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Reluctant Bride

Page 29

by Sam Crescent

  “And if I don’t?” she asked.

  “I sell it. Either way, it works for me. I see the potential your father’s squandered.”

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this,” she said.

  “It’s business, Violet. Don’t be so fucking naïve.”

  She flinched. “Fine. If it’s just business, then I agree. I will come to you willingly and you’ll have no choice but to keep your side of the bargain. It’s what you’re known for.”

  With her head held high, she made her way toward the door, but he wasn’t done with her yet. He grabbed her hand and yanked her back toward him. She nearly stumbled in her heels.

  He gripped the back of her neck once again and pulled her close, slamming his lips down on hers.

  Henry swallowed her cries.

  Her body was a perfect fit against his and along with it, a constant tease. He wanted her so badly. His cock pressed painfully against the front of his pants. He held himself in check even though he knew it would be easy to take her right here, right now.

  Tonight, he’d make up for his restraint.

  Chapter Two

  It was time to put on her mask again. The one Henry insisted she wear. Even though she’d been forced into this marriage, she had to pretend she was happy and in love.

  She’d never been a good actress.

  They rejoined the guests, but that didn’t change the fact her body still thrummed from their foray in the bathroom. She’d heard all the rumors about Henry’s prowess, and Violet was starting to believe they were true. He’d flown past first base within seconds, and despite her best efforts, she became spineless when he touched her.

  “I need to introduce you to a few important guests,” he said.


  “Play your part, Violet.” He took her hand and weaved her around the tables. The centerpieces were elaborate, pink and silver. They were both beautiful and gaudy, but she’d been the one to choose the colors, so she couldn’t complain. Everything had been sprung on her so suddenly. The wedding planning had all been a blur, and the fact her entire life had been mapped out for her, thanks to her father’s shady business dealings, was finally starting to set in.

  Henry King owned her.

  She was only nineteen and had barely started to live. Violet had dreams of falling in love, starting a family, and living the fairy tale. This was more a nightmare.

  “Violet, I’d like you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman.”

  She smiled politely. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Beautiful wedding,” said the wife. “You must be very proud of Henry.”

  “So proud,” Violet said through gritted teeth. She was tiring of this ruse and the night wasn’t close to over.

  “Funny, you never introduced us before now,” said the husband. “How long were you two engaged?”

  “It was sudden.” Henry cleared his throat. “Love at first sight.”

  “How romantic,” said the wife.

  Violet had to stop herself from scoffing, keeping her lips tightly sealed. If only they knew how unromantic their courtship truly was.

  The one person she didn’t want to speak to right now was her father, and it was the next stop on Henry’s list, apparently. She was still furious, deep-seated betrayal replacing any sense of love she had for her father.

  “Everything turned out perfectly, Violet. It really came together, even with the short notice,” said her father.

  “Money tends to make things happen,” said Henry. His tone was clipped.

  “Thank you again. I know Violet will make you very happy.”

  “It’s not my job to make him happy. Not my job to fix your mistakes.”

  Henry gave her a jostle, and she took a breath to calm herself. Her emotions were still so fresh—the shock, betrayal, and anger.

  “My team will be in your offices first thing Monday morning. You’ll give them full access, of course.”

  Her father nodded.

  “Anyway, enjoy the wedding. Talking business is the last thing I want to do tonight,” said Henry. He led her away and her nerves settled just being away from her father.

  “He shouldn’t even be here,” she said.

  “Violet, he’s your father. He has to be at our wedding, even if neither of us are fans.”

  She growled, tagging along unwillingly. The next stop was one of the big bankers. She vaguely recognized him. Violet wasn’t impressed by old money like everyone else seemed to be in her circle.

  “Thomas, I’d like to introduce my new bride.”

  The older man smiled. “Violet Baron of Baron Enterprises.” He nodded as if impressed by her pedigree. The man mustn’t have any clue of her father’s downward spiral.

  “She’s a King now,” said Henry.

  A woman came to sit beside him, a flute of champagne in her hand. She eyed Henry up and down before flicking her blonde hair back. Violet knew that look and didn’t appreciate it.

  “I honestly thought the next King would be my Maritsa, but we can’t choose who we fall in love with, I suppose.”

  The tension in the air made her uncomfortable. She put on her dumb fake smile as a safety net.

  “He said I was too young, remember, Father? But we all know that’s wasn’t true,” said Maritsa, glaring at her. Violet had only turned nineteen recently. She was well aware of the age gap between them. It sounded gross on paper, but Henry King aged just as gracefully as a fine wine. She couldn’t deny her base attraction to the ruthless businessman, but that was a lot different than love.

  “Maritsa, fortunately, I didn’t select my wife based on her age. I’m not as shallow as you may assume.” Then he turned back to the banker. “Thomas, I’m glad you came. Enjoy your night.”

  He introduced her to more people. Much of it a blur in the dimmed lighting as live music and countless conversations carried in the large banquet hall. Then he brought her to the open bar where he met up with another couple.

  “Henry, congratulations, man.”

  “Thank you for coming, Gus. I didn’t think you’d make that flight.”

  “Nothing could keep me away.”

  The woman smiled, if you could call it a smile. Maybe her face would crack if she showed too much emotion. “Oh, my goodness, you’re adorable,” she said, pronouncing every syllable.

  Violet swallowed hard. The woman could have been a model—as tall as her husband, thin, and statuesque. At just over five feet tall, Violet felt like a fucking munchkin in comparison. Of course, the woman didn’t tell her she looked beautiful, gorgeous, or stunning. She chose to call her adorable, a term commonly saved for babies and puppies. Why the hell would Henry want to marry a girl like her? She’d been the laughingstock ever since their engagement went public.

  She wished she could wake up from a bad dream.

  “Now we can relax for a bit, if you like,” said Henry. He pulled out her chair at the head table. She would have complained, but the alternative was their honeymoon suite. That was the last place she wanted to be.

  Violet nodded.

  As she sat there, she watched all the guests laughing and talking, eating and drinking. They were enjoying themselves, completely oblivious to the fact her world was falling apart. Part of her wanted to beg her father to undo all this madness, to let her come home and forget Henry and his unorthodox offer. But that wasn’t going to happen. He’d choose this deal over prison or going bankrupt. Violet was just collateral damage to him.

  It would be nice to matter more than money. But she was just a girl, a pawn for men to exploit. It was her wedding day. Time to give up on her dreams.


  Henry could feel Violet’s uneasiness. She had no idea how much worse this could have ended up for her. He’d done her a favor, and himself. He wasn’t getting any younger and knew he had to start thinking about a family and heirs. The opportunity her father presented was just too good to be true. The fact Violet was a lush little virgin he craved to possess only sweetened the deal. />
  Now, as their wedding day was coming to a close, he realized how unfair he’d been. He needed to consider her feelings if they were to make this marriage last past the starting gates. It seemed everyone he knew was either divorced, in the process, or married just for the cameras. He wanted more than that.

  It was time to get to know his bride, to build something between them beyond her current hatred. If only she realized some of the sacrifices he’d made to save her.

  He sipped on his champagne, only the very best for their special day. “You can’t hate me forever, can you?”

  “Unlike what you believe, you can’t buy love.”

  “I bought your body, but I want so much more than that, Violet. Marriage is a lifelong commitment.”

  She snorted. “In what alternative universe? Half your guests are divorce lawyers.”

  “I don’t want us to be a statistic, Violet. The only way for that to happen is to open up to each other.”

  “And accept the fate thrust onto me. A father who’d gladly sell me like an unwanted couch and a husband willing to buy a woman against her will. I’m in a lose-lose situation.”

  He narrowed his eyes, leaning closer to her. “Are you telling me you’d never have chosen me on your own?”


  Henry raised an eyebrow. “Okay, that’s a start. Tell me why.”

  “You’re a womanizer.”

  “Was a womanizer. Past tense.”

  “You bought me. Forced me to marry you.”

  “Violet, you’re veering from the topic. Hypothetically, would you have dated me under normal circumstances?”

  She shrugged. He saw that as a huge feat. It wasn’t no.

  “I know things didn’t start out ideally, but we’re both adults. Let’s make things better from this day forward. I promised I’d help your father’s struggling businesses. I wasn’t lying about that. Or about the fact I feel like the luckiest man alive having you as my wife.”

  Violet turned and looked him in the eyes.

  God, her eyes were mesmerizing. His cock hardened in his slacks.

  “I’m here rather than fighting this, so that should tell you something. After what my own father did to me, you have to understand I have trust issues.”

  “And daddy issues.” He licked his lips and couldn’t help imagining her calling him daddy as he fucked her raw.

  This time, he got a glare.

  “Your father screwed me over, Violet. And a lot of other people. When we first started arranging this wedding, I couldn’t help but want to make your life miserable. I thought about it in detail for some time. I wanted revenge for all the bullshit your father put me through. Until I saw how far he was willing to go.”

  She swallowed hard. “And now?”

  “You’re nothing like him.” He ran the backs of his fingers along her face and jaw. She didn’t pull away. “And I’ll do better. This is about us now, not just a business arrangement.”

  “Until you tire of me.”

  “You think so little of me, Violet. I’ll have to prove myself to you. That’s fine. We have all the time in the world.”

  He’d start tonight, claiming her, making her his woman in every way. In time, maybe she’d stop resenting him. He wasn’t the monster she made him out to be. Her father was much more to blame in all this mess.

  “Hypothetically, what happens if I want a divorce down the road? Are my father’s debts still paid in full?”

  His patience was growing thin. She was testing him, he could hear it in her tone.

  “Maybe I’ll put you over my knee and give you a good spanking tonight.”

  Her mouth fell agape. He expected a smart comeback, but she stayed quiet.

  As they stared at each other, in their own bubble of time and space, the sound of tinkling cutlery on glass stole his attention. The entire wedding party had decided it was time for another kiss. He smirked at his wife.

  “What do you say, Violet? We wouldn’t want to disappoint the crowd.”

  He didn’t care how many people watched. In his mind, it was still just the two of them. Henry tilted her chin up before moving in for the anticipated kiss.

  The whistles and cheers were only a backdrop. He wanted this woman in his bed. Wanted to know her intimately—body and mind. She was his greatest conquest yet.

  “Should we retire for the night?” he asked.

  Her bravado fizzled away, and she suddenly looked like a frightened girl. “Already?”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “Anxious?”

  “You’ll only be disappointed,” she said. “You know I have no experience with men.”

  “How can I be disappointed when my goal is to bring you pleasure? And I will. I’m going to start between your legs, eating that virgin cunt until you’re begging me to make you come again. Then I’ll make you a woman.”

  She breathed through her mouth. He’d bet money her panties were soaked through.

  “How will you do that?” she whispered.

  “You’re going to take my cock. I’m going to spear that pussy, fill you so fucking full. You’re going to scream my name tonight, Violet.”

  “Is marriage just about sex and control for you, Henry?”

  He squeezed her thigh under the table. “Yes, that’s right, my bride. You’re mine. And I’ll be claiming this body of yours every chance I get.” He breathed in close to her neck, then he tongued the shell of her ear, making her quiver. “But it’s more than that. You’re my wife. You’ll want for nothing. And one day, I hope you’ll love me.”

  Chapter Three

  “And one day, I hope you’ll love me.”

  Henry’s words rang in her head.

  They were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. Their guests had been more than happy for them to retire for the evening, and it made her feel a little sick. All Henry cared about or seemed to care about was his own happiness.

  What about hers?

  No one had asked her what she wanted.

  Violet stared at her reflection and closed her eyes. She wouldn’t cry. She’d lost count of the number of times she’d cried herself to sleep after finding out she was being forced into this marriage. For hours, she’d tried to reason with her father. All he did was tell her how selfish she was. They were supposed to be a team with a common goal of making her father rich, apparently. He reminded her she’d be responsible for thousands of people losing their jobs if the deal with Henry didn’t go through. Their lives and those of their families would be forever in her hands.

  Marriage wasn’t supposed to be a business arrangement.

  She’d always believed marriage was the one symbol of love. The coming together of two souls who couldn’t bear to be apart. This thing with Henry was a complete sham. She didn’t want to be part of it.

  He waited for her in their room. She took a cleansing breath. With the way he’d touched her earlier, she had expected to hate him, but her body had flared to life. She should be repulsed by his hands, not wanting more of his touch.

  She rubbed at her temples and turned away from her reflection. With his confusing words and commanding actions, this man had tilted her world off axis. If he wanted her to fall in love with him, why did he insist on a quick and swift marriage? Why couldn’t he have tried to win her over on his own? He probably would have come out on top.

  “Violet, are you okay?” Henry asked, calling through the door.

  “I’m fine.” She glanced around the room and saw the smallest window in the world. If he was afraid of her running, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Her father had already put the fear of all the people who worked for him into her. There was no way she could live with other people’s lives on her conscience.

  She was determined to see this through, even though losing her virginity to a man she barely knew went against everything she believed in. Violet wasn’t a whore.

  After stripping out of her designer wedding gown, she dropped it in the laundry basket. She
wouldn’t be keeping it. The dress wasn’t her first choice. Her father decided he should have the final say on what she could get married in. Everything needed to look good for the tabloids.

  Ignoring the sharp pain in her chest, she splashed water onto her face, scrubbing off any remainder of makeup. Finally, she ran a brush through her hair and then turned toward the negligee that had been picked out for her.

  She shook her head at the raunchy look of it. This was ridiculous, but she pulled it over her curves. The bodice shaped to her body like a second skin. As she turned to look at herself in the mirror, she quickly folded her arms across her chest. Her red nipples showed through the lace of the cups. She didn’t know how she was going to pass her husband without him noticing. She tried to pull her hair around to give her some sense of modesty, but it was no good.

  Squaring her shoulders, she went to the door and opened it.

  “It’s free,” she said.

  Violet made to pass her husband but he caught her arm and she tensed up, waiting for him to touch her.

  His grip on her elbow was firm but not too tight.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Violet, please, don’t be afraid of me. Give me a chance.” He pulled her in close and she couldn’t help but tense up even though she didn’t want to.

  He kissed her head. The action was so simple and sweet that she couldn’t resist looking up at him.

  Henry offered a kind smile. “I’ll be back. Relax.” He turned toward the door and left her alone with her confused feelings.

  Where had the monster gone?

  Rather than wait for him, she quickly rushed toward the bedroom. Sinking beneath the covers, she rested the blanket up to her chin, gripping it tightly.

  This was easy.

  She’d seen porn on the internet and then of course all the erotic books she read. All that was going to happen was physical. He didn’t own her heart or her mind. She wasn’t entirely sure if being a virgin meant it would hurt. That part was still hazy.


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