Semiramis Series Box Set

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Semiramis Series Box Set Page 61

by Maya Daniels

  Inanna grabs my arm, stopping me. “She will test you. Don’t fall for it. Remember, transform your pain into strength. I can’t help. I can only observe.”

  With those words, we square our shoulders and pass through the entryway. As I take a few steps into the big area, the first thing my eyes land on is Lucifer standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a beautiful half-naked woman draped all over him, whispering something in his ear. Remi, Daisy, and Jezzinta stand to the side, glaring at those two while Philip looks directly at me, wide-eyed, before he drops his head like his neck can’t hold it anymore, mumbling something I can’t hear. I feel like someone just took a hot poker and stabbed me with it a million times in less than a second, right in the heart.

  Chapter 34


  I cannot pay attention to what Ishtar is saying; my mind is preoccupied with Alexia, where she is and if she is okay. In the middle of it all, I am debating the wisdom of pushing the goddess away from me. What I used to see as flattering is now annoying and unwanted. Why are we still waiting here? Is she hiding Alexia from us? All the thoughts evaporate from my head as Philip mumbles something incoherent and someone clears their throat from the entryway.

  Dread pools in my stomach as I slowly turn my head around and look at Inanna and Alexia standing just inside the chamber. Inanna is looking at me with a raised eyebrow, but I ignore her. Alexia, on the other hand, has no emotions showing on her face. This is a good thing … I hope. Before I have a chance to process it all, Remi and Jezzinta literally fly into her arms as if they haven’t seen her for years. Seeing her smile at them makes me want to push them away so she can turn it on me. She steals a glance my way but looks swiftly away. Maybe no emotion on her face was not a good thing after all.

  “Get her off you, man. What’s wrong with you?” Philip says so quietly I almost miss it.

  I realize that Ishtar is still leaning her body on mine, her arm wrapped around my arm in a familiar fashion. Prying her fingers open, I push her away from me as gently as I can and take a step back. Her raised eyebrow and smirk tells me this is all planned, and like a fool, I fall for it because I am not paying attention. I frown at her, but that only makes her smirk grow and there is a gleam in her eyes I do not like.

  “Go touch Al. Her hand or shoulder—anything, for that matter. At least we will know how badly you’re screwed if she pushes you away,” Philip continues his guidance and, like a child, I follow his instructions.

  After stepping to her, I pull her to my chest and wrap my arms around her, breathing her in. It calms my heart somewhat. She is stiff in my embrace but I ignore it. She is not pushing me away. I can deal with this, I think. But I see Philip doesn’t share my sentiment because he is shaking his head, looking pained. I do not understand why until Alexia pulls away from me and steps back. She won’t even look at me.

  “Alexia …” I start, but she looks away from me like I haven’t spoken, and I stand there, rooted to the spot.

  “Ishtar, I presume? It’s nice to finally meet you.” Alexia stands in front of Ishtar, gently nodding her head in greeting. It makes me proud to see her strength.

  “Ah, Semiramis! How lovely for you to come to my realm. I didn’t think the day would come when you would grace us with your presence here.” Ishtar’s words are spoken with kindness, but there is an undercurrent of something in them that sets me on edge.

  I coil up to go to them, but before I move, Inanna grabs my arm.

  “You really are as stupid as the rest of them, aren’t you? You didn’t tell her how familiar you were with Ishtar when you knew we were coming here?”

  “I have lived for millennia; I am familiar with many. I did not think this would be a problem. Alas, I was mistaken, it seems,” I growl at her.

  I am angry at myself, not at anyone else. I should not take it out on them, but I cannot control my temper. Pulling my arm away from her, I go towards Alexia, not paying any attention whether or not Inanna is following. As I reach Alexia, I step behind her and pull her to my chest again. I am hoping she will not make a scene in front of everyone and that will calm me at least a little. As I expect, she stiffens but doesn’t push me away, so I sigh in relief.

  “… and we came through the gate because two of my sisters gave their lives.” Alexia’s voice brings me to the present, but I miss what she says before her final words.

  “Yes, how unfortunate. Tiamat has been going from realm to realm, destroying everything in her path in her search for you and the potions. Many of us closed our realms in hopes of discouraging her from coming.”

  “How good for you all, hiding like cowards in your temples while people die for you,” Alexia drawls, sarcasm dripping like venom from her mouth.

  “Be careful who you call a coward, little girl. Separate your friends from your enemies before it’s too late.” Ishtar stiffens, glaring at Alexia.

  “Are you my friend, Goddess? Are you really?” Tilting her head up, she glares at Ishtar, the glow from her eyes reflecting on the goddess’s face.

  Ishtar’s eyes widen. Luckily, I’m paying such close attention that I don’t miss her slight step back. Then anger replaces the emotions on her face, and I know I have to stop whatever it is that will take place.

  “We have no time to talk nonsense. We need to open the portal and find Anzu before it is too late.” I speak clearly, stopping their banter.

  Inanna snorts ungracefully. Remi, Daisy, and Jezzinta bury their faces in their hands, and Philip groans as if in pain. I do not understand why they are acting as if I’m not helping. My witch, however, has no problem enlightening my ignorance.

  “You mean you didn’t ask about that during your lovely reunion a few minutes ago?” Alexia narrows her eyes at me over her shoulder, locking her gaze on mine. It’s like I’m drowning, unable to pull any air into my lungs.

  “Yes, Lucifer. Why didn’t you ask that earlier?” Ishtar smirks at me, and I glare at her.

  This … this feeling is unfamiliar to me. I do not like it. Not being able to contain my emotions will make me go insane, so I do the only thing I can think of. Grabbing Alexia by the shoulders, I flip her around to face me. Burying both my hands in her hair, I slam my mouth to hers, kissing her so deeply that she will never doubt the strength of my feelings for her.

  At first, she tries to push me away with both her hands pressed to my chest, but as my tongue dives deep in her mouth and tangles with hers, those same hands grab my shirt, holding me close. I keep kissing her, breathing the air that comes from her lungs, not knowing if we are separate beings or one. The clearing of a throat and a few giggles break the enchantment, and I pull away, leaning my forehead on hers. Keeping my eyes closed, I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself. When I open them, Alexia is looking at me, searching my face for something. I do not know what, but I put all my feelings for her into my gaze so she can see everything. Her eyes widen.

  “Do not doubt my love, witch. Don’t ever doubt me,” I mumble, so close to her that my lips touch hers with each word.

  “How sentimental.” A new voice surrounds us and we all look in that direction.

  Alexia stiffens again in my arms, so I pull her closer. She cannot be afraid; the woman is almost stupidly brave when it comes to entities such as myself, so her reaction puts me on high alert.

  “Look, my love, Lucifer has decided to visit. He also brought his pet,” Ishtar purrs, slinking towards the newcomer. Alexia stiffens even more in my arms.

  “So I can see. And he brought friends. How lovely! I know the witches, but a couple of them are missing. Where is the new addition to your circle? I do not see Meda, either.”

  Alexia is strung taut like a bow in my arms. An uneasy feeling swims in my gut. She hasn’t turned around yet, and she never leaves her back towards something or someone unknown. Jezzinta snickers behind me, and that uneasiness multiplies. There is something I am missing here. I do not like it. Before I ask Alexia, the newcomer speaks again.

llo, daughter.” He turns towards Inanna.

  “Father,” she greets him courtly.

  “So, where is the little witch? A fiery spirit, that one.” He chuckles, and Alexia groans, bumping her head on my chest. Taking a deep breath, she slowly turns around, shoulders squared and chin up.

  “Sin!” she greets him.

  “Hello, little witch! How very lovely to see you again.” His eyes sparkle when they land on her and anger like a beast rears its head in my chest. “And without a summoning,” he adds offhandedly.

  “Yeah, very lovely indeed,” Remi mumbles and Jezzinta snorts, covering it with a cough, but I ignore them.

  “We need help with the potions so we can find Anzu, that’s why we are here,” Alexia says to the Sun God, no emotion in her voice.

  “Why be in such a rush? We should sit and talk first,” Ishtar adds and Sin nods slowly, still looking Alexia up and down.

  I am missing something, but the narrowed-eyed look on Ishtar’s face says I am not the only one.

  “Something is different about you, little witch.” Sin ignores everyone but her. My anger gets stronger in intensity.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” she purrs, looking through her lashes at him. The moment the corners of her lips float up into a smirk, I snap.

  Chapter 35


  Just when I gain control of my stupid emotions caused by Ishtar touching Lucifer, things take a turn for the worse. I mean, really, what did I think? That an ancient angel was celibate and waited his entire existence for me? As I said, stupid! But I can’t help how I react when I’m caught off guard. Now Sin is leering at me and I can’t help myself. Especially because there is a slight pressure in my head, like someone is trying to open my skull without me noticing.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” I tell him, distractedly lowering my lashes and smiling a bit, while trying to place a protection around me against whatever is pressing on my head.

  One second, I feel relief from the protection snapping into place, and the next, Lucifer springs from behind me, grabbing Sin by his neck and lifting him off the ground. The angel dangles the god like an ornament.

  “What the fuck?” I whisper incredulously.

  Inanna laughs joyfully like she’s at a circus. Remi, Daisy, and Jez plaster themselves to my sides, readying themselves for anything. Philip walks behind us saying something about stupid men and jealousy, but I can’t be sure exactly what.

  “Don’t just stand there and laugh. Stop them,” I tell Inanna.

  She wipes tears from her eyes, shaking her head before another round of giggles doubles her over, then she points towards Ishtar. The other goddess is watching the two men trying to kill each other with a look of shock on her face. Sin is animated now, a far cry from his initial reaction when he just stands still and punching Lucifer in the face, making his head snap back. I am pretty sure he doesn’t expect Lucifer to react the way he does. Well, neither do I, buddy.

  “Lucifer, stop it!” I finally yell.

  “Stand back, Alexia. This has nothing to do with you. It’s between me and him,” he says through teeth so clenched I can almost hear them grinding from where I’m standing.

  “Excuse me? Nothing to do with me? You just decided to attack him for some other reason, huh?”

  Like I haven’t spoken, the two continue throwing punches at each other. The sounds of fists hitting flesh echo in the room, making it hard to think. Sin manages to hit Lucifer square in the jaw, making him stumble back a few steps. Then Sin lifts his hands in the air, calling on his power. Before I even process what’s happening, Lucifer lifts him up using his own power, throwing him across the room so hard his body slams into the stone walls and makes them crumble. Bright lights flash from Sin’s hands, slamming into Lucifer’s chest and tossing him in the air until he slams to the ground on his back. The floor cracks from the impact, making all of us stumble.

  “Stop it!” I scream as loud as I can, but no one pays me any attention.

  They fly towards each other like in some badly-made karate movie. Flesh hits flesh, sounding like a bomb. Grunts and curses fill the air. I look around wildly at everyone, trying to figure out why no one is doing anything to stop them. Like me thinking about it is the catalyst for her to act, Ishtar face brightens with determination. Relief fills me, but not for long as her rush steps are bringing her towards me, not them. Pushing Remi, Daisy, and Jezzinta aside is all I have time for before she grabs my hair and places a jeweled dagger at my throat. I freeze.

  “Stop it, both of you, or I will kill her. You want to open the portal? It’ll take a blood sacrifice anyway,” she says conversationally, but even screaming wouldn’t have made her words have a bigger impact.

  Everything stops. You could hear a pin drop. Inanna ceases her laughter. Remi and Jez stand still, like statues with wide eyes. Sin and Lucifer turn their heads towards us from the ground where Sin is on his back and Lucifer is holding him by the throat while sitting on his chest. Philip is standing to the side, pulling on his hair with both hands with Daisy next to him, her skin pale as if she will be sick.

  “Let her go.” Lucifer’s menacing tone sends chills down my spine, and when he crawls to his feet and faces us, he forgets all about the sun god at his feet. My heart stops for a second. I have never seen him look like this. It’s not like this is the first time I’ve gotten myself into a situation like this, right? It’s a given with me, but this feels different. There is fear in his eyes, and it runs so deep it makes me pause. I have no idea what’s going on, but I don’t want to play their stupid games anymore.

  “Okay, you got your point across. They stopped. Let me go,” I tell her, trying to step away, but her arm tightens so much I have to stop moving or I’ll cut myself on the damn dagger.

  “I don’t think so! You two fight over this thing?” she spits the last word like it’s something vile. “We don’t even know what she is.”

  “There is no need for you to know what she is. I said to let her go.” Lucifer takes a step closer, and the cold metal bites my skin.

  It feels like someone has poured acid on the spot. It hurts like a bitch, and I close my eyes, grinding my teeth to stop tears from flowing and curses from coming out.

  “No. Not until I hear what this creature has done. What is it about her, huh?” She shakes me and the damn dagger digs deeper, making me gasp. I hate myself for making the sound.

  “My love, let us talk. Let the witch go.” Sin picks himself off the ground finally, glancing at Lucifer, and some unspoken conversation happens in that one millisecond.

  “If you move, I will slit her throat,” she tells him.

  “Okay, lady. I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but wait in fucking line. You’re not the only one who wants to kill me. Get the damn dagger away from my neck. There are more important things we need to talk about. Those two were acting like idiots; go stab them if you like.” My anger gets the better of me, and I snap at her, wiggling to try to get her off me. It doesn’t work, but the dagger cuts even deeper, hurting so much I stop all attempts to get away from her.

  “Alexia, do not move. That is Ishtar’s blade. It is not a regular dagger,” Inanna tells me as if she’s trying not to spook the goddess.

  “I thought Maika had it,” I say while my brain is whirling, trying to remember if I know anything about it.

  “No matter where it is, it always comes to her if she calls it. That dagger can kill anything—including gods,” Remi says and inches closer to me. I frown at her to stop but she ignores me.

  “Speak! What is it about her that has you all wrapped around her finger, risking your lives and realms to keep her safe?” Ishtar repeats like she hasn’t heard a word anyone else has said.

  “She is my vessel, and you are reacting with jealousy. It’s part of her journey. She has been descending ever since she stepped into the circle in the Earth realm,” Inanna says simply as if that will answer everything.

  “That’s not it! There have
been many vessels, and I haven’t seen any of you go to these lengths.”

  “The timing is right, and she will find the tablets of destiny. Tiamat will be stopped once and for all. Quit this nonsense and let her go before you doom us all,” Inanna tells her through lips thin with displeasure.

  “She is what?” Sin’s words echo around us.

  “You mean you didn’t know who she was until now? I thought you two knew each other,” Lucifer snaps at him, and I roll my eyes.

  “I was summoned to bless a new witch brought into a coven,” Sin says, arrogance clear in his voice—as if that were the most important job in the world.

  “And how do you bless them, my love?” Ishtar’s words drip with venom.

  “There is nothing wrong in sampling an offering.” He sniffs, but his eyes bore into my face and I squirm.

  “You motherfucker!” Lucifer slams his fist into Sin’s face, making him stumble and splitting his lip.

  “Ah, ah, ah! Stop or I will kill her,” Ishtar warns and they stop and glare at each other.

  “Yo! Are you all deaf? Can we stop this stupidity? I have a dagger digging into my neck.”

  “Show some respect, Semiramis. I have no issue ending you right here,” Ishtar growls at me.

  “Hold on a minute! Why are you calling her Semiramis?” Sin narrows his eyes on me, and I look anywhere but at him.

  “Meet the gift of the sea, my love,” Ishtar tells him, and then she laughs hysterically. “Oh, how wonderful! You didn’t know!”

  “You tricked me, witch!” he snaps at me.

  “I didn’t do shit. You wanted a dance and I danced. If you had asked who I was, I would’ve told you.”

  “I was a little preoccupied.” A smirk makes its way onto his face.

  Before I can blink, Lucifer roars and jumps Sin. They topple to the ground. Ishtar’s hand is jerked away from my neck and my body is slammed to the side, pushing me on my hands and knees on the ground. A soft gasp sounds, but it echoes like thunder around me as I lock eyes with Remi. The color drains from her face and her eyes are way too big for her face. She glances down and I follow her line of sight. Ishtar’s hand is at her stomach, the dagger buried to the hilt in Remi.


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