Book Read Free

Something Worth Fighting For

Page 21

by McNiel, Ashley

  I miss you, baby. I miss your smile, the way you throw your head back when you laugh, when you bite your bottom lip, how red your face gets when you are embarrassed. I miss your insane morning hair that you pout at me for laughing at. I miss when you curl up to me and wrap your arm around my waist, and lay your cheek on my back early in the morning. Every little thing you do. You are everything to me.

  I love you, always.


  Chapter Sixteen

  To: Ellie Grant

  From: Atlas Ryker

  May 30, 2014

  Congratulations, you survived! I’m so proud of you and I wish I could be there for your big day but,l,, nm as you know, duty calls. We will celebrate as soon as I get back. Expect a phone call later. I know you’re busy so I’ll make this short. I love you, always.



  “It’s graduation day!” Darcy ran into mine and Atlas’ room. She had been sleeping in Adam’s room for a week now. “We graduate today!” She jumped into the bed with me, laughing.

  “I’m so excited! I wish the guys could be here.” I turned over on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Atlas had told me last week that he wasn’t able to get the approval needed to come back home for my graduation.

  “Me too, sweetie. They’ll be home soon.”

  “I know,” I smiled,“Today is a happy day, let’s make it awesome.”

  “Duh, it’s us, of course this shit is going to be awesome. Let’s go get lookin’ smokin’ hot so we can take pictures for them.” Darcy pulled me out of bed and into the bathroom where we began the long process of getting perfect.

  Two hours later in the dark green flared sweetheart dress Darcy had picked out for me and my hair pulled up in a delicate twist we arrived at the auditorium. Dad was waiting on the side of the building for me. “Well don’t you look handsome!” I pulled on the lapels of his suit jacket.

  “Ellie Belle you look beautiful.” He kissed my forehead. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “For me? Dad you didn’t have to do anything special for me.”

  “I wanted to.” He nodded as two sharp dressed shadows walked from around the corner.

  “Keller! Toby!” I ran over to my brothers, hugging them both around the necks at the same time. “I can’t believe you’re here!” I planted a loud kiss on each one of their cheeks.

  “We wouldn’t have missed it.” Keller patted my back. “We also brought some friends.”

  “What?” I looked around, spotting Andy and Ares from across the sidewalk. “Oh my gosh! You all have been planning behind my back.” I walked over, hugging them both. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too, sweetie.” Andy kissed my cheek. I looked over her shoulder to see the one person other than Atlas that I never expected to see.

  “Celeste?” I asked quietly as she smiled my own smile back at me.

  “Hello, Ellie.” She walked over to me as Andy released me. “You’re all grown up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I nodded.

  “Can I... Can I hug you?” I couldn’t stop myself from throwing my arms around her. She held me tight, rubbing my back. “You’re so beautiful, Ellie.”

  “As sweet as this all is we have to get inside and get ready.” Darcy tugged on my hand.

  “I’ll look for you guys.” I blew them all a kiss as Darcy dragged me in to get ready.

  We were pulling on our gowns and lining up, being inspected to make sure everything was straight. I was bouncing on my heels as Darcy rolled her eyes at me. “Calm down,” she mouthed as the music began and we marched out to take our seats.

  “Welcome everyone.” The dean stood at the podium starting his speech. I admittedly zoned out, like I did every time he spoke, the poor man was completely monotone. Instead I was looking around the room to spot my family. Keller and Ares were making faces at me as Toby shook his head in disapproval.

  I turned around to pay attention when they began to call out names. “Abigail Denise Adams,” I watched politely as they went through the rows before mine. When it was our time we stood up, waiting by the side of the stage as we had rehearsed the day before. “Tyler Dane Fittz,” was called before me as I wrung my hands together, taking a deep breath.

  “Penelope Noelle Grant,” my name rang out clear through the speakers as my family began to cheer loudly. “I want to stop here for just a minute,” Dean Somers said into the microphone as I made it to his side. “Penelope’s father, Master Gunnery Sergeant Benjamin Grant called me up a few weeks ago to see if we could work together on a little project.” I looked out at the crowd, my father was staring back at me with a wide smile. “Penelope’s boyfriend Atlas is currently stationed in Afghanistan and could not be here this evening for her graduation. So we worked with his superiors to get this video for you.”

  My hand flew over my mouth as they lowered the screen and Atlas’ face came up. “Hey gorgeous. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today but I wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you. I miss you so much, and I can’t wait to see you. I love you, Ellie, always. Wait, you know what? I’m not missing this...” I watched as Atlas jumped out of the chair and ran off the screen.

  “What the...” I looked around the room confused. My heart stopped as the curtain on the side of the stage moved to the side. Atlas stepped out in his Dress Blues standing at the other end of the stage. “Are you kidding me?” I gasped and took off running towards him.

  Atlas’ arms flew around me as he caught me mid jump. “Surprise,” he whispered as I grabbed his face, shoulders, arms, and back to his face once again.

  “Are you real?” Please tell me you’re real. Please tell me I’m not dreaming.” I couldn’t catch my breath as I began to cry.

  “Yes baby, I’m real.” He sat me back on my feet, staring down at me. I watched as he dropped to one knee on the stage in front of everyone. “It’s May, Ellie. I’ve waited, I’ve flown halfway across the world and I’m here. I love you and I’ll love you for the rest of my life. You are the reason I wake up, I keep moving forward, and I do what I do every day because it’s one step closer to being with you. I want you with me, by my side for the rest of my life. Penelope Noelle Grant...” I watched him through my tears as he pulled the ring box out of his pocket. “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, of course, yes.” I nodded, throwing my arms back around him. Everyone in the auditorium was on their feet, clapping, and cheering for the two of us. With shaking hands Atlas slid the diamond ring on my finger. “I love you,” I pressed my lips firmly to his as he stood back up, lifting me off my feet again.

  “I do believe she said yes.” Dean Somers laughed as we walked off stage together. I didn’t care about protocol I wasn’t about to let go of him. I followed him straight out of the back doors.

  “I can’t believe you lied to me!” I slapped his chest then wrapped my arms around his waist. “I can’t believe you just proposed. I can’t believe you’re even here! This... just wow.” I laughed, breathing him in.

  “It’s good to see you too, Ginger.” He lifted my face to meet his, pressing his lips against mine. His hands laced into my hair as our mouths parted and tongues met. He was warm, solid, and real underneath my hands as they moved over his back.

  “Break it up you too, there’s plenty of time for that later.” Keller’s voice broke us apart as I stared up at my fiance.

  “Welcome back,” Toby smiled at the two of us.

  “Atlas!” Andy came around the corner with Ares on her heels. She collided into him with tears running down her face. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too, Ma.” He kissed her cheek then hugged Ares. “Good to see you, man.”

  “I think the most important thing to say is congratulations!” Andy clapped her hands together.

  “Thank you for your blessing, sir.” Atlas nodded towards my dad who walked over, hugging him as well.

  “Welcome back, keep her happy.”

  “Yes sir,” Atlas
smiled down at me, “If you guys don’t mind, I know you have a party planned for later but I’d like to spend a little alone time with my girl.” I was on cloud nine to say the least. My man, my future husband was home and in my arms.

  “Go on you two.” Andy smiled at us.

  “Wait there’s someone I want you to meet.” I pulled Atlas away from the group to her standing by herself at the stairs. “Atlas this is my mother, Celeste. Celeste, this is my fiance, Atlas.”

  Atlas looked at me, wide eyed. “You actually called her?”

  “About a month ago. A certain man asked me to consider it and a little over week later I called her.”

  “Atlas, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She held her hand out to him.

  “Likewise.” He shook her hand briefly.

  “I do believe I owe you a thank you. She would have never called me if it wasn’t for you.”

  “I didn’t do it for you, I did it for her.” Atlas said. “She needs you as much as she hates to admit it. We both know how stubborn she can be.”

  “Watch it,” I nudged him playfully, “You’ll have to excuse us. I haven’t seen him in months so I must go hide away with him for the next few hours.” I smiled suggestively up at him. “I’m sure they told you there is a party at dad’s house later and you’re more than welcome to come. Actually I insist that you be there.”

  “I’ll be there, don’t worry.” She laughed. “Go on, we’ll all see you later.” Atlas pulled me away as we headed through the entrance.

  “Were you surprised?” He draped his arm over my shoulder.

  “Are you kidding? Best surprise of my life!” I looked down at the delicate ring on my finger. “Today has been absolutely perfect.”

  “It only gets better from here, baby.” Atlas kissed the side of my head as we reached the car. “Max, I missed you!”

  “I think you missed my car more than you missed me.” I laughed as he opened the door and I ducked inside.

  “That’s not even remotely possible.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I was afraid if I closed them and opened them again he would disappear. As soon as he was in the car my hand was clasped into his. He pulled out of the parking lot, heading straight back to the apartment.

  I peeled my graduation gown off over my head, tossing it into the back seat along with my cap. Atlas nearly drove off the road as he stared over at me. “You’re going to kill me. I come back from Afghanistan and die in a car wreck because you’re wearing that.”

  My head fell back as I laughed. “You can thank Darcy for this dress later, she picked it out.”

  “I’m more interested in seeing what’s under it.” He grinned as we pulled into the apartments.

  “Then why don’t you come find out?” I beckoned him with my finger as I got out of the car, running up the stairs with him laughing behind me. I bounced on my heels as he unlocked the door, pushing it open, and kicking it shut behind us. We were on each other in no time flat.

  I threw his hat onto the couch, as his arms encircled my waist, pulling me to him. My hands ran over his head as he walked me backward down the hallway. His lips were on mine as he opened the door to our room and closed us inside.

  “I missed you so much.” He ran his hands down my sides as he stared down into my eyes. “You said yes.” His smile could have lit up this whole damn town.

  “The answer was always yes, you just had to ask the proper way.”

  “All this time...”

  “Atlas, I love you, you know this, but if you do not stop talking and make love to me right now we’re going to have a serious problem.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to tell me twice.”


  “This is new.” Atlas ran his fingertip over the tattoo on the side of my chest. “I can’t read it from this side.”

  “It was only fair.”

  “What?” Atlas looked at me, confused. He moved over me, his naked body pressing against my own. “Ryker,” he read, laughing, “you got my name tattooed on you.”

  “I did, I wanted it on the same side as it is on your utilities.”

  “It’s... I love it.”

  “Well that’s good, you’re going to have to look at it for the rest of your life.”

  “I really am,” he kissed my bare shoulder, “We’re going to be late to your party.”

  “Do we have to go?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Can we come back and do this again afterward?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” He laughed, kissing my lips quickly. “Wear the green dress.”

  “Yes sir.” I scrambled out of bed, redressing in the clothes I had on earlier. “I’m never going to get my hair back up.” I laughed pulling the pins out of my fallen hair.

  “Don’t worry about it, you look beautiful.” Atlas smiled at me from the bed. “We’re getting married.” He laughed, propping himself up on his elbow.

  “I can’t believe you’re still shocked about this. You knew I was going to say yes. Ma caught me looking at wedding dresses online while I was there over spring break.” I rolled my eyes. “Come zip me up.”

  “I preferred unzipping you.” Atlas winked at me as he stood up stretching. His hands worked the delicate zipper as I held my hair up.

  “When do you want to get married?” I looked at him over my shoulder.


  “Excuse me?” I laughed, dropping my hair.

  “Tomorrow, I want to marry you tomorrow.”

  “You’re crazy.” I turned around to see him sitting on the bed in a pair of black slacks.

  “I’m serious, Ellie, the wedding is tomorrow. I have been emailing everyone for months, everything is taken care of.”

  “You planned our wedding?” I stared slack jawed at him. “You planned our wedding from Afghanistan?”

  “Yes ma’am, I did. With a lot of help. Between Ma, Darcy, Ben, Katie, and my dad everything is taken care of. All you have to do is show up tomorrow.”

  “Holy shit,” I sat down next to him, “we’re getting married tomorrow.”

  “Yes ma’am we are.” Atlas walked over to the closet, pulling out a dark blue shirt. “Someone has been in my clothes again.” He looked at me, amused.

  “I would have put them up if I knew you were coming home.” I stuck my tongue out at him, putting my heels back on.

  “You know I don’t care. This place is cleaner than it ever was when it was just me and Adam.”

  “How are the guys?”

  “You’ll see Adam later today and Caleb tomorrow. They’re holding up. We know it’s all part of the job but it doesn’t make it suck any less.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, I am too.” He sighed buttoning up his shirt. “This is a happy day. Lets be happy.”

  “I am happy, incredibly happy.” I walked over, straightening his tie. “You look handsome.”

  “I try.”

  “Put your shoes on, let’s not keep our families waiting.” I opened the bedroom door, staring down at my hand. Graduation, surprised by my man, and engaged today, married tomorrow. Life was moving fast.

  “I’m ready when you are.” He rolled up his sleeves, as I popped his suspenders playfully.

  “I’m ready.” I picked up my bag off the floor as he opened the door.

  “Ben’s house?”

  “Yes sir.” We got in the car, Atlas driving as usual.

  “Tell me about what you did while I was gone.”

  “Oh you know, got a tattoo, showed up at your Mom’s house without notice, finished school, considered quitting my job about eighty seven times, cried, wrote music, recorded new music for you, and pouted, a lot.” I laughed as he shook his head grinning.

  “You have me for the next two weeks.”

  “Two weeks sounds amazing. You’re not allowed to leave my sight.”

  “I had no intention of it.” He turned into my dad’s packed driveway.

  “Wow there’s a lot of people

  “There’s a lot of people who love you, me especially.” He kissed the engagement ring on my finger.

  “I don’t have you a wedding band!” I gasped, causing him to laugh.

  “It’s been taken care of, baby, I promise.” Atlas climbed out of the car as Keller opened the door for me.

  “Busy day?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down as I swatted him.

  “As a matter of fact...”

  “I was joking! I didn’t want to know!”

  “What Keller? What’s the problem?” I pushed him with my fingertips. “Little sister having sex with her fiance?”

  “Come on, Ellie!” Keller cringed. “I have this urge to kick him in the teeth thinking about that!” I laughed as we walked upstairs, around the porch to groups of people scattered around chatting. “The happy couple has arrived!” Keller announced to applause. Atlas dipped me back, kissing me soundly on the mouth. I held my finger up to show them one minute then wrapped my hands around his neck holding him to me.

  “Alright you two,” Darcy whistled, “We don’t want to watch you two make a baby right here.”

  “Have you told her?” Dad asked as he looked at Atlas who was setting me back up to my feet.

  “I did,” he said as he stared down at me. “We’re getting married tomorrow!” The few people who didn’t know gasped.

  “I have your dress.” Darcy clapped. “I’ll show it to you later.”

  “Did I miss the party?” Adam’s voice came from behind us as I smiled at Darcy.

  “It seems one of my groomsmen has finally arrived.” Atlas slung his arm over Adam’s shoulder. “Darcy Thomas I found this guy out in the sandbox, I thought you might want him.”

  “Oh my God...” She pushed through a group of people, throwing her arms and legs around Adam. “You’re here too.”

  “Yeah, sweetheart, I’m here too.” We looked away as Adam kissed her, giving them the private moment they needed.


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