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Dawn of Defiance

Page 12

by Dempsey, Albert

  The bastard, she said to herself again. I will get you for this.

  It must have been another twenty minutes before they finally stopped drinking. Andy came over and picked Kate up with the slightest of ease and followed Cynthia downstairs to the garage. Kate's heart was racing, she knew her time to escape would have to be soon. Just then Kate noticed that she wasn’t wearing her iBand, and that was a problem, but escape was her only priority. Still faking it, she lay in his arms like dead weight. Once they had placed her in the SUV, the garage door began to open.

  "Get her bike, quickly, and bring it in before someone sees it," Cynthia barked.

  Andy ran over to where her bike was parked on the side walk and struggled to move it, the handlebars were locked so he had to drag it towards the garage.

  Now was the time!

  As Cynthia was about to close the rear car door, Kate's foot shot out, hitting her square in the face. The force of her kick sent the blond flying into the workbench and spilling onto the floor. When Kate got out of the car and stood up, she could tell things were not completely right. The room was still spinning but the rush of adrenalin quickly stabilized her. Cynthia let out a terrifying scream that startled Kate. By that time Andy had dropped the scooter and came rushing into the garage. He chased Kate around the car, grabbing at her, but she stayed just out of reach, as he cursed and grunted after her.

  "I'm going to fuck you up when I get you!" he said.

  Kate knew if he caught her she was dead meat, so she screamed and ran faster than before. The sudden burst of energy was all she needed. She threw things in his way; the toolbox, paint tins, but it was the weed-eater that did the trick sending him crashing to the floor. Kate dashed out of the garage and ran down the road as fast as she could towards the Glen and Signal Hill just beyond it.

  He may have been strong, but he was slow getting up and the chase did not last long; he finally gave up after a block and leaned against a lamp post, trying to catch his breath. His drinking habit earlier that evening had been Kate's saving grace; perhaps they were not as professional as they thought. Not to mention that Kate's system had developed a tolerance to AKA; the spiked drink they gave her was quickly absorbed into a body already accustomed to a much stronger cocktail.

  It was about fifteen minutes before Kate's adrenalin finally ran out and she stopped running, her muscles could go no more. She lay down and hid in some bushes on the side of the pathway and listened. No one followed and all she could hear was the sound of her heart beating in her ears. The trail she had chosen wound its way down through the Glen, past the old Boys Scouts Hall and up along Signal Hill.

  Kate followed the pathway that hikers used until she had to cut across through the bush to the bank of trees that ran along the mountain. She would not dare to venture out here at night by herself, but this was a matter of life or death. The gusting of the wind through the trees only added a spooky veil to her already terrifying evening. If the Zone Police caught her here without her iBand on, she would spend the night in detention until they verified her identity. But that thought was not entertained, as far worse things lived in jail than the creatures on Signal Hill. Yet, not all creatures were of the animal kind.

  Kate could see her apartment from where she was hiding in the bushes. It was less than two hundred meters away. She had made it so far without being spotted.

  Thank God I'm almost home, she thought.

  The curfew was still enforced, which spelled big trouble for those caught outdoors. Creeping closer along the shadows she made her way down to Ocean View Drive, ever watching out for patrols. Instinctively she froze and then crouched down behind a small wall, as dread had its hold on her once again. Two men were already waiting in a parked car outside the main entrance of the building, not even bothering to conceal themselves.

  Who the fuck are they? She thought.

  From the look of them they were probably Kazak's connections in the Police Force. Now Kate felt her world begin to turn upside down; she had to get away. The Police would never believe her and who knows what they would do to her if they caught her. She had read articles of girls being gang raped on many occasions by the very officers who were sworn to protect them.

  It was no use; she would have to find another way. All she wanted to do was go home and lock the door. If only she had her iBand she could call someone for help, but thinking about it she realized there was no one she could rely on anymore. She had no friends. Without the embedded access code in her iBand she was also locked out of her own flat.

  Damn it, she thought to herself. What now?

  Kate crept up the road again, further away from the safety of her flat. Sinking down behind a wall, she felt like crying. The tumble she took earlier had ripped a cut into her denims, and blood had already started to clot.

  My life is crumbling down around me.

  All she needed was to get to a friend and to use their system. However, the closest person was the last person she felt like seeing: Warren.

  What is he going to say? He probably doesn't even want to see me again! Kate thought about it a bit more but realized she had no other choice.

  Oh God, wherever you are, I ask you to please help me. I have no one else to go to. Kate felt hypocritical as the prayer left her lips.

  It was another hour and a half before she finally arrived outside Warren's house in Tamboerskloof. There were a few moments when she had to dive for cover to avoid the patrols. She could not believe it but Warren was actually the only person she could turn to. Now just the fear of ringing his bell sent her heart racing again as she pushed the button anyway and waited.

  What am I doing? She thought, wishing she never rang it.

  Then she pushed it again, hearing the same familiar ring more clearly. It was only after the second ring that he answered.

  "Yes, hello, who’s that?" Warren asked in a sleepy daze.

  "It's me, Kate!" she said more clearly. "Sorry to wake you Warren, but I really need your help."

  Silence still greeted her.

  "Is that you Kate?" he said in a serious tone.

  "Yes, it's me, and I really need your help."

  With a click the security gate opened and she went in. Feeling safe again behind the high walls she made her way to the front door. Lights went on as he made his way downstairs. Opening the front door Warren just stared, obviously shocked at what he saw.

  Kate looked a mess and she was covered in mud and dirt. Her pants were ripped and her hands were bleeding from the scratches she received while crawling through the fynbos. Blood had already stained her clothes and she looked desperate for sanctuary. Warren just continued to stare. He was speechless.

  "Oh, my God!" he exclaimed as he moved towards her.

  It was only when his arms went around her that she finally burst out crying.

  Chapter 12

  "When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” Nelson Mandela

  Nicole plunged headfirst into the water and sank down to the bottom of the pool, where she finally escaped the scorching heat which hung around 42 degrees Celsius. Work always grounded to a halt during midday, when the sun was at its most intense. As the blue coolness engulfed her, she could not help but think about him. Nathan had not even bothered to contact her; it had already been four days, no text messages, nothing!

  Her father went to the hardware store in Clanwilliam to get some supplies, building equipment and wire to mend the fences, as thieves had once again struck in the middle of the night. The loss of another two sheep would be added to the list of valuable items stolen over the last week. Now well into March, with no leads or arrests, the thievery continued un abated.

  The Kruger's farm was relatively well-stocked, but loss was still felt by those who relied on the farm for a living. A portable generator had also mysteriously disappeared without any of the staff knowing anything about it. Yet, regardless of all the hardships, Nicole still longed to have her own
farm with its own set of problems, but only with a good man by her side where they could build a future together, and definitely start a family. However, she knew that someday the responsibility of running the family farm would be past to her as Warren had shown no interest in farming at all.

  She tried not to think of Nathan anymore, but no matter how hard she tried it was still there; her longing for his presence, and his arms around her.

  I don't want to run this farm alone, she thought to herself as she sunk to the bottom of the pool again where the water was coolest.

  Suspicions concerning her father's health started to surface again and perhaps, subconsciously, she began preparing for the inevitable. He had lost a lot of weight and his erratic sleeping patterns did not escape her notice either.

  Oh Dad, I don't want to lose you as well.

  Slowly surfacing just before her lungs could take it no more, and then inhaling her deepest breath she sank down to the bottom again where she tried to escape from her thoughts.

  Everything looks so surreal down here!

  Why am I here, in this lonely place when I should be out enjoying my life?

  Is this how it's going to be, going slightly crazy little by little every day? She thought.

  Hours tossing and turning at night; thinking about her life, her lost career and her two failed relationships had resolved nothing. She was still in limbo and without direction.

  Why do I feel so lost?

  Nicole loved the water far too much and would spend hours in the pool. Snapping out of her thoughts, she began her swimming routine of 50 laps. Only once before was she fitter and more toned, but that was in her teenage years. Sport was her thing, and being so athletic, she excelled at almost everything she did. Often she thought back to those wonderful years at school.

  Was it really that long ago?

  Nicole had fond memories of her school days at the Outsberg Landbouskool. She had spent half her life there, staying in the hostel during the week and only coming home on weekends. Boarding school had made her more confident and self-reliant, yet it came with added responsibilities like keeping an eye on her brother from time to time, who always got into trouble with the headmaster Fannie Nel.

  Nicole's body was still in shape from years of athletics. She still had excellent muscle definition, particularly her calves and stomach. Horse-riding always provided an excellent workout, but she got the best exercise from the pool; it was her sanctuary and her arena. Often she would use it like a spa, to relax, reading and tanning completely topless at times. She only did that on days like this, when her father went away.

  Nathan, where the hell are you? She thought.

  Nicole was already starting to doubt if he would call her, or if he even liked her half as much as she liked him. Once again she felt girlish with mixed feelings, but at twenty-eight, with two serious relationships behind her, she should know what she wanted.

  Why am I thinking about Nathan in that way? I need to get away and find myself. I cannot take this waiting any longer.

  Just then Ragel, the house maid, appeared.

  "Nonnie, there is someone here to see you," the servant said.

  It cannot be Nathan, she thought.

  Nicole jumped up anyway, wrapped the towel around herself and tried to make her hair as presentable as possible. Her heart was racing as she made her way quickly inside. Standing in the entrance hall was a Police officer she recognized from town. She had seen him around many times; he was in his mid-fifties. Nicole's heart sank.

  "Oh, my God, is everything ok?" she asked with thoughts of her father.

  "I am not sure what you mean but I am Inspector de Villiers, from Clanwilliam."

  Nicole was relieved but still concerned.

  "So, my father’s ok?" she asked.

  "I take it he’s not here then?" de Villiers asked.

  "No, he went to the hardware store, but I can call him if you like."

  "No, it's ok. I am following up on a spate of robberies that have been reported in this area over the last few months. It's just Police policy and it will not take long."

  Finally, they doing something about it, Nicole thought.

  However it was strange as the Police never even bothered following up on petty crimes these days.

  "Yes, that's right, Inspector. We've have had our share.

  Please come and sit. Can I get you anything to drink?" she asked.

  They went into the lounge and waited for the maid to bring them some coffee.

  "You have a beautiful house," he said.

  "Thank you. My grandfather re-built it himself after the fire."

  The man was not in uniform, but he had that typical Government look about him.

  "I wanted to ask if you’ve seen any strangers in the area, anyone out of the ordinary?"

  The thought of Nathan instantly came to mind.

  "No, nothing officer, as you know nothing happens in a small town without everyone knowing about it. But I will ask my father when he gets home and I’m sure he’ll call you if he remembers anything," Nicole said. Yet, she felt in her bones they were referring to Nathan.

  "Well, to tell you the truth, an escaped convict is on the run. He escaped from custody a few days ago and we suspect he is on the move and probably still hiding in this area."

  Nicole wanted to know more. After all, did she really know Nathan?

  "What did he do, Inspector, and how dangerous is he?"

  "All I can say is that he is dangerous, and he’s wanted by the Police in a spate of attacks over the last sixteen months."

  She did not believe him; it couldn't be Nathan. Without trying to show too much interest, Nicole decided to ask one last question.

  "I will keep my eyes open for any strangers I see, but do you have a photo of the man, in case I run into him?" she asked.

  The inspector opened his case file and paged through it until he found the docket.

  "Here, this is the man," he said as he gave her the pamphlet.

  It was a standard Police notification docket for a person of interest. True to her suspicions, Nathan's photo was on the page with all his details. Nicole read through it carefully, she did not see any specific details concerning the crime he committed but just that he was a 'Person of Interest'. The photo was probably taken from his passport and a few years ago. But never the less, it was him alright.

  "I will keep a look-out, Inspector. Can I keep this and show it to our workers, perhaps they’ve seen this man around?" she asked again, trying her best to show interest.

  "That would be a great help, and if they do see him they are to contact me straight away as he’s not to be approached by anyone. Please remind them that he is dangerous."

  Nicole could not help herself.

  "You say dangerous, what exactly has he done?"

  He closed the file and stood up.

  "All I can say, at this moment, is that this man belongs to a terrorist group and they are very dangerous. But don't worry too much, we’ll catch him and that I can promise. So, if you see anything strange around, please do not hesitate to contact me."

  Inspector de Villiers thanked Nicole for the coffee and gave her his card. She noticed his standard Government Issue iBand under his sleeve; it was more robust with an industrial black look and feel. The conversation was probably recorded, but she did not mind at all, she felt confident her acting skills were up to scratch. After all, she managed to receive a few awards for the plays she did in high school. From the look in his eyes she could tell he was more interested in what was under her wet towel.

  So, no questions about the helicopters or the Kibbutz, Nicole thought.

  She so wanted to ask him more questions, but that would be dangerous. After he left she walked straight back to the pool and plunged in, swimming two laps under water before coming up, almost breathless.

  Nathan, you better not be lying to me.

  There was no need to dry herself as it was still blistering hot. She lay beside the pool, face d
own on the deck chair with her eyes closed, thinking about her conversation with Inspector de Villiers. It was easy to recount; playing it all again through her mind at lightning speed.

  Nathan was far too clever for them; perhaps he was too clever for her.

  Nicole felt now more uneasy than before, so many questions unanswered and even less reassurance to ease her troubled heart. Reaching for her iBand, she activated it and waited a few seconds for it to align itself with the network. Then she selected Warren and waited for him to answer.

  Oh, Warren, what are you up to now? She thought.

  I need to get away from this dry, lonely place. I will try again later.

  Closing her eyes, she would only allow herself ten minutes tanning per day to keep her body healthy and looking good. Nicole loved the sun.

  If only Nathan was lying here, next to me.

  Before long she fell asleep in the midday sun. Her ten minute tanning session lasted almost half an hour, and in the hot African sun, that was foolish. Finally, awaking from a very strange dream, she was angry at herself. Still feeling groggy, Nicole made her way inside the house to have a refreshing shower which helped to revitalize her tight skin. After drying herself she sat on the edge of the bed naked and began smearing body lotion all over her sun-burned skin. Just then her iBand went off and she reached for it, still with cream on her hands. It slipped out of her hands before she could answer, and fell to the floor.

  "FUCK!" Nicole cried, feeling terrible for saying that.

  Frustration at life had shortened her temper once more. She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself. Then another call came in, this time she activated it without looking but only noticed when it was too late: 'Unlisted device.'

  "Hello, who's that?" she asked rather short tempered.

  "It's me, Nicole, and don't say my name, ok!"

  Her heart instantly picked up pace when she realized it was Nathan.


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