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Reluctant Bride

Page 49

by Sam Crescent

  “Say you cheated on me?”

  “I’d grant you visitation. But if you cheated on me. I wouldn’t.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I’m not a cheater.”

  “Neither am I.” He unfolded his arms. “Dessert?”


  He removed the dinner plates and replaced them with the dessert plates holding a delicate-looking square of chocolate cake. The piece was so tiny, I ate the cake in two bites.

  “The cake was so good.” I licked my lips. “Is there more?”

  “You can have mine.” Will exchanged the plates.

  “Thanks, Will.” I smiled.

  He was considerate for a jerkwad.

  “No one ever calls me Will.”

  “Yeah? Do you prefer William?”

  “From you, I prefer Will.”

  “Good, because William is too stuffy.” I waved my fork. “Your suit might have everyone else fooled, but it doesn’t fool me.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You pretend to be a civilized businessman in the suit and necktie, but you want to rip it off and pound me like there’s no tomorrow.”

  His dark eyes glittered with lust. “Marry me tomorrow.”

  It was a demand, not a question, and his tone made me quiver with excitement, but I enjoyed toying with him too much to give in easily.

  “I’ll sleep on it.” I stood.

  “Very well.” Will stood with me. “Allow me to walk you to your room.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I won’t get lost.”

  “No, but a man should always escort his date home.”

  I laughed. “Are you playing the gentleman now?”

  He slid a hand to the small of my back and walked me inside the mansion. The hallway was big enough for us to walk side by side. The warmth of his hand seared my back just above my ass. I ached for him to drag his palm lower and discover my need for him tonight. We paused outside the guest bedroom door.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening, Prue.”

  “Thanks for dinner, Will.”

  I brushed a kiss to his cheek. My lips didn’t stop there, they traveled across his jaw and settled over his mouth. Once there, Will took over. He thrust his warm tongue against mine, stroking and challenging me to kiss him with the same wild abandon he kissed me. I met him stroke for stroke. He backed me into the door with a loud thud and trailed kisses from my lips down the length of my neck. At the junction of my neck and collarbone, he sucked the tender flesh into his mouth with hard pulls. Will thrust his thigh between my legs. Not what I wanted, but it’d do. I rubbed against his thick thigh muscle. He yanked down the top of my dress, exposing my bare breasts to his hungry gaze.

  “Beautiful,” he groaned before taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking the tight bud hard. He flicked his tongue until stars of pleasure danced in front of my eyes.

  I rubbed against his thigh, chasing the orgasm building with quick intensity. Will lifted his head, pinched both nipples, then flicked the hard peaks.

  “Will,” I moaned.

  He smiled a lazy, decadent, carnal grin. Then tugged my dress back over my aching breasts and stepped back. I collapsed against the door.

  “Huh?” I blinked with the sudden loss of Will and the pleasure he gave my body.

  “You want more?”

  “Yes.” I nodded like a sex-starved maniac.

  “Good. So do I.” He palmed the massive erection pushing against the confines of his suit pants. “Marry me tomorrow and you can have it all.”

  “Jerkwad,” I hissed.

  Will stepped closer to me again. My heart raced. Will he finish what he’s started? He pressed a kiss to my cheek and whispered, “Don’t touch yourself tonight.”


  Did he read my thoughts about using my vibrator to finish what he started?

  “When you marry me tomorrow, I want you aching for me to be inside you the way I’m aching to be inside you.”

  He thrust his hips against mine, pushing his enormous erection into my throbbing mound. Will rolled his hips again. It was what I wanted. Needed. Fantasized about.

  “Okay,” I gasped.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Okay, I won’t touch myself.” I fumbled for the doorknob, pushed Will with the other hand, and disappeared inside the bedroom.

  Each step toward the bed was agony with my thong rubbing tight against my inflamed flesh. I yanked the offending material from my overstimulated body and dropped the dress to the floor. Then I slid into the crisp white cotton sheets, smooth like silk. The washing detergent had a heavenly scent, too.

  I flicked on the television and found a kid’s cartoon to watch. Anything to take my mind off the throbbing ache between my legs. Never in my life had I’d been this turned on. And Will sensed my hunger.

  What was I going to do in the morning?

  Tell him yes? Or no?

  Could I agree to a marriage with someone I hardly knew? A man who filled me with an aching need to know more about him, a desire to tease him, infuriate him until he snapped and showed me the savage beast under the suit. I liked Will even when he was a jerkwad. I’d fantasized about him for months on end. Would marrying him be so bad?

  It couldn’t be worse than the rest of my life had been so far.

  And if I told him no, then what? Where would I go? Where would I work? I didn’t want to end up sleeping on the streets again. The streets were hard, tough, and ruthless.

  Life as a rich man’s wife would be easier.

  Not that I cared about this extravagance. All I wanted was a roof over my head and food to eat. I’d have them here. In this mansion.

  And Will would be a sexual partner who’d satisfy me if tonight was any example to go by.

  Screw it. I’d say yes.

  With my decision made, I flicked off the television and rolled over in the most comfortable bed I’d ever laid in, with the softest sheets I’d ever slept in. This would be my life now.

  Except tomorrow night, Will would be in bed with me.

  Tomorrow night, Will would be inside me.

  I shut the thought down before it tempted me to fetch my vibrator.

  Chapter Four

  “Prue, wake up.” Will pounded on the bedroom door. “We have to be at the County Recorders’ Offices in two hours.”

  I crawled out of bed and flung open the door. “I haven’t even said yes yet,” I grumbled.

  “Fuck me,” Will said, his gaze glued below my stomach.

  I dropped my gaze to where his gaze focused.

  “Shit, I forgot I was naked.” I shut the door in Will’s face.

  He pushed the door open and slammed it behind him, breathing hard. “You’re bare.”

  “So.” I placed my hands on my hips. “Most women in LA are.”

  “So,” Will said through a ragged breath. “I want to feast on your bare pussy until you’re begging me to stop.”

  Heat flooded my body. I breathed out a husky, “Okay.”

  Will chuckled and opened the door. “Ten minutes and then we’re leaving. You need to buy a dress first.”

  “Wait, what?” I trotted after him.

  He faced me but his gaze landed on my bare flesh again.

  “We’ll stop at Rodeo Drive on the way to the County Recorders’ Offices so you can buy a wedding dress.”

  I finally noticed the black suit molded to his body, the white shirt, and the black necktie. He stared at me with the air of a man in total control. I wanted to break his control. Will he lose control in the bedroom when he takes off the suit? I trembled with anticipation of everything I would do to Will to make him lose control.

  “What about rings?”

  “The store delivered the rings this morning.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You were sure I’d say yes.”

  “Yes.” He dragged his gaze to mine. There was no apology in his expression, just his arrogant confidence.

  “Get dressed and let’s go. The sooner we
get married, the sooner I can bury my face between your legs.”


  “But what? You’d prefer my cock? Don’t worry. You’ll get both.”

  I opened my mouth, but no words came out. The mental images made my body take over from my brain.

  “Yes, my soon-to-be wife, you can have my cock in your mouth, too.”

  Will left me a hot, flustered mess, imagining all the things he’d said. I dressed in a pair of daisy duke shorts and a tight white tank top. The only white thing I owned, apart from my old work shirt, which was now pink, but it didn’t matter if he planned to stop at a wedding dress store on the way to the County Recorders’ Offices. I hoped they sold white panties too because all I had left clean was a red thong. In a mad rush, I brushed my teeth and hair.

  I left the bedroom and called out, “Will?”

  My voice echoed off the walls of the mansion.

  He could have at least told me where to go when I was ready.


  I moved to the kitchen and outside where I’d last seen the car when I’d washed it. Gabe was waiting in the driveway outside the garage with the car door open.

  “Good morning, Miss Prue.”

  “Good morning, Gabe. Have you seen Will?”

  “Will?” His eyebrows rose.

  “Ah, William.”

  “He’s waiting in the car, miss.”


  I climbed into the car, ready to call Will a jerkwad, but he held the phone to his ear, talking to another person. I tuned out his business conversation. Great start to our wedding day, but what did I expect from him? I hardly knew the man. A short drive later, the car pulled to a stop and Gabe opened the back door. Will smiled and waved me out while still talking on the phone.

  Of all the…

  I flipped him the finger and climbed out of the car.

  Gabe hid his smile behind his hand.

  “The wedding boutique, miss. Here’s a credit card for your purchases.”

  “Thanks, Gabe. How long have you worked for the jerkwad?” I hooked a thumb in Will’s direction.

  “Many years, miss.”

  “So, this is what he’s like?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “You’re not much help, are you?”

  “Probably not, miss.”

  I stormed into the boutique. Stupid men. The consultant rushed at me in her tidy suit, with her pinned back hair and a smile on her face.

  “Miss Prue, I assume. Mr. Burberry phoned ahead for your appointment. I’m Sonny, and I’ll help you choose a gown today.” She grinned like she loved her job.

  “Yeah, that’s me.” I glanced around at the displays of puffy white wedding dresses. “I can tell you right now I don’t want any of these dresses.”

  Sonny’s grin fell and she flinched like I’d slapped her.

  “I want a short white dress, up to here.” I hit my legs just below my bottom.

  “I’m not sure if Mr. Burberry had a short dress in mind.”

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass what Mr. Burberry had in mind. This is my wedding dress, and you’ll find me what I want, or I’ll go somewhere else.” I folded my arms with the shiny gold credit card in my fingers and waited for her to jump to my bidding.

  As usual, money talked. She rushed to a rack of short dresses.

  “These here would be what you had in mind.”

  “Great. Find me the shortest, skimpiest dress, and I’ll try it on.”

  “The dressing room is to your right.” She pointed to the large, pink curtained area. “I’ll bring you a few dresses to try on.”

  “Thanks, Sonny.”

  I strolled into the dressing room and plonked myself down on the plush pink velvet chair. Sonny rushed behind the curtain with three dresses on hangers. She held one dress up decorated in beads and sequins.

  I shook my head. “Too sparkly.”

  The next one showed potential, so I tried on the dress. The white lace clung to me in a tight, form-fitting dress and looked stunning, but more fitting to an older person. The third dress hung with a layer of soft tassels on the bottom of the very short dress. I slid on the silky fabric with a smile, already knowing this was my wedding dress. The thin white straps landed on my shoulders, and the back dipped low, leaving me no option to wear a bra, not that I had one on to start with. My red thong flashed through the white material. I moved in the dress, loving the tickle of the tassels rubbing against the top of my thighs.

  “I’ll take it.”

  “Lovely choice,” Sonny said.

  “Do you have panties here?”

  “Yes, what would you like me to show you?”

  “A white thong will do.”

  “Lace or silk?”

  “Hmm, let’s go silk. And shoes, I need shoes.”


  “Yep, four and a half-inch stilettos. Plain white.”

  “What about a veil, tiara, or a hairpiece?”

  I stared in the mirror at the stunning simplicity of the dress. It suited me and my personality. Anything else wouldn’t be me.


  “I’ll be right back.”

  Alone in the dressing room, I studied my reflection in the wedding dress. Small tingles danced in my stomach. I’m getting married today. I’d never fantasized about a wedding day. My dress choice, the rush of the wedding, and the ceremony at the County Recorders’ Offices would horrify other women, but I didn’t care. They weren’t what would make a marriage. I wasn’t sure I knew what would make a marriage either at twenty years old or with my upbringing. I hoped Will had more of an idea about marriage.

  Sonny returned with two pairs of shoes and a selection of thongs. I picked the stilettos that slipped on and off easily. The same with the thong. Sonny left me with a bag for my other clothes. I stripped off my red thong, slid on the new white undergarment, gathered my belongings, and made my way to the cash register.

  “Thanks for your help, Sonny.” I handed her the credit card.

  “My pleasure.” She rang up the purchases. “Enjoy your wedding day.”

  I strutted out to the car, more confident than when I’d left Will talking on the phone. A few men watched me walk by. Gabe waited outside and opened the car door for me with a raise of his graying eyebrows. William was still on the phone. I tossed my bag at Will and hit him in the stomach. He glanced my way.

  “I have to go,” he said into the phone and ended the call without another word. “What are you wearing?”

  “A wedding dress.” I toyed with the tassels at my thigh. “Like it?”

  “It’s not like any wedding dress I’ve seen. Did you get it from the wedding boutique?”

  “Yes, Will, I got the dress from the wedding boutique. Where else would I get it?”

  “I don’t know, a hooker?”

  “Ha-ha, very funny.” I glared. “If you don’t like it, you should have gotten off the phone and helped me pick a dress.”

  “I like the dress,” he said with a drop in his voice as he moved across the seat to me. “I like it too much.”


  “Yes, it makes me want to do this.” He ran his hand under the tassels and up my thigh.

  My body burst to life under his touch. The heat from his palm burned on my skin and deeper. His fingers stroked the tassels and my thigh, sending a shiver down my leg. I pressed my lips together to stop myself from telling him how good his hand felt.

  In a sudden move, Will yanked me across his lap. My face landed on the seat. The aroma of leather heightened my arousal. My dress flew over my ass, exposing my bare cheeks with the thong nestled between them to Will’s fiery breath. He smacked me hard across the backside with a ringing slap. I jolted with a mixture of pleasure and pain coursing through my body. His palm rubbed the sting of the slap, and his fingers teased the crease of my ass until I bit my lip to stop myself from asking him to smack me more.

  He slapped me again. My eyes rolled back in my head. S
o much better than my fantasy.

  “You’re such a naughty girl.”

  His palm soothed the hard smack. Then his fingers dipped inside my crease and lower to the wetness already coating my thong. I spread my legs, eager for his firm touch. He groaned and smacked me again. This time, the smack landed half on my aching mound.

  I moaned long and loud in the confines of the car and trembled head to foot, wanting more of Will’s hand and kinky spanking.

  “Sir, we’ve arrived at the County Recorders’ Offices,” Gabe said through the speaker.

  Will pressed a button on the armrest. “Thank you, Gabe. Give us five minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Will rubbed his hand over my ass cheeks a few times then lifted me off his lap. What bad timing. A few more smacks and I likely would’ve come. I fixed my dress so it wasn’t halfway up around my waist. Will adjusted his erection. I licked my lips, contemplating taking him in my mouth to taste him, learn his shape and texture.


  “Huh?” I gazed at Will with lust-filled eyes.

  “You need to sign the prenuptial agreement.” He withdrew the papers from the briefcase at his feet. “If you want to marry me.”

  I laughed. “Do you think a little spanking would put me off marrying you?”

  “Most women don’t like it.”

  “I’m not most women.” I took the papers and pen and signed my name to the official document.

  “It’s why I like you.” He brushed my fingers, collecting the papers from my hand, and returned them to his briefcase. “Did you enjoy me spanking you?”

  “I loved it. Pity it ended so soon.”

  Will’s lips twitched into a smile.

  Gabe opened the car door, and we climbed out before I could ask Will to spank me again, and soon. The skin on my ass stung in a good way. I wished Gabe hadn’t interrupted the spanking. I guessed there would be another time once they married us. And many more, now Will knew I loved his spanking.

  Will wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me inside like he was a loving fiancé. I lifted my gaze to his profile. He was too good-looking for his own good with his coffee-brown hair and dark eyes.

  Will released me to talk to an official-looking person, then called me over. I rolled my eyes but strutted to my soon-to-be husband in my stilettos and short wedding dress. If he thought I’d do everything he asked, he’d soon learn otherwise.


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