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by James Mason

  Winning the hearts and minds of the people takes intense organizing activity and a willingness on the part of the people to get involved and be organized. Both at this time do not exist.

  Since a mass movement cannot be "pulled off" in America because of the anti-mass movement nature of the American people (which stems from their ever-growing apathy), the only recourse for National Socialist Revolutionaries is to go underground and build their own armed struggle to wage war against the State.

  National Socialist activities have never produced one significant political result in the U.S.A. Any mob resistance our people have ever been engaged in has always been spontaneous eruption (like Boston ) with the participation and agitation of no political party or National Socialist act. They did it themselves and without our help.

  Organizationally, the Movement has failed to exploit the opportunities available to create "mass" mob violence against the enemy, even when such opportunities have lingered on. Publicity stunts have always supplanted effective political action.

  There has been no arming the students, no burning of school busses except by mobs totally disconnected with National Socialism, no organization of mass violent demonstrations, and no effort to communicate with the people and provide the necessary National Socialist Political Leadership to gain direct National Socialist successes.

  In Boston, contrary to claims of the old Party, the people rejected the Party and if anything desired help from the Ku Klux Klan, an embarrassment for the Party. This situation occurred because of a complete lack of proper leadership and leadership activity on the part of the Party.

  The Party with their stagnant Prussian tactics were incapable of identifying with the revolutionary youth. Special propaganda and mass organizing did not occur. Just a few stunts, for the newspapers and no solutions for the problems of the people.

  As National Socialist Revolutionaries we must always keep in mind that nothing we do against the System can ever be conceived as "adventuristic". Militant struggle is the key to heightening contradictions. It not only strikes concrete blows against the State but also builds revolutionary consciousness among those involved in the struggle, which is what must happen before we can attempt to build our outside power bases from which to operate while building a popular base of support.

  Building a popular base of support will become mate and more of a necessity and an easier goal to achieve as conditions in the country become worse and worse.

  Our greatest weakness is our belief in our weakness. We have to communicate to all National Socialist Revolutionaries our strength and to show them our strength we have to show them the strength of fighting. We must build confidence within the entire Movement before we can hope to help people and lead those people in revolution.

  That confidence must be based on the idea that as National Socialist Revolutionaries we cannot be stopped by anyone: the System; the Reds; or the Reaction! This confidence must project the image and reality that only confrontation politics, force and violence, can change the anti-White actions of our enemies.

  Only by fighting by any means necessary will we be able to effect political change. We cannot effect political change by projecting a phony, bureaucratic, Prussian image and constantly spouting unrealistic daydreams, such as imagining the masses would ever wish to emulate Stormtroopers. It just won't happen.

  All revolutions, the actual assumption of power, are instigated by the efforts of a tiny few. Those who could possibly participate in such a revolution among the White people in America are not like those who participated in past European struggles. Americans tend to go against the "grain" on practically anything. We are not Europeans and won't respond as Europeans.

  If a revolution occurs in America it will most likely be a violent one sparked by one lone incident and not by a prepared dialogue of political euphemisms. Until that one lone incident occurs, White people will never flock to the voting booths to place their physical support to the direction of helmeted Stormtroopers. They will instead continue to play the present Republican and Democrat party politics no matter how bad things get simply because of their complete apathy towards getting involved with their neighbor's problems. They don't recognize those problems as their own.

  The old Party could not offer any proof of their ability to provide solutions to the problems facing the country, especially when the Party had only one or two real leaders. With such a situation, how could the Party make claims of having the answer? Their past performances give no guiding light at this time.

  NSLF believes that it is necessary to begin development of an armed struggle immediately. We now understand the futility of maintaining the fight for social change within the framework of civil debate. Instead of trying to educate and organize people who don't see it our way, we write them off as enemies and neutralizers of the National Socialist Revolution. This has marked the ascendancy of the purely militant point of view in NSLF thinking.

  We now confine our outreach to the small group of Movement people we consider potentially militant National Socialist Revolutionaries. The NSLF feels that since these National Socialists already know that the System "sucks", all they need is a revolutionary example in order to move into armed struggle themselves. The NSLF will lead these National Socialists through a series of rigidly defined steps, from the lowest levels of armed struggle to the highest levels.

  The levels are determined by the violence of the weapons used. Rocks and "trashing" are on one level, molotov cocktails are higher and bombs are higher still. The highest level is, of course, guns. This tactic of levels includes no political guidelines or flexibility and almost completely disregards mass participation. Levels are defined solely in terms of the weapons used. A mass action involving hundreds using only rocks is defined as a lower level of struggle than a bombing carried out by a few.

  Leadership in the struggle has to do with making things happen. Leadership is the people who are doing it, cutting through diversionary debate, smashing forms and familiarities that hold us back, and through developing and acting on a clear line of how we move to win, redefining the context, content, and meaning of the National Socialist Movement and the Revolution. That's what we call SEIZING THE TIME!

  NSLF is building an underground army. We must spread our efforts to trouble spots in the country, exploiting racially troubled areas and establishing bases of support. At these times we will continue to fan the fires as long as we can, using this chaos to launch armed attacks against the enemy.

  Since our militance is obviously going to lead to a military confrontation (probably with the U.S. Army that is growing ever Blacker), maybe not for the next few years, then the fact that most of the Movement has no consistency of armaments makes us fools. So we must build internally during the new few months. Therefore we should state publicly that we believe in, support, and are preparing for armed struggle; For that is what we must win to effect political change.

  In times of revolution, just wars and wars of liberation, we must love the angels of destruction and disorder as opposed to the devils of conservatism and law and order. To hell with all those who block the Revolution with rhetoric - revolutionary rhetoric or counter-revolutionary rhetoric! We will not make our most eloquent statement in courtrooms and at press conferences, but in the streets of Jew-Capitalist America!

  The choice of weapons belongs to him who moves; and NSLF moves into the streets and we have made our choice of weapons and tactics. The weapon of criticism will never equal the criticism of weapons. NSLF prefers a paralyzed enemy to a well-criticized one.

  Those who can't stand the sight of blood, especially their own, should stay home and prey for those who come outside the master's rules to "move", to DO IT, and pray for victory and not an end to the slaughter. Pray for us to succeed for if we do succeed you will be safe. If we don't, then kiss the baby good-bye.

  Joseph Tommasi


  by Perry Warthan, Universal Order

  The pros and cons of
terrorism have long been debated among revolutionaries from all sectors of political thought. When I was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), or "Wobblies", in the mid-Seventies, there was division between sabotage and general strike. The IWW, like the National Socialists, had their high day decades ago and likewise both generally continue to cling to past ideas.

  When the IWW had millions in its ranks, a general strike could have crippled the System. You may recall that the Czar of Russia was overthrown by a general strike. However, with a membership currently at about six hundred, a general strike called by the IWW would look about as promising as a couple of Stormtroopers leafleting the White House and calling for a White Workers' revolution.

  Sabotage, on the other hand, required few people who, with organization, could cripple the System or, at least, make their demands felt. The System in the mid-Thirties outlawed the IWW and everyone with a union card was soon in jail. The lesson was this: a terrorist organization cannot be a public organization. The Irish Republic Army (IRA), as an example, on the other hand remains secret as it remains effective. It keeps the demand for a free Ireland alive. As soon as England decides that the price being exacted by the IRA for Northern Ireland is too much to continue to pay, they will end up turning it over to the Irish Republic .

  The Irish Republic does not condone the IRA. They do this in order to maintain peace between themselves and England. Otherwise England might attack IRA bases in Ireland just the way Israel does with Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) bases in Lebanon and other Mid-East nations.

  Let us compare the Irish Republic with today's legalistic National Socialist parties and the IRA with America 's future White terrorists. The overground parties will continue to denounce the terrorists though they will benefit from their labor when victory has been secured. It's only proper that they should do this as the overground's membership are not terrorists by nature and there would be no point inviting System wrath down upon innocent, unsuspecting heads.

  Make no error however, when terrorism comes alive in America as a group activity the legal, overground parties will suffer losses in both jailed members and in dropouts. When the System demands blood the legals will suffer along with the captured terrorists even though these legals may be pacifist (just as today's Canadian comrades who are jailed for two years for teaching that the "Gassed Six Million" is pure myth). Such injustice only spurs the terrorist and adds to his numbers. The common White Man in Canada probably doesn't even know of these injustices resulting from Canada 's ratification of the "Genocide Law" or, if he does, he could careless. After all, he's having fun watching Gary Coleman growing up on TV.

  If a Canadian blows up a Canadian police station however, the news reaches sixty million viewers that week. Thus, the cost of one bomb equals sixty million leaflets (which the Movement could neither produce nor distribute). Terrorism is good economics. When the public hears that the "White Liberation Front" has bombed the Toronto police station demanding the release of a certain number of political prisoners serving terms for their use of "free speech", the public is at once informed and this information could not have been more cheaply spread or more quickly.

  I use the name "White Liberation Front" in this article to suggest reality. Future terrorists are of course free to adopt any name they choose so long as it denotes unity of all White forces. Its originators could have been an NS section, a Klan section, or what have you. But in no case would I hope that its use would be adopted by those who merely print one more of the same, old newsletters and operate out of P.O. boxes. Publishers should not set policy because they lack the warriors to carry it out. True terrorists are warriors and it is up to the New York Times, Time Magazine, etc., to print their demands for them. It is a waste of time for those without warriors to vainly call for them.

  The "WLF", by any name, IS coming to America . So far the only die-hard, actual terrorists we've seen have been Puerto Ricans demanding independence. But like the cockroach, they never seem to die out. Just when you think you've got them all, you find you're reinfested again.

  Like the IRA, they don't go away. Sooner or later, the "tenant" must move out and turn the house over to the roaches. So far the White Right has had only "Lone Eagles" such as Franklin, Spisak, Cowan, Long, etc. The public soon gets over the "lone bigot" but they fear the GROUP, for the well-organized group, like the roaches, does not go away.

  The Symbianese Liberation Army (SLA) was small, too small to survive and its organization was all wrong. The WLF would be best built on "Three-plus-One": three privates and one unit leader who's the only contact with the group leader who heads three units. Likewise, three groups are headed by a lieutenant who only needs to know his own three group leaders and captain, who is over three lieutenants. Note that three units are equal to one group, three groups equal to one platoon (forty men counting the lieutenant), three platoons equal to one company with one captain (one hundred and twenty-one men). This system of "Three-plus-One" can be employed right up to the corps and army level.

  In the above arrangement there wouldn't be any "captains" without troops unlike today's "Hollywooders" which have more "officers" than troopers. The "Lone Eagles" could be one-man units and still use the WLF label. Successful Lone Eagles could end up unit leaders as they selectively recruit others by their acts of devotion. Unsuccessful Lone Eagles who recruit Feds or finks can use their hindsight to educate others as I myself now do. The wise man will learn from the mistakes of others. Thus the WLF will be built by those who suffer success. Remember that survival is of the fittest. "Revolutionary Darwinism"?

  The "Army of God" is a new group. Too new to judge its success. They fight abortion by blowing up abortion clinics. Also, their threat to blow up a judge has not been taken lightly.

  While some terrorists do not telegraph their shots, some do. Of course, there are cranks too. Many snakes rattle their tails against leaves but everyone respects a true rattlesnake. "Don't Tread On Me" was once an American Revolutionary slogan and it was no bluff. The "Boston Tea Party" was a form of terrorist theatre, likewise if the WLF painted the Statue of Liberty red (perhaps using an old fashioned crop duster) and called the N.Y. Times with the message: "The whole national government is Red so we thought that the "Great Lady" needed to be Red too." Would it not be the same? Would it not get the message out? For those with a sense of humor but no stomach for violence, this form of action could help fill a few units of the WLF.

  Some will favor non-homicidal violence like the Army of God while others will want to go all the way. No team is bound by the policy of any other. All are independent operators. Later, when mass coordination is needed and the WLF is built up to a large organization, teams and groups can share operations.

  Voice graph analyzers can spot spies. Truth serum can reveal all they know. It wouldn't be surprising if the WLF began mailing the heads of uncovered finks to their federal bosses. Hitler said that terror could only be fought with terror.

  If my peek into the future troubles the weak hearts of those parties who claim they can win at the ballot box, yet never run any candidates for office, it is rightly so. When terrorism by Whites becomes a true menace to the System then Big Brother will begin locking them up en masse. This will become educational for many of today's "leaders". (I suspect they'll maintain an entire prison block just for "Commanders" alone.) Chicken-hearted members will run. Still others will cooperate with the System. Everyone's true colors will be known to all. "Bad publicity" may be the best "Night of the Long Knives" of all.

  In all fairness, many of today's booksellers will be made into martyrs once we get the Canadian type of "anti-hate" laws and these same people continue to publish or sell. A WLF demand for their release after a bombing of an FBI office will reach more TV viewers than all the books and leaflets produced by all of the legal, above ground groups since 1945. For one of the main goals of terrorism is to get your message heard. "Here's injustice; Here's revenge; Here's the solution." To ignore the solut
ion brings more injustice which, in turn, causes more revenge. Countermeasures by the System will only serve to heighten further attacks by the WLF. Such is the fuel of revolution.

  When the public gets tired of fear, they must concede something to the terrorist. In England it will be Northern Ireland. In America it could easily be racially segregated zones. It might mean the release of political prisoners and these, along with other terrorist leaders, could participate in the governments of these zones. Of course, these free zones, just like Northern Ireland , will have to be established for the masses to enjoy at the WLF's cost as the WLF will most likely continue to fight in other areas for ultimate White liberation everywhere.

  What of the terrorist himself? St. Paul said in the New Testament that it was best not to marry but to remain unmarried like him. However, this was no command from God but only some advice. The reason Paul wrote this was because he was at the time a prisoner because of his religious (political) activities. He was advising those of his day that they should expect the same and not to commit others unless they were fully prepared to share the same fate. One cannot expect to be a revolutionary and not be jailed. One cannot be a revolutionary and expect to lead a normal existence. This does not rule out a family but it does rule it out in the commonly accepted sense. Families can be also used by the System as bait and as hostages, "leverage", etc., against the revolutionary.

  Hence, it is probably best that a WLF member remain single - at least in the eyes of the State - and women who desire an active role in terrorism against the System cannot afford to have dependent children. Movement morality must be fitted to the person and specialties of the operations involved.

  Some may want to rob a supermarket the day after payday, netting around $70,000.00, and then finance other, greater operations. Some may decide to become as "wolfpacks". Wolfpackers are rumored to be in existence today, a secret society of "wolves in sheep's clothes" posing as liberal renegades, miscegenators, etc., to lure victims to a sudden disappearance. The idea is said to have originated with the "pseudo-gangs" of Africa at the time the British were fighting the Mau Mau. They looked Black (chemicals on the skin and eyes), talked Black and smelled Black (captured clothes). The Mau Mau never knew the difference until they were shot in the back. One can only think of what a half-dozen or so pseudo-Jew wolfpackers could do in Hollywood society, etc. The WLF will not play by System rules (including those agreed to by legalistic parties).


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