by James Mason
"Thrill Killer" Gacy.
The press has already compared it to the Tate-LaBianca killings of 1969 and have freely admitted that this makes those look like "peanuts". (Indeed, such incidents from Juan Corona to John Gacy have already done that.) But Manson is still THE "mass murderer" for all practical occasions (even though "his" victims were avid in their videotaping of bestial and sadistic sex as well as notorious for running a dope supermarket in their home). The difference was and is that Manson is revolutionary, one of us, and they HATE him and FEAR him for it. Just as Hitler's supposed record for killing six million Jews is far surpassed by Stalin's grand total of thirty million and Mao's of fifty million. It's who you are and what you stand for, not what you do or how you do it.
Mass graves are perfectly all-right as long as they are filled with dead Europeans killed while defending their homeland. Horrible killing is okay as long as it is state sanctioned. Vile and perverse videotapes are readily available and completely legal. But put 'em all together - private enterprise style - and watch out!
We've got to chuckle at all this for it is genuinely funny. These folks are the REAL "avant-garde" of Democracy! Talk about some jet-setters! l For the rest of the citizenry who can't quite understand it, it's only what they're getting in return for their tax dollars and their votes cast. As for any of us falling victim to this or some future excursion into "total democracy" on the part of these types which are burgeoning in the land, we're supposed to be conscious and aware, on our guard and prepared. And, above all, with a reputation more gruesome than the gruesome. With a little knowledge, it's easy to keep out of harm's way the majority of the time.
For the rest, let the dams burst! All sense and order and reason have failed. Let their own terror now consume them!
[Vol. XIV, #7- July, 1985]
"American Hostages"
I was infuriated a couple of weeks ago when a tape I was making of a vintage "Sherlock Holmes" movie was ruined by a news bulletin about those damned "hostages" in the Middle East. Years ago, I recall writing an article entitled, "TO HELL WITH HOSTAGES". Whatever I commented then, I don't think it was sized up as neatly as it can be now. That by itself indicates that this is a recurrent problem and one that we're bound to see more of, also one that this so-called "government" is powerless to do anything about.
There is one thing about those "hostages" that is for sure - they can all be included somewhere among the following categories: a) Government or State Department, etc; b) Military; c) Big Business or Filthy Rich, etc. Whichever, they are part of the System and, therefore, no damned good. Certainly not "Americans" in the same sense you and I might use the term. Second, what the hell are they doing over there? Whatever it is, it's in support of the Jews who occupy Palestine and surrounding Arab lands. The Arabs are BEGINNING to understand this and it was reported that the Shiites ("Terrorists") were scrutinizing those "Americans" for the ones who had "Jewish-sounding names". Finally, the message as conveyed back by one former "hostage" that the Arabs have nothing against the American people but only the U.S. government.
We wish the people of the Middle East good luck in regaining control over their homelands, through whatever means it may take to accomplish.
The other half of this sick spectacle is the focal point it's become for this latter-day brand of lame-duck "patriotism". As far as those who involve themselves with it - taking it seriously - are concerned, those people perpetrating these acts might as well be the "Barbary Pirates" and the hostages themselves "Stephen Decatur" and friends. IF they were "hostages", what was the ransom? Are they or are they not back safe and sound? Were they "rescued" or did the Shiites feel they had made their point and so set them free? In whose end of the court was the ball for the length of the game?
What did the all-mighty U.S. government do other than "protest"? What did the U.S. population do other that hoist the flag and do a little out-of-step shuffling which they referred to as "marching"? Remember the "Yellow Ribbons" at the time of the Islamic revolution in Iran? Did the ribbons free those hostages or was it old Khomeini's naivete in thinking - as did plenty of Americans - that Reagan was less slimy in reality than Carter? He was trying his best to send a signal to the American people.
I guess it bothers me to see them making the flag look more ridiculous and impotent than they already have. It has been rendered meaningless, i.e., meaning all things to all people, and now they're making it the symbol of shame as well. The only time these so-called "Americans" bring it out nowadays is when their "Uncle Sam" is being made to eat shit. There's no denying that this in itself is a very real form of conditioning and its effects will be felt sooner or later and with dire results for the deluded and manipulators alike.
[Vol. XIV, #8 -Aug., 1985]
Rabbits and Butterflies
The title of this segment describes the state of the backbone and intelligence of the White population pretty accurately. We've all seen it a thousand times in our political and personal dealings. The averted glance, the limp handshake. The given word that you can depend upon being worthless. The preoccupation with sports and other luxuries and trivialities. Being willingly chained to dead-end "jobs" which they hate; passively being shaken down, rousted and robbed by the government, banks and utilities. I've had a number of them state in the past that they don't like talking about anything that has to do with the "Big Three": race, religion and politics. What kind of people are these?
These are people who have had all the CHARACTER and WILL sapped from them by a couple of generations of the best, most complete job of mass conditioning and brainwashing ever known, bar none. There's nothing left of them. Minus their "funny money"- growing more "funny" with each year - these "consumers" would probably turn invisible! I disdain to refer to them as "Whites". In their interests they flit around like butterflies; in their resolve they scatter like rabbits at the first hint of trouble. Compare them with the type of person Commander Rockwell called for to be at his side: men of steel, ready, willing and capable of marching through hell if necessary for the Cause. There's no use belaboring the endless examples of what I mean. Suffice to say that it's a universal condition. Accepting it as a fact and a reality, what does it mean to ourselves as revolutionaries?
It means that they may as well not exist in practical terms. They're not going to "do" anything. They'll sit and watch anything happen. They'll do as they're told. They will roll over when kicked. But I would want to emphasize to all of you that, just as they today sit idly by and watch our early heroes arrested and killed by the System, so tomorrow they'll do the same when it comes the turn of the Systematarians.
In the face of the implied threat from the System today they behave like sheep. After witnessing the fire and fury that removes the System, don't expect any problems from them. No consideration is due to cowards and shirkers.
[Vol. IV, #9 -Sept., 1985]
Of Victims and Statistics
Nobody wants to be a victim and nobody wants to be a statistic. Both terms take on the same forlorn, hapless connotation. What constitutes a victim? What makes a statistic? In either case, it's a matter of forces or circumstances overwhelming an individual. In most instances, an individual who has been unable to cope with or give a decent account of himself in response. Individuals caught unawares, disorganized, unprepared, ignorant. Whether it's from violent storms or violent crimes, the elements or the forces of the System, etc., a victim is not the thing to be, and neither is being added to a list of growing statistics.
Probably without question the System's greatest master stroke in recent decades has been its complete success in conditioning people in this country, especially Whites, to where they won't stand together. (They'll stand together at a football game or at a rock concert but never against the System itself.) How else do you explain all the existing "racism" and boiling discontent that never comes to anything, never gets anywhere? This thought occurs to them, it must, but they shoo it right out of their minds before it even takes form. It wo
uld be a reminder to them of how totally emasculated and enslaved they are and they certainly don't want to face that. It might mess up their dream world.
Fear. They won't because they can't. They can't because they won't. They are hamstrung by their old beliefs and morals which the System wisely allows them to keep. They are halted in their tracks out of uncertainty of what to do, how to do it and of "What if?". They are paralyzed by self-doubts which have no connection to things, such as "job skill" or being "fashionable" or "socially acceptable". They are cut adrift. Any wonder at all why they can't pull anything together? Victims in the making.
I will not waste words in attempting to draw verbal pictures of what could be accomplished "if". What I will describe is the kind of person who - while still very much an individual - stands apart, stands forth against the System. A person who is of such magnitude that his act of standing forth in such a manner is equivalent to whole worlds colliding. That kind of person can never and will never be counted as a victim or as a statistic. And that kind of person, whether his numbers are in the dozens or in the hundreds, is the kind which is making up the Movement of the future.
The rest, as I've said often enough in the past, simply don't count. They have been created and bred by the System to serve the System's purposes: to be used up, discarded or cut down, as the System sees fit.
[Vol. XIV, #10 -Oct., 1985]
The Final Wedge? The Last Straw?
This place is a land of contradictions, so it would seem. While the push has been on for decades to desensitize the U.S. population to violence and crime (not to mention the presence of racial aliens, miscegenation, Bolshevism in culture, etc.), it now appears that a new push is on in the opposite direction. Hopefully most readers of SIEGE are like I am and can readily spot the latest System campaigns as soon as they are introduced (or implanted) through the media. With an official line of "anything goes", so long as it is not "racist" or "fascist", it is quite incongruous indeed when you see the plastic, phony newscasters actually put on some human emotion (real or faked) in the form of getting their ire up over some social outrage, either real or imagined.
The two biggest evils - or heresies against the new, orthodox world religion which insists that "all is equal" (a thousand years ago it was that "the world is flat")- are of course "racism" and "fascism". The only trouble is that in the U.S. these things simply don't exist and are only kept around to maintain a never-ending spook chase. Lately, more actual targets have been discrimination involving age and sex. (Such things as age and sex no longer exist and you shouldn't insult the System by seeing them.) There has been the push against discrimination regarding homosexuality and the drive to establish it out in the open as an "alternate lifestyle". Then there have been phonified campaigns attached to what could be legitimate causes, such as environment, just to let off steam and distract attention from far more serious crises. I think by now you may realize I'm talking about what Commander Rockwell referred to as the old shell game, in one sense, and "setting people's minds" in another sense. All pure Pavlov... and how they fall for it!
What are the two latest social crash projects of the System's controlled media intended to condition people's minds toward ends which all but the fewest never even suspect? Domestic violence and child abuse.
In Soviet-Bloc countries and in the Third World cultures where creeping liberalism has not done its final damage, domestic violence, i.e., the dominant male of the group, the father, having to straighten out other family members after reason has failed, is shrugged off by the society and the authorities, that is when it is noticed at all. Here today, they have established "hotlines" to call to turn in a family member for touching you. "Human dignity" violated. "Big Brother to the rescue!". The most recent masterpiece of the conditioned reflex to air on television, "The Burning Bed", had intentions and results which were one hundred percent predictable: within forty-eight hours of airing, stories were breaking in the news about wives (and husbands) actually burning their mates at home, for real. "If it's all-right for Farrah and if she can get away with it, so can I!". (Tell me this is an intelligent and free-thinking society.)
The object? To give the coup de grace to the father figure in this country; to finish the job that "All In The Family" and "Archie Bunker" started. The husband and father as "bad guy". To regular readers of my newsletter this will not sound the least bit extreme as it no doubt would to the outsider, the victim of this conditioning. You cannot get wives and children turning in their husbands and fathers unless and until you have rendered them ridiculous, impotent and brutish (fascistic). Step one was accomplished long ago and, I might add, with plenty of cooperation from the American male. Yes, they ARE mainly jerks and impotent buffoons deserving all the kicks the alien, anti-White System wants to deal them. For they are the ones who ALLOWED all of this to take place and come to pass. In this sense, the System media is flogging a dead horse to an almost cosmic degree.
It is however a serious matter in that we see they intend to leave absolutely no stone unturned in their drive to flatten, homogenize and ultimately DESTROY any and all vestiges of former White life. To me it is funny and disgusting at the same time to watch this going on. Like a seller of snake oil rolling into a hick town a century ago, these Media Masters can and do pull anything, no matter how blatant, and are assured of getting away with it. Funny in the sense that we of the Movement are able to read it like a book and funny in the sense that it is being done to the killers of Germany, so "mighty and righteous" forty years ago. Disgusting in that these same people, while still claiming the heritage of their ancestors, are WALLOWING IN IT and loving every second of it.
You don't need to be a medium any longer to peek into the future. Just watch the television and see which way it points. As far as we are concerned, they had finished off the institution of the American family by no later than the Sixties but, evidently, it had to wait until the auspicious year of 1984 for the System itself to write its own "FINIS" to this particular job well done.
Then there is the current red-hot issue of child abuse. This acquires two forms: violence and sexual exploitation. In the first case it falls under the same heading as domestic violence. In a sane and healthy society, it is rare and the issue is hardly worth real concern. However, this society has long been neurotic and is currently well along the road to full-blown psychotic. And in a situation like that, don't be surprised by anything that happens. Even at that, I seriously doubt that things are nearly so bad as the System would have us believe. It's just that the magnifying glass is now trained on this one point. Abuses, outrages and certainly runaways happen all the time but note how the media campaign would only seriously effect violence in the home if it would be intended to instill discipline and, thus, try to preserve a semblance of family and civilization (about in the same way as "gun control" would work).
Far more insidious is the second aspect of this: sexual abuse. Are we to believe that the Beast System, a thing more loathsome and evil than any which appears in the Bible, piously draws the line at the sexual exploitation of children? Well, that's what they're saying, isn't it? Remember the hot controversy over marijuana? How about the one over homosexuality? And the results in the life of the nation?
The word is pedophilia and it, like hemophilia, has been around since time began and always will be around. Like dormant cells in the national body, they have been deliberately and systematically turned CANCEROUS, out of control, by the System and its media. Formerly docile Negroes have been turned arrogant and vicious. The two sexes have been set against one another. On it goes. Toward what goal? Again, the final and complete destruction of the people and the civilization that formerly ruled over this continent.
The System has a unique knack of latching onto anything, exploiting it, escalating it out of all proportion and turning it poisonous and unnatural. While the big, hidden manipulators use their multi-trillion-dollar apparatus to get unaware masses of people "all set" for something only lately unspeakable, the
little operators brace themselves to perform their patriotic, capitalistic duty of supplying a demand which they somehow know is on the way: child pornography. And armies of those already rendered unbalanced are wound up tight and "all set" to go, like horses at the starting gate, at Big Brother's cue to form ready-made ranks of "molesters". Have you ever wondered which came first, the manifestation of something or just all the noise about it? Ask yourself: in a society already bored and satiated with heterosexuality (for jaded pleasure, not reproduction of the race) and right at the moment inundating itself in homosexuality in an attempt to recapture some of that lost "thrill", where are the new thrills to be found?
If you want to make something "thrilling", you make it forbidden. Tell me, what's the most loudly forbidden thing, the most sensationalized thing, now coming at you across the airwaves? This may have all just sounded like a moralistic sermon from Rev. Jerry Falwell. I will always insist that I am the LEAST moralistic person in that I have no superstitious fears or hang-ups typically connected with a reactionary society. Patterns are merely there to be observed and studied, in a detached manner, so that we may be able to use them for our own purposes. And we see how our Enemy is using them, literally orchestrating them, towards its own peculiar ends.
It's that end that we don't like.
[Vol. XIII, #12 -Dec, 1984]
Ripple #1 : Gun Control
My third or fourth thought after the news was broken to me about the assassination attempt on Reagan was that the really jittery and guilt-ridden System bureaucrats will go all-out using this as leverage to try and cram through some antigun legislation. Without exception, all the paid whores within the media picked up the call. The best example was seen on "Sixty Minutes" soon after the incident. They used two Republican Congressmen, one as Devil's Advocate and the other as Conservative Clay Pigeon. Together with the Jewish "moderator", they "discussed the issue". The one opposing anti-gun legislation happened to be from Ohio and used all the typical Conservative arguments which skirted the real point entirely. The one favoring anti-gun legislation was more to the point. He kept harping away on "fifty million handguns out there". (For the record, anybody who'd even use the term "handgun" has got to have some pantywaist in his makeup somewhere and I use the term "pantywaist" only advisedly because I have a much more descriptive four-letter word in mind. Any man with a knowledge of and a respect for weaponry - and therefore someone qualified to speak on the issue - will use the term sidearm or shortarm. The first time you use their terminology - concocted by intellectual queers - you've lost the issue!)