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Reluctant Bride

Page 30

by Sam Crescent

  She took several deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm even as her body flooded with emotions. She’d never been with another man. Hadn’t even kissed anyone else. Her entire life was now going to be focused on her husband.

  He was going to be the only man she ever fell for.

  The door to the bathroom opened and rather than ignore him, she went to her elbows, lifting herself, and watched him in shock. He was … naked. He hadn’t bothered to wear a robe or anything else to bed.

  He looked … sexy.

  His body was muscular, lithe, and hard, and when her gaze went to his cock, she saw that he was ready. His length long and thick.

  This man had an amazing body. He must work hard to keep so fit. She didn’t think it was fair to feel this tempted. He moved toward the bed.

  “Take off the blanket and the negligee,” he said.

  No words came to her as she climbed out of the blanket, smoothing it back into place. Then she removed her negligee, finally sitting on top of the bed. She wrapped her arms around her legs, watching him.

  He smiled. Even his dimple looked sexy. Her traitorous emotions were starting to piss her off.

  “I want you to get comfortable.”

  “I am comfortable,” she lied.

  “Lie back on the bed and spread your thighs for me.”

  Gritting her teeth, it was on the tip of her tongue to tell him no, but instead, she followed his instructions, settling back onto the bed. She stared back up at the ceiling and spread her thighs wide. It felt kinky, the cool air caressing the wetness between her legs.

  This was happening. She had no choice in the matter. She was at his mercy.


  His wife was stubborn.

  Violet seemed determined to make this difficult between them. She wanted to think of him as the evil man, and to many, perhaps he was. Only, she was going to live a life of luxury. She wasn’t like her father, and he’d get no pleasure in taking his anger out on his wife, especially when she didn’t deserve it. They’d both come out on top with this deal. Violet just needed to realize that fact.

  Her father was still going to be in his life, and he’d get all the revenge he wanted. Each day at work. All the decisions he refused to make. He’d have his time to make Baron squirm for screwing him over.

  He wanted his wife to squirm for a different reason.

  He climbed onto the bed and began to crawl toward her. Then he lifted her foot, picking it up to press a kiss to her ankle. Her gasp filled the air and she tried to pull away from him.

  Holding her still, he trailed his lips up to her knee. Switching to the other foot, he did the same. Her skin was pale, her thighs smooth and thick. He was already hooked. This time, he ran his knuckles in a soft drag toward her pussy. She was exquisite, soft, and irresistible. Her pussy was pink and slick, making his mouth salivate.

  It would be so easy for him to just slam his cock deep inside her virgin cunt, but instead, he was going to make her come. He’d show her pleasure. If she wasn’t going to willingly fall in love with him, he’d get her addicted to his body first.

  He pressed his hands flat against her thighs, right next to her pussy. With his fingers, he spread her folds, holding her open wide.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Enjoy this.”

  “I don’t … just get on with it already.” She glanced down at him.

  “You want me to take you hard so you can hate me more?” He slid his tongue between her thighs, stroking through her slit, taking her clit into his mouth. She moaned, arching up into him. Her body was a live wire and the night had only just begun.

  Henry kept her open, letting go of her clit to stroke his tongue left and right, up and down. She whimpered, her body shaking beneath him.

  “Oh, God…”

  “Such a good girl. You have so much to experience.”

  He wanted this to last as long as possible, so he continued to stroke her clit. When she started to climb that peak, he held himself back.

  She cried out as he used his teeth, and then even more as her orgasm started to blossom, but he made her wait. He wanted her begging. Wanted her to understand that he alone was responsible for her pleasure.


  Her pussy was soaked with her own pre-cum and when he knew she was ready, and her pussy would be wet enough for him to sink inside her with ease, he sent her over the edge. Henry flicked and suckled her clit until she cried out. The sound sent a heady rush of pleasure through his own body. Hearing her come was a powerful aphrodisiac.

  Reaching beneath her body, he gripped her ass, squeezing the curves. She moaned his name again. Begged him not to stop. Not to ever stop. He didn’t know if she was even aware that it was him right now.

  With her orgasm still rushing through her body, he took his chance. Moving up her body, he kissed her rounded stomach, glided his tongue to the valley of her tits, and then he took a large red nipple into his mouth. Reaching between his thighs, he grabbed his cock and lined the head to her entrance.

  She tensed up a second too late as he broke through the wall of her virginity and he took her as his, consummating their marriage.

  He’d never been with a virgin before, and something possessive rushed through him. Violet was all his, only his. She belonged to him and he was never going to let her go. He wanted to beat his fucking chest after taking his woman.

  Violet’s eyes were filled with tears and he hated himself for hurting her. Her hands were clenched.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You got what you wanted,” she said. “A virgin wife.”

  He slammed his mouth down on hers, taking her lips. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he kissed her hard until his woman had no choice but to respond. She didn’t touch him, her hands staying clenched.

  Reaching down, he took one of her hands, unraveling her fingers and locking theirs together.

  “I want so much more, and one day, you’re going to be embarrassed by your words.” He kissed her neck, breathing in her scent.

  Her tight pussy continued to clench around him as her orgasm began to ebb away. Henry was determined to make his wife fall in love with him. Violet was a treasure, he knew that. But how could he get her to fall for a man she considered a monster?

  Staring into her eyes, he waited, allowing the pain to fade away. He had all the control in the world.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Violet. I never wanted to. Soon, you’ll see how amazing this can be.”

  “I’m not going to beg you to fuck me.”

  This time, he smiled and leaned down. “Baby, you can hate me. I accept that. You can even think this is forced, but you’re the one who just came all over my face. You wanted this, and there’s no getting away from that. Your body wants me even if you don’t.” He slowly began to pull out. She was soaking wet.

  The pain she could have experienced had been replaced by her own body’s reaction to him. Violet didn’t want to feel pleasure, but her body did. Until he could win over her mind, he was going to win her body. She’d beg him to fuck her, to take her. He looked forward to that day. They could have a purely physical relationship, and in time, he’d work down her walls and get her to see that he was a man to be loved.

  As he thrust back inside her, she cried out, her hands squeezing his. Her legs wrapped around him as he began to rock gently within her.

  “Look at me,” he said. He didn’t want her to think of anyone but him. “When I fuck you, you look at me. I’m the only one you can think about.”

  “You want to control my thoughts?” she asked, gasping with each thrust.

  “I want to control everything.” He was a possessive man, and his wife would soon learn there was more to him than the monster she painted him out to be.

  Chapter Four

  Violet tried to count out the days on her fingers. The hours and days seemed to blend into one another. They’d been married for sixteen days.

  Sixteen days ago, he�
��d taken her virginity.

  Henry was being a perfect gentleman, trying his hardest to win her over. She was starting to feel like a bitch by constantly giving him the cold shoulder. In all honesty, she was insanely attracted to the older man. He was hard and weathered, experienced, and knew how to make her feel spineless with just a touch.

  She’d gotten in the habit of refusing him and rejecting everything he said. It felt easier to keep playing her role of the reluctant bride than to truly give in and try to make their marriage work. It was safer.

  Henry had a well-known reputation and she wanted to protect her heart. He was a savage businessman and a womanizer. She’d heard people say he’d never settle down and his empire would be left without an heir. Violet wanted a marriage based on love. Theirs was founded on a shady business deal, her choices stripped from her. The only power she wielded right now was refusing to love him. She knew he wanted that from her, and it was one thing he couldn’t control.

  It was nearly six o’clock. Henry would be home from the office any time now. She was starting to look forward to his arrival each evening, even if she hid her emotions from him. He hadn’t asked for sex since their wedding night, and her body was starting to yearn for his touch. They slept in the same bed, and watching him dress after showering or working out in the home gym made her body thrum. The last thing she’d do was beg. If she was anything, she could be stubborn.

  Henry needed to make the next move.

  She just needed to control her insecurities in the meantime. Maybe she’d disappointed him that first night in bed. Maybe he had a mistress to satisfy him.

  Violet heard the keys in the lock, signaling he was home. Her heart began to race and her pussy started to tingle. Could she fall in love with Henry King? Would it be so bad to try to make this work? No, it would be like saying she was okay with being bought and sold. The foundation of their marriage was too rocky for it ever to succeed.

  “Hey!” Henry came into the kitchen carrying a large brown paper bag in one arm and his briefcase in the other hand. “It’s Friday, so thought we could do take-out.”

  The freshness of the outdoors mingled with his cologne as he passed her.

  “Sure,” she said.

  He set the bag down on the kitchen island. She smelled the Chinese food and her stomach rumbled. “Maybe we could watch a movie or something. I don’t have to work tomorrow.”


  He exhaled his displeasure. Violet knew he hated her clipped answers but continued to unpack the bag of food, setting the containers down on the counter. The man was made of patience. How much could one man take before breaking? Henry was pushing for intimacy, and all she could do was reject him over and over again.

  Maybe he’d be the first one to ask for a divorce.

  He shrugged off his suit jacket, hooking it on the back of one of the island chairs. Then he loosened his tie. Violet knew he was tired from work, but here he was getting dinner ready for them. She wanted to be nicer but kept up her walls instead.

  “I’ll get the plates ready. Why don’t you see if there’s a movie on you’d like to see?”

  Violet headed into the adjoining living room and grabbed the remote control. The entire two-story condo in the heart of the city had breathtaking views. It was open concept with floor-to-ceiling windows. Her family home had been traditional with lots of dark wood, but Henry’s taste was modern and contemporary.

  As she flicked through the movie channels, Henry approached her, setting two plates on the coffee table. “I’ll grab the drinks.”

  She chose a movie just as he returned. He sat on the floor in front of the coffee table, which surprised her. This man had more money than he could ever spend. Shouldn’t he feel too good to sit on a floor? Eat cheap take-out rather than a fancy gourmet meal? Part of her even felt he could do so much better than her. She’d always been plagued with insecurities.

  He used one of the remotes to turn off the surrounding lights. The entire condo was wired for security and convenience. She was getting used to all his gadgets. Then he patted the spot next to him on the area rug.

  She sat down beside him. The food looked delicious.

  It was all too perfect. A mirage.

  “Best in the city,” he said. “I’ve been using this restaurant for over a decade.”

  The movie started, capturing his attention, but she was hyperaware of everything: the movie, his leg brushing against hers, the food, and her turbulent emotions.

  They ate their dinner and laughed at the same parts in the movie. She actually forgot about her mission to hate him. A few times, they made eye contact and she felt new emotions stirring inside her. It felt so natural being there with him. Once she even accidentally spit out some noodles when laughing, but he only passed her a napkin. When they finished eating, they moved to the sectional, and she cuddled up with one of the throw pillows.

  He urged her to stretch her legs over his, and she reluctantly did as he requested. For the next while, he massaged her calves and feet. It felt like heaven, and she had to keep herself from moaning on occasion. She kept expecting him to reach higher, but even though his fingertips came past her knee at times, he remained a gentleman. Did she even want him to be a gentleman?

  This was good. Too good.

  None of this could be real. The entire wedding was fake. When would this fantasy come falling down around her?

  “Good pick, Violet,” he said as the final credits began to play. “I enjoyed that one.”

  She nodded, tucking her legs around to her side.

  “We should do this more often.” Why did he look at her with adoration in his eyes? And why did her heart keep reacting when she was supposed to hate him?

  Violet shrugged, keeping up her bitchy exterior. It was a habit now, maybe one impossible to break.

  “Do you want a glass of wine?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Are you okay if I have one?” he asked.

  “It’s your house.”

  He walked over to the kitchen. She heard the sound of ice tinkling in a glass. When he returned, he had a glass of amber-colored liquid.

  “That doesn’t look like wine,” she said.

  Henry took a long sip. “It’s not. I needed something stronger to fight the chill.”

  “I think I’ll get ready for bed,” Violet said. As she stood and began walking out of the living room, Henry set his drink down heavily on the island, some of the liquid spilling out. He grabbed her arm. When she pulled away, he backed her up against the wall, pinning her arms above her head. His powerhouse male frame kept her trapped in place.

  “Do you enjoy toying with my heart, Violet? Day in day out, you push me away, make only enough idle chatter to kill the white noise. Unlike you, I’m not a fucking ice queen.”

  She gasped and glared at him, squirming under his hold. “I’m your prisoner. How else should I feel?”

  “You’re my wife!”

  “Not by choice.”

  “This is supposed to be our house, not mine. Our life together. Never have I put as much effort into a woman, and still, nothing.”

  “Should I spread my legs for you again? Would that keep you happy?”

  He growled. “I was doing a good deed by marrying you. Saving you from the highest bidder because your father sure as hell didn’t care who it was. And this is what I get in return? A frigid wife who doesn’t care if I live or die. I get better conversation from the doorman.”

  “I don’t owe you anything.”

  “You’re right, you don’t. And here I thought I was the luckiest man in the world marrying you. Such beauty and innocence. I was going to give you the world. Make a life with you that was more than my nine-five existence. Something worth living for.”

  “You can have anyone and anything you want. You don’t need me.”

  “No! Women want my name or what my money can buy. I wanted a woman who could love me for me. Seems you can’t love me or my money.” He laughed, an u
nhappy sound. “I give up, Violet.”

  He stepped back, his face a stoic, blank slate. There was something vulnerable about him, something desirable, raw, and real. He was pushing her away because she’d taken this too far, and she damn well knew it. It was her fault. Now what would happen with her father’s businesses? All those employees?


  “Don’t,” he said. “I’ll keep my end of the deal, but I’m not looking for a loveless marriage.”

  “You didn’t mind sixteen days ago.”

  “And you obviously have no intention of making this work.”


  No, he wasn’t cutting her loose.

  But he’d lost his patience with his blushing bride. Violet was a mix of sullen child and delectable tease. As tempted as he was to keep playing her game so he could come out the victor, her coldness was starting to wear him down.

  She didn’t know half the truth about this deal. Her rage shouldn’t be directed at him, and it was time to set her straight.

  “Tell me, Violet. Why do you think you’re here?”

  He began unbuttoning his shirt. After a long day at the office, he just wanted to unwind, not get into a heated fight he couldn’t win.

  She huffed. “You know exactly why I’m here. You bought me!”

  “I saved you.”

  Violet narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “Your father was fucking me over on numerous accounts and I knew it long before things started going south. I haven’t succeeded in business by being cheated so easily.”

  “And you made a deal. I know all about it.”

  “No, you know what your father wants you to believe,” Henry said. “He was desperate. You have no idea how low he was prepared to go. He wanted to sell you to the highest bidder, and I know exactly who the buyer was—Pavel Smirnov. You’d be used by up to a dozen men a night, sold as a virgin to rich men over and over until you wished you were dead.”

  “Then why am I here, if that’s true?”


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