The Third Reich
Page 86
class and ethnic hatreds in, 8–9
cultural flowering in, 8
Hitler in, 2–13, 20, 23
Hitler’s return to, 399–400
Jews and anti-Semitism in, 9–12, 20
Volk, 297
individuality vs., 297, 331
race and, 343
Völkischer Beobachter, 41, 69, 77, 79–81, 98, 104, 115, 125, 128, 134, 149, 175, 201, 243, 256–57, 361
Völkisch movement, 76, 79, 85
Völkisch party, see DVFP
Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community), 31, 38, 73, 121, 151, 209, 304, 313, 317, 318, 321, 330, 333, 334
Volkssturm, 551–52, 555
Volkswagen, 311
Wagener, Otto, 137
Wagner, Adolf, 282
Wagner, Eduard, 452
Wagner, Gerhard, 351
Wagner, Richard, 1, 4, 5, 45
Wagner, Siegfried, 45
Wagner, Winifred, 45
Wannsee Conference, 354, 503–6, 508–9, 524
Warsaw, 466
Weber, Friedrich, 62, 65
Wegand, Maxime, 459
Wehrmacht, 233–34, 265, 449, 464, 489, 502, 531, 541, 548
in Africa, 520
Austria and, 396
building of, 382–86
in Caucasus, 514
Commissar Order issued by High Command in, 479
Czechoslovakia and, 422
desertions from, 550
Hitler as Supreme Commander of, 289, 390, 391
Hitler’s 1937 meeting with top military commanders, 386–89
Hitler’s reshuffling of military command, 390–91
horses in, 449, 474, 494
Jews’ interest in enlisting in, 355–56
Luftwaffe, 377, 385, 386, 387, 422, 438, 441, 457, 458, 461, 465–68, 475, 478, 482, 498, 516–18, 521, 542–46
panzers of, 458, 461, 482, 498, 514–16, 518, 527, 531, 547, 548, 556
Poland and, 425, 439, 449, 452
rearmament, 233, 307, 400
SA and, 276–77, 280, 288
in Soviet Union, 474, 476, 493–96, 498, 499, 501, 502, 527
submarines of, 357, 375, 457, 501, 503, 528
V-1 rockets of, 545
war production and, 542, 543
Weimar, 22–23
Weimar Republic, 35, 49, 203, 335, 338, 372
constitution of, 22, 34–35, 70, 142, 178, 196–97, 203, 205, 216, 27, 224, 234, 236, 244, 254
culture in, 133–34, 292, 294
end of, 229
electoral system of, 169
Reichstag in, see Reichstag (Weimar Republic)
Russia and, 430
welfare state in, 34–35, 109, 137, 157, 160
women in, 172–73, 305, 307
see also Germany
Weizsäcker, Ernst von, 412, 414
Weltbühne, 245
Wenck, Walther, 559
Wessel, Horst, 125–26, 246, 303
Wheeler-Bennett, John, 462
White Rose, 533–35
Wilder, Billy, 293
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 15–17, 20, 22, 34, 251
Wilson, Horace, 408–10
Wilson, Woodrow, 32, 34, 427
Fourteen Points of, 32, 395
Winter Relief, 275, 312, 318
Witzleben, Erwin von, 404, 536, 538, 540–42
Wolfe, Thomas, 321
Wolf’s Lair, 482, 538–59, 538–39
women, 172–73, 305–8
appearance and behavior of, 307
Hitler on role of, 306
motherhood and, 304–6, 308
organizations for, 306
racial breeding and, 304, 308
revolts by, 552–53
sports and, 307
“sham liberation” of, 172–73, 305, 306
unmarried pregnancy and, 304–5, 308
in Weimar era, 172–73, 305, 307
working, 305–7, 386, 519
Beauty of Labor, 310, 341
labor unions and, see labor unions
unemployment, 107, 120–21, 129, 130, 193, 204–5, 259, 272, 274, 318, 335
women and, 305–7, 386, 519
work creation programs, 271–72, 318
Workers’ Press, 84
working class, 104, 120–22, 156, 167, 170–71, 186–87, 191–93, 195, 258–61, 310
Goebbels and, 258–59
May Day celebration for, 258–60, 313
Strength Through Joy program and, 310–11
World Disarmament conference, 272–73, 370–71, 373
World Economic Conference, 262
World War I, 14–20, 80, 273, 335, 369, 374, 454, 475, 517, 526
aftermath of, 12, 20–23, 133, 252
Hitler’s service in, 15–16, 18–20, 23, 66, 273, 318, 459
Jews’ service in, 17–18, 347, 355
outbreak of, 14–15
Versailles Treaty following, see Versailles Treaty
veterans of, 172, 257
World War II, 451–68, 529–67
Allied bombing of Germany, 511–13, 521–22, 542–50, 553
Battle of Britain, 465–68
Battle of Stalingrad, 515–18, 520, 521, 535, 556
Berlin in, 461, 466, 467, 527, 549, 550, 555–65
Blitzkrieg in, 449, 482, 494, 502
Britain in, 452–55, 458–59, 461–68, 469, 470, 495, 511–13, 521
Britain and France declare war against Germany, 440, 449, 451
casualties in, 567
end of, 567
fears of, 374
France in, 452–55, 458–62, 464
Germany invades Poland, 424–49, 451, 452, 464, 471
Germany postpones Western European campaign, 453
ground war in Germany, 551–52
Hamburg raid, 521–22
Hitler’s absence in latter part of, 544, 561
Hitler’s order to destroy German infrastructure in case of defeat, 561–62
Normandy landings, 529–31, 542–43
Operation Sea Lion, 464–65, 468, 469, 470
in Pacific, 501
Pearl Harbor, 501
“phoney war” period in, 451, 457
Soviet Union in, 451, 469–90, 503, 513–21, 527, 530, 549–51, 555–60, 562, 564–67
technology in, 449
turning of, against Germany, 527–28
U.S. entry into, 501–2
U.S. in air assault on Germany, 513
writers, 293–94, 299
Wurm, Theophil, 328
Yalta Conference, 549
Yorck von Wartenburg, Peter, 537, 540
Young, Owen, 106
young people:
dissent and nonconformity among, 322
juvenile deliquency among, 322–23, 532
see also youth programs
Young Plan, 106–8, 110, 112, 113, 117, 135
Young Volk (JV), 302–3
youth programs:
Hitler on, 302
Hitler Youth, see Hitler Youth
Jungmädel, 304
League of German Girls, 171, 304–5, 313
Young Volk, 302–3
Yugoslavia, 372, 476
Zentrum, 16, 17, 48, 108, 109, 122, 131, 134, 144, 159, 162, 169, 177, 181, 199, 203, 231, 247, 254, 262, 262–64
Zeppelin Field, 314–15
Zhukov, Georgy, 559
Ziegler, Adolf, 294
Zuckmayer, Carl, 293
Zyklon B, 492, 525
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