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And now - lo and behold - we see it that the arch-reactionaries of the Movement can no longer ignore the mile-high writing on the wall, have admitted that theirs is no "party" at all, have indicated that no such "party" is any longer possible or even desirable under present conditions, and have announced the founding of an "order" of their own, approximately ninety days after the appearance of Universal Order. An admission that the old, phony pretenses of a "party" not only hadn't been producing any results in many years but that the cultist remains from the mid-1970's were in immediate danger of evaporating into thin air. Hence, a new name and a dropping of some false pretenses.
Reality does have a way - after having been ignored and put off long enough of making its presence felt much like a sledge hammer right between the eyes. You can also get a stubborn donkey to move by building a fire under him. How many steps that donkey will take away from that fire, or in which direction, is an uncertainty. But such a dramatic - if long delayed - reaction should be proof positive of the changing times. Blue-skying for fun and profit has been rendered practically extinct by ever-harsher realities that NO ONE can ignore or escape. I regard all this merely as a confirmation, not as anything too encouraging, as I do still expect to see the same, old sales pitch as before for some variation of "Spanky and Our Gang" ideals and mentality. Regulations for how you have your hair cut will most likely persist even while Manson continues to speak in terms of Life versus Death. For the rest of you, those who, as long ago as I, dropped out of the more overt brand of nonsense, I urge again to look beyond the media-created images to the Truth of the matter and you'll see how those differences which may exist between the Movement and the Manson Idea are minor; how survival is everything.
[Vol. XII, #2- Feb., 1983]
Toward The Unity Of Whites
I was particularly struck by one glaring omission made by the communist press in their reports of their mass actions lately in demonstration against KKK and Nazi presence in Oroville, California. They did not repeat one of the main themes still to be found in the Big Brother press, to wit, the involvement of Charles Manson's influence within the Oroville Nazi faction. Almost incredible and certainly too stark and obvious to be lightly dismissed. Do they wish to HIDE the fact of Manson's involvement? Do they FEAR to attack Manson in their publications, to their respective memberships and the public at large? That the communists are far more realistic, pragmatic and perceptive in their understanding of and dealings with people than the Movement has ever been can hardly be denied when one takes a look at the numbers they can throw onto the streets at almost a moment's notice.
Commander Rockwell stressed one point with regard to communist strategy in the United States: the fact that they must somehow bring about the large-scale, working union of Black and White workers or else admit failure. While they have come a lot closer to that goal than the Right ever did toward its goal of a large-scale, working union of Whites from all social strata to the exclusion of coloreds, in terms of national power, they fall critically short and what "success" they have seen in that regard - and to whatever degree that is genuine and authentic - has "blessed" their ranks with the absolute scum of the earth. How about those basically good Whites who find themselves amongst that group out of want of anyplace better to be, who have no great love for Jews or Blacks, but hate the System too much to do nothing?
It could easily be said that unless ALL radicalized, revolutionized Whites can be united, then the dream of Commander Rockwell can never be fulfilled. The effective realization of that dream was also an impossibility during the 1960's and on into the 1970's, at which time the Whites were too badly polarized over trivial, superficial matters, again, concocted by Jews for the purpose of divisiveness. Issues like the morality of Vietnam, segregation vs. integration, the "Generation Gap", Watergate, etc.. Manson - at the time - was outspoken about getting out of Vietnam. Commander Rockwell was on record saying that he believed that segregation was wrong and would not work. The biggest difference was in how various people and groups REACTED to these irritations and outrages thrust into the life of the country by agitating Jews. The TRUTH of the matter, and even the so-called "issues" themselves, were lost in the heave and sway of REACTIONS. Meanwhile, the plan of the Protocols marched onward, practically unnoticed. But today most of the worst of the Big Brother subterfuge that played on the emotions of idealistic-yet-duped Whites has been replaced by REALITIES TOO UGLY TO IGNORE and which are fast driving these people into the same boat.
Leftists could generally admire everything about Manson except his views on race (the most crucial thing of all). Sadly and ironically, the Right allows the lesser, peripheral items to overshadow, in their eyes, Manson's racial and family social philosophy. But then there are those hypocritical, racist "Reds" and those non-conservative, truly revolutionary "Beefsteak Nazis"- brown on the outside, red on the inside - who are instinctively TRUE to the genuine fight, who could and might repeat the mass phenomenon which occurred in Germany when White Men in droves abandoned the fraudulent, Jewish communist "revolution" and became part of the Army of the Swastika (which, incidentally, Manson has retained except in a manner that revolves to the left). The prospect is too much for the Enemy to contemplate.
[Vol. XII, #2- Feb., 1983]
Youth Oriented
Those in the struggle never tire of exclaiming how there is no time left, or at least not much time left, before it becomes "too late". What's more, they've been saying it for thirty years. True, it is too late for certain things to be attempted. In fact, it is true that with each passing year, more and more options are removed. But "too late" is something that cannot be applied in a general sense. A hell of a lot can happen in a mighty short time if only the right moves are made. The "hurry", therefore, doesn't have nearly so much to do with the situation as it does with the fact that those of us looking at the thing clearly want to stop wasting our time and get on with something that's going to prove worthwhile, that will gain RESULTS.
And YOUTH is the name to be applied to the group of people among whom you will find a majority of those who DEMAND RESULTS, not Right Wing bullshit. Manson explains that the older a person becomes, the more frozen they are in the programmed ways the System has inculcated them with. Not only that, usually, the older a person becomes, the more conservative they become in their whole attitude and outlook. Nowadays, and for quite awhile now, people have begun to march to the grave very, very early. The death wish the System implants practically at birth just grows and grows with the passage of time. The most adept social and political movers of all times have known that, in order to have a successful movement, you must get 'em while they are YOUNG!
It is quite true, and especially so to those with Rightist backgrounds, that Youth today is in a mess. Can they be blamed? Their cowardly, hypocritical elders on the one hand having abandoned them over to the care of Big Brother who has done probably the most monumental mass brainwash of any time on them by, first, omitting, eliminating or ridiculing anything of worth in their heritage and then, second, by telling them they're as good as niggers and by filling the vacuum already created with their own brand of insanity. However, as thorough going as the job the Jews have done is, people are still looking - they're still hungry for SOMETHING that rings true and worthwhile. It is Youth that has the most to lose, that has traditionally been the most idealistic and action-minded. Charles Manson exerts a fascination over Youth today, in the entire West, more so by far than anyone else even remotely attuned to what we're trying to do.
[Vol. XII, #2- Feb., 1983]
Manson's Way
Manson cannot comprehend why otherwise intelligent adults would want to try and pretend that this is Germany in 1933 or the U.S. South in 1876 or indulge in any other fantasy to the expense of the stated struggle which is at hand. Having been through this Movement, I can comprehend it - though I'm not proud of it and have found that, in trying to explain it to Manson, the whole sorry thing sticks in my throat. The reason Manson can't u
nderstand it is that he goes on the assumption that any who are in possession of so large a chunk of the Truth, as is the racialist Right, would proceed as he himself proceeds: in total honesty. Those who have seen the light know that the operators within the Movement are a notoriously DISHONEST bunch of fakers and rip-offs and do the Truth the grossest disservice by their very presence.
That's why people can't - at first - countenance Manson: he does not deal in images or gimmicks, only reality, the way it is. Most people simply cannot STAND this. They haven't got the brain capacity or the guts for it. When they look at Manson, they see themselves and they - unless they are right inside - HATE IT. So, for lack of better understanding of it, they direct this hatred towards Manson. Is it any wonder then why we get so many of these reactions from within the Right, having been the haven that it has for all the many cowards and defectives? But the Right can no longer deliver the cheap, vicarious thrills it used to and the curiosity-seekers are thinning out along the carnival midway. REALITY has arrived and business for fakers is bad. If one were to attach a human name to stand for reality, that name would be Manson.
It is Planet Earth, here and now. A Leader who is alive is called for. There has to be guidance, authority, unity that can only be provided by the kind of personality that can fulfill the demands of Hitler's Leadership Principle. Many will be called but few will answer; fewer still will be chosen. This however is not cultism but the reality of the situation. As revolutionary National Socialists, we denounced and abandoned the so-called "mass idea" as worthless. But even a winning minority is going to have to number in the hundreds of thousands and, therefore, the task is every bit as awesome as it ever was. The difference now must be that we correctly assess the situation, accurately perceive what measures are called for and then set our plans accordingly. Only a master of the sense of REALITY can focus through the shroud of Jewish - created illusion, determine the proper course and define the right action.
The Truth Ignored
Not only is the Truth ignored, it is cursed and defamed. Any National Socialist in the world can attest to that. Manson's Idea is the same as the NS Program only that it is, understandably, intended for THIS TIME and THIS PLACE. The vast differences in times and places fully account for the seemingly vast discrepancies between Manson and Hitler. Adolf Hitler was the LAST to offer the world workable, orderly and just solutions AND - most importantly - be in a position to actually deliver. The world's answer to Hitler was the Second World War. It was no fault of Manson's then that, though he wasn't in much of a position to deliver, he did still in all offer the Truth. The answer he received was nine sentences of life imprisonment.
As George Lincoln Rockwell - another martyr for the Truth - said in his writings: anyone so conceited and foolish as to be determined to flaunt Nature's Laws (Truth) may do so but only for a limited period of time. He cannot go on doing so indefinitely. A man determined to flaunt, for example, the Law of Gravity may dive off of the top of the Empire State Building and, for awhile, seem to be actually getting away with it. But then he reaches the ground (Reality) and is judged very harshly. So it is and so it will be with the people of the world. The spirit of liberalism, let alone the hand of Big Brother, cannot refrain from flirting with catastrophe - economic, social, environmental, racial - and the ultimate answer to all this gets closer each day.
What do you do with one insistent upon leaping to their death, or with those who will not hear the Truth but who will go far out of their way to PERSECUTE it? If they won't have it, if they choose to attack it, then the best thing you can do is SAVE YOURSELF. I refer again to those obscenely distorted accounts of the Manson Family experiences on the California desert which are readily available in any community's bookshop (right alongside William L. Shirer's Rise and Fail of the Third Reich, of which one respected historian has commented that the book contains an average of at least one factual error PER PAGE) to show just how Manson and his followers set about doing this very thing. The Movement, too, is more and more thinking in these terms but not with the sense of urgency or the totality which Manson did. Just as with the sinking of a great ocean liner, getting over the rail isn't enough; one must swim hard and fast to put sufficient distance between himself and the sinking ship or else be sucked under by it. So much for urban survivalists.
And so much for passivity. As was said last year, the renewed version of revolutionary National Socialism was built and grew concomitant with the increasing familiarity and devotion to Charles Manson and his Idea. It certainly was no accident that it was revolutionary National Socialists and not some other more or less traditional Movement front that made this transition. Revolutionary National Socialism, from the beginning, was known for its stand on guerrilla warfare against the System. Expressed beliefs and theories are one thing but putting them into practical application and THEN seeing what they're called is quite another. "Terrorism" usually turns out to be the term most often used. That brings us right back around, full circle, to the start: those who start with the Truth, though they may do so separately, ultimately end up together with the Truth, regardless whether they be hailed or cursed by the masses.
[Vol. XII, #2- Feb., 1983]
Helter Skelter
Manson says simply that when the television goes off, the people will go insane. The spell will be broken and what shall Reality consist of other than Hell having made itself manifest on earth? That's when the thought and preparation undertaken today will pay off for those who did more than TALK about the deplorability of it all. And Charles Manson will share no blame for any of it. I would add that the people will go insane trying to place culpability. In all likelihood, they'll kill themselves off in a mad frenzy. I've said before that I want to be around for the finale, but not in the midst of that scenario. I'd prefer surveying the scene of the carnage after it has died down. The bright spot to all this is that, once the forces of the System have been swept away, then Universal Order will be established naturally. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to be on it's side.
[Vol. XII, #2- Feb., 1983]
The Meaning Of Universal Order
The name Universal Order is not one more krinklejammer replacement for anything more properly termed "Nazi" nor is it any head trip, grandiose "organization" designed mainly to enhance someone's ego. In fact, Universal Order is more a concept than the name of any group or organization: universal order as opposed to some kind of localized, specialized, exclusive "order". When order is truly universal - and only then - it will be right, proper and, most of all, everlasting. This will include National Socialism, of course, and by direct implication, it will provide no place anywhere in the universe for alien "order".
Why did Universal Order make its appearance here, in the midst of the hard, U.S., radical Right Wing? Why not among the Left or among the Moral Majority or, for that matter, why didn't it spring forth on its own from virgin soil? Why, in fact, out of the U.S. Nazi Movement? Because, as was said earlier, it is only here where a large enough measure of the complete Truth has resided for so long, where enough idealistic and altruistic individuals have rallied and fought, that Universal Order could take on a solid form and begin its organizational drive outward. It is only among the BEST and most forward-thinking of today's National Socialists that Universal Order could be understood and embraced once these same National Socialists realized that THIS is what they had been reaching and striving for over the past ten years and more.
The most extensive background in the U.S. Nazi Movement serves only as a partially adequate stepping stone to an understanding of Universal Order. Those who so foolishly state that Charles Manson is "hardly NS material" are like unto those of a modern-day Methodist or Presbyterian Church - with all their dogma and "social consciousness"- who wouldn't allow the actual Jesus of Nazareth into their buildings for being in violation of prevailing hair and dress codes. And what would they then term "NS material"? Why, of course, some type mainly suitable for a small role in a Hol
lywood "docu-drama" - a parody of real National Socialism! But I refuse to concede the Movement to these types even though they maybe in preponderance. Hitler had his problems with them and so did Rockwell. They are the "fringers", the coattail-hangers who gravitate toward the strong in hopes some of it might rub off onto them. The trouble is, instead of the association doing them any good, they by their presence, only tend to short circuit the good works of others.
In short, the Movement is in a mess. But then, the whole world is in a mess. Here in the Movement, the problems have been diagnosed and the solutions outlined for literally generations, every tool necessary is at hand. Yet the Movement is retrogressing today. Why? The degree of control by the Enemy cannot be used as and excuse for it is only, as Hitler would say, an obstacle that exists to be broken, not surrendered to. The sorry shape of the people, likewise, cannot be used as an alibi. Hitler also said that the masses are female and that it is up to the male drive to reach them and conquer or win them. No, the problem still rests inside the Movement itself. Too few have started and too many have stopped looking for a new beginning, a REAL beginning to the creation of a True Movement. Things are all out of tune. No one has yet struck the correct balance required to release that first bolt of lightning!
[Vol. XII #3- March, 1983]