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by James Mason

  What of such favorite Conservative issues as universal military service? They want a strong U.S military but they are so ignorant of history that they are unaware that the U.S. has NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO FIGHT AND DEFEAT AN ENEMY but only to go and kill other White Men such as in the Civil War and the First and Second World Wars. They appear perfectly happy to go and fight another war to save alien interests.

  Besides - if you are a young White Man or Woman - do YOU wish to be drafted into any of the services alongside the dregs of society and under Black officers, possibly to be sent to DIE in fabricated wars, possibly to be sent - a la Little Rock - to violently suppress your own White Brothers and Sisters? No, let the military continue to crumble as it is doing for it is merely one more instrument of terror and coercion in the hands of the Enemy.

  What other Reactionary favorites can we choose from? Drugs? Abortion? Gun Control? If we are unable to recruit for our positive purposes from the populace and get them to drop out of service to the System, then we must accept whatever means there may be to cause more of them to fall by the wayside and become useless to Big Brother. The spread of the use of drugs is one of these methods. The increase in abortion is one major symptom of the total collapse of American morality which is one of the pillars of any society. As long as the alien is in control of the society, let it perish also! If the cowardly Reactionaries can fool themselves into believing they are "free" by possessing firearms (but lacking the guts to use them) then it would be heartwarming to watch the System Pigs strip them of these.

  Make no mistake, under OUR SOCIETY, our laws, crime would be eradicated overnight, likewise with the illicit use of drugs and unnatural trends such as abortion, every man and woman would be militarily trained, every home in America would be well-stocked with defense weapons. But this would only be in OUR society, never theirs.

  [Vol. XII, #1 -Jan., 1983]

  Saturation Point

  When I was a kid in junior high school, I had one science instructor whom I genuinely admired and respected. He even took my side in crowded corridors when I was verbally assailed by typical smart-asses who would attack my "totalitarian" beliefs, by agreeing with me that democracy and voting were a farce, etc. One theory of his own creation that he offered to the class and which made an instant and lingering impression on me was that it required approximately eight years for the trends prevalent in places like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles to filter down to places like here [Chillicothe, Ohio]. That was eighteen years ago and the theory hasn't missed yet.

  The worst sort of maladies of the big sink-holes of North America have since well-established themselves here. All the horror headlines that used to only be printed in the doom-saying "Thunderbolt" you now can read every day in the lone paper here in this small town in the Midwest. The worst of it all, you name it and it's here. And what does it mean?

  It means - scientifically and irrefutably - that the country isn't going but has gone MAD; that the final END of society is accelerating; that the entire foundation itself is thoroughly corroded; and that there is no longer any place to go to hide (save maybe a tent in the North Woods). Now isn't that the most encouraging thing anyone has reported to you in a long, long time?

  Like a brown bag or a cardboard box full of manure, held aloft with the bottom darkening with saturation from all the slimy, stinking filth contained within, it is up for grabs how many moments or seconds remain before the whole repulsive, putrefying mess comes crashing through...

  [Vol. XIII, #7 -July, 1984]

  The Poison And The Rot

  This may well be the first time ever in history that an entire people cannot sustain itself minus electricity and the things run by it, but it is not the first time that an entire people has been eaten away at its very roots and core so that no healthy portion large enough remains to carry on with a semblance of the former civilization. It has happened often enough in the past, most notably in the case of ancient Rome. A great many Roman ruins still stand today - such as their aqueducts and viaducts - and are in modern use. But nowhere - not even in the city of Rome - can one find a true Roman, a living specimen of the people who built that culture and that empire. We know in the Movement what became of them but how many can see the parallels as they are happening here today?

  As it occurred in history, the Dark Ages followed the collapse of Rome . As a number of observers have seen, so far in its history, the United States has not had a revolution, only a War of Independence; it has not had a civil war, only a War Between the States. Our true revolution and our true civil war are things of the future. They'll probably take place one on top of the other. And our own "Fall of Rome" and "Dark Ages" will most likely overlap as well. Things are moving so much faster nowadays.

  What's happening to the back-bone of the U.S. population, all those millions upon millions of Anglo-Saxons, has been a squeeze-play operation from the close of the last century to the present day. Commander Rockwell talked of the "niggerization" of American youth, and he was right. But since he was forced to swim in a milieu of Conservative Rightists, he neglected mentioning the other half of the assault that was just as deadly - that from above.

  Fifty years ago all of the social ills that have this country by the throat today were confined to two limited areas: the colored ghettos and among the circles of the filthy rich. These people who today are indulging in and/or are trapped by this social cancer - from drugs to whatever you want to include - might imagine it is something new. It isn't. It's only relatively new to THEM. It required several generations to do it but finally their resistance was broken and the walls were removed and hell has risen. And it's referred to them as "freedom", "democracy", "equality", "progress", "self-expression", "alternate lifestyles", "human rights", "dignity", etc.

  I've said before that it has reached everywhere now and indeed has stood at that point of saturation for some time. If there ever is to be a major input of the clean, the fresh and pure to hope to rejuvenate the situation, as in the case of Rome, it'll have to come from outside, as with the armies of invading "Barbarians" that the integrated, soul-rotted Roman legions couldn't resist. That points nowhere but the East, if it can happen before the rot of the West fatally infects the East as well.

  But, in the hopes of getting our own thinking balanced out, could there ever have been a danger to our masses of racially-sound people of being poisoned from below unless the had already been rotted from above? Healthy people aren't susceptible to such things as drugs and racial mixing. It took a couple of generations of Hollywood's and New York 's effects on their MINDS via the movies, the newspapers and, especially, the television to get them properly "softened up". In my book, there's really nothing more vile and detestable than a crowd of so-called "beautiful people" centered on Los Angeles, New York and all the really "fashionable" resort spots, etc.

  These are the types set up by the media to be worshipped and emulated by the masses. Take a look around at the results of fifty years of this! And, just as a final thought, exactly what bunch of people was it that were erased by a few "hippies" back on a hot night in 1969 and for which Charles Manson now serves several terms of life imprisonment? While we were watching out "below", Manson saw the threat from "above" and acted.

  [Vol. XIV, #4 -Apr., 1985]

  Lost In Time

  Among other things, I happen to be an amateur photographer and I've been involved for the past few years in documenting the development and decline of this city. The town of Chillicothe, Ohio was formerly not only the State Capital but also capital of the entire Northwest Territory which encompassed all of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota. In short, it has its historical significance.

  A hundred years ago this place was a hub of commerce and travel. Today I "joke" about its future as perhaps the only "ghost town east of the Rockies ". I've lived here all my life and have seen the population remain static that whole time. I've witnessed first-hand the more rapid and heartbreaking phases of this cit
y's deterioration. Through the photographs I've collected, I see that this was a city of incredible beauty - geographically and architecturally - from about 1 800 until the late 1940's. In recent years the Chamber of Commerce has loudly bemoaned the "dying downtown". Not "ghetto-ized", just dying.

  As special as this place is to me, I feel it's most likely not an isolated case. To draw focus on the undeniable slow-death of the city's downtown business section, the first thing one has to notice as cause is the huge shopping mall built just across the river in the mid-1960's to the north of town, which sprang up like a mushroom, gobbling up acres and acres of prime farm and pasture land and effecting an "arid wilderness of steel and stone". If you have seen one of these, you've seen them all. So much for personality and local charm. Enter the big chains like Sears and out with the local businesses.

  But the downtown was already in trouble before that mall was built. Why was that when no real competition as yet existed? I found the answer buried deep and out of sight in the dusty files of the Historical Society. Left alone for hours, days, weeks and months on end with photographic files unavailable to the public, I was able to totally familiarize myself with the changing face of the city over a period of a century -and-a-half.

  We won't have the five-hundred year wait in the United States as they had in Rome for advance decay to wipe away everything of beauty and value. At this rate, it'll be over with easily in another 100 years. Racially, yes, of course, we're all familiar with the statistics on North America . But before we got into hot water racially and genetically, we began letting our architecture slide. As in Egypt, Greece and Rome, the architecture may be all that's left now - a very few poor, tumbledown wrecks as reminders of a glorious past - but I feel it was probably the same there as well. People stopped giving a damn and wattle began replacing granite. (Cheaper and easier of course.) You can drive down Main Street here and see a marvelous old edifice, a parking lot next to it, then a structural and architectural piece of crap next to that. And the latter two are gaining ground all the time.

  The city is at this point thoroughly bastardized architecturally. Nothing fits. There is no harmony. An occasional pet project of the Historical Society will stand out amidst the desolation but I've seen these streets a hundred years ago when every block, in all directions, was picture perfect - a fairy tale setting, a showplace. And I saw it all change.

  At first, still during the 19th Century, when any building was razed or otherwise had to be replaced, a bigger and truly better one went up in its place. Parking lots, of course, were unheard of. The time of the wonderful buildings stopped at about the time of the First World War. (Chillicothe was the site of one of the largest troop training centers in the United States. Camp Sherman was erected in 1917 in a matter of weeks just north of the city, across the river opposite the site of the mall I spoke of earlier, contained over three thousand well-constructed barracks, and then was almost totally eradicated by the end of the Twenties. While it existed, it was bigger than the city itself.) It seems that no really decent building went up after the time of the First World War. Things got static until the Forties and Fifties when destruction and demolition began to really take their toll.

  Fires and floods had their effect on original structures which had been built to stand the centuries. Renovation and the creation of parking space took care of the rest. As for the rolling beauty of the outlying area, condominiums and other such ready-made slums (literally for welfare cases), not to mention super-highways and beltways, have pushed out in all directions. As with the replacements for the great buildings of the 1800's inside the city, these "condos" have a serviceable lifespan of approximately forty years. They are frail, ugly and inhuman.

  Furthermore, as I've witnessed it up close quite a few times, the biggest effort when any modern contractor sets about the job of erecting one of these glorified huts is involved in the TEARING DOWN of the existing structure! The fact - terrible and terrifying - is that these modern engineers and laborers CANNOT themselves build the kind of buildings that they have such great difficulty in demolishing! For one, we today as a nation are too POOR to afford to erect such palaces, and, worse, the craftsmanship arid the materials for it NO LONGER EXIST! (They don't make good brick anymore.)

  But the question I had centered upon was the mystification over the death of the downtown. Also in these thousands of photographs I've studied we many interiors of the various stores and shops of the downtown. They resembled the insides of jewelry boxes. Specialty shops, family-owned and operated where people took pride. Local industries producing furniture, automobiles, tires, canned goods, our own dairy, mill, pottery, paper (the only one still remaining), and everything that was necessary to sustain the town and profit by export to other areas. (This city was a major stop along the Ohio and Erie Canal from the 1830's until about 1913 when the canal was finally destroyed by flood.) Today Chillicothe is as dependent as any other area on trucking, etc., for its basic needs. The marvelous shops were taken over by first one and then another succeeding business, remodeled and refurbished until the effect was one of ugliness. Great tracts of floor were parceled and divided until the effect was that of a bunch of Middle Ages shepherds squatting in the shadows of the pillars of the Parthenon or the Acropolis. From temple to brothel.

  The four-by-eight panel, the drop-ceiling and the interior-exterior carpet. They couldn't keep up the old standards of decor and appearance so it appeared logical to chuck it all and go across the river into virgin territory and build afresh. This is precisely what Eisenhower had advised the Germans to do after the War: abandon their cities, their culture, their heritage. The Germans didn't take him up on it but REBUILT everything just as it was before, brick by brick. A classic example of how different peoples handle a lost war and a lost peace.

  What's the answer? It has to be a matter of bad values or no values at all to have allowed a situation like this to come about within sixty years. And note well this took place years ahead of any of the more overt signs of racial deterioration. When one is no longer reminded of beauty and worth and order in what he sees around him, naturally he's going to think less of himself, what his mate should be, or what his children should be, if indeed he bothers about children at all. Those without a past seldom worry about a future.

  [Vol. XII, #10 -Oct., 1983]

  U.S. Cities: Hazardous Gene Dumps

  A cartoon was reproduced in one Movement periodical which I receive depicting a mob of crazed Liberals lynching a "handgun" while the actual robber himself walks away free and unmolested. This is an insight into the prevailing mentality. So it is with the issue of pollution. They go wild on the question of hazardous waste dumps but are oblivious to the far greater danger of the hazardous genetic dumps which are our major U.S. cities. So what if we can manage over the next hundred years or so to clean up the vast amounts of garbage and waste that the Capitalist System has brought about if, over the same period, we have degenerated into a bunch of low-level savages. A human garbage dump with no chance of reclamation?

  It is a cornerstone of the National Socialist outlook - and a hard one at that, which so few can manage to grasp - that NO MATTER WHAT, if the blood is preserved pure, it can survive and overcome ANYTHING. If atomic warfare destroyed all human life on earth but two Aryan specimens somewhere in New Zealand, we could begin again. There is no threat greater than that of genetic pollution facing life on this planet. That is the one and only thing that could conceivably erase all civilization, all higher culture, and send this planet, as Hitler said, swirling back into the ether.

  It is an unnatural, peculiarly human trait that allows so many otherwise intelligent people of our Race to look upon inferiors as "equals". It is something - a sickness actually - that will most certainly die with the passing of this current age (and hopefully, will not take all the rest of us down with it). In line with the priority of the blood kept pure and free of alien genes, when comparing the respective damage to be done by other forms of pollutants, I've o
ften stated that the condition - and content - of these cities make a positively ATTRACTIVE case for atomic warfare. After all, don't they employ radiation in the treatment of cancer?

  That, of course, is the far side of radicalism. It is, however intended and offered in a one-hundred-percent straight and sincere conviction of its inevitability. And so, while we don't discount the prostitution and poisoning of the land, air and water, we still view the defiling and befouling of the Race as the worst possible corruption of Nature's highest creation. Who was it that said, "If you would build a better society, build a better man."?

  [Vol. XII, #4 -Apr., 1983]

  The Whole Is Greater Than The Individual

  I'm not a sports fan in any form but only a blind hermit could fail to be aware that, with regard to boxing, the Blacks have gotten and kept that field pretty much to themselves now for several generations. There are also a lot of Black football "superstars" as well as Blacks in the past having been renowned for their ability to run like all hell ("Feet, do yo' duty!"). Is this then any case for racial equality or even Black superiority? Don't make me gag! But millions evidently are content even eager - to think so.

  A comparison with regard to what goes on inside the ring: take an electric, magnetic can opener and take an old model, squeeze-and-twist kind and place both in a cement mixer. Turn on the mixer and let it go for half an hour. Remove both openers and see which is still working. The more primitive, of course. That's about as valid a test of can openers as it is of human beings. The advanced brain and physique of the Aryan wasn't intended, and didn't evolve, to have the hell pummeled out of it for sport.


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