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Dawn of Defiance

Page 11

by Dempsey, Albert

  Nathan too was surprised when he heard the good news that they were going to get help. It was not the reaction he expected.

  Was he wrong to doubt them?

  Later that night, those who chose to follow Nathan were allowed to gather at the far side of the barn with the basic survival equipment they needed. Samantha was also there, helping out, but mostly to ensure that they did not take more than they needed.

  Nathan was very grateful to Samantha for arranging the hacked ISIS device for them. At least this way they could warn the others if something was happening. The portable device was first class, just like the other units with ComSat communications. Digital feed from any location in the world, as long as the subscription was fully paid (and it was paid for, by their international sponsors), it could not be shut down locally. It had also undergone some modifications, to make it private and untraceable.

  Nathan was getting anxious and wanted to get them moving out. They would get a lift as far as possible with the truck, almost fifty kilometers towards the Tankwa Karoo National Park. From there they were on foot, and their location would be a secret. Nathan had insisted on it. Some thought he took the clandestine operation a little too far, except Chantel. She backed him up with everything he said.

  It took almost two hours for them to leave the safety of Mt. Carmen with last minute gathering of equipment and survival essentials. With the group now ready, they piled into the back of the old truck that ran off bio-diesel and drove off in the dead of night. Driving along bumpy dirt roads, taking them almost two hours before they got to the drop zone Nathan had selected.

  It was freezing in the back of the truck and the canvas covering flapped from side to side, letting the cool mountain air in. They all sat together, huddling for warmth.

  Suddenly the truck stopped and Nathan jumped out of the front and made his way to the back. He felt the cold for the first time. At this altitude, they would have to get moving fast.

  "Okay, all you lazy lot, out!" he said as he dropped the steel flap down.

  Within no time they had all mustered next to the road, looking out at the wilderness and stars.

  From there they would have to foot it another fifteen-odd kilometers through farm lands to the Nature Reserve. Some objected silently, thought he was being too cautious. Nathan told them it would be a two-day hike. He had visited the Reserve only once before, but his memory still served him well.

  The remote area to the east would be perfect as it had water and abundant wild life, especially buck which they could hunt. Those who claimed to be vegetarians would soon be put to the test.

  When the truck had finally left, Nathan called everyone together and said a little prayer before they started on their way. Walking along a dirt road for at least two kilometers they came to junction. Crossing over they made their way into a ravine and stopped next to a six-foot fence. It was different from the other farm fences as it was designed to keep wildlife in and poachers out. Nevertheless, without much effort, it took less than ten minutes for the whole group to scale the fence.

  "Okay guys, we're now trespassing, so remember to keep quiet and watch out for any sign of life. But the rules are simple; stay close, stay in line, and do not panic. If we come across any dangerous animals, stay together, move close. Trust me, we can handle anything that comes our way, but it's best to avoid a confrontation. I will lead the way, with Riaan up front. Zane and Hannes will form the rear guard and the rest of you will be in the middle."

  He paused for a few seconds.

  "We will rest every hour. It's about five kilometers to the other side of the valley. There we follow the river until we reach the koppie, and then down into this area here," he said as he looked at the display map on the ISIS screen.

  They all followed him like a bunch of school children out on an excursion. Nathan had however secured two compound bows and one high spec cross bow with telescopic sight for hunting. He issued them to those he remembered were the best shots. However, tucked away deep in his jacket pocket was Nicole's 9mm she gave him. Nathan decided it best to keep it a secret until much later on.

  Anyway, most were reasonably good shots with the bow, as all at Mt. Carmen had spent many hours target shooting. The group felt safer knowing they had some measure of protection. In the distance the sound of the wild sent some to a new level of anxiety. A jackal had signaled his disapproval at their intrusion.

  With the moon now high in the night sky, the group set off towards the distant mountains. A bright cluster made up the Milky Way, and with less than four hours of hiking, the pace was set by Nathan.

  Turning around, Nathan looked at his new squad; a faint line of troops behind him……memories of Israel came flooding back. Leaders always lead from up-front, not like the new generals, safe in their bomb proof bunkers. An unfamiliar sound echoed through the cold night air, catching his attention.

  There was so much he still needed to learn from the African bushveld. It was all very strange to him, but being out of his comfort zone, it felt great and he felt alive. Little did they know that Nathan was not taking them to the Nature Reserve. He had somewhere else in mind.

  Chapter 11

  "A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And then to have the ability afterwards, to explain why it didn't happen."

  Sir Winston Churchill

  It was a typical blue Monday at DGM. Everything that could go wrong did, and Kate was still physically and emotionally drained from last Thursday's terrorist attack. Spending the weekend confined to her apartment as a result of the imposed curfew played havoc on her already tormented soul. Not to mention, she had now run out of AKA. Things at work had also turned nasty as Julia had now involved her director boyfriend in her campaign against Kathryn Baxter. Needless to say, Mondays were never Kate's favorite day.

  Adderley Street had already been cleaned up as maintenance crews worked all through the weekend to repair the damage. Virtually all signs of any rebellion had been cleared up. It was as if it never happened. Yet, the backlash meant certain liberties would need to be addressed; the curfew was just one of them. Slowly the freedoms she once enjoyed as a child had been gradually eroded away and like so many others she had to accept a system she never even voted for.

  It was strange to think that once upon a time a person could travel anywhere they wanted to within the borders of their own country, without an iBand or facing countless checkpoints and the dreaded Zone Police. But history always repeats itself in one form or the other. The Blacks in the old Apartheid system also needed a pass to travel and many spent countless days in jail, and some disappeared altogether. However, the rich elite always had privileges and they always would, especially when it came to corruption and the need to provide for one's family. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

  The ISIS revolution had reached new heights of innovation as more and more applications had been embedded within the system. However, the iBand devices had a few security drawbacks which needed urgent attention. Regardless of which new applications came along, it still irritated Kate more and more as she began feeling trapped within a modern society and its system of technological enslavement.

  Was she after all just another faceless nobody; a worker reduced to a number and constantly being monitored? Slipping into a hot bath was instant relief for her tired mind and body, and the day's stress seemed to melt away. Candles burned dimly, giving off just the right amount of light for her exhausted eyes, which burned from endless monitor glare. Yet, tonight she had one more task to complete, and then she could relax for good.

  Thank God today is over, Kate thought.

  Her leave had finally been approved and she could not wait to get away to the Rustenberg Spa in Stellenbosch for a treatment. She even looked forward to taking the train ride as the countryside was beautiful this time of year. As she lay in the bath, Kate felt it was time she began to put herself first. Her body was exhausted from long
working hours, not to mention her mind which seemed stressed to the point of a complete meltdown.

  Just one more little delivery to make, and then she would be free from Kazak at last. His message was clear as day: it had to be done tonight and he insisted that the package had to be collected before 7.30 pm this evening. That was the last thing Kate felt like doing, but she gave him her word.

  With heightened security levels in place, many civilians were automatically restricted to their area of work and residence, however, this did not apply to Kate as she was a registered journalist which automatically gave her freedom of movement across all access points.

  The curfew, in a way was a blessing, as there was almost no traffic on the road; not that it mattered much to her. She drove an electro-scooter, especially configured for city travel, and fully charged it could go for 200 kilometers. Zone checkpoints had logged her movements which were automatically updated; they could pull her travel history any time they wished.

  Tigger her cat always sat with her when she had a bath, right on the edge, just watching the light reflect off the water. He only fell in once and since then had never made the same mistake. But still, he was mesmerized by the reflection and the bubbles that covered Kate in a cocoon of foam.

  Feeling very proud of herself, Kate had already made changes to better her life. It had been three days since her last indulgence of AKA.

  Tonight I will close another chapter in my life, and when this is finally over, I will be free, she thought as she submerged herself beneath the warm water, sending Tigger scattering for safety.

  There was nothing worth staying for, and that included any notion of her ex. It still pained her from time to time just how much they used to love one another. The last time they spoke was over three months ago and perhaps it was for the better. Work still treated her well financially, but the demands came with high stress levels and a pressure she was not willing to endure any longer. Kate knew things would change, and they needed to else she would implode.

  If only I could see the future and what pathway to take.

  Finally, getting out of the bath, she dried herself and got dressed into something warm. March was cooler than she could remember, so Kate put on her thick denims and her leather jacket to shield her from the icy cold. It had a fur collar which complimented the trim on her boots. She decided not to put on any make-up; she needed to give her skin a break. So, after feeding Tigger, she snapped on her iBand, grabbed her helmet and took the staircase down to the basement to fetch her scooter.

  Only one hour before curfew, ample time to drive along Beach Road, past the scanners and then into Camps Bay; it would be a breeze at this time of day. Not that it bothered Kate as she had special clearance anyway. Zone Patrols still randomly pulled citizens over to implement standard security checks, and the compulsory search would no doubt put her in danger.

  As predicted, Kate glided effortlessly along Beach Road, through the road scanner at Clifton and past the Zone Patrol as she entered Camps Bay. They did not even look at her. A scanning bridge was erected over Beach Road to pick up all the relevant vehicle codes. Her motorbike tag broadcast it’s VIN code, which was automatically verified. No need to be stopped, unless some infringement was noted.

  Finding the house was very easy indeed. Kate punched in the address and the GPS system on the iBand guided her to the front door. She remembered driving past the house many times before because it was an impressive show of wealth. Camps Bay was a stunning suburb and she had spent many days on the beach there, soaking up the sun. That was one thing she would dearly miss when she returned to the UK.

  These people are loaded, she thought. The upkeep of such a property was enormous.

  Kate parked her scooter on the sidewalk and made her way, helmet in hand, to the massive front door. Pushing the bell brought back memories of visiting her grandmother; it had the same tune. So much had changed in the world but certain things still remained cemented in nostalgic memory. It was the simple things that kept us connected to the past, even if it was the sound of a stupid bell.

  A hidden speaker asked who was at the door.

  "Hi, this is Kate," she replied.

  The door glided open silently to reveal a petite woman in her late thirties with medium blond hair.

  "Hi Kate, come in, come in," she said.

  The entrance hall was elegantly decorated with avant-garde art deco statues; very stylish and trendy.

  Yes, these people have money, Kate thought.

  "My name is Cynthia,” the woman said. "Do you want something to drink, sweetie?"

  I must look sixteen for her to call me that, Kate thought.

  Just then the woman's husband came into the hallway.

  "Hi, sorry, I'm Andy, welcome!"

  They shook hands like business partners.

  "Would you like something to drink?" he asked.

  "Some fruit juice, if you have any," she replied as she followed Andy to the lounge.

  "Lovely, some fruit juice for our guest," he said to his wife who had returned to the kitchen.

  The sitting room was smaller than she would have imagined but it definitely had an interior designer's look and feel. Everything had its place and purpose. Sitting down on the expensive leather couch she glanced at the only item out of place; a carefully wrapped package on the coffee table about the size of a shoe box.

  "Yes, that's it," Andy replied as he casually sat down opposite her.

  Kate pretended she did not notice him staring at her, running his eyes all over her body. It always made her feel uncomfortable. Instead, she tried to focus on the parcel, wondering if it would fit into her carry box on the scooter.

  But Kate did notice. She resented men who thought they could impress women with their wealth. Some men were so transparent at times.

  Cheating bastard! She thought to herself, and then smiled.

  Kate could tell by his eyes. Hopefully someday when she married, it would be for love and not wealth. The couple kept on talking about their wonderful dogs. It was a trivial conversation designed to numb the moment, a complete waste of time and she could not wait to get out of there. All Kate could hear was gibberish emanating from those fake sparkling white teeth; it was all for show and all so shallow and phony. Even their happiness was a charade, going on and on with empty laughter. She couldn’t wait to get out of there and be on her way. Then it everything suddenly went totally silent as if someone had put the volume down. A high-pitch ringing in her ears made her realize in a moment what was happening, before the darkness overcame her and she fainted on the sofa.

  She was out cold.

  The couple looked at each other, but it was the woman who smiled. Cynthia gave it a few seconds before she made her way over to where Kate had slumped over on her side. The fruit juice that Kate so complemented on had been spiked with a sedative that would see she slept for hours. Perhaps they could test the merchandise out first for some fun first, as Kate was a beautiful specimen.

  But this was business and they were professionals. The woman styled Kate against the couch, fixed her hair and then stood back to take a few photos with her iBand.

  All the while Andy just looked on, the thoughts of violation raced through his mind, but Cynthia would have none of it. Her reputation was at stake. Anyway, Kazak's orders were crystal clear.

  With the images already on their way, she knew it would only take a few more minutes before the client agreed on the price pre-negotiated by Kazak himself. The poor girl was out cold. Cynthia sat next to Kate and swept her hair out of her face. How easy to ensnare those who were too trusting. She felt Kate's pulse; it had a slow rhythm, but all signs were good. A message arrived from the client; he was pleased and looked forward to taking delivery.

  Cynthia prepared Kate as she went through all her pockets; running her hands all over Kate's beautiful body, feeling for any personal effects, and removing all jewelry. Finally she stopped at Kate's designer iBand and unclipped it. They would give this to Kazak
as proof of the exchange. Cynthia deactivated it and gave it to Andy.

  “Here, take the battery out," she told him.

  She lay Kate out on the sofa to make her comfortable and fetched a blanket to keep her warm. After all, she had to protect her merchandise as it was a substantial investment.

  Then she switched on the TV and began flicking through the channels, all the while she played with Kate's hair.

  It must have been an hour before Kate started to come around. But she was alone on the sofa. Faintly she could make out the sound of the TV and the two people sitting at the dining room table across the room. Kate remained completely still, with eyes closed, as she listened to the conversation; they were laughing and drinking.

  It soon became evident that the man was nothing more than an employee of the woman. He followed her orders; perhaps drinking with her was just one of his duties. They stopped laughing when the iBand on Cynthia's wrist received an incoming call.

  "Yes, she’s fine," Cynthia said, glancing over at Kate. "She will probably be out all night.

  No, we will leave within the hour, I promise. Yes Kazak, she’s alright. Why are you so worried with this one? No, all is well, trust me, I have dealt with many girls, so I know what signs to look out for. We will let you know as soon as she has been delivered, ok. No, it's in Camps Bay, so no need to cross any checkpoints. Ok Kazak, fine. See you then," she finished off.

  Kate could not believe what she was hearing. It was all starting to make sense now, and Kazak was behind it all.

  The bastard……the fucking bastard, she thought.

  She almost wanted to cry, but dared not to. She knew Kazak was involved in the sex trade, but not like this. She thought all the girls knew what they were getting involved in.

  We're supposed to be friends, she thought.

  A shudder went down her spine, but they never noticed it. Cynthia spoke to Kazak about the payment and the other girls she had access to if he could negotiate the exchange. They even talked about skin and hair color. But it was the age that really repulsed Kate the most.


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