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Reluctant Bride

Page 50

by Sam Crescent

  His lips twitched like he’d read my thoughts.

  The ceremony was over and finished in no time. Will placed a glittering diamond ring set on my finger and kissed me hard. I twisted my finger under the fluorescent lights of the County Recorders’ Offices. The elongated cushion diamond engagement ring sparkled like a disco ball with every movement.

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was the type of ring a man gave a woman to make up for having a small penis. Will’s cock felt anything but small pressed up against me.

  I should have checked the goods before signing up for this marriage.

  What if it wasn’t his cock I’d felt pressed up against me? What if it was something else in his pocket?

  I laughed. What else could it have been?

  “What’s funny?” Will asked, leading me back to the car.

  Gabe opened the door for us, and I slid in before Will.

  “I was thinking I should have checked the goods first before marrying you.”

  “The goods?” Will settled in the leather seat.

  “Your cock.” I pointed at his lap.

  “Is that right?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Check away.”

  “Yeah?” I slid closer and worked his button and zipper down on his black slacks.

  His cock fell out at half-mast, still impressive in this state. I ran my hand down the length of him, stroking the soft skin, and the hardness underneath swelled. I bent down and sucked him into my mouth, making him grow harder still.

  He groaned and pushed himself deeper into my mouth, at full mast now.

  I worked my mouth over his cock, caressing and stroking his hardness with my tongue, hollowing my cheeks to add more suction to the pull. I imagined this was how he’d feel inside me. Hot, and hard, and demanding. He ran his hand down my front and squeezed my nipple tight between his thumb and forefinger. I moaned around his cock. He slammed up into my mouth until he hit the back of my throat and came with a warm jet squirting down my throat, so I had to swallow every drop. I would have swallowed anyway.

  I sat up with a satisfied smirk because I’d finally made him lose control of his perfect businessman image.

  “Your mouth surpasses my cravings.” He pressed a thumb to my bottom lip and tugged downward.

  I darted my tongue out and licked his thumb.

  “Take off your thong.”


  “Yes, hurry.”

  I reached under my dress and eased my thong down my legs and over my stilettos. Will snatched the panties from my hand and shoved them in the pocket of his jacket. He zipped up his pants and smoothed his necktie.

  The car stopped, and Gabe opened the door. I climbed out, careful not to flash Gabe. Then I shifted to wait for Will. Except he didn’t exit the car.

  “Will?” I ducked my head into the car.

  “I have a meeting. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “What the fuck, Will?” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Just messing with you.” He laughed and climbed out of the car, then gathered me into his arms. “You’re so hot when you’re angry.”

  “You’re crazy.” I shook my head.

  He swung me up over his shoulder into a firefighter’s hold. The cold air met my bare backside.

  “Will, put me down.”

  “It’s a tradition to carry the bride over the threshold.” He walked to the mansion.

  “Is it a tradition for everyone to see the bride’s ass?”

  “Probably not, but I don’t hear Gabe complaining.”

  “You’re such a jerkwad.”

  He slapped a hand to my ass and pretended to cover my nakedness. “There you go, no one can see your ass now.”

  Will opened the front door of his mansion, carried me inside, then slid me down his front to stand on my feet.

  “Bedroom, now,” he demanded. He threaded his fingers through mine.

  “Will, wait, there’s something you need to know first.”

  “What?” He frowned.

  I dropped his gaze, ran my foot up and down my calf, and squeezed his hand.

  “You can tell me,” he said with softness.

  I lifted my gaze. “I’m not a virgin.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  I giggled.

  “Come on, comedian, time to make you my wife.”

  “You started it out there.”

  “And I intend to finish it right here.” He placed a hand over my aching mound.

  “So long as you don’t finish before me again.”

  “Woman, that mouth of yours.”

  “You love it.”

  His eyes glittered with the angry lust I was familiar with. He pressed his fingers deeper into my aching flesh.

  “Don’t worry, I intend to reciprocate what you did in the car.”

  Chapter Five

  As soon as we made it into his bedroom, Will threw me on the bed, tugged me to the edge of the mattress, and dropped to his knees. His lips and tongue teased the top of my aching mound. I wanted him lower on my clit, and inside me.

  “More,” I demanded.

  Will did the opposite. His mouth moved to the inside of my thigh and he sucked the tender skin into the heat of his mouth, making me wild for more.

  “Will.” I grabbed a handful of his thick hair and tugged.

  He lifted his hooded gaze to me.

  “Yes, Prue?”

  “Stop teasing.”

  He rose from his knees and leaned over me, placing a hand on either side of my head. “You’re a demanding one, aren’t you?” He smiled with indulgence.

  I huffed. “Just get on with it.”

  “This is our wedding day, and you want me to just get on with it?”

  “You’re frustrating and arrogant, and…”

  He slammed his lips to mine in an angry, lust-filled kiss. I grabbed the front of his suit and held on while his tongue plundered the inside of my mouth. Passion flared between us. I writhed on the bed, eager for Will to lower his body and crush me with his heated weight.

  I forgot what I was thinking.

  I forgot what I was saying.

  Will kissed his way down my body, lifted my dress to my waist, and slid his tongue over my clit. My hips jerked. His hands landed on my hips and he pinned me to the soft mattress. He thrust his tongue deep inside me, in and out, over and over. I gripped the sheets and twisted them in my hands. Will didn’t let up. His tongue stabbed again, and again. The fast tempo was too much, too soon, too good. I came with a rush on his face. He stroked my clenching flesh with his tongue, heightening the orgasm so much I thought I might pass out.

  I sank into the mattress, a heaving quivering mess, and released my hold on the sheets.

  He dragged his tongue out and up to my clit.

  “Oh,” I gasped, clenching the sheets again.

  Will lapped at my clit with the tip of his tongue, flicked it over and over until my legs shook and another orgasm raced to the surface. My heart pounded, and ringing chimed in my ears.

  “Will,” I moaned.

  He didn’t stop. Didn’t let up on the pleasure he inflicted on my flesh. His tongue rasped and flicked my sensitive flesh again, and again, but the touch wasn’t enough, I wanted him inside me. His hands moved from my hips to lift and spread my legs, holding me open to his talented tongue. The ache to have him inside intensified.

  I thrashed my head from side to side. “I want you inside me.”

  His thumbs dipped to my entrance and pushed inside. Almost what I wanted, but not quite, it was enough to tip me over the edge with the intensity of his tongue stroking my clit. I came with a back-bowing orgasm, but Will didn’t let up with his tongue.

  “Stop,” I gasped, too sensitive from my two orgasms. “I need a moment.”

  Will stood with a smirk. “I told you you’d beg me to stop.”

  I placed an arm over my forehead. “Jerkwad.” I smiled.

  “You loved it.”

  I lowered my arm. “I did. You’re very
talented with your tongue, Mr. Burberry.”

  He laughed. “Thank you, Mrs. Burberry. Let’s see if I can get you to say the same thing about my cock.”

  Will undid his black necktie and dropped the strip of silk on the bed. He shrugged out of his black suit jacket and placed it on the chair in the room’s corner. I pushed up onto my elbows to watch him strip. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his toned chest scattered with dark hair and the enticing V dipping into his pants. The shirt landed on the chair with his jacket. Then he unzipped his pants, and they fell to the floor before he toed off his shoes and placed his slacks on the chair too.

  “You’re too good-looking,” I said on a sigh.

  “Take off your dress.”

  He strode to the bed, his thick erection bobbing with each step. My mouth watered to taste him again. To suck him deep into my mouth until I was the one in control. He thumbed a condom wrapper and tore the foil packet open, rolling the rubber over his thick length.

  “Dress off, Prue, or I’ll rip it off.”

  “You wouldn’t.” I scowled. “It’s my wedding dress. I’m fond of it.”

  “As much as I like it, too, I want you naked, on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed.”

  I scrambled to do as he said. How could he say the one position I’d fantasized about the most?

  “Leave your shoes on.”

  I threw him a seductive smile and crawled onto my hands and knees.

  “Your ass,” he groaned and spanked me hard.

  I moaned and pushed back with my hips. He moved into position and rubbed the tip of his cock against my slick entrance. I dropped my head to the mattress and spread my legs more. He slammed into me with a hard thrust of his hips, stretching and filling me to the brim with his hardness. His hand landed on the back of my neck, and he held me down while he thrust his hips in a fast tempo, making my legs quiver.

  “Tell me, Prue, is your ass not a virgin too?”

  “Kind of,” I said through pants in my breathing.

  “Kind of?” He paused balls deep. His fingers found my clit and strummed the hard nub.

  “No one’s fucked it with a dick.”

  “What did they use?”

  His wet finger moved from my clit to circle my asshole, causing me to moan.

  “Fingers, toys.”

  His finger continued his soft caress on my ass. “Can I take this virginity tonight?”

  I tensed under his hand.

  “Prue, what’s wrong?”


  He slid out and rolled me over. “It’s not nothing. If you don’t want to try anal, we won’t.”


  “Yes, this is a two-way marriage.”

  “Okay. I like the idea, and the outside touches are very erotic, but I haven’t enjoyed anything inside.”

  Will smiled. “I love how you say what you’re thinking. Never stop.”

  I pressed my lips to his. “Can we go back to doggy now?”

  Will chuckled. “You like doggy?”

  “Love it.” I rolled back over.

  He ran his fingers through my slick folds and parted them for his cock.

  “Fast or slow, Prue?”

  I peered over my shoulder at Will waiting at my entrance with his straining erection, taking the time to ask me how I wanted the sex. The care he’d shown me the last few minutes warmed a place inside my chest.

  “Fast then slow.”

  He pounded into me as I’d asked. Thrusting his hips so hard his balls flapped and hit my clit time and time again. The pressure built deep inside. My muscles tightened and clamped on his erection. I was so close to coming. He slowed his thrusts to an excruciatingly slow slide over my tight flesh. Each millimeter touched a nerve ending and sparked pleasure so intense, my breathing stuck in my lungs.

  One slow thrust in. He hit the special spot deep inside. One slow slide back until he was fully out. I clenched at the loss. He slid back in with infinite slowness. His cock sparked every nerve ending into a tight ball of needing energy. Then, again, he hit the sweet spot deep inside with his flared head, and I exploded in a pulsing pleasure release. The tight ball bounced up and down my body and back to where he was buried deep inside me.

  Will groaned against my back.

  “You feel good.”

  I came down from the ultimate orgasm with a shudder. Will picked up the pace again until my legs ached, and I longed to lie down. His arm wrapped around my waist and he hoisted my hips back into him at the same time he thrust and exploded inside me. His cock pulsed along my walls, making me wish I’d feel his release again soon, even though every inch of my body wanted to collapse in a spent pile of gooey limbs.

  After a long moment, Will pulled out. I shuddered at the loss of having him inside my sensitive flesh. I collapsed to the mattress and rolled to my side. Will disappeared, I assumed to dispose of the condom, then he tugged off my shoes, climbed onto the bed, and gathered me into his arms.

  He kissed my forehead. “You okay?”

  “Gloriously okay.” I tipped my head up. “You?”


  “What now?” I asked.

  “We have a rest then go again.”

  I laughed and ran my hand over his chest, threading my fingers into the dark hair and tugging. Of all the fantasies I’d enjoyed about this man and me in bed, they’d never been as good as the reality.

  “Tell me something, Prue. Why didn’t you have a place to live?”

  “You’re asking me now?”

  “I was a little preoccupied before.”

  “My roommate was supposed to pay the rent. I gave her half the cash to pay the landlord, but she didn’t. The stupid cow hadn’t for three months. I’m surprised the landlord didn’t kick us out sooner.”

  “What did your roommate do with your money?”

  “Drugs. I knew she dabbled, but I didn’t know she was a junkie.”

  He moved me out of his arms. “Do you do drugs?”

  “No. I won’t ever touch the stuff. My mom’s a junkie. It’s why I left home so young.”

  “How young?”

  “I was fourteen the first time I left. I couldn’t hack the streets. The streets were worse than at home. So, I went back home, and found a job, then left again at fifteen after Mom stole my money for drugs.”

  “That’s messed up.” He drew me back into his arms.


  “What about your dad?”

  “Dad shows up a few times a year, screws Mom, then screws her over and leaves.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “Why would you?” I stroked his chest and whispered, “I pretend my parents don’t exist.”

  “Thank you for telling me,” he said with softness.

  He ran a hand down my back in a soothing caress. Something changed between us with my confession of my past, and it wasn’t the pity I was used to seeing and receiving from people, but I couldn’t name the emotion.

  “What about you?” I asked. “What’s your family like?”

  “A bunch of piranhas.”

  “Sounds wonderful.”

  Will chuckled and rolled onto his back, taking me with him. I laid my head on his chest.

  “Mom’s hellbent on me getting married and having kids. Dad’s a little less anal, so long as I help run the family business and increase the family fortune.”

  “Any brothers or sisters?”

  “No, just me.”

  “Me too. I always wanted a brother or sister, someone to confide in.”

  “I know what you mean. We should have at least two kids.”

  Two babies who took after their too good-looking father would be adorable. They’d have money, they wouldn’t go without food, and they wouldn’t have their parent steal their money. Will could provide me with so much more than a marriage. He could give me the one thing I’d dreamt about. A home.


  “You must meet my parents soon.”


  “Gabe can take you shopping tomorrow while I’m at work and you can buy whatever clothes you want.”

  “I’m assuming you mean from fancy boutiques and not thrift stores?”

  “You buy your clothes from thrift stores?”

  “Sure, people hardly wear the clothes they throw away.”

  “You’ve lived in a different world to me.” He rolled me over onto my back. “Not a pleasant one by the sounds of it either.”

  “It’s pretty pleasant right now after three orgasms.” I ran my hands down his back, loving the touch of his skin beneath my palms.

  Will’s lips twitched. “How about after four?”

  “Four?” I raised my eyebrows. “You think you’re good enough for four?”

  “I know it.” He lowered his mouth to my nipple.

  He knew it. I knew it.

  Pleasure shot straight from my nipple to my core, and the languid afterglow vanished in a white-hot glow of carnal need. I dug my fingernails into his shoulders and urged the beast inside him to do naughty things to my body.

  Will didn’t disappoint.

  I told him many times how talented he was with his cock, too.

  Chapter Six


  Will’s warm hand stroked my bare shoulder.

  “Go away.” I swatted his hand.

  “I am.”

  I sat up with a start and blinked in the bright morning light streaming in through the windows. Will stood next to the bed, dressed in another immaculate blue suit. It made me want to rip off the suit and do naughty things with him.

  “What?” My heart pounded at the thought he would leave me already. One night was all he wanted, and the marriage was a ploy to get me in his bed. Not that he needed a ploy.

  “I’m heading into work.”

  “Oh.” I slumped back on the mattress. Then sat back up again. “Wait, what do I do all day?”

  “Whatever you like. Gabe will take you shopping when you’re ready.”

  “I’m supposed to shop all day?”

  Will shrugged. “Don’t women like shopping?”

  “Some do. I’m not like most women.”

  Will sat on the bed and ran his gaze over my naked chest. “No, you’re not.”


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