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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara)

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by Katie Dowe

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3

  Age can't stop them, this was meant to be...

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 1

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2

  Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3 (this one)


  Can be reads as a stand alone story. The third and final part to this sexy best selling trilogy by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Set five years since the last installment, Cara and Matthew's are back, their kids being 6 and 7.

  This loving couple have survived everything life has thrown at them so far, and life is on the up.

  But when two of Cara's close friends pass away, everything’s thrown into turmoil.

  Sinking deeply into grief, Cara ends up pushing her husband and children away.

  And when one thing starts to go wrong, a chain reaction begins, and life’s turned totally on it's head.

  Will Matthew be able to step up to the plate and save the day?

  Will Cara snap out of her funk and realize her family needs her before it’s too late?

  Find out in this emotional yet loving romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you’ll want your own mature man to lean on.

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2016 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Free Book - Vasili, Her Russian Ex Mafia Man

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

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  Chapter 1

  Matthew shoved his hands into his pockets as he stared out the window, his thoughts far away, and his expression pensive. He had had his usual check up at the doctor this morning and he had reassured him that everything was okay. “You take very good care of yourself Matthew so approaching the age of fifty-six should not be a problem.”

  “I am twenty years older than my wife is so pardon me for feeling a little inadequate,” Matthew had told him dryly. He had been trying to ignore the fact that he was nearing sixty but he was reminded of it every time he looked at her. The twins were now seven years old and Jeremy almost six and he wanted to be able to go and coach their little league games and live long enough to see them go to college. He wanted to be there for them and he wanted to be able to make love to his very sexy wife for a very long time without taking any enhancements.

  “You have nothing to worry about,” Doctor Wellington said with a tinge of amusement in his voice. “You have the health and stamina of a man half your age.” They played golf together almost every Saturday and he had yet to beat him at it. The man also looked twenty years younger than his age and he happened to know that he exercised regularly and ate right. He did not smoke and his intake of alcohol was moderate. He was a few years older and looked his damned age and he envied the younger man for his physical appearance.

  “Thanks Dave, just what I needed,” he had told him with a small smile. He had not bothered to tell the man that even thinking about his wife got him hard and he wanted her every minute. He did not give her rest when they were together but he supposed that was admirable. They had been married for seven and a half years and the love was as new and as fresh as the day they had first met when she had crashed into him while they were both jogging.

  He stared out at the landscape, recognizing that the weather had changed drastically. It was almost Christmas and the weather channels had predicted that they might be in for a white Christmas.

  He was planning on taking his wife and the kids to Aspen for the holidays but he had not finalized the trip yet. Jennifer had had a pretty nasty break up with William, the doctor she had been seeing for the past five years when she had discovered he had been carrying on with a male intern at the hospital. It had sent her into a downward spiral of depression and both he and Cara had been trying to make her snap out of it. He had wanted to smash the bastard’s face in for hurting her like that but she had told him to leave it alone because she had been humiliated enough.

  The children were her lifeline and they adored their ‘Auntie Jen’ which made it bearable for her.

  His buzzer sounded, tearing him out of his reverie and he moved towards the desk swiftly. He had been expecting a call from Japan. “Put the call through please.”


  ‘Cara Logan: face and voice of teenage mothers’. The article read. It went on to read that she had transformed the poor and shabby neighborhood and had used the center which had been her former lodging before she had married multibillionaire software giant Matthew Logan some seven years ago and had opened the doors to unwed and teenage mothers allowing them to leave their children there free of cost and provide them with clothing food and shelter when needed. It also went on to say that she had turned the neighborhood into somewhere very attractive and had given the neighborhood girls hope and self-confidence.

  “They make me sound like a saint.” Cara said with a grimace as she lay the paper aside.

  “You are a saint,” her best friend Christine said with a grin.

  The center had expanded and more rooms added. It had become the solace and refuge for even those who were from neighboring communities so they had been forced to expand. The good thing was they did not have to hire more people because the women in the neighborhood would come in and give a helping hand and the donations kept pouring in, thanks in part to Matthew. Now that the three children were in school she had more time to be at the center.

  “She sure is,” Jeanette said with a smile as she came in with a tray of hot chocolate and slices of pecan pie. She had been Cara’s next door neighbor and had been volunteering at the center ever since it had been in operation. “We are in the middle of preparing the skit for the Christmas pageant. I am aware that you might not be here for it but we would still like to go ahead with it and the dinner as well. You know how much the neighborhood looks forward to the spread. We figured we could borrow Caleb and several women in the neighborhood to pitch in. We are going to be feeding the homeless as well and give them a show.”

  “You sound like you have it all planned so you really don’t need my input.” Cara accepted the cup of hot chocolate gratefully and started to sip.

  “We always need your input and the money and d
onations you manage to pull out of thin air,” Christine told her with a smile as she reached for the cup of hot liquid and a slice of the delicious pie. There was a huge willow tree in the living room fully decorated and there were stockings hanging on the mantel with the children’s names stitched on. Jeanette had spent nights painstakingly stitching them on. The air was high with the excitement of the approaching season. Rooms had been added to accommodate some of the mothers who had nowhere else to go. Jeanette had also opened up her home next door to two others including Janet who had been living with her for the past five years. She had finished high school after having her son Denzel who was now officially adopted by Marissa and she had graduated from college and was working at Logan’s Software as an accounting clerk.

  Cara gave a small satisfied smile as she looked around the cluttered office. There was still stuff to be distributed and a toy store had donated enough toys for all the kids. She had also brought the toys her kids had outgrown and put them with the pile. She had also gotten her rich neighbors to donate clothing and toys and other things as well. She was very persuasive and refused to take no for an answer. Her husband had told her fondly that she would make a very good politician. She had the argument to sway others.


  Jennifer’s eyes brightened as soon as she heard the vehicle pull up the circular driveway. She had looked at the clock and realized that the children were due home now. Her smile widened as she heard the chatter and the slamming of the car doors. She opened the door before the butler could get to it and the three of them barreled in.

  Janice had taken off her pretty pink and white woolen cap and had it in her hand, her curly dark brown hair tinted with blonde tumbling around her extremely pretty face and around her shoulders. No amount of brushing could tame the curls, not even to put her hair into braids so they had given up on it. Her twin Joel had darker blonde hair and green eyes just like his father and his aunt. Jeremy the ‘baby’ had inherited the ash blonde hair from his dad and large dark brown eyes from his mother. The combination was astounding.

  “Auntie Jen we have projects to do for school tomorrow,” Janice declared as she unbuttoned her jacket.

  “I want something to eat,” Joel told her always thinking about food.

  “I lost my gloves,” Jeremy said in a woebegone tone of voice.

  “Okay one at a time,” Jennifer said holding up her hands. She took the coats from them and handed them to a maid who was standing nearby. “Something to eat first and then the project. Jeremy honey you can wear another pair of gloves and you have to be more responsible.”

  “I want to talk to my daddy,” Janice told her racing into the living room to get the phone there before Jennifer could stop her. It was always the same thing whenever she got home. Before doing anything else she had to talk to her father and no matter if he was in a meeting or not he always took the time to talk to her.

  “Daddy.” She climbed on to the sofa and curled her feet beneath her. “I have a project. Joel and I are supposed to write about our favorite time of the year and draw pictures of where we have visited.”

  She listened for a moment and then nodded as if her father could see her. “What time are you getting home?”

  She listened again. “Can you read me that story about the princess who was sleeping again?”

  “I love you too daddy. Bye.”

  Jennifer bundled them together and made sure they changed their clothes and then came back downstairs for something to eat. Their nannies: Mrs. Morgan and Elise who had been with them since they were born were still employed and took care of them whenever they got home from school.

  “How does hot chocolate and tea biscuits sound?” Jennifer asked them as they sat around the small table in the huge kitchen.

  “Could we also get whipped cream on top?” Janice asked her hopefully.

  “Of course honey,” Jennifer told her with an indulgent smile.


  “And Mrs. Roberts told us that we would be getting a prize for how well we act in the Christmas pageant. Jeremy is going to be baby Jesus.” Janice told them her eyes sparkling. “Joel is going to be one of the shepherds and I am going to be Mary. Raquel wanted to be Mary but she kept messing up what she is supposed to say.”

  “So all my children are going to be actors. I am a very proud dad.” Matthew said with a fond smile. They had just finished dinner and were sitting around the fire in the living room having dessert. It was a little after eight and it would soon be time for them to go up and brush their teeth and get ready for bed.

  “We are very proud parents,” Cara told them with a smile. It always amazed her how beautiful they were and how well behaved. She did not like the idea of spanking kids and neither did her husband. The children were taught to respect others no matter who they were or where they came from. They attended an exclusive school in the neighborhood and were taken to school by a driver assigned to them; her husband was taking no chances where his children were concerned. There was a kidnapping scare with a child of an artist who attended the same school and that had caused Matthew to double up on security.

  “Okay guys it’s time to brush teeth and get ready to be tucked in,” Jennifer told them getting up and holding out her hands. She had been doing that since they were old enough to understand and both Matthew and Cara had never taken that role away from her.

  They only went up to the children’s rooms to tuck them in and tell them stories. They all had their own rooms decorated with their individuality in mind but sometimes Jeremy ended up in Joel’s room, either going there after they had been tucked in or watching something on television or playing games together on their tablets.

  Janice loved her space and her large princess type room with its white furnishings and pink and white lace curtains and bedspread complete with a large doll house and tea area was where she liked to be. Her dad had gone all out for her and she had everything in her room a little girl could ever desire. She had given away most of her toys to the center when she had heard her parents discussing how unfortunate some of the children were.

  “Can we stay up a little bit and watch cartoons?” Joel pleaded as he took his aunt’s hand.

  “Maybe for fifteen minutes and then it is off to bed.” His father told him firmly.


  “You spoil her rotten,” Cara commented as she rubbed the cream into her skin. They had come upstairs to tuck them in and Janice had persuaded her dad to sit with her and watch something on television and then conned him into reading her two stories. Cara had come into their bedroom before him and had gone ahead and taken a shower.

  “She deserves to be spoiled,” he said with a shrug standing behind her, his brilliant green gaze meeting her dark brown one. “I tend to do that to the ladies in my family.” He said pointedly.

  “The way you treat her, no man is ever going to be good enough for her.” She handed him the brush and he started brushing her shoulder length dark brown hair.

  “No man ever will be.” He told her matter of fact as he pulled the brush through the strands. He had taken off his clothes and taken a quick shower and his chest with the scattering of blond hairs was still damp. “I thought you knew that.”

  She sent him a wry glance in the mirror, relaxing as he used his fingers to massage her scalp. He was referred to as the software giant and had made strides in the industry. He was the holder of some of the main internet providers in the country and powerful people including the President of the country sought his expertise but here in the bedroom or in the manor he was her husband and the children’s father. He treated them like precious gems and made sure they lacked nothing.

  He was handsome, powerful and had turned his billion dollar company into a multibillion dollar conglomerate and yet still he was there for his family. He went to every parent/teacher conference when he was in the country, every little league game and the numerous plays and dance recitals Janice had. He made sure he was home at a decent hour every nigh
t and on weekends he made time for them where they would go somewhere as a family.

  “I read the article in the paper about you earlier today,” he passed her the brush and watched as she twisted her hair into a loose knot and secured it at the back of her neck before searching her face in the mirror and patting the sides of her eyes and her lips with a special night cream.

  “I had no idea they were going to write something about me. I thought they would have focused more on the center.” She capped the bottle and put it back on the dresser turning on the stool to face him. He stooped down before her and ran his hands up onto her bare thighs made so by the brevity of the white silk nightgown she had on.

  “You fought for the changes so accept the credit,” he told her huskily. She opened her legs as he ventured nearer to her pubic area. “I am proud of you.” She was not wearing panties and he sighed in appreciation as he bent over her, his tongue reaching out to touch her mound causing her to arch and moan as he satisfied her thoroughly.


  Jennifer channel surfed aimlessly. She missed him. She had to admit it and there were times when she could not believe that he was what she had discovered him to be. He had asked her to marry him and she had been on the verge of saying yes after being hesitant for some time because she had not been sure she wanted to go far away from her niece and nephews. They were her brother’s children but they were hers as well, she loved them that much. But she had told him that she would have to come by and see them every day and he had been fine by it.

  She had seen the nurses giving her strange glances at the hospital especially when they were having coffee but had chalked it down to them being jealous because she had been the one who had caught his eye. Little did she know.

  She had allowed him to make love to her over and over again while he had been making love to a man as well. He had told her he was in love with both of them and did not know what to do. The sickness of it all! She thought with a shudder.


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