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Page 43

by James Mason

  Fewer people know of the Gary Hinman and Donald Shea killings than of the Tate killings but they form part of the picture equally as important as the rest.

  Gary Hinman had been a student at U.C.L.A. with a Ph.D. in Sociology. (Those again with a National Socialist background recall what Commander Rockwell wrote about Sociology.) Hinman was a convert to a thing called Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and was also engaged at home in the manufacturing of synthetic mescaline. Hinman was also a homosexual. He had made the acquaintance of Manson and some of his associates and his home was known as a hide-out for various drop-outs and drug-users. The stories were that Hinman had been responsible for drug "burns", in the selling of bad drugs, and that he had the habit of making passes at male members of Manson's group. Hinman turned up dead and a number of Manson's people were arrested as suspects in his killing in July of 1969.

  The theory has already been put forth that the Tate killings were originally designed to take heat away from those of Manson's people already being held by making it appear the real killers were still at large. "Political Piggy" was found written at Hinman's place and "Helter Skelter" was found at Cielo Drive. The choice of who and where to strike would have been obvious and would have been a matter of killing two birds with one stone, as it were.

  Donald "Shorty" Shea had been a Hollywood stunt man as well as a ranch hand at the Spahn Ranch where Manson and his group called home part of the time, George Spahn had recently sold the ranch and the new owners enlisted Shea's help as a pimp to try and involve Manson with the law or otherwise aid in his removal from the ranch. Shea also happened to be married to a Black chorus girl. Shea too was reportedly killed though his body was never found.

  The deaths of the LaBiancas which followed immediately after those of Tate & Co. were most likely intended as more of the same smokescreen tactic aimed at the police investigation.


  Would You If You Could?

  As a National Socialist, I am not interested in sensationalism. Instead of gruesome details, I want to know the why and wherefore of things. As with the facts disproving Nazi "gas chambers" plus information on why Jews were concentrated, similar circumstances surrounding the Tate killings are tacitly suppressed. We are satisfied the right people got it in both cases and, if there is fault to be found, it is that the Second World War was lost and that Manson and some of his best people were apprehended and jailed. Call it revolution, Helter Skelter, or whatever you want. It is WAR between Life and Death forces and war means killing.

  The key, as Commander Rockwell said, is that it still remains a one-sided war with the only blows landing being those of the Enemy. You read of it each day. WE - the Whites - are fair game whether it be our minds, our souls, our spirits, our culture, our country or our very blood that is being attacked and destroyed. To the media that is only par for the course. But let OUR SIDE make an attack and you know the results! If you could mount a successful attack yourself would you do it? Would you condone it by others? Do you really KNOW who your enemies are? Do you KNOW what is happening and what is at stake? If there is ever to come a genuine Movement then it will only come about through people who have gotten their thinking straight, for, without the right thought, nothing of any value can hope to follow.

  The killings of July and August, 1969 were prime examples of DIRECT ACTION and in cases of revolution, or national liberation, direct action alone merits the highest respect. Those out front, putting themselves on the line and taking the action, as Tomniasi wrote, are in fact the real LEADERS and are at the top level of the struggle. All else pales to insignificance as events over the past thirteen years would tend to prove. Everything combined that has been attempted on the part of this Movement since the death of Commander Rockwell in 1967 stands at ZERO when compared to the magnitude of and vibrations from that one night in August, 1969, that have continued ever since.

  Neither I nor anyone else has the right to question or judge what happened in 1969, least of all from a moralistic standpoint. It is only that we have misread it for so long. The historic march of events never stops at the death of a single individual.

  However, poor mortals can and do often get out of step with or fail to recognize that same historic march when it reconstitutes itself into another form. We have been thirteen years in the wilderness.

  I do know that with the death of Hitler and the loss of the Second World War the situation was transformed to the point where something very much like "Helter Skelter" most probably already is and shall more and more become the order of the day. I pose the merit of the notion of a series of similar actions by members of the Movement directly on the heels of the arrest of Joseph Paul Franklin in order to have taken some heat away from Franklin and to, as Tommasi would say, "heighten the contradictions".


  Nearer The Truth...

  ...or "How I Broke the Right Wing Habit And Started Living Life". The fact remains that the Truth is One and the conflict only enters because, due to racial differences in the world, the Truth smiles more on some than on others. The Right Wing is a history of deviations, off-channels and side-rails from the mainline of Truth, concocted mainly by those who didn't have it in them to stand in the harsh, naked glare of unadorned Truth. National Socialism has been the closest thing yet to approach successfully the task of putting the Truth to work in reality. But this was done very far away and nearly forty years ago.

  The practice of mixing Truth with lies in an effort to formulate something that the sick masses might accept without much struggle has resulted in the Right having built for itself an insurmountable obstacle of self-imposed hang-ups and restrictions. 99% of everything in the Right goes toward maintaining the facade of this or that particular illusion, whether it be turning the clock back to 1876, 1933, or whatever.

  The National Socialist Liberation Front, from the time I had reactivated it in 1980, and up to the present, has slowly and steadily been gaining acceptance among the members of the Movement having long ago grown sorely disappointed with the totally out-of-touch, cultist, hobbyist, fetishist Nazi organizations that had held the stage heretofore. In NSLF they at least found reality and honesty. But after two years of following this course, it had already become clear to me that the key element was still lacking and we were still a long way from starting the kind of Movement that will catch on, take hold and spread in the manner of all historically significant and successful Movements.

  About one month after I had put out the first issue of the new SIEGE in the summer of 1980, I made my first contact with the Charles Manson people. In the two years that followed, that relationship grew to where now it has become too large to remain confined and camouflaged inside the idea of a fallen Comrade, Joseph Tommasi, whose work I had earlier set myself to keeping alive, as it was the best thing I had run across up to that time. No recorded comment of Tommasi's on Manson is known to exist even though Tommasi was in high-gear operation in the L.A. area at the time of the Tate killings. He, precisely as I at the time, probably missed the greater point to the thing entirely. I would venture to guess however that he would not take kindly to anyone trying to mix "apples and oranges" with regards to the NSLF and Manson. And, as far as Manson is concerned, I was advised over a year ago to forget what I was doing in NSLF and start over fresh. As I feel I must pursue this course unencumbered by considerations of the past, the decision was made to leave NSLF and start UNIVERSAL ORDER, a name suggested to me by the highest authority. (Manson himself.)

  That is what I have now done.


  Universal Order

  In the fabulous book, The Turner Diaries, mention is made of "The Book" which revolutionized the "Organization" from some pitiful thing such as we see today into that which did indeed go on to smash the System and erect a White State, not only in North America but in the entire world. Even according to Turner Diaries calculations, "The Book" has yet to be written. So it is with Universal Order - nothing is written. I am handicappe
d by this in that all I can do for the present is offer my impressions and observations and wait for the day when a complete revelation is offered. I am aware that things of this nature are in the works at present though I'd be foolish to try to place any time-table on their appearance.

  If I were to be asked what Universal Order is, I'd have to respond in language and terms as familiar and easily understood as possible even though they may not be entirely fitting. For those among my former affiliates, I would say without reservation that it is everything National Socialism is and much, much more. It is geared to the present conditions. It is as dynamic as - maybe more so than - National Socialism because its true leader is alive, a contemporary of all of us. It is uniquely "American" and it is NOW. It has no links whatsoever with Conservatism or the Right Wing (or the Left, for that matter). It largely disarms the Enemy because he doesn't know what to expect of it or how to deal with it. It has fascination and appeal to YOUTH.

  [Vol. XI, #11- Nov., 1982]

  Living It

  One essence in the comparison of Manson versus Right Wingism is that Right Wing groups as well as individuals "dream it" and play at it, simultaneously working their System jobs and living their Establishment lives, while Manson and those who follow his Idea LIVE IT by dropping out of the System and by attacking the System. Truly, the same could be said of the conventional Left Wing as well. To attach the necessary political connotation to it, rather than "Mansonism", one would have to say Universal Order in reference to this new mode of living.

  The key is the total dropping out and away from the System. That in itself constitutes one of the greatest forms of attack. Carried to its conclusion, it would effect a moribund System caught alone, isolated in a mass of very angry people, eventually at their complete mercy. Passive resistance a la Gandhi only set in America? Perhaps. It has its comparisons. The Movement is struggling closer to individually - waged guerrilla warfare on the System but it is a long way from tackling the System's Pigs as an opposing army. Yet we must ACT NOW in some manner of an effective yet wisely prudent, appropriate way.


  Universal Order Versus The Left-Right Spectrum

  Even as Commander Rockwell was saying twenty years ago, classic notions of "Left" and "Right" were becoming then, and certainly are by now, obsolete and meaningless. To place this into perspective, by referring to "Left" and "Right", one only expands the context of - while remaining on the same plane as - those extremely foolish ones who still think in terms of party politics. Democrat vs. Republican, Liberal vs. Conservative. The point being that these terms are all equally SYSTEM TERMS, because in reality, at the core of their set programs, they each support the System and are a part of it.

  What has been missing up till now has been a clean dividing line, an actual breaking point where all pretenses of working within the System, by its rules, were dropped once and for all. In short, a complete break with time past.

  As has been said earlier in SIEGE, those who control the System, by having ultimately succeeded in effecting TOTAL CONTROL over every official, recognized aspect of society, business, government, media, etc., have LOST CONTROL over the course of events through having done away with competent, legitimate opposition that could conceivably step in and take over in an orderly manner (as Hitler's NSDAP did in 1933). An incredibly dangerous, explosive situation this is, for it's becoming clearer each day that those in "control" and their minions are losing the ability to hold the pieces together, yet there is no relief, there are no answers forthcoming from any "reputable" direction. This, of course, spells TOTAL COLLAPSE, TOTAL ANARCHY, TOTAL DESTRUCTION. And it shall mean that any babbling about Conservative "a little less of this" or Liberal "a little more of that" will one day be rewarded with a bullet.

  When the mess collapses the obvious will become clear: there is only one correct way of handling elemental human problems - not by further compromise - but through Universal Order. Rather than viewing the world and its affairs from an artificially created vantage point of any outmoded political philosophy, it will be a matter of dealing directly with reality from any point were one finds oneself at that moment. Universal Order means reality applied to NOW.

  [Vol. XI, #12- Dec, 1982]


  Scrupulous honesty is what Universal Order is all about. Charles Manson, who provides most of our current-day inspiration, refers to himself as a Servant in the Truth. Yet in the day-to-day course of revolution and propaganda the necessary use of the lie and the half-truth are repeatedly and often called into active play, many times in order to preserve life and liberty. If we deceive successfully the System and its Pigs, what is lost? Nothing. If, on the other hand, we play as "good citizens" with respect to the laws and the powers that be and succeed instead in deceiving ourselves at the same time, what then is lost? Everything.

  As George Lincoln Rockwell said, in this current struggle for the survival and safety of the White Race, only failure is immoral. We accept that statement literally, at its face, and see nothing reprehensible in the lie as a means to an end, nothing whatsoever. Indeed, it is but one of the weapons in our arsenal against the Big Brother System whose policy has as its very end the Lie.


  Whole People

  Another of the differences between the outlook and strategy of Universal Order and the rest of the entire strata of various "political" groups, one that is so basic it is mainly overlooked or misunderstood, is that Universal Order does not seek to "indoctrinate" or make people over, it seeks to FREE them. While the rest of the political groups both Left and Right attempt to inject their own brand of dogma over top of Establishment distortions. Universal Order would ERASE those primary distortions and let the person BE HIMSELF.

  Political dogmas can be cracked and undone by various methods or just by circumstances alone. One may even grow tired of them after a time. But once a person has been released from the alien and false, unnatural conditioning from birth by a commercial, materialistic and repressive Establishment, then THAT can never be undone. It might even be called "brainwashing" as opposed to the System's "brain-dirtying".

  We do not want System, Establishment people with any kind of veneer of "Conservative", "Liberal", "Left", "Right" who are playing a part in a movie of their own. We want whole people, real people who can see, think and act independently, free of any artificial, phony input which must be, by definition, a concoction by, of and for the past. And these are the ONLY kind of people that can ever make a true Movement.



  I do not use the term in the sense that the Right Wing and the Reactionaries use it when they moan about the System's assault on the family and how the American family has been atomized and effectively destroyed. This is all quite true enough but it has little bearing on what's to be done with regard to the success of the future. Manson had the right idea about Family. It involved people of the same Race, the same Spirit, coming together for mutual security. Most may have turned their backs on their "real" families in order to have found the one, true Family but such is the case with regard to a struggle such as this one with overtones of civil warfare. Hand-in-hand with revolution, with survival, is the elemental component of the Family. It is really the only way the System can be destroyed, really the only way we can survive. TRIBES of White Warriors, bands of White Men with their Women and Children who have drawn together and then pulled away from the System to allow it to fall without taking them with it.

  The only insurance we've got against being picked off one-by-one, being atomized and casually victimized by the System's Pigs is to STICK TOGETHER. Go and get even those most hostile accounts of the Charles Manson Family's days in California 's Death Valley and you'll see how it was done. It must be done again in hundreds of thousands of locations across the country. Again, the Movement has added its own words of direction on how these Family-type units must be arranged to assure at least a minimum chance of success and survival. It's not to b
e done for fun or for caprice, but for LIFE or DEATH.

  [Vol. XII, #1- Jan., 1983]

  A Combination Impossible Ten Years Ago

  Those who have read thus far in SIEGE will know what I have put forth regarding myself, being a former member of the American Nazi Party, and the Charles Manson Family and, I would hope, by now begin to understand the why and how of it. For the rest, the revelations of such things may come as quite a shock, you can be sure. It could almost pass as "shock for shock's sake alone"- the two most defamed, sensationalized groups in contemporary America now linked together, not just by a few in the Movement, but by the System Press as well. Needless to say, it couldn't have happened much before now.

  The Manson people look upon and accept the NS Movement in America with curiosity, some admiration and some dismay. "Hate", they say, "is not going to get it". Trying to live in another time and place isn't going to get it either. To our charges of a monstrous, Jewish conspiracy, they simply counter with the stated belief that people today have a death wish for themselves. We say that without unpolluted, White blood, there'll be no civilization left. They say that without an unpolluted world, there can be no White Race... or any other race for that matter. Most importantly though, they show understanding and are willing to have a dialogue.

  The same cannot be said for the majority in the Movement. A nasty commentary when it becomes clear that media brainwash has not effected their view of us but has, on the other hand, for the most part, effected almost totally our view of them. For me, for all those who are in the least bit perceptive, this fact is most revealing. No one condemned bigotry, prejudice and knee-jerk, snap reactions more roundly than did Commander Rockwell. It comes down to reinforced blindness and ignorance - "redneck-ism". Manson says that the Truth is One. The Movement, for the most, obviously places the codes of dying, decaying, Jewish-subverted "tradition" and "morals" first, ahead of Truth or reality. An even nastier commentary because it has always been so and that remains one more prime reason for the failure of the Movement.


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