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Reluctant Bride

Page 46

by Sam Crescent

  She’s stunned silent, eyes wide and lips slightly parted.

  “You’ll have your work, just as I’ve outlined in the contract. And I’ll agree to your revisions. But I want a wife, a lover in my bed. The no-sex clause is out. You’ll be my wife in every sense of the word.”

  “And if I refuse?” she asks quietly.

  “Nothing changes from what I said three days ago. I keep the patents and you move on with your life.”

  A choked sound escapes her mouth as she slowly lowers herself into the chair she vacated earlier.

  “Is the prospect of being married to me that despicable?”

  “It’s the ultimatum. Having my choice taken away from me.”

  “There’s always a choice, Cora.”

  She sputters with cynical laughter.

  “That’s funny to you?”

  She meets my gaze. “I used those very words with my father when he told me he spoke with you about his decisions regarding his company. He failed to mention those decisions also involved my work, my patents.”

  “Which are registered under Bristow Integrations.”

  “Which you both know is my passion.”

  “Don’t you have room in your life for other passions?”

  She stares at me, her lips quivering, eyes round, questioning. “I don’t know,” she whispers.

  “I do.” I step to her, once again going down on one knee. “Are you blind to who you are? There’s no doubt you’re intelligent, determined, but you’re ripe with passion and beauty.”

  She shakes her head. “There are plenty of women more beautiful, more passionate than me who could satisfy you.”

  I make a sound of disgust. “Dammit, you don’t get it, do you?” I squeeze her chin to keep her focused on me. “You want to talk about passion? If what I just felt from you is any indication of your response to my touch then heaven help me when we’re both naked.”

  A slight whimper escapes on her exhale.

  “You are gorgeous, Cora. And fuck if I don’t love your spirit. All I have to do is picture my life with you and I’m grinning like a fool.”

  Her lips twitch with the beginnings of a smile.

  “I should have a fucking ring in my hand,” I mutter, causing her to sputter with a light laugh before she covers her mouth with her hand. Smiling at her, I reach into the pocket of my jacket and pull out a little velvet box. Cora gasps, her gaze colliding with mine before she dips her head to look at my hands. “Good thing I thought to bring this today.”

  Opening the box, I reveal a square cushion-cut diamond flanked on each side by a smaller emerald, all set in a white gold band.

  “I set my sights on you five years ago, Cora. I’m certainly no saint, but I haven’t been with a woman in over a year.”

  She inhales sharply as she looks back at me. “I’ve done things in my past I’m not proud of, but that’s where they’ll stay. Today, I move forward, hopefully with you in my life. And not because of coercion or ultimatums, but because it’s where you want to be.”

  I reach for her left hand, slipping the ring on the finger next to her pinkie, loving how perfectly it fits.

  “I know we have a lot to learn about one another, and I’m looking forward to the discovery. But what I already know and adore about you is you’re determined, conscientious, brave, brilliant, and beautiful.” She chuckles, and when I’m sure her gaze is on me, I say, “Marry me, Cora.”

  Chapter Five


  I’m momentarily stunned. I have no words, no thoughts to describe what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling, because it all seems like too much. Sure, I came here with the intention to agree to Theo’s offer, providing certain changes were made within the contract. Now he’s ready to agree to anything I want as long as I become his wife in every way possible.

  And his words. Spoken with such feeling. Can I believe they’re real? He’s definitely convincing.

  No coercion, my ass, I muse to myself, holding back a chuckle.

  He really wants me for his wife. A partner. Not a straight-laced pretty object in his life just for show.

  Can I do that? Do I want to do that?

  Impossible as it seems, I realize I do. But part of me—that damn stubborn part of me—doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s right. I would’ve liked to have come around to that decision on my own versus this hasty persuasion. Which, honestly, I can’t say I absolutely hate. Am I crazy? Maybe my father knew what he was doing all along. I guess sometimes I do have a tendency to waffle on decisions. Like now.

  I do want Theo. And not just as a means to see my projects realized. I want him. The man who stirs desires I’ve never felt before. The man capable of tender control I want to feel. Of explicit demands I want to grant him. The man who tests my patience but would champion me in all I do.

  I want to give in yet make him work just a little bit harder for me. For all I’ve been through these past five years because of his orchestrations. I want to show him he’s not the only one capable of a bit of deviousness. And control.

  Will I risk pushing him to his limits?

  Yes. Yes, I will. And the little devil inside me snickers.

  I want him to forget he’s ever had other lovers before me. Not that I’m so damned experienced and will blow his mind with my sexual prowess. Hardly. I want to be someone’s everything. His everything.

  “Cora,” he prompts again. There’s hope in his voice as well as his eyes when they search mine.

  I look down at the gorgeous ring, loving how perfect it is. The diamond isn’t big and gaudy, and the emeralds are a lovely touch, as they’re my birthstone. His large hands cradle mine, tightening when I fail to answer him as quickly as he’d probably like. Looking back up to meet his gaze, I can’t help but get lost in those blue depths while summoning my courage to move forward.

  “I’ll marry you, Theo. But,” I rush on when he’s poised to interrupt. “We will still go over the contract and we will marry in two weeks, not one.”

  “My deal is one week, Cora.”

  “And my deal is two, Theo. I at least want to give my family time to warm up to this. And, speaking of warm, it’ll officially be summer in two weeks and I’d love an outdoor wedding. Small, nothing elaborate. There won’t be any need for a honeymoon since I’ll want to get started right away on a particular project. Also—”

  Theo silences me by covering my mouth with his, and this time, I have no problem opening for him, matching his lust. In a surprisingly smooth fashion, he manages to stand, bringing me with him to pivot before taking a seat and hauling me onto his lap. I can’t help but giggle, causing him to pull away and stare at me.

  So much for my lofty plan to push his limits.

  “Are you testing me, Cora Bristow?” he asks with a wry grin.

  “Maybe.” My fingers play with the ends of his hair at the back of his neck while I give him a grin of my own. “Just so you know, I’m no pushover.”

  “I never thought you were.”

  “Bull.” I laugh. “You thought you’d just come along, make your demands, and get whatever you wanted.”

  “Well, I am getting what I wanted. You.” He pulls me in for a kiss, stealing my breath and reigniting my body. And as much as I want to give in, am desperate to have more, I put on the brakes, causing him to growl.

  “Stop stopping. I need you, Cora.” He kisses my neck while his hands grab my ass and grind our bodies together.

  “And you’ll have me,” I manage to say, nearly breathless. I pull away so we stare at one another. “In two weeks on our wedding night.”

  “What? That’s unacceptable. I want—”

  “And what about what I want, Theo?” I say while framing his face. “Are we to become partners or not? You said you’re not some fucking dictator, so act like it. It’s called compromise.”

  He grins. “A compromise would be me ravaging your delectable body in one week, not two.”

  I lean forward to place a l
ight kiss on his lips, resisting when he tries to take it deeper. “Two weeks, Theo, then your arrogant ass can ravage me to your heart’s content.”

  He roars with laughter, causing his entire demeanor to change, and I’m captivated by him.

  Yeah, I can see myself truly falling for this man.


  One week later

  After finalizing the contract and making appropriate announcements, I quickly and efficiently began to settle into my role at Spears Technology. Being now known as Theo’s fiancée took a little more getting used to.

  I had attended a general meeting this morning and am now in my office organizing my calendar for the coming months. Theo had wanted me to settle into a space next to him, but I insisted on a different floor. Working too closely to him would be a tempting distraction I didn’t need.

  A knock on the door brings my head up, and I see Theo entering before I have the chance to respond. He closes and locks the door before stalking toward me.

  I stand to greet him. “Theo? What’s wrong?”

  He says nothing as he engulfs me, kissing me hard while hiking my skirt up my legs. I squeal, but fending him off is fruitless as he pushes me back against my desk, lowering me onto the surface. When he finally releases my mouth, he has my skirt around my waist and he’s tearing away my panties.

  “What’s wrong is not having you.” His face is inches from mine, his eyes intense as they remain locked on me. His fingers probe my sex and I can’t contain the moan that works its way free. It takes only an instant for my body to spark, craving more of his touch.

  “I’ve spent too many hours fisting my cock, jacking off to only thoughts of you when I should have you.”

  He sweeps across my clit with unexpected tenderness yet it still causes my hips to rock against him as my heart beats furiously in my chest. I caress his cheeks, running a thumb across his lips. “Theo.” I don’t know if I say his name as a way to console him or plead with him to take me right here on the desk.

  He leans his forehead against mine, and his breath, warm and minty, fans my face. “You asked me to wait, but a man can only take so much, Cora. I can only take so much when you tempt me every damn day.”

  Suddenly, he’s moving, kneeling between my legs. I raise my head to look at him, but he barely gives me a glance before he’s opening me up and licking my pussy. I hiss as my head falls back and my body jerks. He’s ravenous from the start, sucking and laving and moaning against my flesh. Pulling my clit into his mouth, he works his tongue and lips with fervor, causing me to pump my hips against him for more of his delicious torture. I cover my mouth with the heel of my palm to keep from crying out, moaning and writhing, and when he inserts his fingers inside me, I explode.

  His attention is relentless as he continues to suckle my clit while pumping his fingers inside my pussy, prolonging my orgasm. I can hardly catch my breath as tremors run through my body, now slick with perspiration. My mind is fuzzy and I feel weightless as if I’m having an out-of-body experience. As I slowly begin to descend, Theo kisses the inside of my thighs before standing over me, licking his lips clean.

  “You taste magnificent.” He takes my hands and pulls me to him, hugging my body to his while he continues to stand between my spread legs.

  It takes a moment for me to get my bearings, and when I do, I realize while I’ve been satisfied, Theo must be ready to combust.

  “Theo, that was… God, that was amazing. But aren’t you—”

  “Ready to explode in my pants?” He groans and I press my face into his chest to smother my laughter. “I’ll take of myself. I just needed you.”

  My heart clenches with emotion at his selflessness, and I’m on the verge of giving in to him. I run my hands down his chest until I get to his groin where I palm his erection through his slacks.

  “Let me take care of you.”

  Theo pulls away so that my hand drops and I frown at him as he looks at me, his gaze soft. “No, Cora, I promised you we wouldn’t have sex until we’re married.”

  I give him a little push, allowing me room to scoot off the desk and straighten my skirt. “Obviously that didn’t include oral sex.” I grin right before dropping to my knees where I work at unzipping his pants and freeing his cock. His hands cover mine, halting my movements.

  “Cora, no, you don’t have—”

  “I know I don’t have to. I want to. Now, no more talking.”

  I bat away his hands in order to grip his impressive length, loving the silky yet hard feel of him. Leaning forward, I lick the bead of cum from the head, eliciting a deep groan from him. I smile as I wrap my lips around the head, teasing and flicking it with my tongue. But it isn’t enough. His taste is divine and I swallow as much of him as I can manage, sliding up and down his shaft.

  He weaves his fingers through my hair, rocking his hips while still allowing me to move as I please. Wanting to give him as much pleasure as he gave me, my enthusiasm takes over, and I’m sucking him faster, deeper, relishing in his grunts and groans.

  “Jesus, fuck, Cora, that feels fantastic.” His voice is ragged, his breathing labored as he moves his hips more, pumping into my mouth.

  I hum around his cock, fisting the base while also massaging his balls. His body jerks and I think he must be close to losing it as his fingers tighten in my hair. My determination increases as I sucker harder, using my teeth to scrape the bulbous head before swallowing him deep again.

  “Cora, I’m gonna … gonna fucking come down your throat.” His words are clipped and raspy right before his body tenses, and he’s climaxing, ejaculating in my mouth.

  I keep my lips sealed around him, moaning my approval as I take all he has to offer.

  When his spasms subside and he begins to relax, I release him from my mouth and tuck him away before putting his clothes back in order.

  “Come here,” Theo orders, pulling me to my feet. His mouth covers mine, kissing me passionately, thoroughly.

  When we finally come up for air, both gulping in breaths, he holds me to his chest and I feel his heart beating just as wildly as mine.

  “You are incredible,” he whispers.

  “And you are intoxicating.”

  “And I can’t wait to be your husband.”


  One more week later…

  “Theo, stop!” I try to sound stern but my laughter makes it impossible. “What will our parents think?”

  “That I want to fuck my wife.”

  No sooner had we said “I do” when Theo gathered me in his arms and practically raced toward the limousine, yelling goodbyes to our parents and few guests. We had gathered at his parents’ home on Mercer Island for an unconventional wedding where we had a brunch-slash-reception first before the ceremony took place. Yes, that was my doing. All to drive my fiancé a little crazier.

  The driver opens the rear door, smiling at us, but Theo pays him no mind. He places me on my feet and quickly ushers me inside. When he follows and the door closes, Theo pounces. The vehicle hasn’t even been started and the man is already trying to undress me.

  “Theo, enough,” I say while swatting at his hands. “You can at least wait until we’re home.”

  He freezes, his eyes wide as they stare into mine. “Say that again.”

  “What? Enough? For you to stop mauling me until we get home?”

  “Home. You called it home.” His voice is filled with wonder.

  I cradle his cheeks and gently kiss his lips. “Because it is. We’re going home.”

  He takes over, kissing me fiercely, and we stay lip-locked until we arrive at his condo in West Seattle. Until today, I’d only been here one other time, and that was at Theo’s insistence. He wanted me to see where we’d be living, saying I was free to make any changes in décor. But honestly, I liked the clean and classy look of the place. I’m not the type of woman who needs to fill every space with useless crap. I want simple and functional, and sure, some aesthetics that are pleasing to the eye, but I’m
pretty much a minimalist. I told him there wasn’t anything I’d wanted to change.

  Once parked, Theo hurries us out of the vehicle, through the lobby, and into the elevator where he fuses his body to mine for the ride up. He’s kept me off-balance for the past two weeks, and today is no different, finding ways to get a few seconds alone so he can torture me with sweet and sexy attention, only to have it abruptly end due to interruptions.

  In other words, we’re both ready to screw each other’s brains out.

  When the elevator door opens, Theo sweeps me off my feet and carries me across the threshold into what is now our home. He beats a hasty path toward the bedroom while I rest my head against his shoulder, unbelievably content. Inside our room, he releases me so I can stand, and he immediately resumes trying to undress me.

  “I can undress myself.” I laugh.

  “Then do it,” he demands in a voice gruff with need. His gaze never strays from mine as we remove our clothes, and within seconds, we’re both naked. I don’t even have two seconds to stare at his gorgeous body before he’s guiding me back onto the bed, covering my body with his. He braces himself on his forearms while he kisses me deep, his erection pressing into my center. When he finally breaks away, we’re both heaving, struggling for air.

  “I want to take my time worshipping your body, but I’m desperate for you, Cora.” His raspy voice sends shivers along my skin.

  “We’ll have time for worshipping later. I thought you wanted to fuck your wife?”

  “Oh, I do,” he says with a growl while snaking a hand between us. Running his fingers over my sex and through my folds, he finds me slick. “So fucking wet.” He then slides two fingers inside me, making my body arch. “And so tight.”

  “Uh-huh,” I pant when he begins to tease my clit. “Now do something with it,” I manage to say with gritted teeth. He removes his fingers and pinches, causing me to scream his name.

  “God, I love hearing that.”

  “Theo,” I practically beg.

  Smiling over me, he positions his cock at my entrance and drives in deep. I scream again, wrapping myself around him, bringing our bodies as close as they can possibly get.


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