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A Thousand-And-One Diversions
Though what a dreary, tiresome task it would be, someone should try to catalog the number as well as the names of all the microscopic "groups" which make up the galaxy loosely referred to as "the Movement". A study in futility and impotency. Every one of them "disguised" as something or another and with all their effort going toward the upkeep of the disguise rather than the expressed purpose. Commander Rockwell referred to these types as "Sneaky Nazis". Mostly, they knew and understood what National Socialism was and is about but had no stomach or self-discipline to join the real fight in earnest.
Note there are no sneaky Mansonites - but for vastly different reasons. From direct personal experience I tell you that the name of Manson can be used for the same purposes the name of Hitler can be used... MINUS 95% of the usual hassles which immediately follow due to the huge job of conditioning that the Jews have done on people over the last forty or fifty years. Most of you in the Movement have not considered the way Manson is at first taken by average people. Young, wild, American, anti-Establishment, and finally, yes, a criminal type but certainly not on the order of what they have whipped up regarding Hitler. Manson scares people but he does so in the way they LIKE to be scared. There is no huge, vague, ugly "thing" attached to Manson as there is to Hitler. After a time, once people have been brought sufficiently around, you may introduce them to Hitler without much risk of losing them. This is but one example of the right balance, the right approach at work.
But the reason there are no sneaky Mansonites is several-sided. Once a person knows what Manson is about, and actually shares it, he is no longer interested or concerned with sneaking around about anything. Who are we trying to hide from? What are we trying to conceal? Who are we trying to kid? We, after all, are the ones representing Life, we have the answers, we have what it is everybody needs and wants. So why should we sneak? (If a person likes to dress up in a 1930's German uniform, for example, I can understand the need to sneak and hide.) But we go forth among our fellows ready at any time to impart Truth to whomever seeks it or will hear it. Second, the "Sneaky Nazis" are several steps below "open" Nazis because they are aware of what they are doing and yet lack the courage and honesty to correct themselves. On the contrary, more Nazis aren't Mansonites for the very reason that they HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING of what he represents. A real Nazi would never reduce himself to some krinklejarnmer waste of time just as one that is part of Universal Order and the whole Manson Idea CONFOUNDS the Enemy (just as it confuses the block-headed, faint-hearted and luke-warm) because it is so NEW (yet timeless) and cannot be copied from, at least, not copied effectively.
Do not deny your prophets, your heroes and your saviors. As long as there is any breach of faith anywhere, nothing positive can ever proceed. It is something that the ignorant and the stubborn will have to live with.
[Vol. XII #3- March, 1983]
The night of the Tate Surprise Party there were not enough good men around to handle the job and so it was left mostly up to women. In Manson's Family the ratio of women to men stood at about five-to-one. Women, then, were Manson's best troop. To go back in time and to change in location, it was women, by their majority, who elected Hitler to power in Germany. Maybe the deadliest built-in source of destruction the U.S. Right has is its attitudes toward women. Ever notice the typical Right Wing married couple? The little lady is ever bitching at hubby to drop that garbage and get a better-paying job. His own kids see him as a poor man's Archie Bunker. That's on a good day. The rest of the time it is off to divorce court. Why? Is the Movement really garbage? Are these women really bitches? The answer is no. The problem in every case lies with the man.
The U.S. Right is made up of frustrated men, men who are afraid of this or that or the other and seek the company of others who are similarly frustrated and frightened, in order to be able to ease their angst and perhaps work out some of their fantasies. What woman on earth would respond to that? Women don't respond to the false macho of the phony para-military of the U.S. Right nor are they turned on by the secretiveness of it all. Because these men are unable to form an effective organization which has the power to take the issue to the streets, to the Enemy, they keep it at home instead to the neglect and alienation of their families. The Enemy knows this and delights in the knowledge. Further, because of all this, the home, wife and family of the average Right Winger - Nazi, KKK or whatever - has become the biggest weak point with regard to System attacks: break a man's home or turn his wife against him and you HAVE him!
Among the Left this is not the situation. Though they may be badly deluded in their beliefs, between a man and woman the commitment is shared and the struggle is shared as comrades. This is one main reason why the Left is so much more successful than the Right: the women are INVOLVED. I've witnessed recent Right Wing attempts at "involving" their few women and it amounts to trying to place them into uniforms and under the same kind of discipline as the men a la American Legion, etc. It doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is it looks about as crappy as the System itself and turns the women off, as well it should.
It is scandalous and notorious that most Right Wing "leaders" are very questionable as to the issue of sexual preference. This follows naturally when one takes a quick look at the mess the Movement is in outwardly - for it is merely a reflection. Hitler, Rockwell, Tommasi and certainly Manson exerted a strong, almost animal, attraction over women and gloried in their company. This quality goes hand-in-hand with the dynamism necessary to MAKE A MOVEMENT. Sterility and impotence remain just that. Women make the most excellent fanatics but they have to be properly motivated and LED. There is something very wrong with any organization that doesn't have its share of women. What is called for today is a strong Movement - normal and natural - to do the job, and not anything weird or introverted. Once the correct balance is struck for attracting women, the rest won't be far behind.
[Vol. XII #3- March, 1983]
Circumstantial Constraints and Karma
There are those who will rule the validity and existence of karma right out the window. As nearly as I understand it, it could boil down to "reap as ye sow". There are references to "good karma" and "bad karma" and, again, the way I take it, it is different from luck in that it is like a cloud - or a rainbow - that follows you around according to some word or deed of yours in the past. It's something that has to be dealt with, or lived with. Rather than hard results to be overcome - in the negative sense, anyway - it is something to be lived down. Real or unreal, it is something which effects the way people receive you, or don't receive you. Like an aura. Furthermore, it can be passed down through time and therefore, it is wise to take care what kind of karma one takes upon himself or bequeaths to his posterity.
No small bit of inconvenience do we labor under to this day with the story of the "Six Million". Though the number of dead has been established statistically at around a quarter of a million and though there were no "gas chambers" as such, still the whole picture of a bunch of "little Jews" being killed rather sticks in the throat of most people. No less with the Manson Family does the matter of the "Five to Die" keep cropping up, despite the fact that Manson himself had no part in those killings. Again, a houseful of minor slime-drippers and, to make matters a hundred times worse, a pregnant female to boot. When people think Hitler and Manson, these are the visions that pop into mind primarily. Such is the "karma" those of us who follow in their path have to deal with.
Personally, as a young kid just coming into the Movement and knowing nothing other than what I had been told by the liberal education system, I never at any time had a problem with the "Six Million". I admit it is strange and unusual but it never bothered me. Hitler looked good to me and I was ready to go, regardless. I was sure in my own mind that he must have had his reasons for killing all those Jews. And well do I recall the moment in the summer of 1969 when the news broke on television of the discovery of the Tate killings - months before the case was cra
cked and the world would hear the name of Charles Manson. Well, too, do I recall thinking to myself at that time one word: "Good". A favorite line when asked if we would condone the killing of women and children in the event of an all-out race war is one whereby I correct the language by adding, "You mean females and offspring?"
Good karma is the kind gotten by Joseph Franklin by killing mixed couples. If anybody chafes at that, we can't use them under any circumstances. Personally, I can see the use of wholesale measures plus being utterly thorough in one's task but, as I fully understand, most people still retain certain hang-ups along these lines. The word is "compunctions"; some are born with them and others are born without them. I was one of the fortunate few. But though we have thought of ourselves for many years now as purely revolutionary and esoteric, with regard to what "public relations" we do still maintain, we still have to struggle to keep matters neatly within the context most readily understood and accepted by the majority. "Reasonability". No less a man than Robert Lloyd told us a long time ago that we'd need to adopt a "missionary" approach. It hasn't been easy and it's not much fun but it does have some good effects.
Getting back to the two historic and philosophic giants who I have spoken of in this segment, as Commander Rockwell never tired of insisting upon - rightly Adolf Hitler DID NOT saddle us with any handicaps whatsoever. The problem only comes in when tiny minds attempt to measure great men and great deeds by their own inadequate standards. It of course will never fit. But if we fully understand who we are and what we want, then none of us should expect or want it to fit. If it were all very pleasant, nice and polite then, like everything else that way, it would mean NOTHING. This is the single, big reason I came to the Movement in the first place as a kid who knew nothing of the usual Right Wing background garbage through which most found their way in. I had looked around and was sick and tired of all the sugary sweet, prim and proper crap that existed around me in society and all of which added up to a big zero. Where there is real adversity, there is real substance and real worth. I wasn't disappointed.
One thing to keep in mind as we go about the struggle today in our own way, in our own time, is that hindsight is always 20/20. What really matters though is what takes place either right NOW or in the immediate future and the plain, inescapable fact is that ANY ACTION AT ALL IS BETTER THAN NONE. Beggars can't be choosers and, I assure you, we are at the moment begging for action of any kind just to break the boredom and the deadlock. Anything would be welcome.
I wrote previously in SIEGE that a little forethought is essential if we are to transform our situation from one of hand-to-mouth to one wherein we are able to actually call a few of the shots. Malice aforethought? Does it matter much should you be unlucky enough to end up before a System court? In all truth, one is far less likely to be caught and more likely to have a much greater impact - and better karma - if he contemplates matters ahead of time in a cool and rational way. Pick and choose, time and place. It is called getting professionalized and WINNING!
[Vol. XII, #6- June, 1983]
Toward Higher Thresholds
Tommasi printed in a very early issue of the original SIEGE, "He who is not busy being born is busy dying." This says, in essence, that there is no such thing as successfully standing still. You are either growing, changing and expanding or you are withering and dying.
To better explain what is meant by my using the term "threshold" here, most have heard of the reference "threshold of pain". Some people are very stoic and won't flinch or complain at the worst discomfort. Others will scream and faint dead away at the mere sight of blood. The first group is said to have a high threshold of pain while the latter group has a low one. By training and by discipline - all backed up by willpower - one can RAISE their own thresholds and thus increase their endurance. How familiar is the sight of timid fainthearts who fear everything which is found outside of Master's Rules? Fear, anticipation, anxiety, panic, shock syndrome and gutlessness. How many of us today may have been scared by that very first police knock on our front doors? Or frightened by that first violent street confrontation with the Enemy? Commander Rockwell wrote that he did not expect to return from that first White House picket in 1958. Here we have the thresholds of fear or of "trouble".
But he did return from that one and a thousand others far worse. A combat veteran of two wars, he had come to grips with an entire new and different situation: confrontation at home. He got good at it, from fighting in the streets to fighting and winning in his own court battles. As far as physical combat is concerned, he knew and he wrote that, in battle, one's adrenaline takes over, provides extra strength and reflexes and also blocks out pain. The pain, as he said, only comes later, if injury is sustained, during the mending. As far as the "trouble" threshold is concerned, Commander Rockwell wrote later that, again, the night after John Kennedy was assassinated it appeared to one and all in the American Nazi Party, even with five years' experience behind them, that, with all the hue and cry raised by the Jewish media that "Hate Killed Kennedy", they would not last the night. Of course, they did last the night and went on and on to bigger and greater things.
So how high can these thresholds go? How much pain is too much? What does it take to shake you? The answer of course is that you set your own limits. Commander Rockwell lived with imminent death for nine years, through countless death-dealing encounters with the Enemy, before he was suddenly shot in ambush by an ex-associate. He always claimed that his audacity kept him alive. He pulled many "publicity stunts" in those nine years, any one of which could have gotten him killed. But he knew, even in his quieter moments, that he was a marked man every second of every day of his life, no matter what, once he openly stood forth and accused the Jews. How many hot-shot punks carelessly risk their lives on motorcycles every night of the week and end up dying in bed at a ripe, old age? What does it represent? Nothing. Because it is all for nothing. True bravery is a constant. It is a singleness of purpose. A complete devotion to a Cause higher than one's self.
Knowing what to expect, or at least being ready for anything, and being totally committed to an Idea is what is required. Being caught anywhere in the middle is a potentially disastrous situation, one that inevitably leads to personal tragedy, which we in the Movement have seen played out many times. The Orientals are noted for a frame of mind similar to what I'm talking about but theirs is passive in nature. Ours, owing to our blood, is anything else but passive. Sustained in the Belief, await the opportune moment and then take the appropriate action. Never be side-tracked, never be tripped up by being distracted by issues of the moment. Always take the long view.
A truly superior state of mind will keep you perpetually ahead of the situation. Just as with Adolf Hitler, be UNSHAKABLE in your determination and your belief. All this can only come with a full grasp of reality, regardless of how you come about that full grasp. As Commander Rockwell outlined in IN HOC SIGNO VINCES, it takes a certain intelligence, a certain amount of guts and definitely sufficient physical follow-up in order to survive and be able to push forward to victory.
[Vol. XII, #7- July, 1983]
There's No Fanatic Like A Religious Fanatic
All who have read thus far in SIEGE will know that I myself am purely political in outlook and am an atheist. However I try at all times to be above all else a realist and lately I've been taking a harder look at what, statistically, tends to make the better, more durable kind of social and political movement. It appears that those movements which have the most to offer to all the human needs tend to do better than their more narrow, confined counterparts, i.e., the cults. There of course can be narrow religious cults, narrow political cults, etc., but the point is that self-limitations should be scrupulously avoided. Instead of choosing to burden and restrict ourselves, we should rather afford ourselves every possible advantage and opportunity.
A well-balanced movement containing all elements of human existence would seem to be the only thing capable of filling the vacuum that is yawni
ng before us as alienation continues to grow from the plastic crap, cheap "imitation of life" that the System offers. Every angle from the most personal to the political and the religious, if that is what people still claim to want. Manson would agree here, himself being more of a holy man than anything else.
[Vol. XII, #8- Aug., 1983]
Revolution Equals Family
To be able to understand the meaning of revolution in these times demands a rethinking of the concept of family. The kind of family we're talking about here bears no resemblance to the so-called "family" as it is known to and among the Pigs of the System; the entity they constantly cry about being torn apart when, in fact, it had long since become nothing more than an evil farce. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the "bonds of matrimony" or even of immediate blood relation. It has even less to do with the threadbare notions of "family man" or the "good citizen" which that first term would seem to entail. The new and true concept of Family is so revolutionary in these times as to become interchangeable with revolution itself. If the machinations of the Jew and liberal have caused a terminal cancer in this society, then it is up to those who wish to survive to produce a new nucleus: the Family.
It means people (and need I throw in 'White People'?) living and working closely together, in harmony and in communion. Not calling it off at a certain hour or on a certain day and returning home or back to "the job". This concept of Family is total. It of course begins with a man-woman relationship and grows outward, immediately following with children. In this screwed-up society, this will as often as not involve men and women of an age that has attained some maturity having gone through one or more "bum" relationships or marriages. It is a fortunate few in this jungle who will find the right mate first off the bat. We are searching and sifting, trying to build something out of the wreckage. We cannot expect to start off with perfection. We must instead have as our goal the constant struggle for perfection. The only true revolutionary is the realist and the only true realist is he who plays the ball as it lies.