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Reluctant Bride

Page 45

by Sam Crescent

  Maybe it’s simply self-confidence.

  He’s too old for me.

  His maturity and commanding presence are appealingly sexy.

  I tell my subconscious to shut up as toothpaste drips into the sink. I rinse and spit a little too aggressively, splattering water across the counter and mirror.

  Damn, what is wrong with me?

  Finishing up in the bathroom, I strip and slide into bed, burrowing myself beneath the covers as if that will shut out all thoughts of Theo Spears. I try to concentrate on codes, programming, designing—anything but imagining the heat of his body, the feel of his hands, or the taste of his lips.

  “Argh!” I fling off the covers and click on the light, reaching for my e-reader. Maybe losing myself in a book will get my mind off the meeting tomorrow.

  It’s not the meeting you’re so concerned with, it’s the man worming his way into your thoughts.

  “Shut up,” I mumble through gritted teeth. Opening up my library, I bypass the many romances and settle on a historical fiction. Reading about trailblazers of the West should take my mind off a certain someone who shouldn’t be in my thoughts. At least not in a sensual, body-tingling way. No, the only way I should be thinking of that man is in a strictly business sense. We’re entering a contract. An employment contract. I will work for his company and do what I do best—write codes, integrate them with designs, and implement them in clinical settings. Period.


  The following morning, after barely three hours of fitful sleep, I fuel my body with more caffeine before trying to look presentable instead of the dead-tired I feel. With little time to wash, dry, and style my hair, I brush it, letting the natural waves fall as they may around my shoulders. I put on minimal makeup and dress comfortably in beige slacks, a peach blouse, and sensible flats. With summer nearly upon us, it’s nice to wear lighter clothing and go without the bulk of a jacket.

  I stare at myself in the mirror and give myself a pep talk.

  “You’ve got this. Just think of it as another career opportunity. Think of the work.” I take a deep breath and release it slowly. “Think of the work,” I repeat.

  When I’m finally ready, I head out, enjoying the fresh air that greets me. The cab ride to Spears Technology doesn’t take long, and a glance at my watch tells me I’m a few minutes early. After more deep breaths, I steel myself for the meeting, reminding myself I am in control of my future.

  Me and me alone.

  As I approach Theo’s office, his secretary isn’t at his desk, but his door is open. While I wonder if I should wait a moment or peek inside, Theo fills the doorway, catching sight of me.

  “Cora.” He says my name as if he’s surprised to see me. Did he think I wouldn’t come? “You’re punctual.”

  “Good morning to you, too.”

  A grin forms and I can’t help that my attention is drawn to his mouth. “Good morning. Please, come in.”

  Quickly diverting my eyes away from his mouth, I still notice his smile widening as he gestures into his office. I walk past him, advancing several steps beyond the threshold. I hear the door close but nothing else. Turning to glance at Theo, the scene is all too reminiscent of my dream as I see him just standing there, watching me. His eyes lock with mine, and for a moment, I’m immobile, lost in his gaze, his bright blue eyes darkening. When he takes a step toward me, I feel my eyes widen and force myself to move.

  I dash toward the seating area and could swear I hear a muted chuckle from the man. I take the liberty of sitting in the same chair as I did three days ago. On the table between the chairs is an assortment of pastries, bagels, and fruit. There’s also juice, coffee, and tea. Staring up at Theo, I see a soft smile as if he’s embarrassed, and damn what that does to his features.

  It’s … endearing.

  Stop it, Cora.

  “Thought I’d be prepared.” He takes a seat and reaches for a mug of already-prepared coffee. “Please, help yourself.”

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I say as politely as I can. I’m still feeling the effects of too much caffeine from the night before, as well as this morning, which means a headache is inevitable. I should’ve known better, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I doubt my stomach could handle anything at the moment.

  “Are you feeling all right? You seemed … subdued.”

  “Did you think I’d arrive ready for a battle?”

  He raises a brow. “Maybe not a battle, but based on your no-nonsense approach I’ve witnessed in the past, I figured you’d arrive raring to go.”

  I open my bag and pull out the contract, placing it on my lap before looking back at Theo. “Well, I am raring to go, so why don’t we get to it?”

  He glances down at the papers, no doubt seeing all the colorful tags sticking out at the margins. When he looks at me again, he laughs. I startle at first, but the rich tone and the uninhibited action make me smile in return. And when I realize what I’m doing—being hypnotized by this man—I clear my throat and try again.

  “Shall we?” I break his gaze and flip open the contract to the first point I want to revise.

  Theo places his mug on the table. “Can I surmise we’ll be here for a while then?”

  I stare back at him and give him my best smile. “That all depends on how thick-headed you plan to be.”

  The man laughs again and it takes all the willpower I have not to smack him.

  Or join him.

  Chapter Four


  This woman is incredible. I knew she’d be spirited as well as steadfast, and she hasn’t disappointed yet. By the looks of the array of page markers within the contract, she has a lot to contend with me. I think I’m actually looking forward to the debate.

  “Why don’t you get started?” I say, indicating to the papers on her lap. “Seems you have a bit to discuss.”

  She glances down at the pages then back at me, and I see a slight blush color her cheeks, making her look damn adorable. If a woman of thirty-two can be considered adorable. Yes, I concede, she certainly can.

  I lean forward, plucking a few grapes off the tray and popping them in my mouth while Cora watches. Her attention snaps back to her lap as she clears her throat and begins.

  “First, I’d like—”

  “Actually, let me save us from wasting time. If I agree to all your points of revision—” I nod again at the contract. “Is your answer yes?”

  She looks stunned. Good, I think. I’m going to enjoy being unpredictable and keeping her off balance. Her mouth opens in surprise then closes as she blinks wildly before trying again.

  “You haven’t even heard what I’d like to change.”

  I shake my head. “Doesn’t matter. I agree. We’ll have the contract revised, signed, and made official.” I stand and walk to her, attempting to remove the papers from her hands. Only she holds on tight, putting us in a tug-of-war for them.

  “Theo,” she says sternly, looking up at me. And damn if my cock doesn’t harden at her tone. At that fierce look in her eyes. “You can’t be serious. What if I put something completely absurd in here? You’re just going to blindly agree to whatever I want?”

  I drop to one knee and clasp her hands in mine, making her breath catch. “Yes, Cora, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “But, but why?”

  “If I haven’t already made myself clear, it’s because I want you and I’ll do anything to have you.”

  “You’re crazy, you know that, right?”

  I manage to pry the pages from her fingers and toss them aside, uncaring that they’re scattering haphazardly across the office floor.

  Cora tries to look around, but her hot gaze lands back on me, her eyes narrowed and her luscious lips pinched. “This is ridiculous. If you aren’t going to take this seriously, then I—”

  “What? You’ll say no? You won’t, or you wouldn’t have come in the first place. Maybe you do want to be married to me, more likely you don’t, but you aren’t goi
ng to give up your designs, your work.”

  “Which you’re dangling like a goddamn carrot in front of me, knowing I’ll continue to reach for it.”

  I lift her hands to my mouth, kissing the knuckles. “I’m not dangling, sweetheart, I’m offering. Hell, I’m giving you anything and everything you need on a damn silver platter.”

  “I don’t care about your exorbitant wealth.” She tries to pull her hands from mine, but I don’t release my hold.

  “You do when it’ll fund your work and see your dreams realized. When you’ll never have to worry about having the resources to accomplish whatever you wish.”

  Her cute nose wrinkles. “Sure, under your rule.”

  “Not under my rule like I’m some fucking dictator, Cora, but by my side. Equal partners.” Her eyes widen and she sits back a little. Not sure if it’s due to my language or my statement. Doesn’t matter as long as I get my point across. “Yes, partners. Didn’t you read between the lines in that contract? All that I’m offering, providing?”

  “I, I still don’t understand your motives, Theo. Are my patents, my work just another triumph for you? Am I just another possession to add to your collection?”

  “No,” I growl.

  “We don’t know each other. Not on a personal level. I only know what others have made known about you, and it’s not particularly flattering. And given your behavior five years ago at the convention, I—”

  “I’m not that man anymore.” When her eyes narrow with suspicion, I press on. “Sure, I could tell you anything I think you’d want to hear, but you know what they say. Actions speak louder than words.” I nod my head back to indicate the pages strewn about the floor. “That contract is my way of showing you the lengths I’m willing to go to have you.”

  “Why?” she asks. “Why me, Theo?” she asks again, whispering this time.

  “Ever since that day at the convention, seeing you watching me, what I was doing, your gaze filled with surprise and wonder. I wanted you to be the woman in my arms.”

  “Yeah, right,” she scoffs. “You looked more than content getting it on with that woman.”

  “I didn’t fuck Traci,” I say with a hard edge to my voice. “I gave her what she wanted—an orgasm—then sent her on her way.”

  “Oh, gee, how commendable of you.”

  Cora’s voice is getting just as testy as mine. And we’re getting nowhere. Time to push some more of her buttons.

  “You liked what you saw, admit it.”

  “I’ll admit no such thing.” She huffs and pushes against me, and I reluctantly make room for her to rise. Storming around the office, she’s a spectacle to behold. I stand and watch as her breasts bounce with each step she takes. I view every shift of that petite ass as she turns to stomp away.

  “What are you afraid of?”

  She whirls, facing me. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  “You’re afraid of plenty,” I challenge, watching her face flame. “Mostly you’re afraid to speak the truth.”

  “And what truth is that?”

  “That you’re attracted to me.”

  She barks with laughter. “No one will ever accuse you of being humble, will they?”

  I advance on her, not stopping until I have her backed up to the edge of the desk. “Not when I speak the truth.”

  “The truth as you see it.” Cora lifts her chin, exposing more of her neck, allowing me to see her pulse beating wildly beneath her skin.

  “The truth as I know it.” I can’t help but pounce, framing her face and capturing her lips with mine. She squeaks with surprise as her hands fly up to grab my wrists, but I won’t relent. I kiss her with determination, with the pent-up frustration and burning lust I’ve felt for this woman for five fucking years.

  I shift my angle, ready to devour her as I engage my tongue, rejoicing when she begins to soften. As I press my body into hers, she reciprocates, and there’s no mistaking the heat between us. My cock is ready to burst through my slacks, and I groan with more agitation at not being buried inside her body.

  After I tear my mouth away from hers, she gasps for breath. I whisper in her ear, my voice shaky and gruff. “I’ve had fantasies about spreading you out across this desk and feasting on you, Cora.”

  A moan escapes her.

  “I want to strip you bare and taste every inch of your creamy skin with my tongue. Then I want to eat your pussy and savor your sweet essence while I make you come harder than you’ve ever come in your life.”

  She whimpers, trembling against me, spurring me into action. Hoisting her up, I set her ass on the desk, spreading her legs and stepping between them. Her hands clamp down on my shoulders when mine land on her waist.

  “Are you picturing what I want to do to you, Cora? My cock buried inside you, filling you up, making you feel good? Better than good?”

  Her eyes dilate as her breaths rush in and out. When I look at her chest, I see her rigid nipples straining against both bra and blouse, and I can’t help but voice more of my desires.

  “I want to rip your clothes off and start at those pert tits, suckling each nipple until you’re writhing beneath me.” I skim my hands up her torso, passing across her breasts, pinching those tight buds with my thumb and finger. She gasps, but when her gaze never leaves mine, I push further, squeezing those mounds with my hands. When she moans, pressing into my touch, I knead her breasts, loving how perfectly they fit in my palms. Placing kisses all over her face and neck, I begin detailing my dirty little fantasies.

  “When I’m done with your tits, your pussy is next. I’ll start with my tongue, lapping at your slit before I fuck you with my fingers, all while teasing your clit until I bring you to your first earth-shattering orgasm.” Another whimper leaves her mouth, and I still my hands, bringing my lips over hers to pause a breath away. “Tell me, Cora, are you shaved bare or will I find delicate curls glistening with your moisture?”

  “Theo.” She practically whines, trying to turn away. But I frame her face, keeping her eyes on me.

  “Tell me,” I demand with a growl.

  “My p-pussy is bare.”

  I can’t help the smile that forms at hearing her shyness. I whisper against her lips. “Perfect.” While kissing her again, I unbutton her blouse, which allows me to slip my hands inside to gain better access to her breasts. When she does nothing to stop me, I move aside the material of her bra then lower my head to suck a nipple into my mouth. Her fingers spear into my hair as she arches her back, crying out. I alternate from one side to another, loving the feel of her flesh between my lips. But it's the flesh between her legs I want in my mouth.

  I move up to kiss her, cradling the back of her head, intending to lay her down onto the desk. But with the slightest movement backward, her body goes rigid as she braces her hands on my shoulders, resisting. Pulling back, I see panic in her eyes.

  “I feel your need, Cora.” I keep my gaze locked on hers while I skim my hands down her body, teasing her nipples before going lower. I trace the edge of her pants then press my thumb against her sex, feeling the heat of her pussy through her slacks. She gasps, her hips bucking as if she has no control. I apply more pressure, moving, teasing, pushing my luck, wishing I had my mouth on her clit.

  “You’re aching, aren’t you?” I lean in to place my lips against her ear. “You want me to make you come, don’t you?” Another whimper. Another pass of my thumb over her, applying just enough pressure to set her off. As she begins to seize, a cry erupts, and I cover her mouth with mine to swallow her screams. I continue torturing her sex through her clothes, loving the feel of her vibrating against me. Giving her as much pleasure as I can from this experience, I don’t stop until her body sags. I hear a sob escape and I pull back to look at her, finding moisture on her cheeks.

  “Cora.” I try to get her to look at me, but she jerks away, pushing at me. Once again, I reluctantly give her room when all I want to do is scoop her up and nestle her in my lap on the couch.

She slides off my desk and turns her back to me, sniffling as she starts to fix her clothes.

  “Cora,” I try again, but she whirls on me, eyes narrowed.

  “Don’t!” She turns away, buttoning her blouse while mumbling. “So stupid. I’m so pathetic.”

  “You’re neither stupid nor pathetic.”

  She rounds on me, eyes blazing while gesturing to the desk. “What do you call that? You gave me a fucking orgasm just by touching me through my pants! Pathetic putty in your hands. And don’t you dare tell me I needed it. You don’t know what the hell I need.” She shakes her head and starts for the chair where her belongings are, still muttering to herself.

  I stomp across the papers of the contract I’d tossed aside, intercepting her.

  “Enough.” I practically bark, grabbing ahold of her arms. “What you need is for me to toss you across my lap and spank that sweet ass until you stop acting like a child.”

  “How dare you. Get your hands off me!” She struggles against my hold to no avail.

  “No,” I say sternly but not raising my voice. “You know exactly what you want, but you’re too damned hard-headed to admit it. You’re afraid of appearing weak, as if you’re giving in. Or giving up.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about us. You and me. We want each other—and don’t tell me you don’t want me. I see the desire, yet the hesitancy. If you think agreeing to that contract and marrying me only for the sake of your work is giving in, resigning yourself to a future you don’t really want, then maybe I don’t want this after all either.”

  I release her and she stumbles back a step. “Wh-what? No. No, you offered me my work,” she says with desperation. “A contract for my work.”

  “I did, but I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to settle for a complacent partner.” I cross my arms over my chest. “I want a full partner in both work and marriage. Someone who’s not afraid to pursue their passion in all aspects of their life.”


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