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Avoid the human/animalistic tendencies to cop out or cave in, or, on the opposite side, to explode and do the inappropriate thing. Small concessions - if made intelligently - can sometimes be the only way of staving off major disaster.
In many ways, a lot hangs on what you DON'T say or do.
[Vol. XIV, #10 -Oct., 1985]
The Enemy Is Anyone Who Attacks
I've said in the past that the enemy was indeed anyone who attacked, for whatever reason, and that it was vitally necessary to know what amounted to an attack, in order to be able to ascertain one's real enemies. You don't wait until the bullet has left the muzzle. And in the huge spectrum of human struggle and endeavor, the fates of nations and individuals as often as not are decided upon matters far less dramatic and clear-cut than the use of firepower. More often, these days, it is intrigue and guile which decide the course of the future. To be undone by a bastard who has not declared himself your foe, or who has actually painted himself as a "friend", is one of the worst fates imaginable. If just that much can be avoided in a person's life, or in the life of the Movement, then we will be halfway home to victory.
But to know what an attack is, to be able to identify an enemy, is not enough as anyone with strong beliefs and values worth fighting for will have already found out. You can depend upon an endless stream of those who'll seek to cross you up. But can you always depend upon yourself to be perfectly ready and willing to deal with all comers? Today's friend, tomorrow's enemy. In revolutionary politics your potential worst enemy is always your closest associate. Not only does he know you but he also knows "where all the bodies are buried". Are you ready to deal in a summary fashion with the problem once you have received enough early signals that someone close is about to, or already has begun to turn on you? Can you be certain? Can you act?
How about close blood relatives? Can you at one stroke "cut them loose" in the way the Manson Family "cut loose" their families in favor of their greater, REAL Family under Manson himself? If the answer is no then you are prime sucker material and I wouldn't give you two cents for your chances.
This is not going off half-cocked. It IS going around with a hair-trigger. Years ago, in a publication pre-dating SIEGE, I printed an appeal - a PLEA - to members of the Movement not to engage in games or trickery against my circle at that time because we would have absolutely no choice whatsoever other than to consider such behavior as an attack and take appropriate steps - even more aggressive and belligerent counter-measures - of our own. I cited Movement harmony and unity as cause for my appeal. Predictably, it fell on deaf ears. Francis Parker Yockey had said that to attack someone who is not a real enemy is to ultimately attack yourself. Those in the latter part of the 1970's who chose to attack us for no reason other than to try to eliminate competition in their imaginary "power struggle" are no longer in the forefront of Movement affairs as they were at the time.
I do thank my lucky stars for the ability I've always seemed to possess for picking up on little hints that trouble is on the way from certain quarters, in advance of its actually breaking the surface. If it is an instinct, it is only a knack for detail. It has never betrayed me. It saved me a number of times where otherwise I would definitely have been lost. It has but one drawback once convinced of an impending attack, or at the very least, of perfidy that cannot go unchallenged or unpunished, but without any overt action on the part of your enemy so as to be noticed by outsiders, strident and vigorous counter-measures give the appearance of unprovoked aggression. Sympathy is thereby lost and certain condemnation is incurred. In practically every case I've been involved in, I've had to stoically assume the role of the bad guy in the issue. This is fine with me. If you haven't already learned the actual worth of "sympathy", or of having been "dead right" in an issue, then I fear for you. To have never been a sucker, to have kept on winning, at whatever cost, will always be worth it to me.
The tiniest, most insignificant of details have tipped entire schemes of personal aggrandizement that would have been at the cost of the Movement. A certain inflection placed on a single word in a talk; the inexplicable disappearance of an item no bigger than a thumbnail; equations which just don't add up; things which most people would write off without a second thought, have time and again tipped the balance. When an attack is planned and as it becomes more imminent, the element of surprise takes on greater and greater importance. Naturally, many times things will appear "fine and dandy" as long as the plotters feel that this appearance is to their advantage. This again makes it doubly difficult to try and warn others, or to try and justify yourself to others whom are not involved in the intrigue, as no one wants to believe such things and no one wants to disrupt what has the look of a perfectly normal and peaceful state. During 1978, in a trans-continental telephone conversation with one highly respected Movement leader, I laid out the scanty evidence as I had it and submitted my conclusions based thereon - treachery was underway and an attack could be expected at any moment. His response, aside from utter incredulity, was that I was "turning on my last friend". The reverse was the case as the individual on the phone was forced to admit within the week.
Earlier in SIEGE I referred to the thing which Hitler told his troops as they prepared to go crashing into Poland to avenge a thousand wrongs accumulated over the previous twenty years. He said at that time, "Close your hearts to pity." As though these troops would need to be reminded, you might think. At least as often as not, these situations come up suddenly (as their plotters intend). The instant the facts are clear to you, you must abandon all hesitation, all remorse. You must immediately determine that no quarter can be expected and that none shall be given. You have to determine to do whatever is necessary in order to win. And it matters not against whom, once they have demonstrated that it is conflict they want. Comrade, friend, family member... it doesn't matter. The first few go-rounds you experience - assuming you survive - you'll have to keep reminding yourself of this. After that it becomes instinctive.
None of this is to be confused with the phenomenon I describe as the "Instant Bastard Syndrome"- where this or that person is a "queer" or a "Jew" or an "agent" simply because they disagree with you. This type of Right Wing behavior does the Movement a grave disservice not only because it muddies the water and actually HELPS the real agents, but because it has the effect of cheapening real enmities. Mere name-calling and coming-to-grips-with, or matching wits against a determined enemy are two distinctly different things. The syndrome I outlined had one other feature: it is generally transient.
I was once accused of threatening Movement unity because I "refused to be parted from my revenge". So it may have appeared to the accuser. It is rather that I view planned attack at any time or planned disruption inside the Movement to be among the most serious kinds of crimes. They don't blow away. The passage of time has no bearing upon their status. If an end cannot be put to such an issue right away, and if merely foiling a plot or stabilizing a situation is all that can be done for the moment, then the conclusion has no choice other than to rest "on hold" until such time as it can be settled permanently. In the meantime, others will rise up in their order and demand solution in turn. Such is the cycle of life's struggle. It is not expected by me that anyone will "learn" anything by it.
[Vol. XIII, #1 -Jan., 1934]
[This segment was written as a response to Tom Metzger's circular letter to members of the Movement calling for a stop to the nonsense, the "cul-de-sacs" as he called them, that continues to get the Movement nowhere fast. In summary, and I have to express my total agreement, we must drop the role-playing of the past and join in one true and realistic Movement ideology. In the next paragraphs, I'll attempt to give my impressions of what is called for, not on the basis of what I'd like to see, but on the basis of the direction circumstances appear to be taking us.]
I am sincerely gladdened that Tom Metzger's and George Lincoln Rockwell's ideas in no way contradict one another. (And Commander Rockwell nev
er favored a Hitler cult, so don't confuse that issue. He merely said that we can't cringe to Jewish intimidation and we must never deny our true heroes.) What Commander Rockwell did clearly state, up to the end of his life, was that it would be the economy and not the race issue that would tip things off in America. Experience is bearing this out. Despite any degree of racial resentment or friction, the fact of the matter is that Americans are losing their racial consciousness, their racial identity. Talk to the kids, you'll see what I mean. This doesn't mean that with the right leadership it can't be quickly reversed, but it does mean that the race issue is a dead horse with regard to the founding of a truly revolutionary Movement.
This isn't as bad as it sounds because, as Charles Manson says, the kind of "racism" that America was known for and which the Jews, Liberals, etc. attacked and still attack was not the sort propounded by Hitler or any other racial philosopher. It was of a negative nature otherwise the Enemy could never have succeeded in undermining and destroying its basis. Redneck racism was based on hate, fear, ignorance and plain snobbery, etc. Hitler's kind of racialism - and Manson's - was, and is, based upon Natural Order. It has yet to be seen and demonstrated in North America . It is for the continued betterment of the White Race that we fight but that is only our stated purpose. Our means are going to have to take a different form or else we are going to fail in what we're trying to achieve.
Assuming enough people can come up through the levels of struggle to where they may be loosely referred to as professional revolutionaries, then they'll still require the right approach and the right tools to use, not merely to survive, but to launch a successful attack of their own. And these will be economic and social issues, the meat and bones of Realpolilik, the stuff upon which the true governments-in-the-wings cut their teeth. "No fun", you say? "Not lofty enough", you say? Perhaps. But it should be pretty obvious by now that fancy letterheads and screwy, krinklejammer names, backed up with tons of specious philosophical gobbledygook, won't get it. The Jews accuse Hitler of going to the very core, of touching every wound. And so he did. That is why he won. The Movement here today talks shit and that is why it is where it is. I have yet to see a REAL PROGRAM offered by ANYONE representing the Racialist Movement in this country. Never. I have seen things that purported to be programs which use a lot of "musts" and super-duper idealistic phrases which don't even move me, a member of the Cause! The first time somebody gets real on paper and in the spoken word, that's when we'll have the start of something big.
Why don't I do it myself? I've thought of it. I've wanted to. But I'm not qualified. I might be able to make a stab at it, in collaboration with others in the Movement, to see what can be hammered out. Take a look at the Twenty-Five Points of the NSDAP , or, for that matter, at the U.S. Constitution, and know that whatever is created will have to TOP those and try and tell me that anything close presently exists' THERE is your ideology. And THERE is your unity! Furthermore, I know it can be done. But will it be done?
[Vol. XII, #12 -Dec, 1983]
Has Anything Been Gained?
Yes, as far as I'm concerned - headway at least has been made regarding certain intangibles. While no hard achievement has been made over the past thirty years, a kind of "Think Tank" or "Brain Trust", together with the essential knowledge denied to any outside the Movement, has been provided where special individuals can spend their time honing themselves for the final challenge... IF we are so lucky as to get the chance of coming to grips with it at all. Also, if the nonsense of the past the "getting nowhere fast" - can be said to have served any purpose at all then that would have to be likened to a laboratory setting, arranged and supplied specifically for the finding of a solution of one problem, and wherein experiment after experiment is tried, the failures duly recorded and examined for what valuable lessons might be gleaned from them, and then shelved so as to be able to get on with the NEXT experiment with the lessons of the past in mind - to perhaps give success a higher percentage chance to occur.
What must be drawn attention to here is the number of those who insist upon repeating the same mistakes year after year, bringing them along with their baggage to each new endeavor they may associate themselves with. Every attempt to create a revolutionary organization that I have witnessed to date has been RUINED in this fashion. Those unable to see a thirty year pattern of failure truly are part of the problem and the enemy of the solution.
One other gain - independent of any action of ours - is that trends in the world have progressed to the point where so much of the old Right Wing "I told you so" has become so grotesquely manifest that we can unburden ourselves of it as we no longer need it to "convince" anybody. The time of the individual choice is upon every White Man and Woman, within or without the Movement. Argument is fading fast and being replaced by: will you have a White world and an environment in which you can live or not? We may safely dispense with a lot of peripheral trash formerly used to confuse the issue and divide the Movement.
The hopes and efforts of the past can only be considered wasted if one either quits outright or keeps on repeating the old mistakes. It would appear that the path a few of us have kept to is converging with the path of destiny and it remains now to clear our thoughts of useless garbage and to thereby be able to coordinate our actions accordingly for maximum results.
[Vol. XI, # 10 -Oct., 1982]
The System
" your living room, you're scared shitless. And that's just where the power structure wants you. In the middle of a riot, I've never found anybody who's chickenshit. The way to eliminate fear is to do what you're most afraid of."
- Jerry Rubin
"The abscess on the sick body of the nation must be cut open and squeezed until clear, red blood flows. And the blood must be left to flow for a good, long time till the body is purified..."
- Capt. Gerhard Rossbach, Berlin S.A.
"This dream of absolute, universal equality is amazing, terrifying, and inhuman. And the moment it captures people's minds, the result is mountains of corpses and rivers of blood..."
- Vladimir Bukovsky
"What is 'legal'? Legal is anything that the System does. Legal is whatever the System allows to happen. Illegal is whatever the System does not allow others, outside the Clone System, to do... The System is legal. Therefore, 'legal' is simply the System."
- Edwin Reynolds
The Way Times Have Changed
I can't think of a more stark example of the way things have turned around just within the past twenty years in this country than something uttered by Gus Hall in 1961 . He said, "I dream of the hour when the last Congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher.' The Right Wing went crazy over that one and used it as part of their "heavy ammunition" against the Communist Party.
Well old Gus has shelved that rather embarrassing statement. Not because he is getting soft in his old age - hardly - but rather because it about as out-dated as high-button shoes. In those days he may have had some basis for a statement like that because Conservatism, and the former concept of " America " as it was known, was making its last stand against the total subversion that today holds all the seats of open power.
Today's Congressmen and preachers are truly among Gus Hall's best troop. Why, he wouldn't want to harm a hair on their heads. Gus and his buddies have it all. The Congress and the Clergy are two arms on the body of Big Brother. Conservatism lost while the forces that Gus Hall was running with won out. And now the shoe is on the other foot.
Masters of subtlety, they've everything except signs posted on the walls to the effect that Big Brother rules completely. But our Movement has no corner on prophets. The words of Gus Hall too will ring true yet in the United States. But they will do so in such a manner, with such an ironic twist that he and all his "fellow travelers" will choke on them!
[Vol. IX, #7- Nov., 1980]
Whose Society?
It remains altogether impossible to refrain from encountering conservative sentiments, reacti
ons and other modes of thought and behavior. There remain great numbers of those short-sighted ones who feel that the situation can and should be "cleaned up". The fact is that this kind of thinking plays directly into the hands of Big Brother's lackeys who are trying desperately to hold their System together as long as possible, to suck as much blood as they can out of the dwindling number of productive Americans before it all finally goes to hell.
The answers they propose for the totally insane and out-of-control crime rate are: #1 : build more prisons, but mainly, #2: the death penalty. "Fry 'em!", say the reactionaries. They envision the ghetto criminals and rapists, etc., going straight to the "hot seat" but that is a dangerous delusion. Few are aware that one of the first men to die as a result of the renewed death penalty was John Spenkalink of Florida who was a White Man, a National Socialist, whose "crime" was having killed a homosexual who had made advances on his person.
There is a case of a National Socialist who voted in a State election for an issue to deny bond for certain violent crimes, only to be arrested himself and charged with just such a crime and, since the issue passed, denied bond. What of Joseph Paul Franklin - and any of the men who follow in his Heroic foot-steps - who may one day face the System's "death by injection"?
You must remember the System is going to do NOTHING to "fight crime" but only to increase the degree of its hold over every individual. It CREATED the crime wave in the first place as an excuse and a plausible cover for the erection of its POLICE STATE. And if it can again USE the issue of rampant crime to get YOU to agree with the death penalty, only to turn right around and use it on you and other White Revolutionaries...?
We want to see crime and chaos rise to such a degree where the System becomes no longer viable and falls apart. We want to see them lose control, not increase it. We want to hasten the death of the System, not postpone it. (The Liberal do-gooders, so hated by Conservative advocates of the death penalty, SAVED THE LIFE of Charles Manson and those of his circle who had been condemned to DIE in California 's gas chamber after the Conservative Nixon had declared them guilty in national headlines.)