to protect her and take care of her!

  She pulled herself from his arms and bolted for the elevator. His secretary was already gone for the day; Nicole darted out the office door, nobody holding her back.


  Trevor felt her pull away, but she caught him off guard and before he could tighten his hold on her, she was gone. Not again! You’re not getting away from me this time!

  He hurried out of his office, seeing her standing in front of the elevator with her arms wrapped tightly around her middle. Remember, she’s scared.

  Afraid that he’d only make it worse if he asked her what happened, he decided upon being calm and matter-of-fact. He needed to find that easy place they’d shared yesterday during dinner and get her to open up to him. Only then could he start to find out why she was running way.

  Trevor shut the door to his office and then joined her by the elevator. She stiffened, but he kept a respectable distance between them, until she finally relaxed and stood her ground. He could see her surreptitiously wiping her tears away; he didn’t comment on them. It almost tore him apart not to take her into his arms and soothe her pain, wipe her tears away, but he resisted. No! With her, he needed a different approach. He just didn’t quite know which.

  “I need some fresh air. How about you?”

  Nicole slowly nodded, her tears nowhere near stopping. “Yeah, some fresh air would be good.”

  Chapter 11

  “How about we take a walk in Millennium Park?” Trevor asked as they exited his office building.

  Nicole nodded and he took her hand, pleased when she didn’t put up anything but a token protest. They walked the short distance in silence, as he gave her time to get her composure back.

  The evening was clear and brisk, and it was still light enough outside that the streetlights hadn’t come on yet. He directed them towards Lurie Garden, with its array of flowerbeds and greenery. They stopped on top of the little wooden footbridge which separated the garden into two sections, artistically representing “light” and “dark.”

  Then he leaned against the railing and pulled her around to face him. When she didn’t resist his movement, he searched her eyes for a moment before dipping his head and taking her lips in a gentle and tender kiss. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t encase her with his arms, but kept his touch light and non-threatening. Trevor still wasn’t sure what was triggering her to run away, but he was determined to figure it out. She’s worth the effort!

  When Nicole didn’t pull away from him, he deepened the kiss, but didn’t increase his touch. He was worried about upsetting her again, and was determined to earn her trust. Finally, she responded to his kiss and edged herself closer, wrapping her arms around him. Never had he felt such a strong wave of emotions rush over him. This must be love!

  With newfound courage, he nibbled his way along her jawline, stopping at her ear. “Tell me.”

  He hadn’t meant to throw her back into her tears, but that was what his softly spoken words did. Nicole collapsed against his chest and sobbed, until there were no more tears left to cry. When she finally calmed down enough to speak, Trevor tried again: “Nicole, please, tell me what’s going on. I need to know so that we can figure this out. I care for you.”

  She shook her head. “You can’t. I can’t. I can’t fall in love with you.”

  “Why not?” Trevor asked calmly, despite the stab right to his heart.

  “Because I’ll lose myself.”

  Trevor shook his head. “Nicole, I don’t understand. Help me, please.”

  He could see the fighting emotions in her face, and slowly stroked her back to calm her nerves. Please don’t start crying again. I can’t take crying women. Especially not you.

  “My ex was very possessive. Everything was fine until we got engaged and then he started controlling my every step. He always had a justifiable reason – at least in his mind. For instance, he wouldn’t let me travel alone at night because it was ‘too dangerous’ for me to be out at night without him.”

  The sobbing started again. “He even sent his mother along to my bachelorette party! Do you even have an idea how embarrassing and ridiculous that was? My girlfriends had hired a stripper to pop up out of my cake. My future mother-in-law was not impressed. She created quite the scene when the stripper appeared, mostly naked and his focus entirely on me!”

  Trevor laughed and then caught himself. “Sorry. Pretty bad, huh?”

  “You don’t know the half of it. Not only did she scowl the entire time, turning my party night into a nightmare, but she made sure to tell her son all about it. In detail. To say he was furious is an understatement. In his words, I was too precious to have been treated so crudely.”

  “Then what happened?” Trevor asked, hoping she wasn’t going to tell him her ex had become physically abusive. He already hated that guy and would take pride in beating the shit out of him, if he’d hurt her. But then, she needed him calm and quiet now. Calm down, Trevor.

  Nicole smiled briefly and then stated, “I called off the wedding the next day. It was the scandal of the decade! My ex’s family is very rich and influential, and according to them, I humiliated them all by not marrying their son.”

  “I’m glad you dumped him.” Glad didn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

  “Me too. But it cost me everything. His dad had some pull with the radio station where I worked, and they fired me. I didn’t even get my two week’s notice, severance pay, or my vacation time. I went in to work the day after I broke it off and was told to pack up my stuff and get out. They mailed my last check to me.”

  Trevor was furious at the way she’d been treated. Not only had she been mistreated by her ex and his family, but he was mostly sure the way she’d been fired was in violation of any number of federal labor laws! His lawyer mind immediately came up with at least five paragraphs. But he shut this part of his mind down. Now was not the time for legal advice, now was the time to win her heart!

  His voice was forcefully nice in a desperate attempt to hide his fury as he asked, “So, is that what brought you to Chicago?”

  “Yeah. I needed a completely new life, and a new job.” Nicole looked at him and waited for his response.

  But he didn’t say a word. Trevor clenched his jaw as he looked down at her and struggled not to give voice to the anger he felt on her behalf. How could anyone have done that to her? She was one of the nicest, sweetest people he’d ever met, and she certainly hadn’t deserved to be treated like yesterday’s garbage! The urge to pull her into his arms was strong, but he didn’t give in to it. He could tell she still had a few things to say, and he wanted to give her the chance to get it all out.

  “I vowed to myself I would never let another man control me. I’ll never again give my power over to a man.”

  Trevor watched her for a moment, a warm smile full of love forming on his lips before he bent down and caressed her cheek with his own, whispering in her ear, “You’re so precious. I would never want to control you.”

  Nicole shook her head as if she didn’t understand him, and he continued, “Your ex was stupid and weak. Only weak men have to cage the women they believe to love.”

  Giving into the urge, he pulled her back into his arms, resting his chin atop her head as he hugged her close.

  Nicole stood still for several moments, allowing him to hug her, but not giving anything in return. He could sense t
he inner battle she was waging with herself, and was determined to give her the time and space she needed to figure it all out. He so wanted her to trust him. It hurt, deep down in his heart. It was as if she already was part of him and only her love could make him complete again.

  “Trevor, I don’t know if I can do this. I’m so afraid I’ll put my trust in the wrong person again. Or that I’ll find out it was all my fault.”

  “Don’t talk like that. It was not your fault. And I know you’re afraid, but I want to help you, if you’ll let me. I promise you I will never hurt you.”

  Trevor kissed her again, feeling an overflowing joy when she stepped closer and pleaded with him to hold her tightly.

  “I’ve got you.” Trevor pulled her in so that their bodies were aligned, knees, hips, and chest. The closer she got to him, the more she seemed to relax. She smelled so good. He inhaled her scent and instantly knew he wanted her to be his. Forever.

  “Promise me you’ll be patient with me. My first instinct is to run away so I don’t make the same mistake again. But don’t let me. I don’t want to run away from you; I just can’t handle being hurt that way again.”

  “I promise to always come after you,” Trevor told her as he kissed her one last time. “Now, let’s get you home.”

  Chapter 12

  When the taxi pulled up in front of Nicole’s residence, she acted without giving herself time to think: “Come in with me.”

  Trevor had held her hand and continued to kiss her the entire car ride across town, and while his body wanted to jump at her invitation, his mind cautioned him to make sure she was ready for such a step. “Are you sure?”

  Nicole smiled at him and nodded; she emphasized her invitation with an enticing kiss and when they both had to take a breath, she whispered with a hoarse voice, “I’m sure.”

  Trevor paid the taxi driver and then exited the vehicle after her. He waited while she unlocked the front door of the little house at the rear of the property, keeping his hands constantly in motion.

  He toyed with the ends of her hair. Rubbed his palms down her shoulders. Nibbled at the tender spot just beneath and behind her ear. By the time Nicole had managed to open the door with trembling fingers, she was ready to shove him against the wall and tear his clothes off. He was driving her insane, and if the look on his face was anything to go by, he knew it!

  Silently, she took his hand and led him to the single bedroom, turning to face him as she began to remove her clothes. Trevor took his cues from her and began doing the same.

  When she was down to just her bra and panties, he stopped her from going any further by taking her into his strong arms, and using his hands to mold her body to his own. He’d removed his shirt, shoes, and socks, but his pants had only gotten so far as losing the belt and being unbuttoned. They hung loosely around his hips, and Nicole made short work of pushing them down his legs. She wanted him. So badly!

  Trevor kissed her, deepening the kiss as she relaxed into his embrace, until they were both gasping for air. Directing her back towards the bed, he turned, lying down in the middle of the bed and then urging her to straddle him. When she looked at him curiously, he murmured, “Trust me. Precious.”

  Nicole realized she did indeed trust him, and placed one leg on either side of his knees. When he reached down with his hands upon her hips and scooted her up so that her core was directly over his groin, she barely contained her sounds of pleasure.

  She tried to keep her weight off him for as long as possible, but when he reached up with both hands and pushed her bra cups up, freeing her breasts for his handling pleasure, she gave up and lowered herself fully upon the evidence of his desire for her. The only thing separating them were the thin layers of her already damp panties and his boxers.

  She rocked against him as he tugged and played with her nipples. Oh, so delicious. Bolts of desire, joy, and pure love ran through her body. That man made her squirm in desire for him; she was about to forget everything else. When he suddenly leaned up and took one nipple between his lips to suckle at her, she gasped. It was delirious, but she needed more. She had to feel him against her. She needed him in her.

  “We need to stop,” she murmured.

  “What?!” Trevor asked in alarm, raising his head and hoping he’d just heard her wrong. If she really wanted to stop, he would of course honor her request, but it would cost him dearly.

  Nicole realized how he had interpreted her statement and shook her head with a smile. “No, not stop – Stop! I need to have you inside of me.” She was amazed at how easily talking to him like this came.

  Trevor breathed a sigh of relief and helped her slide off of him. He quickly removed his boxers, and then watched as she stood beside the bed and removed both her bra and her panties. “You’re beautiful.”

  Nicole blushed, but her need for him was too great to be worried about embarrassment and whether or not he was just being kind. She straddled him again, thankful that he’d let her keep control even when they were making love. It was her decision and she could do whatever she pleased; he’d follow her, not control or encage her.

  Nicole realized that truth deep within her heart, not her mind. Because her analytical mind was shut down, had given way to her right brain responsible for emotions. This time when she lowered herself over him, he helped guide himself inside her, and she sunk down upon him with a moan of desire that came from deep inside her.

  “You feel so good,” she told him.

  “And you. Precious.” Trevor made it his special mission to keep the good feelings coming. He used his hands and his mouth to devastate her senses. Placing his feet flat on the bed, he used his hips to set up a driving rhythm that soon had them both skyrocketing towards nirvana.

  Nicole couldn’t believe how hot he was making her. She’d never experienced so much emotion in her life. In fact, she’d begun to think that all of the romance books she’d read were full of lies designed to lure readers into buying them. She was elated to realize that there really was truth to them. Mindblowing sex did exist, and was much better when your heart and your mind were engaged along with your body!

  “Nicole, let go,” he urged her.

  She could tell he was just about to come, and the fact that he was waiting for her to orgasm before he took his own pleasure was so startling, she forgot to be worried and did as he suggested. She surrendered to the passion that wanted to consume them both.

  As they hurtled past the point of no return, she felt his gentle caresses, and how tender he was with her. Her whole body reacted to his touch, and she convulsed under his last thrusts into her.

  After they’d been lying side by side, relishing in silence their lovemaking, he got up for the bathroom. He returned with a warm towel and wiped her body down. With soft and loving strokes he caressed her skin with the towel again. Even though he hadn’t intended to seduce her again, she felt the desire for him rise in her with every loving and caring stroke.

  There was no question as to whether he would stay the night, and when he crawled back into her bed, she snuggled up to him and slept peacefully for the first time in weeks!

  The next morning, they both slept in. Nicole didn’t have to be to work at the radio station until afternoon, and Trevor had nothing on his meeting schedule. It was a perfect morning to take it easy and be lazy! They lounged in bed, enjoying each other once again before finally crawling from the covers in search of breakfast. But first, they both desperately needed a shower.

  Nicole headed into the shower first, making sure Trevor knew he was welcome to join her if he wanted to. She shouldn’t have worried about it, because he was there and under the water’s warm spray before she was.

  They washed each other’s bodies, and worshipped each patch of newly washed skin with lips and tongues. Having stoked each other’s fires, they were only moments away from consummating their love again when Trevor heard his cell phone ring out with Royals. When the phone stopped ringing, he heard the unmistakable beeping noise of
his alarm clock. “Darn it!”

  “What?” Nicole asked, pressing her hot and needy body against his.

  “I forgot I have a meeting with my brother Ryan! That was probably him calling to remind me that I’m late.”

  With a sigh he cupped her ass in his hands and said, “I wish we could finish what we started, but I really have to run.”

  He slipped out of the shower and she heard him call his brother.

  “Hey, bro. I’m sorry. I totally forgot.

  “Oh, shit. We’ll have to leave the match for another day.

  “In your dreams! Can we meet at your place in forty-five?”

  Nicole followed him to her bedroom once he’d stopped talking.

  “I’m so sorry. Ryan and I had a squash match planned before we brainstorm about Dean’s engagement present. Now he thinks I chickened out because I’m afraid of losing.”

  “Are you?”

  He looked disgusted. “Hey, what do you think? He’s my little brother! He hasn’t won in at least a year. And that’s how it’ll stay for at least another year.”

  She laughed and nudged his biceps. “So you are vain and competitive.“

  “I’m not!” He stopped talking when he caught the gleam in her eye that indicated how much she enjoyed teasing him. “Well, maybe a little bit.” With one swift movement, he swept her off her feet, right into his lap, and nibbled her neckline up and down, making her remember the almost painful desire she’d felt just a few minutes ago in the shower. Oh, how she wanted him to continue what he was doing.

  She sat up straight and tried her best to hide her disappointment, but she was learning that nothing much got past Trevor. This man did notice everything!

  “Why don’t you come with me?” Trevor asked, a promising gleam in his eyes, while his hands continued to caress her and cloud her thoughts.

  Meet his brother? Isn’t that pushing things a little too fast? I mean, meeting one’s family usually indicates some kind of commitment. Doesn’t it?


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