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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara)

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by Katie Dowe

  Cara had told her that at least she had found out before the wedding and her brother had wanted to make him lose his job. She had not gone back to that particular hospital again. Carolyn had been furious for her and had wanted to come to her or have her fly to the UK so they could talk but she had told the girl, who had become her best friend, that she was not yet ready to talk. What was there to say? That she had been a fool? She had allowed herself to fall for a man who turned out to be as gay as the day was long?

  They had spent so much time talking and she remembered one particular winter night when she had stayed over at his place.

  “I see you have cleaned up,” she had said with a smile looking around the neat and tidy apartment and smelling the scent of air freshener.

  “I cannot have a classy lady like you coming over and not do something about it,” he had told her with his gentle smile as he handed her a cup of eggnog. “I am not on call tonight and hopefully it will stay that way for the rest of the night and into the morning.”

  “I certainly hope so.” She had curled her feet beneath her in the sofa and had started to enjoy the coziness of them being together when his phone had rang. She had seen him look at the screen swiftly and excuse himself to go answer it. She had thought it was the hospital and had heard snatches of the conversation. He had told the person that he was busy and would see them the next day and had sounded disturbed.

  “Everything okay?” she had asked him anxiously as he came back into the room.

  “Everything is fine,” he had told her with a bright smile. “It was just a colleague with a work related question. Now where were we?”

  She now realized that it must have been him. She had seen the signs so many times. The times when they were together and he would pass by and stare at them and the interruptions during the times they were spending together and the phone calls. How could she have been so blind? Was it that she had wanted to find something so meaningful that she had closed her eyes to the obvious signs?

  He had been over for dinner so many times that the children had started to call him Uncle William. Now when they ask about him it was all she could do to stop herself from branding him a liar and a cheat. She just told them that it did not work out between them. Her niece with her bright and inquiring mind had asked her if they did not love each other anymore the way her mother and father loved each other. She had wanted to cry but had held herself in check before the little girl and explained to her that it had not worked out.

  She had looked at her brother and his wife and seen what they had! It was something so special that no matter what they went through their love remained strong, like a burning fire that would never go out. She switched off the television and got up ready to go to bed when she caught one of his business cards. ‘William Leary General Practitioner' and his number and with a gasp of severe pain she tore the card in two and dumped it into the bin, blinking the tears from her eyes. She was going to get over this and she was going to be strong again.

  Chapter 2

  Cara’s hand tightened on her husband’s arm as their children came out on stage. Jeremy was already in the cot appointed for baby Jesus and they watched as Janice dressed in her long white robe and a veil covering her curls hovered over the cot and said her line. A boy by the name of Mark was Joseph and he kept smiling looking in the audience no doubt trying to find his parents as he said his lines. The shepherds came out led by Joel who held his staff, his expression solemn.

  The auditorium was packed with parents and families of the children performing. There was a Christmas tree to the ceiling with decorations and brightly colored lights blinking and the four corners of the stage were decorated with different colored lights.

  Parents were busy recording the moment with their cell phone cameras including Matthew who had a high tech camcorder that he was using to capture the moment. The children did their parts beautifully in spite of several parents who had tried to distract them.

  Janice said her lines clearly and had a very serious expression on her beautiful face. Jennifer was sitting beside Cara clapping enthusiastically as the skit finished.

  There was snacks and socializing afterwards. The children had changed out of their costumes and were in their street clothes, Janice looking adorable in her pink and white wool sweater and matching pants and her brothers in black dress pants and a black and white sweater.

  “Daddy did I do good?” Janice asked him anxiously as soon as she came over to him. He picked her up in his arms and nuzzled her neck. “You gave award winning actresses a run for their money.” He told her indulgently.

  “What about us daddy?” Joel asked pulling on his sports jacket.

  “You two were great buddy.”

  Cara and Jennifer took them by their hands and went over to some of the parents who were standing around and having a conversation, including her best friend Marissa who had adopted her son Denzel from a pregnant teen who had been coming to the center.

  “Honey I was just telling the others that those kids of yours have the making of movie stars.” She said giving her friend a hug. Her much older husband John had had a stroke earlier in the year and was now in a wheelchair. It had somehow brought them closer. He was not with them tonight as he was down with the flu.

  “I am starting to think so myself,” she said with a smile at the other women, some of them she knew from coming to parent/teacher conferences and the different activities that were held at the school. “Where is Denzel?” she asked looking around.

  “He is somewhere with one of his friend’s parents looking for something to munch on. Honey you know Marcia Blagrove don’t you?” she asked indicating a woman who seemed to be in her early thirties, svelte and raven haired with smooth tanned skin and made up very heavily. “She is the wife of Daniel Blagrove who owns the string of health food stores across the country. She said she is interested in becoming involved with the mothers at the center.”

  “Nice to meet you and we welcome any donations or assistance we can get.” Cara said with a smile, shaking the woman’s hand.

  “We met some time ago when the kids were having sports day and your little Joel fell and his father rushed out to get him.” she told Cara with a smile.

  “Overprotective does not even begin to describe my husband.” Cara said with a rueful laugh. “I do remember you. We started talking about fathers who refuse to let their children feel any pain.”

  “I was just telling Marissa about my experience as a teenage mother.” She explained. “You probably read about it in the society rags when they tried to drag my name along with my husband’s through the mud.”

  “I do not usually read the gossip columns but I remember hearing something about that. You put the child up for adoption.”

  “I tried to find him years later but I could not. It was a closed adoption and I figure I had no right to go and disrupt his life after so many years.” Marcia said with a sad smile. “I had very supportive parents who sent me back to school right after but my life was never the same after that.”

  “So you can relate to these kids who find themselves in a similar way,” Cara said with a nod. “Why don’t you come on over when you get the chance and have a talk with them? They need to know that there can be life after pregnancy and the bad choices they made.”

  “I certainly will.” Marcia dug into her pocketbook and took out a card, handing it to her. “I am now a pediatrician and try to do what I can to help children. I figure I owe them that much.”

  “We have been looking for a replacement doctor for our children since Dr. Wellington retired and went to Europe and I think we have found her.” Cara said with a smile, slipping the card into her purse. “We will be seeing you.”


  They would not settle down for the night, especially Janice who wanted to show her dad over and over again how she had practiced her part. “I know you do not have school tomorrow baby girl but aren’t you the tiniest bit tired?” her father asked her gently
as she repeated her lines again.

  Her brothers were already asleep exhausted from the excitement and from them stopping on their way home at a chocolate shop where they had had hot chocolate with whipped cream and pecan shavings on top.

  “I don’t want to go to bed yet, daddy can I come into bed with you and mommy and watch something on television?” she asked, her light green eyes pleading.

  “You know how we feel about any of you getting into our bed sweetie,” he reminded her. She looked so adorable in her pale blue pajamas with the feet attached. Her curls were all over the place and her face squeaky clean from the bath she had been given when she got home. He loved her so much that he found himself wondering what he would do if something happened to her, to any of them.

  “Daddy has trouble saying no to you baby girl but mommy has no such problem,” Cara said from the doorway of the pretty pink and white room. “You are tired and little girls need their sleep. You can read for a little bit and then it is off to bed for you.”

  “Okay mommy,” she said with a pout before climbing into bed. Matthew pulled the sheets over her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She reached up and hugged him tightly, her little arms wrapped around his neck.

  “I love you more,” he told her softly, straightening as she let go of him. “Love you mommy, goodnight.”

  “Love you baby, sleep tight.” Cara said taking her husband’s hand.

  “Daddy could you look if there is any monster in my closet?” she asked as they reached the doorway.

  Both of them saw it for what it was: a delaying tactic to keep them there for a little longer.

  “Okay sweetie, let me get my monster detector and find out if there are any monsters around,” Matthew told her solemnly causing the little girl to giggle.

  He reached into his pocket and took out an invisible monster detector and went into the large walk through closet to check, making sure to look between the clothes and when he was finished he checked underneath the bed before surfacing. “I now declare this to be a monster free zone.” He told her soberly bending to kiss her before turning out the light.

  “Thanks daddy,” she murmured.

  “How about you? Want me to check out anything for you?” Matthew asked his wife as they went inside their bedroom.

  “Of course.” She told him smoothly. “I want you to check out my body. The temperature is running sky high and I have no idea what is causing it.” She started unbuttoning her blouse slowly and took it off revealing the skin tone lace bra she was wearing. She unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor. “What do you think?”

  “I think I have the solution to that problem,” he told her hoarsely cupping her warm flesh in his palms. “I think I am the only one who does.”


  Christine stared at her husband as if she was seeing him for the first time. She and Bobby had been married for the past ten years with a nine year old son and although their marriage was not on par with Cara’s, she figured that they were okay. The passion had sizzled down to a comfortable ember but at least they were comfortable together.

  He had been a bus driver for all the time they had been married and she had quit her job as a secretary when Daniel was born to take care of their son until Cara had offered her a position the center for teenage mothers. Her salary had gone up every year and her friend was pretty generous which caused her now to be earning much more than her husband. Their bills were being paid and their credit card bills had gotten decidedly smaller so things should have been better between them. So he coming to her and telling her that he needed a break from their marriage was a shock to her system.

  It was the Saturday before Christmas and they had the pageant and function on Christmas Day and she was supposed to be going to Jeanette today to plan the menu and to get things in motion with the women in the neighborhood. She enjoyed what she was doing and was always excited to be there and involved in the happenings.

  “What are you saying Bobby?”

  It was nine a.m. and she had just put on some coffee and was about to prepare some grits when he came into the small cozy kitchen to drop the bombshell. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another, avoiding her gaze. He was not handsome in the accepted way but she always thought he had a solid frame. He had chosen to wear a shiny dome now because he was balding in places and because of his constant sitting that his job demanded, he had a slight paunch.

  “It’s just not working out for us.” He muttered going around to pour the coffee into a small thermos he took with him.

  “Put the damn coffee cup down!” she shouted causing him to jump. She was so happy that Daniel was at a sleepover with friends and would not be back until later today. “You have the nerve to come into my kitchen to tell me that you need a break from our marriage and do it while pouring the coffee I just made! Are you out of your freaking mind?”

  “I have to get to work,” he backed up as she came closer, her large dark brown eyes flashing and her hands on her hips.

  “So you just thought you would come and ruin my day and it would be business as usual? Think again man.”

  He moved to a safe distance around the small table that they had their meals on whenever they were together in one place. More often than not it was she and Daniel who had meals together.

  “Are you screwing someone else?” she demanded.

  “No!” he muttered beginning to feel sorry he had brought it up. “We have not made love for weeks now and we barely see each other. It’s just not working.”

  “You want to have sex?” her eyes were glinting dangerously as she asked the question. To his shock she started taking off her clothes right there inside their kitchen. “Come on Bobby let’s get it on.” She stood before him stark naked and without shame. “Since that is the problem we have been having let us get rid of it. I am here every night waiting for my husband to come home to us, to our son and me. You do remember we have a son don’t you? A son who needs both of his parents? So I want you to tell the woman who has convinced you that she can offer you better, tell her that you have a crazy ass wife who will not hesitate to cut off your dick when you are sleeping and stuff it inside your mouth, see how she likes you then.”

  He stood there looking at the naked woman right there in their kitchen. It was cold outdoors and the trees in the backyard were bare of leaves and it was silent too. As if everything had stood still waiting for what was going to happen next. He had never seen her like this before. They had had arguments but minor ones that had been rectified within a day.

  “Put some clothes on before you catch a cold.” He muttered as he edged towards the door.

  She sprang over and wrapped her hands around his neck in a death grip catching him by surprise. “You are not leaving without screwing me first.” She told him ominously. “You want sex and I am offering, so take it.” He tried to tear her hands away from his neck but she held on tight, her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “Let go of me I have to get to work.” He pulled at her.

  “So start screwing.” She bit down at his lip drawing blood and causing him to shudder in pain and something else.

  “You are crazy!” he muttered.

  “All the more reason for you not to mess with me.” She released him only to start tearing at his clothes and running her hands roughly down his chest, using her nails to cause marks along the skin. With a rough cry of defeat he spun her around against the kitchen table and releasing his erection. He entered her forcefully from behind. She screamed and lifted her buttocks as he pounded into her.

  It was unbelievable! He gripped her hips and his thrusts became frantic with long pent up frustration and desire. They had not been active sexually for weeks because he had been too tired when he got home and there was Daniel who demanded their attention as soon as he got home. He had met someone on the bus route who worked downtown in a law office and they had gotten close by talking often. They had not done anything yet but he knew it was leading to that.
Now as he pounded into his wife and felt her against him he was not so sure!


  “You did what?” both Jeanette and Cara stared at the girl in shock. Matthew was taking the kids to the museum and Jennifer had gone with them because she wanted to deal with several things before they left for their vacation on Monday. They were in the living room area drinking hot chocolate before they got to the work at hand when Christine told them what had taken place before she came to the center.

  “Best sex we ever had barring none,” she said with grin as she sipped her liquid.

  “You took off your clothes right there in the kitchen? Isn’t there a window facing the neighbor’s?” Cara asked her.

  “I never even remembered about that. So if old Mrs. Griffin was up, you know she got quite a show.” Cara said with a laugh.

  Jeanette stared at the younger woman in amazement. “I never knew you had it in you my dear.” There was a hint of admiration in her tone.

  “Me neither.” Christine murmured. “I just knew that when he told me he needed a break from our marriage, I saw red and you know me Cara. I really don’t like to rock the boat but I saw ten years of marriage going down the drain and of course him not being there for our son and I was not prepared to let it go like that. It might not be the best marriage on earth but it is still a marriage and the only way one is leaving is if one of us dies.”

  “So is there another woman?” Cara asked her, still not believing what she was hearing.

  “Of course. I am a woman and we know when our men have eyes for another. He confessed that he met her on his route and she worked downtown in some fancy office. I gave him a message to give to her. Either find another bus to take or I will be there to make sure she does.”

  “Do you think he will?” Jeanette asked her quite fascinated by the story.

  “If he knows what’s good for him. I left numerous bite and nail marks on his body to remind him that he belongs to me and no one else.”

  She waited for the laughter to subside before she continued. “I have seen how Matthew is around you Cara and girl let me tell you if you did not already know. You have a husband that most women would do anything to have. I have resigned myself to the marriage I have and I have learned to be satisfied with it. If my husband is not as hot or as rich as yours and there is a woman out there who wants to mess around with my marriage. Can you just imagine yours? Make sure you look for the signs girl and nip it right in the bud.”


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